Social Media Talk
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Social Media thoughts, tips, tricks and discussions.

Founder @RobertWallis ๐Ÿค“
More info here ๐Ÿ‘‰
Download Telegram
Telegram System Limits

I've written the details up on my blog here. Would love to hear your comments.

Note that this discussion will be embedded and appear on the article too ๐Ÿ‘

#Telegram #Discussion
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Limitless Voice Chats

Will be trying this out on this channel, so sub to join in ๐Ÿ‘

Details here.

#Telegram #Feature
Telegram Message Formatting Options

Bold: Text
Italic: Text
Strike: Text
Monospace: Text
Link: Text

Have I missed any?

Edit: I missed underline: Text
(Thanks Telegram on Twitter)

#Telegram #Feature
Social Media Potential

Telegram channels strike me as the most flexible, feature rich social media opportunity currently available.

First up I'm interested in whether you agree or dissagree?

Having spent a fair amount of time thinking of fun and interesting ways a channels could be used, the only thing I remain confused about is how and why the normal social media crowd seem to have totally missed Telegram as an opportunity. ๐Ÿค”

#Telegram #Discussion
Let's talk about replies on Telegram

Well, there are a number of reasons but mostly because people seem to think that a message is a reply when it comes after a previous message. This is not the case.

Sometimes you may not need to think about your response as a reply.
For example, this channel post; if you respond with a comment your comment is a reply automatically. It's a reply in the connected group. It just looks like youve responded with a comment.

If you respond to a previous comment, by leaving a following comment chronologically, that comment is not technically a reply to the previous comment is is another reply to the channel post (in the connected group).

When communicating in large groups, unless your message is totally new you should always respond with a relpy. If you don't then the context of your message can be lost to others. That might not be obvious to you as you are seeing messages displayed chronologically, but any public message can be viewed in an isolated fashion, or as part of a "discussion" thread: but only where people have actually used reply.

Of the people I communicate with on Telegram many of them claim to understand how replies work, but none of them actually implement replies. Either they do not understand, or they have not paid enough attention.

Do you use reply?

#Telegram #Discussion
I recorded this video for the members of the English Cologne Telegram GROUP I manage, but I'm sharing it here because it's more of a social media discussion around how Telegram channel comments work with a connected group and how the discussion widget can be used with channel posts to surface group threads as webpage comments.

The video is a bit rambling and is unedited, but may help if you're not fully up to speed with Telegram channels and groups.

If you have any questions just ask ๐Ÿค“

How and why to use REPLY in Telegram

Most people are making a simple mistake when responding in Telegram. Are you?

Read this artice which explains why you should respond with a (proper) reply.


Note that I will be using Telegram's discussion widget on that page, so comments on this post will appear there.

#Telegram #Discussion
Are your shared links fugly? ๐Ÿคช

I've just uploaded a short "How to Hyperlink text in Telegram Messenger" video on my YouTube channel.

Click or tap the hyperlinked text in this specific channel post to watch it ๐Ÿ‘

Don't share ๐Ÿคข ugly ๐Ÿคฎ links. HYPERLINK your text and share ๐Ÿ˜ beutiful links ๐Ÿ˜ instead.

Was this helpful?

#Telegram #Strategy
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Replies to comments on Telegram channels

Because most of my comment interactions are with comments on my channels it's taken a while for me to experience a reply to a comment I have made on a channel where I'm not owner or admin of the connected group in which the channel comments are hosted.

It basically all works as I had expected.

A"Replies" chat showing replies to comments I have left on channel posts, where I am not a member of the connected group.

#Telegram #Feature
I've made a video about how Telegram comments are REPLIES in a CONNECTED GROUP.

Watch here:

These are I think the most illuminating screenshots from the video. From left to right: the channel post, eight comments, eight replies in the connected group.

This might be the easiest way to see and understand that there are in fact no such thing as channel comments. Channel comments are a threaded discussion view of REPLIES in the connected group.

Once understood it's a pretty simple comment solution that has some interesting benifits.

#Telegram #Feature #Discussion
What is Telegram? - #Telegram #Discussion Lots of people have a view about what Telegram is which maybe correct or incorrect, but views about what Telegram is are more often than not too narrow.

Mostly people view Telegram as a messaging or chat App, which it of course it is; but it's more than that too. With this discussion I hope to broaden your viewpoint by of Telegram offering some examples and answering your questions.

How Telegram is like WhatsApp?
The mobile App looks simillar to WhatsApp in many ways, in the same way that many messaging Apps will have a similarlly looking user interface. Things that people do on WhatsApp can be done with Telegram.

How Telegram is NOT like WhatsApp - Brand channels
There are lots of things that people can do with Telegram can do which cannot be done with WhatsApp.

For example this message or "post" is the two hundered and seventy second post made to a "Brand Channel" named Social Media Talk, which has the "username" @SocialKnowhow

A brand channel can be viewed like a Facebook page, or a Twitter channel.

A Telegram channel can be viewed with all the channel posts within the Telegram App. But people who don't use Telegram can read public channel posts outside of Telegram. Each post has a post page with a unique URL: channel-name/post-ID

There are also private channels which cannot be viewed outside of being signed into Telegram.

Brand channels are created by an owning account but can be managed by multiple accounts with granular permissions if the channel owner sets that up.

How Telegram is NOT like WhatsApp - Telegram Groups
WhatsApp has a groups feature. A group is a community space where the group members (by default) have write access to; by write access I mean group members can posts "messages" to the group.

Telegram has a groups feature, but on Telegram groups can have many more members and be public or private. So Telegram group featuers make them are more like Facebook groups. Public groups have a public URL / Username like a public channel URL. Groups can be managed by up to fifty admins or moderators.

How Telegram is NOT like WhatsApp - Privacy
WhatsApp uses a phone number to register in a similar way to Telegram. But Telegram does NOT show your phone number to others by default. It does show your phone number to "contacts" by default. Your contacts are generally people who you have shared your contact details with.

With Telegram you can restrict who can see your phone mumber down to no-one.

With Telegram you can choose to add a public username. My public username is @RobertWallis - A public username gives you a public profile and URL. WhatsApp doesn't have public content or public profiles.

If you do not have a public profile on Telegram you can still interact with public content, where your username is not liked to a profile.

Lots more ...
There are lots of other aspects and technical differences, but I hope I've done enough for you to consider taking a first or second look at what Telegram is.

If you are a Telegram user you can comment on this post. I would love to hear your feedback or questions.

Thanks ๐Ÿ™
I made a suggestion for Improved User Profiles on Telegram.

Do you think that is clear? Helpful?

Anything else you'd like to add?

Link #Telegram
Please read this short blog article I wrote last night.

Then let me have your feedback or comments.

I'm not using this post for comments on the article this time. which I usually do, so there is a non-Telegram commenting option available there this time.

The article once again tackles the subject of Telegram replies, but this time focuses on value for the user themselves.

New background desgin for Telegram pages on web.

When you visit a Telegram @username page, a public channel or group page, visit a single post page, or preview a channel you'll see this new page background design.

Will you consider paying for Telegram Premium?

#Telegram #Discussion