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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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📣 Maria Zeee just launched her first broadcast of ‘World War Zeee with Maria Zeee’ on Brighteon TV!

The first broadcast features Shimon Yanowitz from 🇮🇱 Israel, who now faces potential JAIL TIME and seizure of property for speaking out against the tyrannical Israeli government and asking genuine questions about the war.

Shimon, like many Israeli’s, is calling for peace but unfortunately, the powers that be don’t want peace.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
❗️Schmeiss endlich deinen 💩SCHEISS 📺 Fernseher weg!

..und jetzt die 🇩🇪 Tages🐽SAU...


Schaut euch den 🤥 Bericht der Tagesschau im ARD Das Erste über die Freilassung der Geiseln an. Hört euch an, was die Reporterin erzählt und dann hört euch an, was die Tochter der freigelassenen Geisel [Lifshitz] auf Englisch bei BBC News in Wirklichkeit erzählt. Und dann bildet euch eure eigene Meinung dazu, wie wir von den von uns finanzierten Medien belogen und manipuliert werden. Und wenn ihr das getan habt, macht euch mal darüber Gedanken, welche Lügen uns seit Jahren immer wieder erzählt werden.
Sei es Covid, der Ukrainekrieg, der 11. September, oder, oder, oder…

‼️So, WHO are actually the 'Animals' here⁉️
{ just asking...🤔}

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Israel's admission to bombing of Jabalia refugee camp (50+ dead, 150+ wounded) confirms they are also willing to bomb hospitals, churches and residential buildings...

‼️So, WHO are actually the 'Animals' here
{ just asking...🤔}

These are WAR CRIMES, plain and simple, and anyone standing with Israel at this point is standing with EVIL...

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Climate Change🥴
Suddenly: Europe could face an ice age due to “dangerous tipping points,” a new “climate report” claims.

Hey 🤥 Antonio, W.T.F. happened to the Global Boiling { just asking...🤔}

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😳 Meanwhile in 🇳🇿 New Zealand...
New Zealand's youngest MP in 170 years Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke (21) gives her maiden speech in Parliament.

Btw: What does this pagan shite have to do with politics?
{ just asking...🤔}

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🌎 [4th industrial Revolution, AI, Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, Transhumanism, WEF]
Klaus Schwab: "Now we are speaking not just about the fourth industrial revolution, we are speaking about the transition of humankind into a new era which is not just characterized by technological change."

"I had a long discussion with ChatGPT, with my bot, if I may say so, to see how this new era will look like. And finally, I had about 20 pages of text, and I asked ChatGPT, summarize the text, and tell me now, based on our discussion, how will the new era, the intelligent era, look like? And I read you the text."

"[...] This vision unfolds within a society where artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of the things, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, become the foundations of our daily life."

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🌎 [Chemtrails, Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification]
👹 SATAN [what an appropriate name!] (Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation)
The taboo of outdoor experimentation with sunlight blocking technologies are over. Driven by the fear of global warming and, in some cases, the possibility of a lucrative startup company, scientists are no longer concerned with public acceptance, oversight, or governance issues.
2024’s motto: JUST DO IT!

How did we get here and what’s Dr. Evil planning to experiment with this year? Let us explore the insanity of geoengineering experiments and their progress towards the dark side (pun intended).

🇩🇪 Das Tabu, im Freien mit Sonnenlicht blockierenden Technologien zu experimentieren, ist vorbei. Angetrieben von der Angst vor der 🌎 Erd'Erwärmung'🔥🥴 und in einigen Fällen von der Möglichkeit, ein lukratives Start-up-Unternehmen zu gründen, machen sich die Wissenschaftler keine Gedanken mehr über die öffentliche Akzeptanz, die Aufsicht oder Fragen der Verwaltung. Das Motto des Jahres 2024 lautet: JUST DO IT!

Wie sind wir hierher gekommen und was plant Dr. Evil in diesem Jahr für Experimente? Lassen Sie uns den Irrsinn der Geo-Engineering-Experimente und ihre Fortschritte in Richtung der dunklen Seite (Wortspiel beabsichtigt) erkunden.

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🇺🇸#BaltimoreBridgeCollapse Here's your next "coincidence" 🫠 Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore almost entirely collapsed after being struck by a cargo🚢ship, sending multiple vehicles and up to 20 people plunging into the harbor below... 👉 FACTS vs. LIES!…
☝️I told you, it's a F*cking "coincidence", didn't I!?🤨
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
FACT N°1: Before the accident, the container ship reported it had lost control of the vessel and was heading towards the bridge
FACT N°2: The SAME SHIP (Dali) that damaged the Bridge in Baltimore, previously smashed into a dock in Antwerp. 😵‍💫

Shouldn't 'they' replace at least the CREW of such an "amateur" Ship!?
{ just asking...🤔}

❗️As ALWAYS: It's ALL planned, it's ALL scripted!☝️
{just saying...☝️}

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🇺🇸 The Era of Informed Consent is Over
In relation to “informed consent”, I have a suggestion. The Nuremberg Code enshrines a right to patient informed consent before any experimentation on humans.

Almost unbelievably, US law is now in direct opposition to Nuremberg. It allows human experimentation provided that the risks are “minimal”. Of course, nobody would ever drift from transparent objectivity where is comes to risk assessment.

My suggestion is, instead of relying on a right which appears, in the US at least, to have been withdrawn, insist on being informed before consenting to anything.

Consider the scenario in which you ask for information & the physician or bureaucrat seems unable or unwilling to give. That’s a hard pass, all day, for me.

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btw. Viganò CONFIRMS(!!!) in his letter, what I have PROVEN a Thousand times:
Catholics are NOT Christians!
He CLEARLY differentiates between them by writing: "Catholics AND Christians"!

Do you believe me now!?
{ just asking...🤔}

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🇩🇪 Ich habe eine einfache Frage:
WARUM hat das iranische Parlament (ausgerechnet) 33 Fenster...?
{ich frag ja nur...}

🇮🇷 🤔🧐

🇬🇧 I have a simple question:
WHY does the Parliament of Iran (of all places) have 33 windows...?
{ just asking...}

☝️They're ALL in on it❗️- 🤮🤮 ALLE machen mit‼️🤮🤮

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR 🥱Internationaler Haftbefehl gegen Israels Premier Benjamin Netanyahu... 🫠 📽►https://is.gd/wsIJ7i 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
“If they'll do this to Israel, we're next."

War mongering psychopath, American Senator Lindsey Graham expresses his concern that the US might be charged for their previous or future war crimes.

He seems to be admitting to US war crimes, why else would he be concerned that the ICC would come after the US..? 🤔
{ just asking...}

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🇺🇸 Tucker Carlson interviews 🇸🇻 Nayib Bukele, the most popular elected leader in the world.

The photos above were captured in an El Salvadoran prison that houses the many MS-13 gang members arrested under President Nayib Bukele’s watch.

Since taking office in 2019, President Bukele has completely changed El Salvador, transforming it from the murder capital of the world to perhaps the safest country in the Western Hemisphere.

How did he do it? He prayed and asked 🙏🏻GOD for wisdom. Maybe other world leaders could learn from El Salvador’s success.

Tucker sat down with Bukele just days after being sworn in for a second term. They discuss MS-13 secret satanic roots, Donald Trump’s conviction, economics, and more.

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"Whatever happened to a blue sky day?
Planes overhead sprayin' all my blue sky day away
Sprayin' out the sun, milkin' out the sky
Aerosols at altitude, at atmospheric heights
Jetplanes making chemtrails, making gridlines in the sky
Street graffiti not allowed, but vandalize
Stratospheric skies

Whatever happened to a blue sky day?
Planes overhead sprayin' all my blue sky day away
Sprayin' out the sun, milkin' out the sky
Aerosols at altitude, at atmospheric heights
Jetplanes making chemtrails, geoengineerin' of the skies
Street graffiti not allowed, but vandalize
Stratospheric skies

You think I'm crazy, would you rather I don't say
Shall we pretend that it ain't happenin'
And it'll all
just go away
Jetplanes making chemtrails, making dawn raids in the sky
Lines are spread like spiders' webs
And that's makin' all of us
All of us the flies

