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🇺🇸 At Dollero Club, we bring you the very first cryptocurrency analysis and, of course, it is the crypto king - bitcoin! 💸

🇸🇰 V Dollero Clube vám prinášame úplne prvú analýzu kryptomeny a samozrejme začíname kráľom kryptomien - bitcoinom! 💸

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🇺🇸 We regularly prepare professional crypto analyses for Dollero Club members. Together with the academy and news, we create a comprehensive platform for future traders 📈📰🎓

May the crypto be with you 🙏

🇸🇰 Pre členov Dollero Clubu pravidelne pripravujeme profesionálne analýzy kryptomien. Spolu s akádemiou a správami tak vytvárame komplexnú platformu pre budúcich obchodníkov 📈📰🎓

Nech vás krypto sprevádza 🙏

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🇺🇸 New analysis online - Even smaller cryptocurrencies do not escape our attention, and today we will explain a specific pattern on one of them - "cup and handle", or a round bottom📈

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Našej pozornosti neunikajú ani menšie kryptomeny a dnes si na jednej z nich vysvetlíme konkrétny pattern - “cup and handle”, alebo u nás - guľaté dno🙏

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#uma #btc #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Today we will trade a well-known cryptocurrency - Verge. It is known especially from 2017 when in a short time its price increased compared to bitcoin by 4,000%📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Dnes budeme obchodovať celkom známu kryptomenu - Verge. Ten je známy najmä z roku 2017 kedy za krátky čas narástla jeho cena voči bitcoinu o 4 000% 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#verge #xvg #btc #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - AAVE is a strong DeFi coin that has a good fundament and in addition, we will trade it against USDT📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - AAVE je silný DeFi coin, ktorý má dobrý fundament a navyše ho budeme obchodovať voči USDT 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#aave #usd #usdt #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - For a long time, we did not look at one of the most famous cryptocurrencies - Litecoin. It has been moving in terms of the total capitalization in the TOP20 for several years. Nevertheless, it has not yet managed to reach his last ATH. Why?📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Dlhšiu dobu sme sa nepozreli na jednu z najznámejších kryptomien - Litecoin. Ten sa už niekoľko rokov pohybuje z pohľadu celkovej kapitalizácie v TOP20.Napriek tomu sa mu zatiaľ nepodarilo dosiahnuť ani svoje posledné ATH. Prečo? 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#litecoin #ltc #usd #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Bitcoin is currently setting one ATH after another and the highest achieved is already at USD 64,200. How will its price develop further, and which zones are important for growth?📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Bitcoin aktuálne stanovuje jedno ATH za druhým a najvyššie dosiahnuté predstavuje už 64 200 USD. Ako sa bude jeho cena vyvíjať ďalej, a ktoré zóny sú dôležité pre rast? 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#bitcoin #btc #usd #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Polkadot (DOT) is a successful project and together we will look at how the situation on the chart looks like and what price level could be suitable for buying. More in the analysis...📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Polkadot (DOT) je úspešný projekt a spolu sa dnes pozrieme na to, ako vyzerá situácia na grafe a aká cenová hladina by mohla byť vhodná na nákup. Viac v analýze... 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#polkadot #dot #usdt #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - Polkadot (DOT) is a successful project and together we will look at how the situation on the chart looks like and what price level could be suitable for buying. More in the analysis...📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Polkadot (DOT) je úspešný projekt a spolu sa dnes pozrieme na to, ako vyzerá situácia na grafe a aká cenová hladina by mohla byť vhodná na nákup. Viac v analýze... 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#polkadot #dot #usdt #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR
🇺🇸 New analysis online - There is a good situation in the market to multiply your BTC by investing in altcoins. More in the analysis...📈🤙

🇸🇰 Nová analýza online - Na trhu je vhodná situáciu ako znásobiť svoje BTC prostredníctvom investície do altcoinov. Viac v analýze... 📈🤙

May the crypto be with you 🙏

#dia #dia #btc #analysis #maythecryptobewithyou #dollero #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoacademy #DLLR