"When you have utter #clarity about where you are at right now, the next level of #experience will reveal itself to you."
To fully appreciate and understand this statement, I have to examine what I perceive to be "real" and what is a #construct of my #imagination (MiND).
For example, the ground the soles of my feet connect to in order for me to stand, feels "real". I directly experience the ground.
The ground I stand on is called England, this is not "real". The concept of England is a shared construct of our collective imagination.
This is why humans have the potential to be dangerous, as most of us have not yet cultivated the ability to distinguish between our own #Subjective #conscious experience, and that of #Objective cultural #illusion.
#ENLiGHTENMENT: To observe REALiTY with conscious #awareness
To fully appreciate and understand this statement, I have to examine what I perceive to be "real" and what is a #construct of my #imagination (MiND).
For example, the ground the soles of my feet connect to in order for me to stand, feels "real". I directly experience the ground.
The ground I stand on is called England, this is not "real". The concept of England is a shared construct of our collective imagination.
This is why humans have the potential to be dangerous, as most of us have not yet cultivated the ability to distinguish between our own #Subjective #conscious experience, and that of #Objective cultural #illusion.
#ENLiGHTENMENT: To observe REALiTY with conscious #awareness
We are not, nor have we ever been, fighting a "war on terror".
We are perpetuating a "war of terror" for the dominant ideology of our species.
This, in and of itself, is in direct contradiction to the very meaning of the word... "FREEDOM".
Our "freedom" appears to come at the cost of someone else's "freedom".
Who are the real "terrorists? 🤔 IMHO, anyone who believes the concept that we have to "fight for peace".
Peace is an innate quality of BEiNG and does not require anything to achieve it.
Do NOTHiNG, let go of the noise and the distractions, and "i AM" already at peace. From that centred place of #acceptance, #joy, #compassion, #love, #truth, #clarity, #respect, #understanding... all these things arise naturally and without effort.
If I look for peace outside of myself, I will never find it.
The truth, ironically, LiES within.
Only when "YOU" know who "i AM", will "YOU" know yourself... and only then will "YOU" know #peace.
As the Buddhist Proverb goes: "When a student is ready, the master appears."
We are perpetuating a "war of terror" for the dominant ideology of our species.
This, in and of itself, is in direct contradiction to the very meaning of the word... "FREEDOM".
Our "freedom" appears to come at the cost of someone else's "freedom".
Who are the real "terrorists? 🤔 IMHO, anyone who believes the concept that we have to "fight for peace".
Peace is an innate quality of BEiNG and does not require anything to achieve it.
Do NOTHiNG, let go of the noise and the distractions, and "i AM" already at peace. From that centred place of #acceptance, #joy, #compassion, #love, #truth, #clarity, #respect, #understanding... all these things arise naturally and without effort.
If I look for peace outside of myself, I will never find it.
The truth, ironically, LiES within.
Only when "YOU" know who "i AM", will "YOU" know yourself... and only then will "YOU" know #peace.
As the Buddhist Proverb goes: "When a student is ready, the master appears."