Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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#Russianoccupyingforces continue to launch missile strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine. #OdesaRegion was hit by rocket attacks. The shelling of southern and eastern #Ukraine continues. More than 80 infrastructure objects were affected during the day. As a result of the shelling, 38 people died (including 1 child) and 78 people were injured (including 3 children).

📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone continues (the city of #Zelenodolsk and the village of Velyka Kostromka). As a result, 2 private residential buildings, a farm, a hangar and a store were damaged.

📍#DonetskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and carrying out airstrikes along the entire front line. #Avdiivka, #Bakhmut, Selidove, #Slovyansk, #New York, etc. were the most affected. As a result of shelling, 44 infrastructure objects were damaged (including 23 private and 5 multi-apartment residential buildings, 2 cafes, a shop, a cultural center, 2 garages, a school, a dormitory, a factory, and the Avdiiv coke-chemical plant) and 4 private cars. 12 people died and 36 were injured.

📍#LuhanskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. The settlements of #Sevyerodonetsk, #Synetskyi, #Pavlograd and #Lysychansk were the most affected, as a result of which 2 private residential buildings, 2 shopping and entertainment centers and garage boxes were destroyed.

📍#MykolayivRegion: Russian troops launched rocket attacks and artillery shelling of the city of #Mykolayiv and Bashtanka, Berezneguvaty, Lymany and Lepetykh. As a result of the shelling, the experimental farm and 10 private residential buildings were damaged and 3 people were injured.

📍#OdesaRegion: a rocket attack (3 rockets) was carried out on the village of #Sergiyivka. As a result of the missiles hitting, a 9-story residential building and infrastructure on the territory of 2 recreation centers were damaged. As a result of the attack, 22 people died (including 1 child) and 31 were injured (including 3 children).

📍#KharkivRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation (#Kharkiv, Sorokivka, #Pechenigy, Chkalivske, Kalinove and Andriyivka) does not stop, as a result of which 8 private residential buildings and the premises of the gas industry management "Shebelinkagazydobuvannya" were damaged. 3 people died and 4 were injured.

📍#KhersonRegion: occupying forces continue shelling captured territories and positions of the Armed Forces (Bila Krynytsia, Ivanivka and Potemkyne). As a result, 1 person died and 4 were injured.
#Russianmilitaryforces continue to launch missile strikes throughout the territory of #Ukraine. The shelling of southern and eastern Ukraine continues. More than 130 infrastructure objects were affected during the day. As a result of shelling, 17 persons were killed (including 2 children) and 71 persons were injured (including 1 child).

📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone (#Zelenodolsk and Velika Kostromka) continues. As a result, 4 houses and residential building were destroyed.

📍#DonetskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. More than 10 settlements were affected. In particular, #Avdiivka, #Bakhmut, #Kramatorsk, #Slovyansk, #Druzhkivka, etc. As a result of shelling, 94 infrastructure objects were damaged (including 64 private and 5 residential buildings, a hotel, the Avdiiv coke plant, a shopping area, a school, private houses, an elevator, a filtering station and 16 private garages). 12 persons were killed (including 2 children) and 60 persons were injured (including 1 child).

📍#ZaporizhiaRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the DPR/LPR zone (Stepnohirsk village) continues. As a result, 2 private houses were damaged.

📍#LuhanskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. The city of Lysychansk was the most affected. As a result of shelling, 2 private buildings, residential building and a shop were damaged.

📍#MykolaivRegion: Russian troops launched rocket attacks and artillery fire on the city of #Mykolaiv and the settlements of Vysunsk, Dniprovske and Stepov. As a result, a farm and agricultural machinery, a church and an outbuilding were damaged.

📍#SumyRegion: Atynske, Vovkivka, Kruzhok, Luhivka and Ukrainske settlements. As a result of shelling, 3 residential buildings, a public transport station and premises of a psychoneurological school were damaged. 3 persons were injured.

📍#KharkivRegion: Russian troops launched missile strikes on the city of #Kharkiv and artillery shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation (Mokhnach, Bezruky, #Tsyrkuny and Slobidske). As a result, 6 residential and 4 private buildings, a school, gymnasium, the premises of Kharkivvodokanal, a service station and a garage were damaged. 4 persons were killed and 4 were injured.

