Social Media Talk
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Social Media thoughts, tips, tricks and discussions.

Founder @RobertWallis 🤓
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Currently when you publish on Twitter it is possible to change "Who can reply" from "Everyone" to "People you follow" or "Only people you mention".

It seems to me that it would make much more sense for the middle option to be "Your followers" instead.


#Twitter #Discussion
Which social media platform is best understood by its users?

If any 🤷‍♂️
Not sure when this changed but a hashtag search on Twitter now returns standard search results alongside the hashtag results.

If that isn't clear for example this hashtag search returns results which contain the text "not Instagram" alongside hashtag results.

As a secondary thought it also looks like search results are available only to logged in users.

Instagram stops allowing you to see "Recent" hashtagged photos. Now you have the option to see "Recent top posts" instead.

I guess this is to combat hashtag spam, but the question is will it show all genuinely tagged images? 🤷‍♂️

When did Facebook last innovate a new feature themselves, rather than copy or steal?
Social Media:
Anonymous Quiz
It wasn't clear to me previously, nor does it state on Twitter's Circle help page, but the same visibility is applied to replies.

#Twitter #Feature
After a long wait and repeatedly stating that I didn't think that Twitter Communities were officially dead, it is great to have some confirmation that the feature isn't dead and is now being actively worked on again.

Hopefully they'll take Communities in the right direction 👍

From any Tweet ...
Follow ✔️
Follow back ✔️

To unfollow someone you'll need to visit their profile I guess 🤷‍♂️

Genuine question.

Will you be installing and using META's Twitter clone "Threads"?
Anonymous Poll
Yes 👍
Maybe 🤷‍♂️
No 🚫
Twitter to ditch their Circles feature.

I'm OK with this. You?

When did Instagram introduce it's "For you" stream?

Red wine ....... TEST 😁

See the test? 🔍

It's not working for me, or on other shares of a "Thread" I've looked at.
Seems like a good idea. People would no longer have to specify that they are quoting a "thread" rather than a single tweet.

I like the way Elon uses his account to beta test ideas in plain sight. 👍

Wow. WhatsApp video looks just like the feature on Telegram 😐
Posting a link to Threads on X 🤔

As a social media manager would you do this? As a viewer how do you feel about others doing this?
Recent Updates for X

We have always been able to pin up to five lists, but now we can also pin communities to the home page. The number of timelines (List or Community) one can pin has increased from five to ten 👍
X verified users (subscribers) can now create up to ten communities. And community owners / moderators can also now ask users requesting to join their community a question, plus re-invite people they may have previously accidentally not allowed to join.

🤔 true?
