Barattoota oromoo
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fallacy afaan oromootiin

1. Faalaasii Humnee (Appeal to Force)

✓ Humnaafi doorsisatti fayyadamuun sodaa nama keessatti uumanii fudhatama argachuu yaaluu!

Akkuma maqaan isaa ibsu, faalaasiin kun kan inni uumamu qaamni sababeessa dhiyeessu tokko ragaa loojikaawaafi sababawaa fudhatama qabu dhiyeessuun osoo irraa eegamuu, doorsisa fayyadamuun miira sodaa yaad-caqasaa keessatti uumuun yaadisaa fudhatama akka argatu gochuuf yeroo yaaluudha.

➢ Kunis kan inni ta'u sababeessaan tokko yaad- caqasaaf yaada dhiyeessee, yaad-caqasaan kun yaada dhiyaate kana hinfudhatu yoo ta'e kallattiin ykn alkallattiin miidhaan ta'e akka isa irra ga'uu malu yeroo eeruudha.

➢ Miidhaan kunis miidhaa qaama ykn xiinsammuu namootaa irratti xiyyeeffate ta'uu mala
➢ Doorsisi namoota amansiisuuf dhiyaatuguduunfaa dhugaan isaa mirkanaa'uuf deemu faana hidhata sababaawaa waan hinqabaanneef guduunfaan doorsisa akkasii irratti hundaa'u kamiyyuu sababeessa yaraa waan ta'eef fudhatama argachuu hindanda'u.

Mee haasaa barreessituufi hoogganaa ishee
adeemsifame kana haa ilaallu:
Barreessituu: Waggaa haaraa dhufaa jirutti miindaan naaf dabalamuu qaba. Haadha manaakee faana walitti dhufeenya cimaa akkan qabu hindagattu jedheen yaada. Gocha sagaagaltummaa barana maamilakee
tokko faana haadha raawwatte sana akkan manaakeetti basaasu ni barbaadda jedhee hin yaadu. jirutti miindaan naaf dabalamuu qaba' jedhuudha.

Guduunfaa Guduunfaan sababeessa kanaa hima 'Waggaa haaraa dhufaa kana deeggaree ragaan laatame ragaa akkamiiti?

Daballii miindaaf ragaa akkamiitu ilaalamuu qaba?

Akka seeraatti ta'e, turtii yeroo tajaajilaafi wanneen kana fakkaataniidha.
daballii miindaa argachuuf wanni ilaalamu ga'umsa hojii adda Garuu sababeessaan kun daballii miindaa argachuuf ragaa loojikaawaan isheen dhiyeessite tokko hinjiru.

Barattoota magala kanat online dhan qormaata entrance fudhatu

Definition: The scientific study of the composition, properties, and reactions of matter.

Focus: Atoms, molecules, and ions; chemical bonds, reactions, and transformations.

Examines: The building blocks of matter, how they interact, and the resulting substances and processes.


Definition: The scientific study of the natural world around us, focusing on matter, energy, and the fundamental laws that govern the universe.

Focus: Energy, motion, forces, and the behavior of matter and radiation.
The fundamental laws and principles that govern the physical universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the entire cosmos.


Definition: The scientific study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.

Focus: Living organisms, their interactions, and the processes that sustain life.

Examines: The diversity of life, from molecules and cells to ecosystems and the biosphere, exploring the complex relationships and processes that support life on Earth.
Barattoota oromoo pinned Deleted message
Barattoota oromoo pinned Deleted message

#1_Caamsaa 26-30/2016 #Kutaa_6ffaafi
#2_Waxabajjii 3-7/2016 #Kutaa_8ffaaf ni kennama.
BBO-Ebla 30/2016
#1_Qormaatni kutaa 6ffaa Naannoo Oromiyaa kan qophaa'e gosoota barnoota kutaa 6ffaa keessaa qofa yoo ta'u,
Gosootni Barnootaas;
1.Afaan Oromoo/Amaariffa
2. Afaan Ingilizii
4.Saayinsii Naannoo
5. Barnoota Gadaa 50%fi Safuu 50% .

#2_Qormaatni kutaa 8ffaa Naannoo Oromiyaa kan qophaa'e; gosoota barnootaa kutaa 8ffaa keessaa qofa yoo ta'u,
Gosootni Barnootaas;
1-Afaan Oromoo/Amaariffa
2-Afaan Ingilizii
3- Herrega
4- Saayinsii Hawaasaa
5- Saayinsii Waliigalaa
6- Barnoota Gadaa 50%fi Lammummaa 50% ta'a

#_Gumiin Tiraansiformeeshinii Barnootaa (GTB) hordoffiin keessan daran cimuu qaba,
#Barsiisotni keenya barattootaaf deeggarsi taasifamaa jiru itti haa fufu,
#Hoggansi_manneen_barnootaa haala mijaawaa irratti of kennitanii hojjachuu qabdu,
#_Maatiin barattootaa ijoollee keessaniif xiyyeeffannoon keessan daran haa dabalu,
#_Hundaa'ol #barattootni_keenya_Addunyaa_Iftuu_Egeree_arguuf har'a #ciminaan_qo'achuufi #tasgabbiin_qprmaataaf_of_qopheessuu_qabdu kan jedhu dhaamsa BBO ti.

