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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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🇺🇸 [Mike Adams]
How to BLOCK toxic chemical exposure FALLOUT in the food, water and air

- Asbury revival reveals the power of God and truth
- As the world turns to chaos, more people turn to God
- What looks like chaos can quickly transform into order and law
- What a Rubik's cube taught me about transformation
- Announcement of #dioxin testing in our food science lab
- Cincinnati cuts off drinking water from Ohio River
- Why food and farms for thousands of square miles may be contaminated for decades
- How to grow your own anti-dioxin protection medicine at home
- Pipe bomb discovered on railroad in Philadelphia
- How globalists use false flag terrorism to corral humans into obedient behavior
- The nuclear power plant scene from The Truman Show
- George $oro$ calls for global weather control/ to block the sun
- CDC issues new guidance for #dioxin exposure that's 1,000 times higher than previous levels
- Vitamin E counters the oxidative effects of cheap seed and vegetable oils that promote inflammation, obesity and rapid aging...

☝️"Es gibt keine Wahrheit in der Zukunft!"‼️
Im aktuellen Zeitgeschehen zeigt sich mehr denn je, wie viele Menschen noch wenig bereit sind, der nackten Wahrheit ins Gesicht zu blicken. Loszulassen von Selbstbild-, Feindbild- und Weltbildlügen. Zu schmerzhaft scheint der Prozess des Erwach(s)ens aus der Illusion des Lebens zu sein. In einer Welt, die uns zu Gläubigen statt zu Wissenden heranzieht, nur an der egobehafteten Oberfläche kratzend – ist dies keineswegs verwunderlich.

Wer sich dennoch auf den Weg der Wahrheit begibt, wer an seinem Bewusstsein arbeitet, der erkennt schnell: Ja, es gibt eine allumfassende, immer da gewesene, immer da sein werdende Wahrheit. DIE Wahrheit ist objektiv. Und sie unterscheidet sich vollkommen von unserer Wahrnehmung. Unserer subjektiven WahrNEHMUNG, die uns jegliche Wahrheit nimmt. Wir dürfen an unserer Wahrnehmung arbeiten, um der Wahrheit näher zu kommen, um im Einklang mit der Wahrheit zu leben. Im Unterschied dazu, wie es uns die New-Age-, die New-Cage-Szene immer wieder glaubhaft machen möchte.
von Mark Passio

☝️How 'Truth Movement' Deceives You❗️

Exposing the False Dichotomy that moves ever closer towards a false utopia of Babel. It is a tyranny and a false peace.
I’m not saying everything in the truth movement isn't true.. nor am I saying it’s wrong to stand up for what’s right. But this video is intended to warn of where the world may be headed.
Ultimately the truth movement is being lead into a false New Age religion with its foundation being in Theosophy which is linked to freemasonry and the dark arts and occultists like Aleister Crowley and Alice Bailey.

🌎 🇩🇪 UN-Bericht ❗️fordert❗️ die Legalisierung von Sex zwischen Erwachsenen und Kindern‼️

🇬🇧 The reportThe 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty” on the UNAIDS website offers legal guidance on issues related to sex, including involving children under age 18.

BitChute | Odysee
[CBDC, Digital 🆔]
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ America...

I just heard about Mississippi’s Mobile 🆔

If you go to the site at the link, you’ll see a digital coming together of all digital records from ID to health to banking, passport and driving license, among other things.

I’m astonished that people seem to lack the imagination to realise that, even if today you’re not concerned about top down control, surely you’re making a one way bet that, in the future, there will NEVER be a time where those who control the database & algorithms will seek to abuse the power that possessing all your data in one spot affords.

From the State itself:

Don’t forget to download the new app for Mississippi “mobile ID “. It will replace your drivers license , passport and allow you to bypass the lines at the airport* , and soon you will be able to have all your bank accounts and health records on your “mobile ID” so it will allow your doctor to better care for you and your bank to provide better services and of course it will replace your credit cards so you can buy and sell all secure and safe and fast and convenient”.

