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Twitter Circle now available for all users.

Add up to 150 user and tweet just to them.


#Twitter #discussion
Visibility, for your Twitter Circle tweets, is retroactive.

Meanig any new account you add to your Twitter Circle can see any / all past tweets you have published to your Circle.

"Twitter Circle is a way to send tweets to select people ..."

No. No it's not. It's a way to share tweets with a select group of people.

"Send" implies a tweet is sent-to a person, perhaps alerting that person that they have received a message.

"Share with" would be better. No?

Who to add to your Twitter Circle 🤔

Twitter gave all Twitter users access to Twittter Circle at the end of August. You can add up to 150 accounts to your Circle. And when you share a tweet with your Circle only those accounts can see it or respond.

Sounds simple right?
But think a little deeper: you can add any account to your Circle: but unless they are following you what's the point?
Your Circle tweets are private, if people aren't following YOU then these private (non-public) tweets will not be in their Twitter stream, so there's practically zero channce that they will ever see these private tweets.

Should you add your "friends" to your Circle?
Well again, uless they follow you and are a very active Twitter user what would be the point?

There is no notification, "X has shared a private Tweet with you". How are these private tweets ever going to be seen?

Maybe, if you are wanting to use Twitter's Circle feature, you should consider. pinning your first Circle tweet to the top of your profile and then add all your future Circle tweets as part of one long private thread ..... That way at least. people in your Circle have some chance of seeing these private tweets. If, they happen to visit your Twitter profile.

For me it's hard to see a clear use case for Twitter's Circle feature. It seems poorley thought out. The only thing Twitter seems to have thought clearly about is the concious removal of analytics for Circle tweets. So it's impossible to have any understanding as to whether any of the people in your Twitter Circle have seen any of your private Tweets 🤷‍♂️

Twitter edit history ...

So ... if you reply to a tweet before it's edited your reply still references. the older version, with an edit link in the old tweet which then shows the newer version.

I'm guessing embeds, of the pre-edited version will work in the same way 🤷‍♂️

Twitter appears to be working on a "Super Follows" community feature.

This would make sense from Twitter's perspective. Super Follows is a paid feature, and they need to move as much revenue generation as possible away from advertising.

It will also be easy to "manage" as the use-case is relatively small but high profile.

If true this would hopefully also imply permanence for the standard community feature.

In this blog post I dive a liitle deeper into how Twitter's community hashtags are different to hashtags outside of a Twitter community.

And give a couple of examples of how one might strategise that difference.


Why would anyone "protect" their tweets?

Originally asked on Twitter.

This might at first seem like a dumb question, but ...

When you "protect" your tweets:
You can reply to anyone on Twitter, but those accounts will not see your reply.
You can mention any account in a Tweet, but that account will not see or be notified of your mention.

So .... especially now everyone has Twitter Circle, why would anyone protect their tweets? 🤔

Twitter's community manager for their Community feature has been laid off.

The future of the community feature? Unknown at this point.

Who sees REPLIES to Twitter Circle tweets?

It's not clear to me who sees replies to Twitter Circle tweets. Are they like replies to protected tweets, which are public (when the accounts tweets are public). Or do replies to a Twitter Circle tweet have the same visibility applied as the Twitter Circle tweet?

I guess I could test this, but does anyone already know?

#Twitter #Discussion
Seeing stuff like this makes me want to pull my hair out.

But can you see why?

Currently when you publish on Twitter it is possible to change "Who can reply" from "Everyone" to "People you follow" or "Only people you mention".

It seems to me that it would make much more sense for the middle option to be "Your followers" instead.


#Twitter #Discussion
Not sure when this changed but a hashtag search on Twitter now returns standard search results alongside the hashtag results.

If that isn't clear for example this hashtag search returns results which contain the text "not Instagram" alongside hashtag results.

As a secondary thought it also looks like search results are available only to logged in users.

It wasn't clear to me previously, nor does it state on Twitter's Circle help page, but the same visibility is applied to replies.

#Twitter #Feature
After a long wait and repeatedly stating that I didn't think that Twitter Communities were officially dead, it is great to have some confirmation that the feature isn't dead and is now being actively worked on again.

Hopefully they'll take Communities in the right direction 👍

From any Tweet ...
Follow ✔️
Follow back ✔️

To unfollow someone you'll need to visit their profile I guess 🤷‍♂️

Genuine question.

Twitter to ditch their Circles feature.

I'm OK with this. You?

Red wine ....... TEST 😁

See the test? 🔍

It's not working for me, or on other shares of a "Thread" I've looked at.
Seems like a good idea. People would no longer have to specify that they are quoting a "thread" rather than a single tweet.

I like the way Elon uses his account to beta test ideas in plain sight. 👍