Right in front of your eyes
Right there in the skies
Right there in your eyes
Right there in the skies

You think I'm crazy, would you rather I don't say
Shall we pretend that it ain't happenin' and it'll all
Just go away
Jetplanes making chemtrails, crisscrossings in the skies
Street graffiti not allowed, but vandalize
Stratospheric skies

Right in front of your eyes
Right there in the skies
Right there in your eyes
Right there in the skies

The few that rule the many
Yeah yeah we all got eyes to see
Some that
just don't realise, the rich man's trickery
It's the few that rule the many, we all got eyes to see
Some that
just don't realise, the rich man's
Plants, traps and trickery

Woke up this mornin' to a blue sky day
Planes overhead sprayin' all my blue sky day away
Children, ask your daddy, tell your mummy look to the skies
Where have all the blues skies gone, all hidden
In plain sight

🥳"There are no Chemtrails, stupid!"🤪

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Wow, 🇬🇧 Nigel Farage got some BALLS 😲
NOTE: That statement he made 7 years ago!
[HOW is he still alive and politically active!?
{ just asking...}🤔

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🔥From Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Dr. Vernon Coleman in his June 2024 video said:

"Right at the start of the vaccination campaign, I said that anyone giving the covid vaccinations should be arrested for manslaughter. That’s changed. Today, any doctor or nurse, still recommending or giving the covid19 vaccine should be arrested, not just for manslaughter, but for murder”.

I agree completely. There was no pandemic, no public health emergency, no new illness called covid19, therefore no need for any measures, masking, testing, distancing, lockdowns, or any usual treatments, let alone injections masquerading as vaccines. Instead, the objectives of this entire era in human existence, which was faked, are to impoverish almost everyone, to usher in a new age of digital totalitarian tyranny, to replace the currency & to do away with cash. Additionally, to injure as many people as possible, to kill some of them and to reduce fertility in survivors. Meanwhile, to accustom especially the young to expect & accept that this is the way things are. It makes me very sad to realise that my two grandchildren know only this state of tyrannical rule & will never know light-hearted freedom.

I cannot adequately describe my years of frustration with my fellow humans, the vast majority of whom appear not to have noticed anything awry since 2020 or, if they do suspect that something is wrong, to lack the courage even to ask questions out loud or to point out the obvious oddities.

If we cannot change this, there is no doubt that our way of life is going to change permanently and quite soon. Recovery is neither going to be sought, let alone permitted. Almost all politicians, many public servants, senior business leaders and those with positions of authority in all institutions are either actively engaged in destroying their own ways of life, or are complicit in passively allowing it. I can only imagine that they’ve swallowed the bait that they & their families are going to get Golden Tickets out of the dystopian hellhole.

Newsflash, they’re not. They’ve been lied to, as well. Way too many people know something about what’s going on for them all to be spared the consequences of the changes they are causing or allowing.

The fools hired by the British state & paid pocket money to act like nothing suspicious has been going on & to attack anyone online with the temerity to point out the falsehoods & to join the dots to see the bigger picture are among the most stupid. Of the order of 20,000 such people are online in U.K. performing such roles right now. Do they really imagine that they’re going to get to keep their ill-gotten gains, earned by attacking those doing their level best to help save them and their families? Those payments, which are coming out of all our pockets, including those of the 77th Brigade recruits, are not going to be honoured. At some point, an engineered financial crisis will be precipitated with the objective of restricting the ability the private citizen to go about their law-abiding lives & they will not be spared. Dryly, I can only imagine their faces when they finally realise that they’ve been had.

Meanwhile, those of us willing to speak out, to bear the consequences of doing so - which will be FAR less than the consequences of NOT speaking out, will be well advised to make whatever preparations & arrangements that they can.

As Dr Coleman concludes, “Fight the lies”.

While I sincerely doubt that the totalitarians can accomplish all their objectives, which I believe means total control of everyone and everything, forever, I am at a loss to know what else to do than I’m already doing, beyond basic preparations and to continue to fight the lies.

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