QUESTION: When EVERYBODY will have this CRAP on their Phones, HOW will You *bypass the lines!? 🥴
{just asking...} 🤔

BitChute | Odysee
🌎 Dr. Denis Rancourt has a PhD in physics. He held post-doctoral research positions at prestigious institutions in France and The Netherlands, before being a physics professor and lead scientist at the University of Ottawa for 23 years.

He has written over 30 scientific reports relevant to covid, starting 18 April 2020 for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and for a new non-profit organisation called Correlation.

His research has shown that the vaccination campaign in India caused the deaths of 3.7 million fragile residents.
And, “in Western countries, we quantified the average all-ages rate of death to be 1 death for every 2,000 injections, to increase exponentially with age … We estimated that the vaccines had killed 13 million *worldwide,” he said.
[NOTE: *according to different Sources, the number is more likely around 1 BILLION so far!]

BitChute | Odysee
Climate Change🥴
🇪🇺 The European Commission has adopted a "checklist" that businesses must use to disclose the effects of "climate change" and "social factors" on their businesses.

Bloomberg reports that “New sustainability reporting standards mark ‘a new age’.”

🇩🇪 Die Europäische Kommission hat eine "Checkliste" verabschiedet, anhand derer Unternehmen die Auswirkungen des "Klimawandels" und "sozialer Faktoren" auf ihr Unternehmen offenlegen müssen.

BitChute | Odysee
🇬🇧/🌎 Sharing for the benefit of those with children of school age, and anyone interested in the “new normal” those lovely elites have cooked up for us.
[from Dr. Mike Yeadon]

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🌎 [Anti-Chistian ✝️ Agenda]
🇦🇺Maria Zeee and Jay Dyer review the book ‘Orthodoxy & The Religion of The Future’, highlighting the prophetic understanding of Father Seraphim Rose on how the religion of the future would be formed.

Jay and Maria take us through each chapter, detailing how the 🕉 New Age movement has crept into modern-day Christianity with the world eventually leading into a one-world religion which has roots in ancient mysticism, promoted by organisations such as the United Nations and many of the globalists we see today.

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🌎 Hydroxychloroquine Associated With Lower COVID-19 Mortality: Study

People who received hydroxychloroquine were less likely to die than those who did not, according to a new study.

Just 0.8 percent of patients at a facility in France who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and an antibiotic died, compared to 4.8 percent of patients who did not receive the drug combination, French researchers reported on Nov. 1.

Researchers examined records from 30,423 patients with COVID-19 who were treated at another institution in Marseille, IHU Méditerranée Infection. They included all adults who tested positive for COVID-19 and who were treated in the hospital as an inpatient or an outpatient between March 2, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2021.

Those who received HCQ and AZ were more likely to survive regardless of whether they were inpatients or outpatients.

The biggest effect was recorded in outpatients aged 50 to 89.

Full Story: https://is.gd/JNi9Rf

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Climate Change🥴
Suddenly: Europe could face an ice age due to “dangerous tipping points,” a new “climate report” claims.

Hey 🤥 Antonio, W.T.F. happened to the Global Boiling { just asking...🤔}

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‼️COVID-19-Impfstoffe stehen im Zusammenhang mit einem erhöhten Risiko für geschwollene Lymphknoten bei Kindern: Studie

Kinder, die einen COVID-19-Impfstoff erhielten, hatten ein erhöhtes Risiko für mehrere unerwünschte Ereignisse, darunter geschwollene Lymphknoten, berichteten norwegische Forscher in einer neuen Studie. Der Studie zufolge waren die Impfstoffe Moderna und Pfizer-BioNTech bei Kindern ab 12 Jahren mit einem erhöhten Risiko für einen schweren allergischen Schock, Lymphadenopathie und Herzentzündungen verbunden. Zu den Forschern gehörten Personen im Alter von bis zu 19 Jahren. Die Forscher untersuchten Jugendliche der Jahrgänge 2002 bis 2009, die 2021 oder 2022 eine COVID-19-Impfung erhielten. Die Studienpopulation umfasste am Ende fast 500.000 Kinder. Anschließend analysierten die Forscher Daten aus dem norwegischen Notfallvorsorgeregister für COVID-19, die Impfungen und Begegnungen im Gesundheitswesen umfassen, um festzustellen, ob einer der 18 Ergebnisse mit der Impfung zusammenhängt.

