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The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Your highest calling as a Christian is fellowship with the Lord. Without fellowship, nothing you do on earth is esteemed in Heaven. To fellowship with Jesus is to fellowship with the fullest revelation of the essence of deity. But you see, you can’t fellowship with Him except through the Holy Spirit.


That’s why I often wonder why some people think they don’t need the Holy Spirit. There’s nothing more void than a life without the Holy Spirit, because He’s the author of life. Without Him, all you have will be darkness. He’s the One who gives you light and quickens the Word of God in your heart. God’s Word won’t mean anything to you without the insight and revelation the Holy Spirit gives.

The Bible says His words are life to those that find them (Proverbs 4:22); and the way to find them is through the Holy Spirit. Your desire should be to fellowship more with the Holy Spirit every day; I mean fellowship with participation, where you’re actively engaged with Him in a romance of righteousness.

The glorious thing about this is that, for all the successes that you achieve through the guidance and wisdom you receive as you fellowship with Him, He gives you the credit. Another beautiful impact of your fellowship with Him is that you become so mingled with Him that your body becomes His body; your tongue becomes His tongue, your hands, His hands, and your feet, His feet. Hallelujah!

In this kind of relationship, every limit and barrier is taken off your way; you experience nothing but progress in life. You’re so full of His glory and wisdom that they overflow from you to others. He takes over your life and you experience unprecedented manifestations of His power that causes many to wonder at you. These and more are what fellowship with the Holy Spirit will bring to you. Praise God!


Dear Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit whom you’ve sent to live in me and guide me in all things. Even now, He lifts my vision and enables me to see and live as a master over everything in this life. I control and dominate the forces of nature and the world, and live above circumstances by the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be God!

1 John 1:3; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 1:9

1 Peter 3 & Ezekiel 31-32
Jude 1:12-25 & Hosea 1-2

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Que la grâce du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, l’amour de Dieu, et la communion du Saint-Esprit, soient avec vous tous! (2 Corinthiens 13:14).

Votre plus grande vocation en tant que Chrétien est la communion avec le Seigneur. Sans cette communion, rien de ce que vous faites sur terre n’a de la valeur au Ciel. Communier avec Jésus, c’est communier avec la révélation la plus complète de l’essence de la divinité. Mais vous voyez, vous ne pouvez communier avec Lui que par le Saint-Esprit.


C’est pourquoi je me demande souvent pourquoi certaines personnes pensent qu’elles n’ont pas besoin du Saint-Esprit. Il n’y a rien de plus dépourvu de sens qu’une vie sans le Saint-Esprit, car Il est l’auteur de la vie. Sans Lui, tout ce que vous aurez sera l’obscurité. C’est Lui qui vous donne la lumière et vivifie la Parole de Dieu dans votre cœur. La Parole de Dieu n’aura aucun sens pour vous sans la perspicacité et la révélation que le Saint-Esprit donne.

La Bible dit que Ses paroles sont vie pour ceux qui les trouvent (Proverbes 4:22); et on ne peut les trouver que par le Saint-Esprit. Votre désir devrait être de communier davantage avec le Saint-Esprit chaque jour; Je parle d’une communion qui implique une participation, où vous êtes activement engagé avec Lui dans une romance de justice.

Ce qui est glorieux à ce sujet est que, pour tous les succès que vous obtenez grâce à la direction et à la sagesse que vous recevez en communiant avec Lui, Il vous en attribue le mérite. Un autre impact magnifique de votre communion avec Lui est que vous devenez tellement associé à Lui que votre corps devient Son corps; votre langue devient Sa langue, vos mains, Ses mains et vos pieds, Ses pieds. Alléluia!

Dans ce genre de relation, toutes les limites et obstacles sont écartés de votre chemin; vous n’expérimentez que des progrès dans la vie et rien d’autre que ça. Vous êtes tellement rempli de Sa gloire et de Sa sagesse qu’elles découlent de vous vers les autres. Il prend le contrôle de votre vie et vous expérimentez des manifestations sans précédent de Sa puissance qui amènent plusieurs à s’étonner de vous. Tout cela et plus, c’est ce que vous tirez de la communion avec le Saint-Esprit. Dieu soit loué!


