Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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❗️Strategic Investigations Department continues to conduct preventive measures

During May 6-7, 29 people were checked for involvement in cooperation with the enemy. According to the results of the inspection, information was confirmed on 6 persons. Among them there are 4 supporters of the "Russian world" and the #RussianAggression against #Ukraine. These persons were found in #Odesa, #Ivano-Frankivsk and #Sumy regions. Another 2 citizens were found with photos of infrastructure and administrative buildings of law enforcement agencies. Currently, law enforcement officers are working with everyone.

In addition, some people were found to have weapons, ammunition and drugs. Also in the territory of #MykolayivRegion it was found the ammunition left by occupiers.

Since the first days of Russia's full-scale invasion, operatives of the SID along with other police units, have been carrying out systematic measures to identify and detain #RussianWorld supporters, hostile agents and those involved in sabotage.
Media is too big
#Sumy region was one of the first that felt the attack of russian troops and "warmly welcomed" them on our land. Since the start of full-scale invasion, operative officers of the Strategic Investigation Department in #SumyRegion have been working with veterans of special forces and local resistance forces to unite for victory and to effectively counter elite russian troops.

Sumy residents know how to stop the enemy by improvised means 😉

Victory will be ours 🇺🇦
#Сумщина однією з перших відчула наступ російських військ і гаряче зустріла їх на своїй землі. Оперативники управління стратегічних розслідувань в Сумській області з моменту повномасштабного вторгнення організували взаємодію з ветеранами спецпідрозділів та місцевими силами опору, які обʼєдналися заради перемоги та ефективно протидіяли елітним підрозділам російських військ.

Сумчани знають як підручними засобами зупинити ворога 😉

Перемога за нами 🇺🇦
#Russianoccupationforces continue to launch missile strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine. #Mykolayiv and #Sumy regions were affected by rocket attacks. The shelling of southern and eastern #Ukraine continues. In the period from February 24, 2022, 8853 shellings were recorded. 16145 infrastructure objects were affected (more than 40 per day). As a result of shelling, 13657 people were killed (6 per day) and 10479 people were injured (15 per day, including 1 child).

📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DNR/#LNR zone continues (the city of #Zelenodolsk and the village of Velyka Kostromka). Information on victims and destruction is being established.

📍#DonetskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. #Slovyansk, Krasnohorivka, #Bakhmut, Pervomaiske and Chasiv Yar were the most affected. As a result of the shelling, 4 private houses, a meat processing plant, the Avdiiv coke-chemical plant and an official ambulance were damaged. 1 person died and 4 were injured.

📍#ZaporizhiaRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the “DPR”/“LPR” zone (#Orykhiv, #Gulyapole, #Preobrazhenka and Kamianske) continues. As a result of shelling, 4 private houses were damaged and 1 person died.

📍#LuhanskRegion: Russian troops continue to carry out shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. The most affected are #Severodonetsk, Novozolotarivka, Synetske, #Pavlograd and #Lysychansk. As a result of shelling, the territory of the market and the administrative building of the prison were damaged. 2 people died.

📍#MykolayivRegion: Russian troops carried out rocket and artillery fire on the city of #Mykolayiv and the village of Vysunsk. As a result of the shelling, 1 apartment building and 2 private residential buildings, a shipbuilding plant, a brewery, a garage cooperative, a grain warehouse and a recreation center were damaged. 4 people were injured.

📍#SumyRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation (Mezenivka and Popivka) does not stop. As a result of the shelling, 3 private houses, 2 farm buildings and a garage were damaged. 1 person died and 3 were injured.

📍#KharkivRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation (#Kharkiv, Malynivka, Kytsivka and #Zolochiv) does not stop. As a result of the shelling, 6 private houses, the railway station, the village council and the Zolochiv brick factory were damaged. 4 people were injured (including 1 child).

📍#KhersonRegion: occupation troops continue shelling captured territories and positions of the Armed Forces. As a result, 1 person died.
#WarNews as of 08/09/2022:
Russian occupying forces continue to launch rocket and bomb attacks throughout the territory of Ukraine. During the day, #Dnipropetrovsk, #Donetsk, #Zaporizhzhia , #Mykolaiv, #Sumy, #Kharkiv , #Kherson , #Cherkasy and #Chernihiv regions were shelled
Details will follow
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#НовиниВійни станом на 9.08.2022:
Російські окупаційні війська продовжують наносити ракетні та бомбові удари по всій території України. За добу обстрілам підалися #Дніпропетровська, #Донецька, #Запорізька, #Миколаївська, #Cумська, #Харківська, #Херсонська, #Черкаська та #Чернігівська області.
Подробиці подій згодом.