"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step..."
Delusional thinking and behaviour is expecting gratification after taking a single step...
Whereas gratitude, for the ability to take a single step, is an entirely different perspective.
The #delusional approach, in the search of immediate #gratification, will result in disappointment, and ultimately, failure to complete the journey.
The #gratitude approach, will #manifest its own #meaning and sense of deep #joy, #purpose and #fulfilment, and in that #moment, the journey becomes #effortless.
The emergence of meaning arises in the presence of #BEiNG. Meaning is for its own sake, there is no other meaning outside that of the experience of meaning.
The appropriate question is: "what is the meaning of #acceptance?"
Only when acceptance becomes absolute, will meaning become truly apparent...
The journey is #LiFE. The meaning of life, is the journey.
Note: Acceptance is a continuous process, not an absolute conclusion.
Delusional thinking and behaviour is expecting gratification after taking a single step...
Whereas gratitude, for the ability to take a single step, is an entirely different perspective.
The #delusional approach, in the search of immediate #gratification, will result in disappointment, and ultimately, failure to complete the journey.
The #gratitude approach, will #manifest its own #meaning and sense of deep #joy, #purpose and #fulfilment, and in that #moment, the journey becomes #effortless.
The emergence of meaning arises in the presence of #BEiNG. Meaning is for its own sake, there is no other meaning outside that of the experience of meaning.
The appropriate question is: "what is the meaning of #acceptance?"
Only when acceptance becomes absolute, will meaning become truly apparent...
The journey is #LiFE. The meaning of life, is the journey.
Note: Acceptance is a continuous process, not an absolute conclusion.
A genius #discovers (#articulates) reality before anyone else knows it even exists. For example, Isaac #Newton and Albert #Einstein.
An enlightened fellow #experiences #reality as it really is (nothing), without the #perception and #interpretation of the MiND. For example, Siddhartha Gautam (aka #Buddha) and #Jesus #Christ.
An #enlightened #genius lays a trail of #breadcrumbs, so that all other fellows move in the #direction of ENLiGHTENED GENiUS...
1. Who is "i"?
"i" am consciousness MANiFESTED.
...consciousness resides within the #void of the un-manifested (what we call #quantum reality) as #infinite #potential (nothing) and creates the #MANiFESTED PHYSiCAL REALiTY (what we call Newtonian reality), into the "i AM" SOMETHiNG, simply observing EVERYTHiNG.
#Space | #Time is the #language of consciousness and if we #practice, then #master Active #Listening and Active #Communication, we can then create "#magic" through what I call #Conscious #Intention and Conscious #Awareness...
Only the #MiND experiences the #illusion of Space | Time...
"i" (#consciousness) only ever #experience the #here and #now (the #present #moment)
An enlightened fellow #experiences #reality as it really is (nothing), without the #perception and #interpretation of the MiND. For example, Siddhartha Gautam (aka #Buddha) and #Jesus #Christ.
An #enlightened #genius lays a trail of #breadcrumbs, so that all other fellows move in the #direction of ENLiGHTENED GENiUS...
1. Who is "i"?
"i" am consciousness MANiFESTED.
...consciousness resides within the #void of the un-manifested (what we call #quantum reality) as #infinite #potential (nothing) and creates the #MANiFESTED PHYSiCAL REALiTY (what we call Newtonian reality), into the "i AM" SOMETHiNG, simply observing EVERYTHiNG.
#Space | #Time is the #language of consciousness and if we #practice, then #master Active #Listening and Active #Communication, we can then create "#magic" through what I call #Conscious #Intention and Conscious #Awareness...
Only the #MiND experiences the #illusion of Space | Time...
"i" (#consciousness) only ever #experience the #here and #now (the #present #moment)