Cher Père, merci pour le Saint-Esprit que tu as envoyé pour vivre en moi et me guider en toutes choses. Même à l’instant, Il élève ma vision et me permet de voir et de vivre en tant que maître sur tout dans cette vie. Je contrôle et domine les forces de la nature et du monde, et je vis au-dessus des circonstances par la puissance du Saint-Esprit. Béni soit Dieu!

1 Jean 1:3; Jean 16:13; 1 Corinthiens 1:9

LECTURE DE LA BIBLE EN 1 AN: 1 Pierre 3 & Ezéchiel 31-32

LECTURE DE LA BIBLE EN 2 ANS: ANS 59 1 Pierre 3 & Ezéchiel 31-32

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An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered (Proverbs 11:9).

Imagine that you carried and were playing with your neighbour’s one or two-year-old child and he suddenly inflicts a bite on your hand. You see the bite wound but shrug it off as nothing, because he’s only a child. Then while walking away, someone walks up to you and says, “I saw that child bite you; but did you know the child is HIV positive?”


Suddenly, your demeanour changes; you start speaking in tongues and making confessions. In your mind, you think you’re putting your faith to work, whereas you’re actually demonstrating a lack of understanding of who you are in Christ. God doesn’t want you at that level.

If you have the knowledge of God and recognise what you have inside you, and who you are in Christ, you’ll remain unmoved, in spite of the new information about the child. This was what the Apostle Paul knew that made him so different. In Acts 28:3-6, the serpent that bit Paul was a venomous one, and those who were around him were expecting him to swell and die right there. But they were baffled to see Paul unharmed. He didn’t even pay attention to it; the Bible says he shook it into the fire and went on discussing the Gospel. Hallelujah!

Someone may say, “Oh, if only I have the kind of faith that Paul had!” No, it wasn’t faith that Paul demonstrated; it was the knowledge of God at work. He had the knowledge of who Jesus said the Christian is. In Mark 16:17-18, Jesus said, “And these signs shall follow them that believe...if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them....” If any poisonous substance ever finds its way into your system—whether by accident or by intent— it’ll have no effect on you.

What you need is the accurate and adequate knowledge of God’s Word; this is what puts you over in life. Many don’t have a faith problem, for every one of us has faith (Romans 12:3). The issue is their lack of understanding of who they are and what belongs to them in Christ. The knowledge of God’s Word gives you an undeniable conviction of the transcendent life of victory and dominion. This is why you’ve got to study and meditate on the Word every day.


Dear Father, thank you for the impact of your Word in my life. As I study and meditate on the Word today, not only do I discover my inheritance in Christ, I also receive the faith to relate with, and enjoy all that you’ve made available to me in Christ. I reign in life through your Word, winning, excelling and prevailing over the challenges of life through the Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Hosea 4:6; Acts 20:32; 2 Peter 1:2

1 Peter 4 & Ezekiel 33-34
Revelation 1:1-20 & Hosea 3-4

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Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24).

In John 15:25, Jesus said, “But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. ” The expression, “without a cause” is “dōrean” (Greek), meaning freely, needlessly, for nothing, or in vain. In other words, Jesus did nothing wrong to warrant their hatred. Even though His expression of love towards them was unparralled, they hated Him still.


But then, as indicated in our opening scripture, God, in His infinite love, decided to respond in line with His own character by justifying man freely by His grace. The word, “freely” is the same Greek word, “dōrean.” He’s letting us know that just as Jesus didn’t do anything to deserve the world’s hatred, you didn’t have to do anything to be justified by God.

To be justified is to be declared not guilty; it’s to be acquitted, declared righteous. Hallelujah! And it happened without you having to do anything to qualify for it; it was without a cause, but by the faith of Jesus Christ: “Therefore being justified by faith...” (Romans 5:1).

It’s not about your works or self-righteous acts. The Bible says, ”For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Oh, how glorious to know that all that’s necessary is to submit to God’s righteousness! Now, you can reign in life: “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ)” (Romans 5:17). Blessed be God!


I’ve been justified freely by His grace! And not only am I justified to walk before God, I’m a new creation! I have no sense of defeat or consciousness of poverty, sickness, disease, sin and anything associated with the devil. Christ is my righteousness, my sanctification, my redemption. Glory to God!

Romans 3:24-28; Romans 11:6

1 Peter 5 & Ezekiel 35-36
Revelation 2:1-12 & Hosea 5-6

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Car le Seigneur lui-même, à un signal donné, à la voix d’un archange, et au son de la trompette de Dieu, descendra du ciel, et les morts en Christ ressusciteront premièrement. Ensuite, nous les vivants, qui seront restés, nous serons tous ensemble enlevés avec eux sur des nuées, à la rencontre du Seigneur dans les airs, et ainsi nous serons toujours avec le Seigneur (1 Thessaloniciens 4:16-17).


Ne vous y trompez pas! Le temps restant avant le retour du Maître est plus court que beaucoup ne le réalisent. Ce que nous attendons en ce moment, c’est l’enlèvement de l’Église, «le ravissement » de tous ceux qui sont nés de nouveau et qui marchent selon la lumière de Dieu. Soudainement, nous disparaîtrons de ce monde pour rencontrer le Seigneur dans les airs.

Quelqu’un pourrait demander: « Comment cela sera-t-il possible? Supposons que le conducteur d’un autobus de transport ou le pilote d’un avion rempli de gens est né de nouveau, mais que les passagers ne le sont pas; êtes-vous en train de dire que le conducteur ou le pilote sera enlevé et que le véhicule ou l’avion va s’écraser? »

Tout d’abord, les gens qui posent de telles questions n’ont pas encore compris ce qui va arriver à ce monde. L’Enlèvement lui-même est un jugement contre le monde. Dans Luc 17, Jésus a dit que le jour où Noé est entré dans l’arche est le jour où le déluge est venu. Encore, le même jour où Lot sortit de Sodome, le feu vint du Ciel et brûla la ville; le jugement commença immédiatement.

A l’enlèvement, les voitures et les avions s’écrasant avec les gens à bord, tout cela fait partie du jugement, parce qu’ils ont rejeté Christ. En ce moment-là, le temps de Sa grâce serait déjà écoulé. Si un chrétien est laissé derrière, c’est parce qu’il ou elle ne vivait pas la vie d’un Chrétien. Ils seront parmi ceux qui subiront la Grande Tribulation qui aura lieu après l’Enlèvement. Et parmi eux, une multitude de gens seront finalement sauvés.

Mais vous ne voulez pas faire partie de ce groupe. Jésus a dit, «Veillez donc et priez en tout temps, afin que vous ayez la force d’échapper à toutes ces choses qui arriveront, et de paraître debout devant le Fils de l’homme» (Luc 21:36). Préparez-vous pour le « premier vol ». Chaque jour qui passe nous rapproche du jour de Sa glorieuse apparition. Vivez pour Lui, et préparez les autres personnes qui sont dans votre monde pour ce jour.


Je suis éveillé et alerte en esprit, et ma vie est guidée par l’amour et la Parole de Christ; et par mon attente de Son retour imminent. Je ne fais aucune provision pour la chair, pour satisfaire ses convoitises; je suis continuellement conduit par l’Esprit, manifestant les fruits de la justice. Mon désir et ma passion pour gagner mon monde à Christ grandit, et beaucoup, à travers moi, sont conduits dans le Royaume, au nom de Jésus. Amen.

Matthieu 24:37-39; 1 Jean 2:28; Apocalypse 1:7

2 Pierre 1 & Ezéchiel 37-38
Apocalypse 2:13-29 & Osée 7-8

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For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

Make no mistakes about it, the time left before the Master’s return is shorter than many realize. What we’re expecting right now is the Rapture of the Church, the “catching away” of all those who are born again and walking in the light of God. Suddenly, we’ll disappear from this world to meet the Lord in the air.


Someone may ask, “How is that going to be possible? Imagine that the driver of a commuter bus or pilot of an airplane filled with people is born again, but the passengers aren’t; are you saying the driver or pilot will be raptured while the vehicle or airplane crashes?”

First, people who ask such questions haven’t understood what’s about to befall the world. The Rapture itself is judgement for the world. In Luke 17, Jesus said the day Noah entered into the ark, the floods came. Also, the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, fire came from Heaven and burnt up the city; judgement began immediately.

At the Rapture, cars and planes crashing with people onboard is all part of the judgement for the rejection of Christ. At that point, the hour of His grace would have been over. If any Christian is left behind, it’s because he or she wasn’t living the life of a Christian. They’ll be amongst the ones who’ll go through the Great Tribulation that’s to take place after the Rapture. And among them, a multitude of people will eventually be saved.

But you don’t want to be in that group. Jesus said, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36). Prepare yourself for the “first flight.” Each day that passes takes us a day closer to His glorious appearing. Live for Him, and get others in your world ready for that day.


I’m awake and alert in the spirit, and my life is guided by Christ’s love and Word, and by my expectation of His imminent return. I make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof; I’m led continually by the Spirit, manifesting the fruits of righteousness. My desire and passion to win my world to Christ flourishes, and many, through me, are brought to the Kingdom, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Matthew 24:37-39; 1 John 2:28; Revelation 1:7

2 Peter 1 & Ezekiel 37-38
Revelation 2:13-29 & Hosea 7-8

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Et nous avons tous reçu de sa plénitude, et grâce pour grâce (Jean 1:16).

Avant l’arrivée de Jésus, le Saint Esprit venait uniquement sur les hommes partiellement et pour un but temporaire, puis après, l’onction se retirait. Par exemple, la Bible dit, «L’esprit de l’Éternel saisit Samson; et, sans avoir rien à la main, Samson déchira le lion comme on déchire un chevreau. Il ne dit point à son père et à sa mère ce qu’il avait fait» (Juges 14:6). C’était pareil avec David; les gens de l’Ancien Testament n’avaient pas la plénitude de l’Esprit.


Concernant Jésus; la Bible dit, «Car Dieu a voulu que toute plénitude habitât en lui» (Colossiens 1:19). Le mot «plénitude» vient du mot grec, «plērōma» qui signifie satiété ou complétude; le contenu total ou complet d’un conteneur dans sa capacité maximale et dans son intégralité. Ce qui veut dire que tout ce que le Père est, et a, est en Jésus. Colossiens 2:9 dit, «Car en lui habite corporellement toute la plénitude de la divinité.» Quand Jésus marchait dans les rues, Dieu Tout Puissant, dans Sa plénitude, était en Lui. Alléluia!

La partie la plus incroyable de tout ceci c’est que, comme lu dans notre verset d’ouverture, nous avons reçu la même plénitude. Ce qui signifie que tout ce que le Père a et est, se trouve en vous parce qu’Il vit en vous. Ayez cet état de conscience. Colossiens 2:10 dit, «Vous avez tout pleinement en lui, qui est le chef de toute domination et de toute autorité». Il n’y a rien qui vienne de Dieu qui est censé être en vous que vous n’ayez pas encore reçu.

Votre humanité a été supplantée par la vie et la nature de Dieu. C’est la différence entre celui qui n’est pas né de nouveau et vous; vous êtes un vase qui transporte Dieu. Il se manifeste à travers vous; Il manifeste Sa vie, Sa sagesse, Sa grâce, Sa justice, Son excellence, Sa gloire et Sa perfection - parce qu’Il vit en vous dans Sa plénitude. Gloire à Dieu!


Je suis un vase qui transporte Dieu; Christ en moi c’est la gloire réalisée, la victoire assurée, et la prospérité garantie. Il n’y a ni crainte, ni confusion dans ma vie. Indépendamment des tests, des épreuves ou des défis qui pourraient venir à mon encontre, je suis un vainqueur et un champion pour toujours. Alléluia!

1 Jean 4:4; Jean 3:34; Ephésiens 3:17-19

2 Pierre 2 & Ezéchiel 39-40
Apocalypse 3:1-10 & Osée 9-10

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And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace (John 1:16).

Before Jesus came, the Holy Spirit only came upon men in part and for a temporary purpose, after which, the unction lifted. For instance, the Bible says, “And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him (Samson), and he rent him (a young lion) as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand...” (Judges 14:6). It was the same with David; the Old Testament folks didn’t have the fullness of the Spirit.


With Jesus; the Bible says, “For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell” (Colossians 1:19). The word, “fullness” is from the Greek, “plēroama” which means repletion or completion; the total or complete content of a vessel in its maximum capacity and entirety. That means everything the Father is, and has, is in Jesus. Colossians 2:9 says, “For in him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” When Jesus walked the streets, God Almighty, in His fullness, was in Him. Hallelujah!

