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🇺🇸 How many people will be interested in crypto again, as bitcoin exceeded $ 10,000? 🔥🚀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

🇸🇰 Pre koľko ľudí bude krypto opäť zaujímavé, keďže bitcoin prekročil hranicu 10 000$? 🔥🚀

Nech vás krypto sprevádza 🙏

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Dollero News

🇺🇸 It's been exactly 10 years since Bitcoin reached $ 1. Since then, it has experienced a wild ride, and many currently expect it to soon break another important level 🔥📈 more in the article...

🇸🇰 Je to presne 10 rokov odkedy Bitcoin dosiahol cenu 1$. Odvtedy zažil naozaj divokú jazdu a aktuálne mnohí predpokladajú, že čoskoro pokorí ďalšiu dôležitú hranicu 🔥📈 viac v článku...⠀

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#bitcoin #price #ATH #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #news #cryptonews #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR