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I know nothing. I now know something...
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"When you have utter #clarity about where you are at right now, the next level of #experience will reveal itself to you."

To fully appreciate and understand this statement, I have to examine what I perceive to be "real" and what is a #construct of my #imagination (MiND).

For example, the ground the soles of my feet connect to in order for me to stand, feels "real". I directly experience the ground.
The ground I stand on is called England, this is not "real". The concept of England is a shared construct of our collective imagination.

This is why humans have the potential to be dangerous, as most of us have not yet cultivated the ability to distinguish between our own #Subjective #conscious experience, and that of #Objective cultural #illusion.

#ENLiGHTENMENT: To observe REALiTY with conscious #awareness


To observe #REALiTY with #conscious #awareness.

To observe REALiTY with conscious awareness, “I” must first understand what “i” am observing with awareness.


#Objective REALiTY = #constructs and #concepts

– (“#facts” exist at this level)
#Subjective REALiTY = #perception and #interpretation
– (“#opinions” exist at this level)
CONSCiOUSNESS = #consistent and #persistent
– (“#truth” exists at this level)

Note: Objective REALiTY is only ever experienced #Subjectively.

To observe REALiTY with conscious awareness, “I” must first understand what “i” is.


There is no “i” in #SELF:


ALTER EGO = the “I” presented to “OTHER”
– (subconscious / “YOU” / THE DULUSIONAL SELF)
#EGO = the “I” that believes “OTHER”
– (subconscious / “you” / THE IMAGINARY SELF)
PERSONALITY = the “I” that experiences “OTHER”
– (awareness / “I” / THE EMERGENT SELF)
CONSCiOUSNESS = the “i” that observes
– (conscious / “i” / THE iNNATE SELF)

Note: The concept of #time and the construct of #space are only ever experienced consciously “#now” and “#here”.
A genius #discovers (#articulates) reality before anyone else knows it even exists. For example, Isaac #Newton and Albert #Einstein.

An enlightened fellow #experiences #reality as it really is (nothing), without the #perception and #interpretation of the MiND. For example, Siddhartha Gautam (aka #Buddha) and #Jesus #Christ.

An #enlightened #genius lays a trail of #breadcrumbs, so that all other fellows move in the #direction of ENLiGHTENED GENiUS...

1. Who is "i"?

"i" am consciousness MANiFESTED.

...consciousness resides within the #void of the un-manifested (what we call #quantum reality) as #infinite #potential (nothing) and creates the #MANiFESTED PHYSiCAL REALiTY (what we call Newtonian reality), into the "i AM" SOMETHiNG, simply observing EVERYTHiNG.

#Space | #Time is the #language of consciousness and if we #practice, then #master Active #Listening and Active #Communication, we can then create "#magic" through what I call #Conscious #Intention and Conscious #Awareness...

Only the #MiND experiences the #illusion of Space | Time...

"i" (#consciousness) only ever #experience the #here and #now (the #present #moment)