The most amazing part of this is that as read in our opening verse, we’ve received this same fullness. That means everything the Father is, and has, is in you, because He lives in you. Have this consciousness. Colossians 2:10 says, “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.” There’s nothing of God that’s supposed to be in you that’s not in you

Your humanity has been supplanted by the life and nature of God. This is the difference between you and the one who isn’t born again; you’re a God-carrying vessel. Through you, He manifests Himself—His life, wisdom, grace, righteousness, excellence, glory and perfection—for He lives in you in His fullness. Glory to God!


I’m a God-carrying vessel; Christ in me is glory realised, victory assured and prosperity guaranteed. No fears or confusion in my life. Irrespective of the tests, trials or challenges that may come against me, I’m a victor and a champion for life. Hallelujah!

1 John 4:4; John 3:34; Ephesians 3:17-19

2 Peter 2 & Ezekiel 39-40
Revelation 3:1-10 & Hosea 9-10

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Puis, d’accord avec le peuple, il nomma des chantres qui, revêtus d’ornements sacrés, et marchant devant l’armée, célébraient l’Éternel et disaient:Louez l’Éternel, car sa miséricorde dure à toujours! (2 Chroniques 20:21).

L’adoration est l’un des moyens d’activer la puissance de Dieu. Tout au long des Écritures, nous trouvons des récits inspirants sur la façon dont Dieu a délivré Son peuple de la destruction et des situations désastreuses lorsqu’ils ont activé Sa puissance à travers la louange et l’adoration. Un bon exemple est celui des trois nations - Ammon, Moab et ceux de la montagne de Séir – qui ont marché contre Juda. Le roi Josaphat, par la sagesse de Dieu, a rassemblé tout Juda pour s’enquérir auprès du Seigneur dans la prière et le jeûne. Quand ils ont prié, Dieu leur a révélé l’emplacement exact du camp des ennemis et leur a donné la stratégie pour les vaincre.


2 Chroniques 20:22 dit: «Au moment où l’on commençait les chants et les louanges, l’Éternel plaça une embuscade contre les fils d’Ammon et de Moab et ceux de la montagne de Séir, qui étaient venus contre Juda. Et ils furent battus. » Lorsque vous faites face à des défis intimidants, ne paniquez pas et ne vous inquiétez pas; adorez plutôt le Seigneur. Tout comme Josaphat, organisez une «parade de louange!»

N’attendez pas d’avoir envie de chanter avant de faire des mélodies dans votre cœur, et de chanter des louanges au Seigneur. Que vous soyez heureux ou non, louez-Le tout de même; adorez-le et rendezlui la gloire. 1 Thessaloniciens 5:18 dit: « Rendez grâces en tout, car c’est la volonté de Dieu en JésusChrist à votre égard. »

Souvenez-vous de Paul et Silas; pour avoir prêché l’Évangile, ils ont été torturés et incarcérés dans une prison romaine. Mais à minuit, Paul et Silas ont prié et ont chanté des louanges à Dieu; et pendant qu’ils le faisaient, la puissance de Dieu a été activée et ils ont été surnaturellement libérés (Actes 16:25-26). Cette miraculeuse intervention a conduit au salut du geôlier de la prison et de toute sa famille.

Vous pouvez être confronté à une situation difficile aujourd’hui pour laquelle vous avez prié et déclaré que tout fonctionne pour votre bien, pourtant rien ne semble avoir changé; n’abandonnez pas; adorez et louez le Seigneur; car sa miséricorde dure à jamais.


Père céleste, je loue ton nom, j’adore et j’exalte ta majesté, car tu es le guérisseur, le pourvoyeur, le fournisseur de toutes bonnes choses, et tu es plus grand que tout. Indépendamment de la situation, je te loue et t’adore, car tu es grand et mérite d’être loué. Merci de m’accorder le pouvoir sur les crises et la grâce de toujours prévaloir sur les circonstances, au Nom de Jésus. Amen.

Psaumes 28:7 AMPC; Psaumes 107:31; Psaumes 145:1-6

2 Pierre 3 & Ezéchiel 41-42
Apocalypse 3:11-22 & Osée 11-12

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And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth for ever (2 Chronicles 20:21).

One of the ways to activate the power of God is worship. Throughout the Scriptures, we find inspiring accounts of how God delivered His people from destruction and dire situations when they activated His power in praise and worship. A good example is when three nations—Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir— came against Judah. King Jehoshaphat, by the wisdom of God, gathered all Judah to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting. When they prayed, God revealed to them the exact location of the enemies’ camp, and gave them the strategy to defeat them.


2 Chronicles 20:22 says, “...when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.” When you face daunting challenges, don’t panic or fret; worship the Lord instead. Like Jehoshaphat, have a “praise party!”

Don’t wait until you feel like singing before making melodies in your heart, singing praises unto the Lord. Whether you’re happy or not, praise Him all the same; worship Him and give Him glory. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Recall Paul and Silas; for preaching the Gospel, they were tortured and incarcerated in a Roman prison. But at midnight, they prayed and sang praises unto God; and as they did, the power of God was activated and they were supernaturally set free (Acts 16:25-26). This miraculous encounter led to the salvation of the prison warden with his entire family.

You may be faced with a difficult situation today for which you’ve prayed and confessed that it’s all working out for your good, yet nothing seems to have changed; don’t give up; worship and praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.


Heavenly Father, I praise your Name, and worship your majesty, for you’re the healer, the provider, the supplier of all good things, and you’re greater than all. I praise and adore you, for you’re great and greatly to be praised. Thank you for granting me power over crises, and the grace to prevail always over circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Psalm 28:7 AMPC; Psalm 107:31 ; Psalm 145:1-6

2 Peter 3 & Ezekiel 41-42
Revelation 3:11-22 & Hosea 11-12

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2021 is the year of preparation! Kindly share with us some of the things you heard while listening to the new year message. God bless you!

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Say these with me, "My address is Christ! I refuse sickness and disease; I refuse to accommodate infirmity in me because Christ is my life. Eternal life cannot share the same living quarters with sickness! I declare that my body responds to the Word of God, and not to sickness! There is a disease-destroying energy in my blood that devours bacteria, viruses, germs, and all agents of sickness! Glory to God!" ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.


When the world is busy talking about a virus that is destroying human lives, tell them about the Holy Ghost that is vitalizing your mortal body. No sickness or disease will lord it over you. Jesus is the Lord of your life. Hallelujah!

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For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death (1 Corinthians 15:25-26).

Until Jesus came, Satan had the keys of death. The Bible lets us now that men and women were, all their lifetime, subject to bondage because of the fear of death. But Jesus put an end to that through His victory over death and the grave and liberated all men from the fear of death: “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14-15).

As a result of Adam’s disobedience, the Bible says death came upon all men (Romans 5:12). When Adam committed high treason back in the Garden of Eden by obeying Satan, death began to work in every man. The devil gained liberty to afflict men with sickness, disease and destruction.

But blessed be God! When Jesus died on the cross, He went right into hell, the devil’s territory and took back from him the keys of death and hell: “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death” (Revelation 1:18). He overcame death when He triumphantly rose from the dead and ushered man into a new life. Today, anyone who is born again need not fear death, for death has been defeated by Jesus; it is the last enemy that will be destroyed, as read in our opening verse, but is already defeated.

Today, Satan can no longer take anybody’s life at will because he doesn’t have the power of death anymore. He can only make empty threats, and try to deceive men or make them destroy themselves. Jesus spoiled Satan by obtaining the keys of death and hell, and gave you authority to keep Satan, sin and death under your dominion.

#uplifting #opening #champion #evangelism #wordatwork #wordfest2020 #affirmationtrain #lordship #talkingsession #church #blessed #thankyoupastorchris #imcc2020 #wordfest #completement #alignment #prayathon2020

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love (1 John 4:7-8).

The Apostle John gives an encapsulated version of the revelation of the Pauline doctrine in 1 John 4:16: “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” So, you in Christ, and Christ in you is about His love seen in you and expressed through you!

God is love, and as His children, we’re to love as Christ loved us. The Bible says, “THEREFORE BE imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance” (Ephesians 5:1-2 AMPC).

Jesus showed us a good example by loving everyone, including His accusers and those who unjustly put Him on the Cross. We ought to emulate the Master by loving everyone unconditionally.

Love makes you give of yourself to others without thinking of what you’ll get in return. It makes you think of others and accept them just as they are. They don’t have to act to deserve your love, for love is unselfish and doesn’t seek its own. It breaks the barriers of race, ethnicity and social status. It makes it possible for you to see the beauty in others and appreciate them for who they are.