Forscher fanden heraus, dass Kinder, die einen COVID-19-Impfstoff erhielten, nach einer ersten Dosis
fünfmal häufiger eine anaphylaktische Reaktion oder einen schweren allergischen Schock erleiden
und nach einer zweiten Dosis fast zehnmal häufiger einen Schock erleiden.

Bei geimpften Kindern war die Wahrscheinlichkeit, innerhalb von

14 Tagen nach einer zweiten Dosis an Lymphadenopathie zu leiden, etwa 2,5-mal höher

und die

Wahrscheinlichkeit, innerhalb von 28 Tagen nach einer zweiten Dosis an Myokarditis und/oder Perikarditis oder Herzentzündung zu leiden, siebenmal höher,
so die Ergebnisse der Studie - Hauptanalyse.

In klinischen Phase-III-Studien mit den Impfstoffen wurde ein erhöhtes Risiko einer Lymphadenopathie bei Teilnehmern ab 16 Jahren festgestellt.

Nach Alter geschichtete Teilanalysen deckten außerdem ein
erhöhtes Risiko für Epilepsie und Krämpfe bei 18- und 19-Jährigen innerhalb von 28 Tagen,
im Risikofenster einer zweiten Impfdosis und zusätzlich erhöhte Risiken außerhalb des Risikofensters für einige andere Gesundheitsprobleme auf.

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Children who received a COVID-19 vaccine faced an increased risk of several adverse events, including swollen lymph nodes, researchers in Norway reported in a new study.

The ☠️ MurdeRNA ☠️ and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines in children aged 12 and up were linked to increased risks of severe allergic shock, lymphadenopathy, and heart inflammation, according to the paper. Researchers included people as old as 19.

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🇺🇸/🌎 To any American "Christians" still supporting the Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza, remember that when the “American Nakba” gets under way, as millions of military-aged illegals are activated to carry out mass extermination of the population and infrastructure sabotage across the United States, and as you are being hunted and targeted in your own homes by the occupying enemy combatants who were allowed to flow across the open border by the millions, the mainstream media will do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians: They will pretend you deserved it, and they will report that mass extermination of the American people is an act of “equality” for the world. Your cries will go unheard and unreported. Any act of resistance on your part will be denounced as “terrorism.” Before long, your homes, churches, schools and monuments will be bulldozed into rubble, then swept away and replaced by new communities for the imported replacements who carried out the genocide against you. History will be rewritten to state that the “oppressors” were finally defeated and that “equity” and “justice” have finally prevailed, and any trace memory of you, your family, your values or your history will be erased, then forgotten. This is what awaits each of you who applauded genocide in 2023, for you likely won't have long to wait before you become the target of the very acts of violence you foolishly advocated. Put another way, if the world won't denounce Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, it surely won't intervene when the American population is being exterminated and replaced by new occupiers, either.

And that day is much closer than most people realize.

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🇺🇸 Financial analyst and data expert Edward Dowd said a new U.S. Department of Labor disability survey shows employed men and women ages 16-64 reported record harms since February 2021, with women suffering an unprecedented 55% increase in disabilities.

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The plot thickens…

In 2011, a virologist named Nathan Wolfe wrote a book called
"The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age".

In his book he warned that humans are becoming more susceptible to pandemics and that we will see many pandemics in the future.

He claimed the only way to stop these future pandemics, was to hunt down new animal pathogens before they can jump to humans, genetically enhance these pathogens through “gain of function” (ie. make them dangerous to humans), in order to make vaccines for them preemptively JUST IN CASE these animal pathogens should mutate this way naturally - Total madness! Or rather the excuse given to the public for creating bioweapons.

NOTE: In his book he thanks none other than JEFFREY EPSTEIN.

But who is Nathan Wolfe? 🤔

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 13, 2024 - WORLD IN CHAOS - Lawlessness prevails as squatters steal private homes and China builds terminator ROBOT ARMIES

- Recent events, including church shooting and transgender shooter. (6:22)
- Israeli actions in Gaza and genocide. (15:10)
- Immigration in the US, with a focus on Arizona and Texas. (31:01)
- Lawlessness in America and squatters taking over homes. (40:04)
- Chinese military robots and drones. (52:43)
- Survival strategies in a chaotic world. (58:16)
- Acquiring silver for different age groups and income levels. (1:08:14)
- Banking sector losses and market instability. (1:26:39)

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🌎 Covid mRNA "Vaccines" Now Proven To Significantly Increase Risk of Cancer

A new peer-reviewed Japanese Study published on April 8, 2024 found, "Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer" after the third mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccine dose in Japan.

The Japanese study cites several studies and several mechanisms of action that would explain the increase in several cancers after Covid "vaccination" to 2/3 of Japan in 2022.

Rumble | Odysee
🔥From Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Dr. Vernon Coleman in his June 2024 video said:

"Right at the start of the vaccination campaign, I said that anyone giving the covid vaccinations should be arrested for manslaughter. That’s changed. Today, any doctor or nurse, still recommending or giving the covid19 vaccine should be arrested, not just for manslaughter, but for murder”.

I agree completely. There was no pandemic, no public health emergency, no
new illness called covid19, therefore no need for any measures, masking, testing, distancing, lockdowns, or any usual treatments, let alone injections masquerading as vaccines. Instead, the objectives of this entire era in human existence, which was faked, are to impoverish almost everyone, to usher in a new age of digital totalitarian tyranny, to replace the currency & to do away with cash. Additionally, to injure as many people as possible, to kill some of them and to reduce fertility in survivors. Meanwhile, to accustom especially the young to expect & accept that this is the way things are. It makes me very sad to realise that my two grandchildren know only this state of tyrannical rule & will never know light-hearted freedom.

I cannot adequately describe my years of frustration with my fellow humans, the vast majority of whom appear not to have noticed anything awry since 2020 or, if they do suspect that something is wrong, to lack the courage even to ask questions out loud or to point out the obvious oddities.

If we cannot change this, there is no doubt that our way of life is going to change permanently and quite soon. Recovery is neither going to be sought, let alone permitted. Almost all politicians, many public servants, senior business leaders and those with positions of authority in all institutions are either actively engaged in destroying their own ways of life, or are complicit in passively allowing it. I can only imagine that they’ve swallowed the bait that they & their families are going to get Golden Tickets out of the dystopian hellhole.

Newsflash, they’re not. They’ve been lied to, as well. Way too many people know something about what’s going on for them all to be spared the consequences of the changes they are causing or allowing.

The fools hired by the British state & paid pocket money to act like nothing suspicious has been going on & to attack anyone online with the temerity to point out the falsehoods & to join the dots to see the bigger picture are among the most stupid. Of the order of 20,000 such people are online in U.K. performing such roles right now. Do they really imagine that they’re going to get to keep their ill-gotten gains, earned by attacking those doing their level best to help save them and their families? Those payments, which are coming out of all our pockets, including those of the 77th Brigade recruits, are not going to be honoured. At some point, an engineered financial crisis will be precipitated with the objective of restricting the ability the private citizen to go about their law-abiding lives & they will not be spared. Dryly, I can only imagine their faces when they finally realise that they’ve been had.

Meanwhile, those of us willing to speak out, to bear the consequences of doing so - which will be FAR less than the consequences of NOT speaking out, will be well advised to make whatever preparations & arrangements that they can.

As Dr Coleman concludes, “Fight the lies”.

While I sincerely doubt that the totalitarians can accomplish all their objectives, which I believe means total control of everyone and everything, forever, I am at a loss to know what else to do than I’m already doing, beyond basic preparations and to continue to fight the lies.

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