Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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#Russianoccupationforces continue to launch missile strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine. #Mykolayiv and #Sumy regions were affected by rocket attacks. The shelling of southern and eastern #Ukraine continues. In the period from February 24, 2022, 8853 shellings were recorded. 16145 infrastructure objects were affected (more than 40 per day). As a result of shelling, 13657 people were killed (6 per day) and 10479 people were injured (15 per day, including 1 child).

📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DNR/#LNR zone continues (the city of #Zelenodolsk and the village of Velyka Kostromka). Information on victims and destruction is being established.

📍#DonetskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. #Slovyansk, Krasnohorivka, #Bakhmut, Pervomaiske and Chasiv Yar were the most affected. As a result of the shelling, 4 private houses, a meat processing plant, the Avdiiv coke-chemical plant and an official ambulance were damaged. 1 person died and 4 were injured.

📍#ZaporizhiaRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the “DPR”/“LPR” zone (#Orykhiv, #Gulyapole, #Preobrazhenka and Kamianske) continues. As a result of shelling, 4 private houses were damaged and 1 person died.

📍#LuhanskRegion: Russian troops continue to carry out shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. The most affected are #Severodonetsk, Novozolotarivka, Synetske, #Pavlograd and #Lysychansk. As a result of shelling, the territory of the market and the administrative building of the prison were damaged. 2 people died.

📍#MykolayivRegion: Russian troops carried out rocket and artillery fire on the city of #Mykolayiv and the village of Vysunsk. As a result of the shelling, 1 apartment building and 2 private residential buildings, a shipbuilding plant, a brewery, a garage cooperative, a grain warehouse and a recreation center were damaged. 4 people were injured.

📍#SumyRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation (Mezenivka and Popivka) does not stop. As a result of the shelling, 3 private houses, 2 farm buildings and a garage were damaged. 1 person died and 3 were injured.

📍#KharkivRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation (#Kharkiv, Malynivka, Kytsivka and #Zolochiv) does not stop. As a result of the shelling, 6 private houses, the railway station, the village council and the Zolochiv brick factory were damaged. 4 people were injured (including 1 child).

📍#KhersonRegion: occupation troops continue shelling captured territories and positions of the Armed Forces. As a result, 1 person died.
Russian occupation forces continue to launch missile strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine. The shelling of southern and eastern Ukraine continues. More than 150 infrastructure objects were affected during the day. As a result of shelling, 15 people died and 57 people were injured (including 1 child).

📍#DonetskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. More than 10 settlements were affected. In particular, Toretsk, #Slovyansk, #Bakhmut, #Avdiivka, etc. As a result, 44 infrastructure objects were damaged (including 29 private and 3 multiple residential buildings, 3 educational institutions, 3 garage boxes, 2 shops, a brick factory, a fire and rescue unit, a warehouse hangar and a market). 13 people died and 39 were injured.

📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone (Orlivske, Novoyakovlivka, #Gulyapole and #Orykhiv) continues. As a result, 80 private residential buildings were damaged and 1 person was injured.

📍#MykolayivRegion: Russian troops launched rocket attacks and artillery shelling of the city of #Mykolayiv and #Bashtanka, Lymaniv, Solonchakiv. As a result, 2 multi-storey and 3 private residential buildings, the administrative building of the Bashtanka City Council, a shop and a cultural center were damaged. 2 people died and 4 were injured.

📍#SumyRegion: Russian troops continue shelling settlements bordering the Russian Federation (#Shostka, Starykove, Ryzhivka, Boyaro-Lezhachi, Vovkivka, Seredyna-Buda, Grabovske and Porokhon). As a result, 2 private residential buildings were damaged.

📍#KharkivRegion: Russian troops continue shelling settlements bordering the Russian Federation (Lebyazhe, Milove, Vidrodenivske, #Pechenigi, Dementiivka, Velyka Babka, Cherkassy Tyshki, #Husarivka, #Vatutino and Andriiivka). As a result, 10 private residential buildings, the Interregional Center for Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response of the State Emergency Service, an educational institution, and a warehouse were damaged. 10 people were injured (including a child).

📍#KhersonRegion: occupying forces continue shelling captured territories and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (populations of #Pot'omkine and #Pervomaiske), as a result of which 2 people were wounded.