The new creature in Christ is born anew after the image of God (Colossians 3:10) and is imbued with the divine ability to express divine love. Let God’s love in you come alive; it’ll lift you to a new level of life and you’d be glad this happened. The Christian life is a life of love, freely given to us of God. Manifest that same love to others.

Say these after me, 'Dear Father, I thank you for the revelation of your love to my spirit, and the ability to express and manifest your love to others. Love is the greatest power in the universe, and that love radiates through me today, to everyone in my world. Thank you for your glory in my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

1 John 4:17-18; John 13:35.

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For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his (Hebrews 4:10).

When you study the account of creation in Genesis 1, you’ll observe God created man on the sixth day, after He had created everything else. Satisfied, He rested from all His works on the seventh day: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested...” (Genesis 2:2).


Man’s first day in the earth was God’s day of rest. Adam didn’t meet God working; he met Him resting. It wasn’t that God rested so that Adam could finish the rest of the work, no; God finished all the work before Adam was formed. Adam was thus born into rest. This was God’s purpose and intent for man at the beginning. Christ is our rest. When you come into Christ, you’re free from struggles, hassles, anxieties, turmoil and hardships. No wonder we’re counselled by the Spirit, in Philippians 4:6 NKJV to “Be anxious for nothing...”; have no worries.

If you’ve found yourself toiling and stressed out, despite being born again, it’s time for a change. First, cultivate a new mindset and realise that God made you for His pleasure; He created you to be pleased and happy about you and for your life to glorify Him. Then, you say, “I refuse the hard life and embrace the life of peace, abundance, joy and success in Christ. I’ve been given all things richly to enjoy; I don’t lack anything, because ALL things are mine.”

Your life in Christ is one of immeasurable grace, glory, dominion, joy and righteousness; it’s an extraordinary life of glory from a position of rest. So, keep dominating and subduing your world from a position of rest.


Blessed be God! He’s given me an extraordinary life of righteousness, and I walk in victory and dominion, from a position of rest. His grace is sufficient for me, and in all things, I fulfil my destiny gloriously without stress, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Hebrews 4:3; Matthew 6:25-26

#graced #ippc2020 #lima2020 #wordfest2 #wordfest2020 #affirmationtrain #loveworld #talkingsession #perfection

And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth for ever (2 Chronicles 20:21).

One of the ways to activate the power of God is worship. Throughout the Scriptures, we find inspiring accounts of how God delivered His people from destruction and dire situations when they activated His power in praise and worship. A good example is when three nations—Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir— came against Judah. King Jehoshaphat, by the wisdom of God, gathered all Judah to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting. When they prayed, God revealed to them the exact location of the enemies’ camp, and gave them the strategy to defeat them.


2 Chronicles 20:22 says, “...when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.” When you face daunting challenges, don’t panic or fret; worship the Lord instead. Like Jehoshaphat, have a “praise party!”

Don’t wait until you feel like singing before making melodies in your heart, singing praises unto the Lord. Whether you’re happy or not, praise Him all the same; worship Him and give Him glory. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Recall Paul and Silas; for preaching the Gospel, they were tortured and incarcerated in a Roman prison. But at midnight, they prayed and sang praises unto God; and as they did, the power of God was activated and they were supernaturally set free (Acts 16:25-26). This miraculous encounter led to the salvation of the prison warden with his entire family.

You may be faced with a difficult situation today for which you’ve prayed and confessed that it’s all working out for your good, yet nothing seems to have changed; don’t give up; worship and praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.


Heavenly Father, I praise your Name, and worship your majesty, for you’re the healer, the provider, the supplier of all good things, and you’re greater than all. I praise and adore you, for you’re great and greatly to be praised. Thank you for granting me power over crises, and the grace to prevail always over circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Psalm 28:7 AMPC; Psalm 107:31 ; Psalm 145:1-6

#graced #ippc2020 #lima2020 #wordfest2 #wordfest2020 #affirmationtrain #loveworld #talkingsession #perfection #pastorchris
Say these with me, "My address is Christ! I refuse sickness and disease; I refuse to accommodate infirmity in me because Christ is my life. Eternal life cannot share the same living quarters with sickness! I declare that my body responds to the Word of God, and not to sickness! There is a disease-destroying energy in my blood that devours bacteria, viruses, germs, and all agents of sickness! Glory to God!" ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.