📍#KhersonRegion: russian troops continue shelling temporary occupied territories and positions of the Armed Forces (Olexandrivka, Ivanivka and Stanislav), as a result, 1 person was killed and 4 persons were injured.
the Russian troops launched a missile attack on the city of #KryvyiRig. Shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone continues (Velika Kostromka, Marhanets, Novosemenivka and #Zelenodolsk). As a result, 3 private houses, 3 garages and a warehouse were damaged. 2 persons were injured.
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📍#Дніпропетровська область:
зс рф завдали ракетного удару по місту #КривийРіг. Тривають обстріли населених пунктів, що межують з рф та зоною #ДНР/#ЛНР (Велика Костромка, Марганець, Новосеменівка та #Зеленодольськ). Унаслідок цього пошкоджено 3 приватні будинки, 3 гаражі та складське приміщення. Поранено 2 людини.
📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shellings of settlements bordering russian federation and #DPR/#LPR zone - Prosiana and #Zelenodolsk - continue. More than 4 infrastructure objects (school, Zelenodolskyi Lyceum, sports complex and stadium) were damaged. As a result of shellings, 8 people died and 21 were injured
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📍#Дніпропетровська область: Тривають обстріли населених пунктів, що межують з рф та зоною #ДНР/#ЛНР - Просяна та #Зеленодольськ. Руйнувань зазнали понад 4 об’єктіи інфраструктури (школа, Зеленодольський ліцей, спорткомплекс та стадіон). У результаті обстрілів загинуло 8 людей та 21 – поранено.
Shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DNR/#LNR zone (#Zelenodolsk, Shesternya and #Nikopol) continues. A missile attack was carried out on the city of #Dnipro. More than 5 infrastructure objects were destroyed (2 apartment buildings and a private residential building, a school, the Southern Machine-Building Plant named after O.M. Makarov), and the wheat crop on an area of about 5 hectares was destroyed. As a result, 5 people died and 17 were injured.
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📍#Дніпропетровська область: Тривають обстріли населених пунктів, що межують з рф та зоною #ДНР/#ЛНР (#Зеленодольськ, Шестерня та #Нікополь). Нанесено ракетний удар по місту #Дніпро. Руйнувань зазнали понад 5 об’єктів інфраструктури (2 багатоквартирні та приватний житловий будинок, школа, Південний машинобудівний завод ім. О.М. Макарова) та знищено врожай пшениці на площі близько 5 га. У результаті чого 5 людини загинули та 17 – отримали поранення.
📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling of settlements bordering russian federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone (#Zelenodolsk, Mala Kostromka, Shestirnia and Ukrainka) continues. More than 4 infrastructure objects were damaged (a private house, a granary, a truck and a loader). As a result of shelling, 1 person died and 3 were injured.
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📍#Дніпропетровська область: тривають обстріли населених пунктів, що межують з рф та зоною #ДНР/#ЛНР (#Зеленодольськ, Мала Костромка, Шестірня та Українка). Руйнувань зазнали понад 4 об’єкти інфраструктури (приватний будинок, зерносховище, вантажний автомобіль та навантажувач). У результаті обстрілів загинула 1 особа та 3 - поранено.
📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling and rocket strikes continue on settlements bordering temporarily occupied territories (#Nikopol, Marganets, Yanvarske, #Zelenodolsk, Kostromka, Mezhova, Chervonogrigorivka and Dobra Nadiya). More than 12 infrastructure objects were damaged (8 residential buildings, buildings of Kryvorizka power plant, Marganetsk mining plant, 2 private enterprises). Information about the victims is being clarified.
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📍#Дніпропетровська область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктів, що межують з тимчасово окупованими територіями (#Нікополь, Марганець, Январське, #Зеленодольськ, Костромку, Межову, Червоногригорівку та Добру Надію). Руйнувань зазнали понад 12 об’єкти інфраструктури (8 приватних житлових будинків, будівлі Криворізької ТЕС, Марганецький гірничо-збагачувальний комбінат, 2 приватних підприємства). Інформація щодо постраждалих уточнюється.
📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling and rocket attacks on settlements bordering the temporarily occupied territories (Maryanske, #Marganets, Lyubomirivka, Chervonogrigorivka, #Nikopol, Dobra Nadiya and #Zelenodolsk) continue. More than 23 infrastructure objects were damaged (7 residential buildings, 3 farm buildings, a power line, buildings of the service center of the Ministry of Interior, an oil depot, Kryvorizka power plant and infrastructure on the territory of the railway station). As a result of shelling, 1 person was injured.
📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling and missile attacks on settlements bordering the temporarily occupied territories (#Nikopol, Illinka, Berezove, Radushne, Oleksandrivka, #Zelenodolsk, Vyshchetarasivka and Shesternia) continue. More than 47 infrastructure objects were damaged (41 private houses, the buildings of the Pokrovsk District Highways and Kryvorizka TPP). As a result, 1 person died and 8 were injured.
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📍#Дніпропетровська область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктів, що межують з тимчасово окупованими територіями (#Нікополь, Іллінка, Березове, Радушне, Олександрівка, #Зеленодольськ, Вищетарасівка та Шестерня). Руйнувань зазнали понад 47 об’єктів інфраструктури (41 приватний будинок, будівлі Покровського райавтодору та Криворізької ТЕС). У результаті чого загинула 1 людина та 8 - поранено.
📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling and missile attacks on populated areas of the region continue (#Zelenodolsk, Dobra Nadiia, Ilinka, #Nikopol and #Dnipro). More than 21 infrastructure objects were damaged (7 apartment buildings and 4 private houses, police headquarters, farm buildings and 2 private enterprises). As a result, 1 person was injured.
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📍#Дніпропетровська область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктів області (#Зеленодольськ, Добра Надія, Іллінка, #Нікополь та #Дніпро). Руйнувань зазнали понад 21 об’єкт інфраструктури (7 багатоквартирних будинків та 4 приватні будинки, управління поліції, будівлі фермерського господарства та 2 приватних підприємства). Унаслідок чого 1 людина отримала поранення.