فدراسیون عصر آنارشيسم / Federation of Anarchism Era
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کانال تلگرام فدراسیون عصر آنارشیسم


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Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 4)

I was born in 2000. I was six months old when my father fell from the top of a building while working and died. Because there was no insurance, and we were also destitute, my mother married a man with addiction at my uncle's insistence. My mother also turned to drugs. For two years, they entrusted me to my grandparents, and after their death, they left me sporadically in state welfare (Behzisti) for orphaned children for several years. I was very interested in theater, painting, and studying. I wanted to go to university, but I had to work.

I was sexually assaulted by my employer when I was fifteen years old, but when I told my uncle, he said that the problem was my own. I went to work somewhere else. Then, I ran away and started working in a bigger city. The restaurant owner who let me sleep above his shop came one night, and my resistance was futile. I returned to my town with a broken tooth and a swollen side—one day at this relative's house, one day at that relative's house. I was not always upset with my family because I knew the problem was somewhere else. The pain was rooted in a deeper place.

I hated governments, dictators, and misogynist men. Girls made me feel safe. However, our living condition, even when cried out, is not noticed in this country. As a result, you have to fight for everything. And that was what I was good at. First, I got introduced to some pages on the internet and did some activities. Then, I learned about the Anarchist friend's page through some girls in our neighborhood. Our enthusiasm and security began here, the beginning of freedom. We had a place to sleep; we had a goal. When I got to know my comrades' political opinions little by little, I saw that I was born an anarchist like them. We found life when we threw Molotov cocktails into seminary schools. Between the fire and the tear gas, we burst out laughing happily.

The comrade says I should not thank him here. But the bond between all of us, our comrades, is unbreakable. We really want the deprived boys and girls to know that the struggle is theirs. The struggle is not exclusive to a few. We have learned the struggle and rebellion since childhood. We have tasted the bitter taste of rejection, humiliation, being crushed, being traded as a commodity, fear, and blood, and we know how to fight better than anyone. The streets call for us.

Greetings to all comrades

Footnote: For security reasons, changes have been made in the text.

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Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 5)

I was born in the late 1980s. My father was a left-wing political prisoner in the 80s, and I was conceived during the prison visits. After my father's release when I was two years old, even though he was educated, he had to go to other jobs because of his political background.

My mother couldn't bear it anymore and without saying anything she left me in the park, next to our house, with a small letter in my pocket. My father killed himself three months later. As I understood, my mother, who had remarried, had an accident with her husband on the Shiraz road, and both passed away. I grew up with my grandmother, and my only possession was a letter from my father, whose will was for me not to allow myself to break under power and be stronger than him.

My first political activity was forming a small group, which was done by putting up a banner and many printed slogans, etc., in one of the northern cities of Iran. Then, I was arrested and served my sentence in one of the prisons after being deported to another. After that, we gathered wounded and strong comrades and created a group with cohesive and consistent activities.

I was injured in January 2016. In November 2018, we did a lot of work with the anarchist group of the Federation. We diligently prepared anarchist books and articles and delivered them to the people every month without interruption. In Jina's uprising of 2022, we were more experienced, more numerous, and braver than ever present in the streets without wasting time. The majority of our members were girls from the 2000s, whose courage is a driving force for me.

We Iranian anarchist children have no one anywhere in the world except the family of anarchists. We salute you all, and we promise you that we will not stop fighting until our last breath.

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فدراسیون عصر آنارشيسم / Federation of Anarchism Era
Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 5) I was born in the late 1980s. My father was a left-wing political prisoner in the 80s, and I was conceived during the prison visits. After my father's release when I was two years old, even though…
زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران ( شماره ۵ )

متولد اواخر دهه شصت هستم. پدرم از زندانیان سیاسی چپ دهه شصت بوده و نطفه من در ملاقات‌های زندان بسته میشود. بعد از آزادی که حالا من دوساله‌ام، با اینکه تحصیل‌کرده بود، به دلیل سابقه‌ی سیاسی‌اش مجبور بود سراغ کارهای دیگری برود. مادرم تاب نیاورد و بدون اینکه چیزی بگوید مرا در پارک کنار خانه رها میکند با کاغذی کوچک در جیبم. پدرم سه ماه بعد خودش را کشت. مادرم نیز که ازدواج مجدد کرده بود اینطور که فهمیدم در جاده شیراز با همسرش تصادف میکنند و هر دو فوت میکنند. من از کودکی نزد مادربزرگم رشد کردم و تنها دارایی‌ام نامه‌ای بود از پدرم که وصیت کرده بود مرا به زیر بار زور نرفتن و اینکه از او قوی‌تر باشم.

اولین فعالیت سیاسی من با تشکیل یک گروه کوچک بود که با نصب بنر و تعداد زیادی شعار چاپ شده و غیره که در یکی از شهرهای شمال ایران به انجام رسید. بعد دستگیر شدم و ابتدا در یکی از زندان بعد با تبعید به زندانی دیگر محکومیت خود را گذراندم. بعد از آن با جمع کردن رفقایی زخم خورده و قوی بصورت گروهی فعالیتهای منسجمی داشتیم.

در دی‌ماه ۱۳۹۶ زخمی شدم. در آبان ۱۳۹۸ با گروه آنارشیستی فدراسیون کارهای زیادی انجام دادیم. در تهیه کتابهای آنارشیستی و مقالات و رساندنش به دست مردم بصورت ماهانه و بدون وقفه کوشا بودیم. در قیام ژینا، با تجربه‌تر، پرتعدادتر، شجاع‌تر از همیشه بدون فوت وقت در خیابان حضور داشتیم. اکثریت فعالین آنارشیست را دختران دهه هشتادی تشکیل دادند که شجاعت آنها برای من نیروی محرکه‌ای بود بی‌مانند.

ما بچه‌های آنارشیست ایران جز خانواده‌ی آنارشیستها در هر کجای جهان هیچکس را نداریم. به همه شما درود میفرستیم و به شما قول می‌دهیم تا ثانیه‌ای که نفس میکشیم از جنگیدن دست برنداریم.

فهرست صفحات ما:

با مبارزات ما همیاری کنید:

Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 6)

I was born in 2001. I still smell my mother whenever I see fire. My sister and I were both six years old when my mother, due to my father's endless beatings and accusations, poured gasoline on herself. By the time the neighbors reached her, there was nothing left of my mother. My father didn't reflect and back off at all. He used to punch and kick us so much that one of my sister's hands was completely disabled. We were nine years old when my father fell into a coma in an accident while working in a machine shop and then passed away.

Taking care of my sister and her education required me to grow up immediately. I worked, peddled, cleaned people's houses, heard accusations, and got injured, but still, I could not create an independent life for myself and my sister. When my sister's forced marriage by my uncle happened, my attention was drawn to the root of the common pain of all women and oppressed people.

I was working and, at the same time, started my fight against dictatorship, the dominant social order, and the corrupt police by making graffiti and sharing it. I was raped in a Basij detention center. I was humiliated but more determined than before to look for a way to fight. This anger should be tied to freedom. When I met an anarchist friend through some friends, I realized that this is the safe place and the house and family to which I belong.

Persevering and fighting is not just a form of life, but life itself. I will not give in to the rampant corruption. We have made a promise to our comrades, which is a message to the whole world. You have to stand with all your strength before the outwardly strong powers. They are afraid of your perseverance, solidarity, passion, and fighting. They don't want to see free and fighting women. We anarchists are like a thorn in their eyes.

Victory is ours. Long live all comrades anywhere in the world.

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زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران ( شماره ۶ )

متولد ۱۳۸۰ هستم. هنوز هم با دیدن آتش بوی مادرم را استشمام میکنم. من و خواهرم هر دو شش ساله بودیم وقتی مادرم از دست کتک‌خوردن‌های بی‌پایان و تهمت‌های پدرم، روی خودش بنزین ریخت و تا همسایه ها به او رسیدند دیگر چیزی از مادرم به جا نمانده بود. پدرم نیز کم نیاورد و ما را زیر مشت و لگد میگرفت تا آنجا که یک دست خواهرم کاملا از کار افتاد. ما ۹ ساله بودیم که پدرم در سانحه‌ای هنگام کار در تراشکاری به کما رفت و بعد فوت کرد.

مراقبت از خواهرم و تحصیل او نیاز به بزرگ شدن یکباره من داشت. کار کردم، دستفروشی کردم در خانه مردم نظافت کردم، تهمت‌ها شنیدم زخم خوردم اما باز هم نتوانستم برای خودم و خواهرم زندگی مستقلی تشکیل بدهم. وقتی ازدواج اجباری خواهرم توسط عمویم اتفاق افتاد، توجهم به جاهایی جلب شد که ریشه‌ی درد مشترک تمام زنان و ستم‌دیدگان بود.

کار میکردم و همزمان با دیوارنویسی و اشتراک آن مبارزه خودم با دیکتاتوری و نظم مسلط و پلیس فاسد شروع کردم. در بازداشتگاه بسیج مورد تجاوز قرار گرفتم تحقیر شدم اما مصمم‌تر از پیش دنبال مسیری برای مبارزه گشتم. این خشم باید به آزادی گره میخورد. وقتی از طریق چند دوست با رفیقی آنارشیست آشنا شدم فهمیدم اینجا همان خانه‌ و خانواده‌ای ست که به آن تعلق دارم همان نقطه‌ی امن.

اینجا ایستادن و جنگیدن شکلی از زندگی نیست خود زندگی‌ست‌. من تن به این فساد مسلط نمیدهم و پیمانی با رفقایمان بسته‌ایم و این پیمان پیامی ست برای سراسر جهان‌. شما باید با تمام قوا روبروی قدرتهای پوشالی بایستید آنها از ایستادگی و اتحاد و شور و جنگندگی شما واهمه دارند. آنها چشم دیدن زنان مبارز و آزاده را ندارند و ما آنارشیستها مانند خاری در چشمهاشان پیش میرویم.

پیروزی از آن ماست. زنده باد همه‌ی رفقا در هر کجای جهان

فهرست صفحات ما:

با مبارزات ما همیاری کنید:

Another Kurdish girl, Armita Geravand, was killed by the Islamic Republic of Iran because of the Hijab and Islamic dress code.

Armita Geravand was a 16-year-old Kurdish girl living in Tehran with her family. On Oct. 1st, she was dragged out of Tehran Metro, beaten & unconscious.

On Oct 22nd, she was declared brain dead after weeks of being unconscious.

On Oct 28th, the regime finally declared Armita Geravand's death. This is a calculated move by the regime as the world is paying attention to Israel's genocidal massacre of Palestinian people.

The Iran regime forces are currently stationed around Armita Geravand's house in Tehran.

* Correction & Context:
Geravand is one of the Lor tribes mostly residing in Khuzestan and Lorestan. The relatives of Armita live in Kermanshah, a Kurdish-majority province, which led to the mistake.

Anarchist Graffiti in Iran
دیوارنویسی آنارشیستی در ایران

Woman Life Freedom
زن زندگی آزادی

The morning call of prayer was our hymn of death
اذان صبح سرود مرگ ما بود

Sepahi (IRGC) go hide in your rat hole
سپاهی سوراخ موش بخر

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ویدیو: زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران (شماره ۱)

Video: Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 1) (With English Subtitles)


#anarchism #anarchists #biography #woman_life_freedom #آنارشیسم #آنارشیست #زن_زندگی_آزادی. https://t.me/asranarshism
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Afghanophobia is on the rise in Iran, partly fueled by the Iranian regime, leading to an increasingly deadly immigrant crisis

In Kerman, a woman protested the police beating and unjustly arresting a youth from Afghanistan. The police assaulted her in retaliation.

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ویدیو: زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران (شماره ۲) + English Subtitles

Video: Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 2) (With English Subtitles)


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#anarchism #anarchists #biography #woman_life_freedom #آنارشیسم #آنارشیست #زن_زندگی_آزادی
زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران ( شماره ۸ )

متولد سال ۱۳۷۹ هستم اما بسیار بیشتر از سنم به نظر می‌رسم. در کودکی هم مانند یک بزرگسال باید کار می‌کردم. هر بار که برادر بزرگم به مادرم حمله می‌کرد و برای پول مواد او را کتک می‌زد می‌فهمیدم که به اندازه‌ی کافی برای آوردن پول تلاش نکرده‌ام. هر چقدر هم تلاش می‌کردم دستمزد یک کودک محدود است و توانایی اش هم محدود اما سوالاتم نامحدود بود. کنار هر مشکل، یک چرا می‌گذاشتم، چرا پدر ندارم، چرا برادرم پرده‌ژ گوشم را پاره کرد، چرا صورت و دست مادرم همیشه کبود است، چرا غذای ما با غذای مردم متفاوت است، چرا لباس ما کهنه‌ است، چرا همسایه ها از ما بدشان می‌آید، چرا خواهرم از شوهرش طلاق گرفت، چرا خواهرم خودش را کشت، چرا برابری در جامعه نیست، چرا هرگز پلیس برای کمک به ما نیامد؟ چرا چرا چرا

از کودکی یکباره به بزرگسالی رسیدم و سوال‌هایم نیز پخته‌تر شدند. دیگر مادری نبود که نگران از دست دادنش باشم و برادری که از او بترسم. شور و شوق ساختن و جنگیدن و مبارزه با ساختار بیمارگونه حکومت برای من انگیزه‌ای وصف ناشدنی‌بود. با وصل شدن به رفقای آنارشیست در فضای مجازی خانواده حقیقی خودم را یافتم. کاری جز مبارزه بلد نیستم و قلبم با انرژی رفقای آنارشیستم می‌تپد. هر بار که برای فعالیت یا عملیاتی بیرون میرویم به خودم میگویم پیش رویم آزادی ست که به من خیره شده است و بی‌قرار است تا ما خود را به او برسانیم. آن روز نزدیک است چه من باشم چه نباشم، چون با مبارزانی همسنگرم که مانند پولاد سخت‌اند مانند آب زلال.

فهرست صفحات ما:

با مبارزات ما همیاری کنید:

فدراسیون عصر آنارشيسم / Federation of Anarchism Era
Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 8)

I was born in 2000 but look much older than my age. As a child, I had to work like an adult. Every time my older brother attacked my mother and beat her for drug money, I thought I had failed to bring enough cash. No matter how hard I tried, a child's salary and abilities were limited, but my questions were unending. Next to every problem, I put a why, why I don't have a father, why my brother tore my eardrum, why my mother's face and hands are always bruised, why our food is different from other people's food, why our clothes are old, why our neighbors hate us, why did my sister divorce her husband, why did my sister kill herself, why is there no equality in society, why did the police never come to help us? Why? Why? Why?

From childhood, I became an adult overnight, and my questions became more mature. I no longer had a mother to worry about losing and a brother to fear. Enthusiasm for building and fighting against the sickly governmental social structures was an indescribable motivator for me. I found my real family by connecting with anarchist comrades online. I know nothing but struggle, and my heart beats with the energy of my anarchist comrades. Whenever we go out for an activity or an operation, I tell myself that there is freedom in front of us that is staring at me and is restless for us to reach him. That day is near, whether I'm there to see it or not, because I am side by side with fighters who are hard as steel and clear as water.

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ویدیو: زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران (شماره ۳) + English Subtitles

Video: Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 3) (With English Subtitles)


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#anarchism #anarchists #biography #woman_life_freedom #آنارشیسم #آنارشیست #زن_زندگی_آزادی
Anarchist Activities in Iran for Bloody November 2019 uprising:
Distribution of a more than 300 flyers on cars

"November continues, we continue..."
"Islamic Republic killed 1,500 of our fellow people in November 2019"

فعالیت‌های آنارشیست‌های ایران به مناسبت قیام آبان خونین ۱۳۹۸:
پخش بیش از ۳۰۰ تراکت بر روی ماشین‌های

«آبان ادامه دارد، ما ادامه داریم...»
«جمهوری اسلامی در آبان ۹۸ ۱۵۰۰ نفر از هموطنان ما را به قتل رساند»


Radical Street Art Seen in Rome
By the Feminist and Transfeminist Network of the Rome 3rd Municipality

هنر رادیکال خیابانی در روم ایتالیا
توسط شبکه فمینیستی و ترنس‌فمینیستی شهرداری سوم روم


Anarchist Graffiti in Iran
"You can arrest a revolutionary, not a revolution!"

دیوارنویسی آنارشیست‌ها در ایران
«یک انقلابی را میتوانید دستگیر کنید، یک انقلاب را نه!»


زندگینامه مبارزان آنارشیست جغرافیای ایران ( شماره ۹ )

متولد ۱۳۸۱ هستم. فراز و نشیب زندگی من مانند دیگر رفقا نبوده است. اما از دوران مدرسه درد دیگران آزارم میداد. هر بار که از خانواده ام میپرسیدم میگفتند سرت به کار خودت باشد. اما چطور بود که در زمستان من در لباسی گرم بودم و در خیابان بسیاری را میدیدم که در سردترین زمان سال، برای یک لقمه نان سطل‌های زباله را میگشتند؟

پدرم یک کارمند بازنشسته بود. اولین بار با خواندن کتاب الفبای آنارشیستی که دوست خواهرم به من داد و در صفحه اولش ایمیل رفیقی بود با آنارشیسم آشنا شدم. چنان تحولی در من ایجاد شد که دیگر نمیتوانستم حتی به خانه برگردم. وقتی درد رفقا را دیدم فوت پدر و مادرم دیگر برایم غم بزرگی نبود. وقتی رفقای همسنگرم فجایعی چون تجاوز و مرگ و حبس و ... را از سرگذرانده‌اند من کیستم که از درد بگویم.