When the world is busy talking about a virus that is destroying human lives, tell them about the Holy Ghost that is vitalizing your mortal body. No sickness or disease will lord it over you. Jesus is the Lord of your life. Hallelujah!

#prayingnow #wehavemoved #8DOM #talkingsession #8daysofmeditation #glorified #loveworld #affirmationtrain #themonthofyruth #wordfest2020 #hspc #preparation #thankyoupastorchris #theyearofpreparation #rhemafortoday #worddrive #yourloveworld #truth

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9)

After you’re born again, poverty becomes completely unacceptable in your life. I know there’re people who believe Christians ought to be poor, but that’s due to their lack of understanding of the Scriptures. Poverty is not the absence of money, or other required necessities of life; it’s actually the disabling of a man’s mental prowess. It’s that state where a person’s mind shuts down, and that person believes that he or she can’t do anything to change his state.

But that’s not the case with the one who’s born again and lives by the Word; it’s impossible for such a person to walk in penury. The Christian is an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ. All the wealth in this world belongs to you if you’re born again. Once you accept this truth in your spirit, and allow it dominate your thinking, it’ll give you a new mind-set. It’ll be impossible for you to walk in lack.

The Bible says Jesus became poor so that we, through His poverty, might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). He took upon Himself, not only the sins of the world, but also the effects of sin, one of which is poverty. This is the reason every Christian must reject poverty. Nevertheless, poverty by choice, or deprivation by persecution is acceptable. A Christian may walk poor, and live poor because of ignorance, but he’s not poor, for he actually has an inheritance in Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:21 says, “…all things are yours.”Therefore, refuse and reject the down life; don’t live as a victim. Get to the Word and become knowledgeable about your untold wealth in Christ. God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6). Refuse to walk in ignorance, but in the knowledge of your inheritance in Christ.

#talkingsession #ippc2020 #ministry #glorified #loveworld #affirmationtrain #wordatwork #wordfest2020 #greatness #energized #wordfest #heavenly #glorious #kingdom #thankyoupastorchris #strengthened #supernatural #talkingsession #blessings
Say these with me, "My address is Christ! I refuse sickness and disease; I refuse to accommodate infirmity in me because Christ is my life. Eternal life cannot share the same living quarters with sickness! I declare that my body responds to the Word of God, and not to sickness! There is a disease-destroying energy in my blood that devours bacteria, viruses, germs, and all agents of sickness! Glory to God!" ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD.


When the world is busy talking about a virus that is destroying human lives, tell them about the Holy Ghost that is vitalizing your mortal body. No sickness or disease will lord it over you. Jesus is the Lord of your life. Hallelujah!

#prayingnow #wehavemoved #8DOM #talkingsession #8daysofmeditation #glorified #loveworld #affirmationtrain #themonthofyruth #wordfest2020 #hspc #preparation #thankyoupastorchris #theyearofpreparation #rhemafortoday #worddrive #yourloveworld #truth

And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15)

A man isn’t a success because other people say he is. A long list of academic, political, or business achievements isn’t essentially the definition of success. That a person is famous and celebrated by men doesn’t mean he or she is a success before God. A successful life, one that pleases God, is that which achieves those things that God has called the person to do.

Thus, the first thing is to know what God has called you to do. There’re people that are praised in this world and acclaimed to be successful, who will eventually end up in hell. Some are already there. It doesn’t matter what anyone says about you, the only one who matters is the one who made you. He’s the one who knew the purpose for which you were born. So, don’t live your life to the applause of men. Jesus said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37). He also said, “…for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15)

What do you esteem in your life? What are the things that are important to you? What drives you? What are you passionate about? Until, and unless those things are the same things that God considers important, things of Kingdom and eternal value, they’re useless. Don’t run in vain; don’t put your efforts in the wrong things. Don’t seek to please men; do all things with only one goal in mind: to please the Lord Jesus and be a success for Him.

God wants us to be successful according to His definition of success, not according to man’s standards. He wants us to have a great life; He wants us to do excellently well; He wants us to be productive in our lives; producing results that glorify Him. And we can only do this by the power of God’s Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, no matter what you do, it’ll be empty. True success is by the Spirit and in fulfilling God’s call, plan and purpose for your life.
#affirmationtrain #talkingsession #wordfest2020 #prayathon2020 #wordatwork #wordfest #opening #thankyoupastorchris #perfection #alignment #prayingnow