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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: In der Ukraine wird russische DNA gesammelt, um biologische Waffen gegen Russen herzustellen "Die ganze Zeit über wird russische DNA in der Ukraine gesammelt, und sie sammeln auch chinesische DNA, um Menschen anhand ihrer Rasse anzugreifen"…
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US Military whistleblower Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian ☣️Biolabs

It originally started in 2005 with the Defence Intelligence Agency…which created a 501 C3…called the Global Viral Forecasting Institute…with a Mossad Operative named Nathan Wolfe… which became Metabiota.
This was funded by Rosemont , an investment firm, where
Hunter Biden was the head of… along with Christopher Heinz (John Kerry’s son) and Paul Pelosi… Nancy Pelosi’s son.

The West has been developing this under
Obama and Biden for the last 10 years for the purposes of generating Biological and Chemical Warfare to use against the Russians, which is why they’ve been collecting DNA samples from Slavic People. Revelations of a Massive War Crime…Crimes Against Humanity …as it’s a violation of the Global Biological Weapons Agreement.

This shows America with its 30 BIOLABS in Ukraine was involved in the experimentation on Human to Animal Transmission…which is precisely the origin of ‘Covid-19’.

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🚨Nathan Wolfe & Metabiota🚨

Nathan Wolfe ist ein Young Global Leader des World Economic Forum und der Gründer von Metabiota.

Metabiota ist direkt mit der EcoHealth Alliance verbunden, was nicht überraschend ist, wenn man bedenkt, dass ihre erklärten Ziele bei der Überwachung zoonotischer Viren in ähnliche Richtungen verlaufen.

Tatsächlich saß Nathan Wolfe im Redaktionsausschuss der EcoHealth Alliance sowie im inzwischen aufgelösten Defence Science Research Council der DARPA.
Allerdings kommt es noch schlimmer:

Wolfe ist auch direkt mit Jeffrey Epstein und Ghislaine Maxwell verbunden und war einer der Gründungsbürger von Maxwells gefälschter philanthropischer Organisation TerraMar.

❗️Natürlich muss jeder, der mit TerraMar, Epstein oder Maxwell in Verbindung steht, einer strengen Prüfung unterzogen werden.

Es stellt sofort ihren Charakter und ihre Absichten in Frage. Warum sind diese unglaublich zwielichtigen Leute vor diesem Hintergrund an der vom US-amerikanischen Verteidigungsministerium und der DTRA finanzierten Virusforschung auf der ganzen Welt beteiligt?“

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Nathan Wolfe, Virologe

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The plot thickens…

In 2011, a virologist named Nathan Wolfe wrote a book called
"The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age".

In his book he warned that humans are becoming more susceptible to pandemics and that we will see many pandemics in the future.

He claimed the only way to stop these future pandemics, was to hunt down new animal pathogens before they can jump to humans, genetically enhance these pathogens through “gain of function” (ie. make them dangerous to humans), in order to make vaccines for them preemptively JUST IN CASE these animal pathogens should mutate this way naturally - Total madness! Or rather the excuse given to the public for creating bioweapons.

NOTE: In his book he thanks none other than JEFFREY EPSTEIN.

But who is Nathan Wolfe? 🤔

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Nathan Wolfe: https://tt.vg/Nathan-Wolfe


‼️Hunter Biden and his firm Rosemont Seneca was directly involved in the financing of Metabiota, one of the companies entrusted by the US and Ukrainian government to undertake the construction and management of the biolabs.

‼️The founder and chairman of Metabiota, is Dr. Nathan Daniel Wolfe

‼️Dr. Wolfe also serves on the editorial board of EcoHealth Alliance a company who became famous for its notorious “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the alleged epicenter of the SARS COV2 outbreak.

‼️The CEO of EcoHealth Alliance is Peter Daszak, who works with Dr. Nathan Wolfe as part of a consortium and initiative led by USAID called, PREDICT.

‼️Dr. Wolfe was also a member of DARPA’s Defence Science Research Council. (DSRC).

‼️Wolfe is also an alumni of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program.

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The question is, was Nathan Wolfe compromised by Epstein?

We now have confirmation, via witness testimony, that Epstein was seeking out the most powerful people in the world in order to compromise and blackmail them, to essentially rule the world via proxy.

The Epstein blackmail operation didn’t just control Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Ministers, and British Royalty; it looks like he also controlled the virologist who discovered and enhanced the virus that would eventually turn into the Covid-19 pandemic… 🤨

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Predictive Programming: PLANDEMIC announced in 2011 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/CFw25o5qDl3h
Always these coincidences...🫠
The film ‘Contagion’ (2011) is a perfect example of Predictive Programming, ie. through films they ‘groom’ us psychologically to fear a particular event or scenario…

The film is about a new virus that starts at a wet market in China, then rapidly spreads worldwide killing millions…

Guess who was a consultant for the movie?
None other than Hunter’s business partner, Nathan Wolfe, Virologist, Metabiota founder (Ukraine labs), and Epstein associate.

Can you 👁 see the web of connections? 🤨

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Epstein was not only connected to Nathan Wolfe, he also donated over $9 million to Harvard Science.

The head of Harvard Chemical and Biological was indicted for assisting 2 Chinese Nationals in smuggling 24 vials of biological material back to China.

Dr. Lieber was found guilty of concealing his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology.

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