سه سال است که فعالیت گروهی دارم و حرارت مبارزه برای جهانی برابر در کنار رفقا حیاتم را تضمین کرده است. در یک سال و دو ماه اخیر ما شبانه روز در جنگ بوده‌ایم. ما با حکومتی میجنگیم که مردم را در خفا میکشد. پیکرهای مبارزین را میدزدد و بازماندگانشان را حبس و شکنجه میکند. ما در سکوت خبری جان میدهیم. نه راهپیمایی‌ای برایمان میکنند و نه نامی از ما می‌شنوند.

ما با حکومتی تا دندان مسلح هر روز در جنگیم. حکومتی که بیشترین زندانی عقیدتی را در جهان دارد‌. حکومتی که هیچ نظر مخالفی را برنمی‌تابد، و هیچ‌کس در جهان برایش مهم نیست که از سال ۱۳۵۷ تا کنون چقدر اعدام و ترور و شکنجه و قتل و زندانی به وقوع پیوسته. ما شبانه روز با چنین جلادانی در جنگیم که در جهان با آنها مماشات میکنند و دستهای خون‌آلود آنان را نمیبینند و به آنها مشروعیت میدهند.

اما اما اما تا زمانی که رفیق، یک مبارز یک آزادی‌خواه و یک آنارشیست نفس میکشد هیچ حکومتی هیچ قدرتی در امان نخواهد بود. ما پیروزیم با دست خالی به دشمن فائق میشویم و از آنان درس عبرتی می‌سازیم.

فهرست صفحات ما:

با مبارزات ما همیاری کنید:


Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran's Geography (No. 9)

I was born in 2003. The ups and downs of my life have not been like those of other comrades. However, the pain of others has bothered me since my school days. Whenever I asked my family, they said to mind my business. But, how was it that I was in a warm dress in winter, and I saw many people on the street looking for a piece of bread in the trash cans in the coldest time of the year?

My father was a retired employee. I learned about anarchism for the first time by reading the ABC of Anarchism book that my sister's friend gave me, and on the first page was an email from a friend. I was so transformed reading the book that I could not even return home. When I saw the pain of my friends, the death of my parents was no longer a great sadness for me. When my comrades have gone through tragedies such as rape, death, imprisonment, etc., who am I to say of my pain?

I have worked in an affinity group for three years, and my passion for fighting alongside my comrades for an equal world has safeguarded my life. We have been at war day and night in the last year and so. We are fighting against a government that kills people covertly, steals the bodies of fighters, and imprisons and tortures their survivors. We die in silence. They don't march for us, and they don't hear our name.

We are at war with a government armed to the teeth every day, a government that has the most prisoners of conscience in the world. A government that would not stand any opposing opinion, and no one in the world cares about how many executions, assassinations, tortures, murders, and imprisonments have taken place since 1979. We are at war day and night with such executioners that the world appeases them, ignore their bloody hands, and legitimizes them.

However, However, However, as long as a comrade, a fighter, a libertarian, and an anarchist breathes, no government and no power would be safe. We defeat the enemy with empty hands and make them a lesson for the ages.

The list of our main pages:

Support us in our struggle:

As a result of Pakistan's missile attack on the Sistan & Baluchistan provinces of Iran, at least 6 children and teenagers and 4 Baluch women were killed.
Pakistan's action was retaliation for Iran's missile attack in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan, killing at least two young Baluch girls.

The regimes of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are all child murderers.

در نتیجه حمله موشکی پاکستان به استان سیستان و بلوچستان ایران، حداقل ۶ کودک و نوجوان و ۴ زن بلوچ کشته شدند.
اقدام پاکستان حمله‌ای تلافی‌جویانه در مقابل حمله موشکی ایران به استان بلوچستان پاکستان بوده است که منجر به کشته شدن حداقل دو دختر جوان بلوچ شده است.

رژیم های ایران، افغانستان و پاکستان همگی قاتل کودکان هستند.



Radical Graffiti of Women Anarchist Comrades in Iran

Anarchist Girls
We are the Negation of Power
Standing until Victory
No to Compulsory Hijab
No to Execution
No God, No Master
Death to the Dictator
Woman Life Freedom
Anarchism Triumphant
Death to King and Supreme Leader
Long Live Anarchism

دیوارنویسی رادیکال دختران آنارشیست در ایران

دختران آنارشیست
ما نفی قدرتیم
ایستاده‌ایم تا پیروزی
نه به حجاب اجباری
نه به اعدام
نه خدا نه رهبر
مرگ بر دیکتاتور
زن زندگی آزادی
آنارشیسم پیروز
مرگ بر شاه و رهبر
زنده‌باد آنارشیسم