1. Which of the following is not a type of chemical reaction?
A) Combustion
B) Synthesis
C) Division
D) Decomposition

2. In a combustion reaction, which of the following is always produced?
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Water
D) Hydrogen

3. Which of the following represents a double displacement reaction?
A) AB → A + B
B) AB + CD → AD + CB
C) A + B → AB
D) A + BC → AC + B

4. Which of the following is a characteristic of an exothermic reaction?
A) Absorbs heat from surroundings
B) Decreases in temperature
C) Releases heat to surroundings
D) Increases in entropy

5. What is the driving force behind a chemical reaction?
A) Activation energy
B) Catalysts
C) Enthalpy
D) Entropy

6. Which of the following statements is true about a redox reaction?
A) Electrons are neither gained nor lost
B) Electrons are gained by the oxidizing agent
C) Electrons are gained by the reducing agent
D) Electrons are lost by the reducing agent

7. Which of the following is an example of a precipitation reaction?
A) Acid-base neutralization
B) Formation of a gas
C) Formation of a solid
D) Exchange of ions

8. Which of the following statements is true about an endothermic reaction?
A) Releases energy to surroundings
B) Absorbs energy from surroundings
C) Decreases in entropy
D) Increases in temperature

9. Which of the following factors can affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
A) Pressure
B) Temperature
C) Concentration of reactants
D) All of the above

10. Which of the following is an example of a decomposition reaction?
A) 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O
B) Mg + 2HCl → MgCl₂ + H₂
C) 2H₂O → 2H₂ + O₂
D) NaCl + AgNO₃ → NaNO₃ + AgCl

Sagantaa guyyaa
qormaata kutaa 12ffaa Kan bara 2016 fudhatan:-

➭ Qoramtoonni saayinsii hawaasaa

Roobii (03/11/2016)
      Ganama :- Afaan Ingiliffaa
      Guyyaa  :- Herregaa

Kamisa:- (04/11/2016)
      Ganama :- Aptituudii
      Guyyaa  :- Ji'oograafii

Jimaata:- (05/11/2016)
      Ganama :- History
      Guyyaa  :- Economics 

➭ Qoramtoonni saayinsii uumamaa Adoolessa 9-11/2016 fudhatu.

Kibxata:- (09/11/2016)
      Ganama :- Afaan Ingiliffaa
      Guyyaa  :- Maths

Roobii (10/11/2016)
      Ganama :- Aptituudii

      Guyyaa  :- Physics

Kamisa:- (11/11/2016)
      Ganama :- Chemistry
      Guyyaa  :- Biology

➭Qoramaanni Bara 2016 magaalota filatamoo ta'an keessatti barattoonni filataman toora interneetii kan fudhatan yoo ta'u, barattoonni kan hafan Yunivarsitiiwwan keessatti waraqaan ni fudhatu jedhameera.

➭ Magaalota filatamoo 25 qormaanni kutaa 12ffaa toora interneetiin itti kennamu fuulduratti ifa ni ta'a.

2⃣7⃣0⃣0⃣k subscribers

#english #paragraph

1. Which type of paragraph is primarily focused on telling a story or recounting a sequence of events?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

2. Which type of paragraph aims to explain or inform the reader about a topic?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

3. Which type of paragraph is primarily focused on creating a vivid mental image for the reader?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

4. Which type of paragraph is primarily focused on convincing the reader to accept a particular viewpoint or take a specific action?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

5. Which type of paragraph is often used in academic writing to present research findings or explain a concept?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

6. Which type of paragraph is commonly used in creative writing to set the scene or describe a character?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

7. Which type of paragraph is often used in opinion pieces or argumentative essays?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

8. Which type of paragraph is typically structured with a clear beginning, middle, and end?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

9. Which type of paragraph is often used to provide background information or context for the reader?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

10. Which type of paragraph is commonly used in personal essays or memoirs?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

11. Which type of paragraph is often used to explain a process or how something works?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

12. Which type of paragraph is typically focused on evoking emotions or sensations in the reader?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

13. Which type of paragraph is often used to present an argument or make a case for a particular position?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

14. Which type of paragraph is commonly used in news articles or reports to provide factual information?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

15. Which type of paragraph is often used to compare and contrast different ideas or concepts?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

16. Which type of paragraph is typically structured with a clear thesis statement or main idea?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

17. Which type of paragraph is often used to provide personal anecdotes or stories to support a point?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

18. Which type of paragraph is commonly used in scientific or technical writing to explain a phenomenon or process?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

19. Which type of paragraph is often used to present a problem and propose a solution?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive

20. Which type of paragraph is typically focused on creating a specific mood or atmosphere for the reader?
a) Narrative
b) Expository
c) Descriptive
d) Persuasive
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Barattoota oromoo pinned Deleted message
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