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🇺🇸 Some sell bitcoin at the first significant increase in prices, others do not hesitate to hodl for years. Which group is outnumbered and why is that? 🐻🐃 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Niekto bitcoin predáva pri prvom výraznejšom náraste ceny, iní neváhajú hodlovať aj roky. Ktorá skupina je v presile a prečo je to tak? 🐻🐃 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

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Dollero News

🇺🇸 Not only in cryptocurrencies you can come across the terms bullish and bearish. Do you know if you are a bull or a bear and what is the difference? 🐻🐃 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Nie len pri kryptomenách sa môžete stretnuť s pojmami bullish a bearish. Viete, či ste býk alebo medveď a aký je medzi nimi rozdiel? 🐻🐃 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#bullish #bearish #sentiment #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Even smaller cryptocurrencies do not escape our attention, and today we will explain a specific pattern on one of them - "cup and handle", or a round bottom📈

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Našej pozornosti neunikajú ani menšie kryptomeny a dnes si na jednej z nich vysvetlíme konkrétny pattern - “cup and handle”, alebo u nás - guľaté dno🙏

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#uma #btc #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Media is too big
🇺🇸 Yesterday, an interview for STV and Markíza with Jakub was filmed in our office. The project is moving significantly forward and you definitely have something to look forward to. Stay tuned 🎬🤙

🇸🇰 Včera sa u nás v kancelárii natáčal rozhovor s Jakubom pre STV a Markízu. Projekt sa posúva výrazne vpred a máte sa určite na čo tešiť. Ostaňte naladení 🎬🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#interview #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 The world bank giant Deutsche Bank claims that cryptocurrencies will stay here with us and do not rule out a further increase in the price of bitcoin 🏦📓 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Svetový bankový gigant Deutsche Bank tvrdí, že kryptomeny tu s nami už ostanú a nevylučujú ani ďalší rast ceny bitcoinu 🏦📓 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#deutschebank #study #bitcoin #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Today we will trade a well-known cryptocurrency - Verge. It is known especially from 2017 when in a short time its price increased compared to bitcoin by 4,000%📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Dnes budeme obchodovať celkom známu kryptomenu - Verge. Ten je známy najmä z roku 2017 kedy za krátky čas narástla jeho cena voči bitcoinu o 4 000% 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#verge #xvg #btc #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 Many of you have certainly caught the news that Tesla has added bitcoin to its payment options. Why isn't the best idea? 🚗📉 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Mnohí ste určite zachytili správu, že Tesla pridala medzi platobné možnosti bitcoin. Prečo to nie je najlepší nápad? 🚗📉 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#tesla #payment #bitcoin #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 ETFs are for institutional investors a gateway to the world of cryptocurrencies. However, they also have their critics. What exactly are ETFs? 🤷‍♂️📖

🇸🇰 ETF predstavujú pre inštitucionálnych investorov bránu do sveta kryptomien. Majú však aj svojich kritikov. Čo to vlastne ETF sú? 🤷‍♂️📖 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#etf #investor #bitcoin #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - AAVE is a strong DeFi coin that has a good fundament and in addition, we will trade it against USDT📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - AAVE je silný DeFi coin, ktorý má dobrý fundament a navyše ho budeme obchodovať voči USDT 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#aave #usd #usdt #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 The entry of PayPal into the crypto world and the possibility of a payment in cryptocurrencies in more than 29 million stores worldwide is really crucial news. What will it look like? 🔥🥳 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Vstup PayPal-u do krypto sveta a možnosť platby v kryptomenách vo viac ako 29 miliónoch obchodov po celom svete je naozaj zásadnou správou. Ako to bude vyzerať? 🔥🥳 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#paypal #payments #visa #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - For a long time, we did not look at one of the most famous cryptocurrencies - Litecoin. It has been moving in terms of the total capitalization in the TOP20 for several years. Nevertheless, it has not yet managed to reach his last ATH. Why?📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Dlhšiu dobu sme sa nepozreli na jednu z najznámejších kryptomien - Litecoin. Ten sa už niekoľko rokov pohybuje z pohľadu celkovej kapitalizácie v TOP20.Napriek tomu sa mu zatiaľ nepodarilo dosiahnuť ani svoje posledné ATH. Prečo? 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#litecoin #ltc #usd #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 Cryptocurrencies have recently reached one important milestone after another, and more and more people believe in their irreplaceable place in the global economy 🚀🌖 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Kryptomeny dosahujú v poslednom čase jeden dôležitý míľnik za druhým a čoraz viac ľudí verí v ich nezastúpiteľné miesto v globálnej ekonomike 🚀🌖 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#marketcap #tothemoon #bitcoin #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 Exodus has received the green light from the SEC for a public offering of shares that are already on the market and investors can obtain them directly through the e-wallet 💸📈 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Exodus dostal zelenú od SEC pre verejnú ponuku akcií, ktoré sú už na trhu a investori ich môžu získať priamo cez aplikáciu 💸📈 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#exodus #shares #SEC #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Bitcoin is currently setting one ATH after another and the highest achieved is already at USD 64,200. How will its price develop further, and which zones are important for growth?📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Bitcoin aktuálne stanovuje jedno ATH za druhým a najvyššie dosiahnuté predstavuje už 64 200 USD. Ako sa bude jeho cena vyvíjať ďalej, a ktoré zóny sú dôležité pre rast? 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#bitcoin #btc #usd #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 It's been exactly 10 years since Bitcoin reached $ 1. Since then, it has experienced a wild ride, and many currently expect it to soon break another important level 🔥📈 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Je to presne 10 rokov odkedy Bitcoin dosiahol cenu 1$. Odvtedy zažil naozaj divokú jazdu a aktuálne mnohí predpokladajú, že čoskoro pokorí ďalšiu dôležitú hranicu 🔥📈 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#bitcoin #price #ATH #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
Dollero News

🇺🇸 Exchange Binance burned its tokens worth $ 600 million. Why do they do it regularly and what is burning tokens good for? 🔥👋 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Burza Binance spálila svoje tokeny v hodnote 600 miliónov $. Prečo to pravidelne robia a na čo je vlastne pálenie tokenov dobré?🔥👋 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#binance #burning #BNB #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Polkadot (DOT) is a successful project and together we will look at how the situation on the chart looks like and what price level could be suitable for buying. More in the analysis...📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Polkadot (DOT) je úspešný projekt a spolu sa dnes pozrieme na to, ako vyzerá situácia na grafe a aká cenová hladina by mohla byť vhodná na nákup. Viac v analýze... 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#polkadot #dot #usdt #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Polkadot (DOT) is a successful project and together we will look at how the situation on the chart looks like and what price level could be suitable for buying. More in the analysis...📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Polkadot (DOT) je úspešný projekt a spolu sa dnes pozrieme na to, ako vyzerá situácia na grafe a aká cenová hladina by mohla byť vhodná na nákup. Viac v analýze... 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#polkadot #dot #usdt #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR