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It seems that the only thing «Coop Europe» has to say about the Draghi report is "do not leave our industrial cooperatives, what are not workers' cooperatives, out of the new framework for European Start Ups."

Coop Europe is the European branch of the ICA (International Cooperative Alliance), an organization that has the monopoly of representing cooperatives before the #EU but that makes the #WorkerCooperative model invisible even when it guides laws on #cooperativism in countries like #Portugal or before the #EU itself (Law on the European Cooperative Society) and has turned to supporting the #war - perhaps it sees business in #militarism.
The #EU accepts projects that will be developed in any of the European minority #languages or #Esperanto in its Creative Europe and Erasmus + Programs. Meaning: you have to present them in English, but the activities financed can take place in , Aranese, Catalan, Esperanto, etc.
#EU. Serious criticism of the Draghi report is beginning to emerge.

«But is it inefficient EU capital markets that is the cause of lower productive investment in Europe?  The report hints at the real cause when it says private financing costs are too high compared to the returns that the EU’s capitalist sector require to increase productive investment, as opposed to investing in real estate or financial assets.  The real cause lies in the lower rate of profitability for European capital compared to the US.  This is particularly the case since 2017 (in this example below of US and German profitability).

Not in the report, but perhaps relevant, is that in the EU there are many more smaller companies where profitability is low, while in the US a higher concentration of capital has boosted profits for the few mega techs at the top. Since 2000, gross profit rates in the United States have risen and industry concentration has soared, but these trends are not found in the European Union.

Draghi concludes that “the resulting cycle of low industrial dynamism, low innovation, low investment and low productivity growth in Europe could be characterised as “the middle technology trap”.  But, in my view, this is a product of the ‘profitability gap’.

The only way that the required humungous upswing in productive investment could happen is if the profitability of European capital leaps forward.  But that won’t be achieved by making credit costs cheaper, but only by a sharp rise in the exploitation of labour in Europe and by the ‘creative destruction’ of ‘middle technology’ to reduce costs. If that does not happen, then the EU’s relative decline globally will continue and even accelerate».
#EU. #Spain. What produces votes for the #far-right is not so much a cultural conflict with #migrants but the #ArtificialScarcity of public services and #employment that makes all demographic growth translate into worse #working and #living conditions for #labour.

«Immigration may be defined as the biggest problem Spain suffers, but when respondents are asked about the problems that most directly affect them, the ones they suffer most in their own flesh, the first three that appear are the economic crisis, health and the quality of employment».

«Both when identifying the main Spanish problems and when pointing out those that most concern them directly, issues linked to the economy are overwhelmingly dominant in the responses. In recent years, the decline in living standards is evident, especially due to the price of essential goods for subsistence (from housing to food or energy), the deterioration of public (and private) health services is clear for the middle and working classes, and the number of insecure jobs, where one does not earn enough or where wage earners are stuck, is multiplying, as is the number of small businesses trapped. The declining regions still do not find a way back to prosperity. As long as these issues are pending resolution, the feeling that ordinary people are not in the politicians' photo will increase, and therefore immigration will continue to be present in the debate.

«JD Vance seems to realize this when he moves the problem of Springfield, Ohio, away from roasted cats and relocates it to the increase in housing prices that has generated high immigration in a small town, in the saturation of medical services and in educational services. The final addition, dedicated to progressives, is the decisive one: “I don’t know why you automatically assume that the only reason people complain about this is that they have ulterior motives. And I can’t stand the condescension directed at all these people who are offering very specific testimonies about how their lives have worsened.”
#EU. The European drama is reflected in the responses to the Draghi report more than in the report itself.

«Under the leadership of the European Central Bank (ECB) and German business circles, the contraction of domestic demand, consumption and investment remains the guiding thread of European economic policies. Improving the trade balance comes before maintaining the productive system.»

«With this philosophy, the continent is unlikely to free up the resources needed to develop cutting-edge sectors or simply strengthen its productive apparatus. We prefer to penalize private demand to keep our large exporting companies afloat. This is the “Emily in Paris” Europe, a Potemkin brand village accessible to American tourists and the wealthy classes of emerging countries.

This supposed choice of stagnation does not exclude a greater feeling of moral superiority, but quite the opposite. Thus, economic decline is accompanied by a form of regulatory intoxication with the multiplication of “soft law” texts intended to show an ideological position or to frame the smallest practices of companies within a meticulous logic of external conformity to the norm. Likewise, the Byzantine Empire sincerely thought that it was defining orthodoxy for the entire known world while the Turks were at its gates».
#Agriculture and #ClimateChange. Is it time to start implementing in the #EU also #cereals and traditional crops in some places in #Africa such as pearl #millet, adapted to suffer regular #drought and high temperatures?
#EU. #France. #Deindustrialization. Since 2017, industrial production has fallen by 6.7% and manufacturing by 6%.
From May 2023 to May 2024, a year of #deindustrialisation in the #EU. The three industrial powers (#Germany, #France and #Italy) are falling and the decline is not compensated by the rest of the Union.
#Italy is getting closer to burying the #EU #GreenDeal.

The minister claims to have the support of 9 more countries to change the #emissions target upwards.
Although the public attention is focused on companies in crisis that have been saved by workers, such as Duralex in #France, throughout the #EU the majority of new #WorkersCooperatives are created from scratch, that is, they are not the outcome of a transformation of an existing business.

In #France «61% of existing SCOPs were created ex nihilo by founders who decided to create a cooperative company together. 16% are born from the transformation of associations or other forms of cooperatives into SCOPs. 16% inherited healthy companies, for example companies whose founders retire. Only 8% of SCOPs were born from the acquisition of a company in difficulty». They also have a 67% 5-year durability, which is higher than average for companies.

In #Spain there are 18,941 worker cooperatives that represent 81% of the total number of existing cooperatives. Worker cooperatives maintain 490,000 jobs for members. More than 1,100 new worker cooperatives are created every year, which means more than 3,200 jobs.
#Spain, #Italy, #Croatia, #Greece, #Bulgaria, #Slovakia... the #EU where young people must conquer #labour or accept themselves as non-autonomous beings.