📍#KhmelnytskyRegion: the Russian Air Force launched a missile attack on the settlements of #Vyazovets and #Yarmolyntsi. As a result, the infrastructure of 2 military units was damaged and 1 person was injured.
📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone continues (Temyrivka, Novoselyvka, #Orykhiv and #Gulyapole). More than 13 infrastructure objects were damaged (11 private and 1 residential building and a building of a private enterprise). 75 hectares of wheat crops were also destroyed. As a result of the shelling, 3 persons were injured.
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📍#Запорізька область: тривають обстріли населених пунктів, що межують з рф та зоною #ДНР/#ЛНР (Темирівка, Новоселівка, #Оріхів та #Гуляйполе). Руйнувань зазнали понад 13 об’єктів інфраструктури (11 приватних й 1 багатоквартирний житловий будинок та будівлю приватного підприємства). Також знищено 75 га посівів пшениці. Унаслідок обстілів 3 особи поранено.
📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling and rocket strikes on populated areas bordering the temporarily occupied territories. The settlements of Verkhnya Tersa, #Gulyapole, Preobrazhenka, Tavriyske, Bratske, Novooleksandrivka, Zeleny Gai and Uspenivka were the most affected. More than 23 infrastructure objects were damaged (2 apartment buildings and 13 private buildings, premises of a preschool and a school, 3 garages and 3 cars). As a result of the shelling, 2 persons were injured.
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📍#Запорізька область: ривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктах, що межують з тимчасово окупованими територіями. Найбільш постраждали населені пункти Верхня Терса, #Гуляйполе, Преображенка, Таврійське, Братське, Новоолександрівка, Зелений Гай та Успенівка. Руйнувань зазнали понад 23 об’єкти інфраструктури (2 багатоквартирні та 13 приватних будинків, приміщення дошкільного навчального закладу й школи, 3 гаражі та 3 автомобілі). У результаті обстрілів поранено 2 людини.
📍#ZaporizhzhiaRregion: shelling and rocket attacks on settlements bordering temporarily occupied territories continue.  The settlements of #Zaporizhzhia, #Gulyapole, Zaliznychne, Kamianske, Stepnohirsk and Uspenivka were the most affected.  7 private residential buildings, a granary and an outbuilding were damaged.  As a result, 1 person died and 1 was injured.
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📍#Запорізька область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктах, що межують з тимчасово окупованими територіями. Найбільш постраждали населені пункти #Запоріжжя, #Гуляйполе, Залізничне, Кам’янське, Степногірськ та Успенівка. Пошкоджено 7 приватних житлових будинків, зерносховище та господарчу споруду. Унаслідок чого 1 людина загинула та 1 особу поранено.
📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling and rocket attacks on settlements #Zaporizhzhia, #Gulyapole, Zaliznychne, Kamianske, Novodanilivka, #Orykhiv, Primorske, Stepnohirsk, Uspenivka and Novoandriivka.  More than 22 infrastructure objects were damaged (12 private residential buildings, power lines and the Zaporizhzhia titanium-magnesium combine and the enterprise "Kremniypolimer", buildings of a preschool educational institution and a communal enterprise).  As a result, 1 person died and 3 were injured.
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📍#Запорізька область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктах #Запоріжжя, #Гуляйполе, Залізничне, Кам’янське, Новоданилівку, #Оріхів, Приморське, Степногірськ, Успенівка та Новоандріївка. Руйнувань зазнали понад 22 об’єкти інфраструктури (12 приватних житлових будинків, лінії електропередач й Запорізькій титано-магнієвий комбінат та підприємство «Кремнійполімер», будівлі дошкільного навчального закладу та конмунальне підприємство). Унаслідок чого загинула 1 людина та 3 поранено.
📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling and rocket attacks on settlements bordering temporarily occupied territories continue.  The settlements of Kamianske, #Preobrazhenka, Primorske, Vilnoandriivka, #Orykhiv, #Gulyapole and Stepnohirsk were the most affected.  More than 16 infrastructure objects were damaged (5 private residential buildings, a preventive clinic, a police station, a bus station, a school and a village council).  As a result, 5 persons were injured.
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📍#Запорізька область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктах, що межують з тимчасово окупованими територіями. Найбільш постраждали населені пункти Кам’янське, #Преображенка, Приморське, Вільноандріївка, #Оріхів, #Гуляйполе та Степногірськ. Руйнувань зазнали понад 16 об’єктів інфраструктури (5 приватних житлових будинків, профілакторій, відділення поліції, автовокзал, школа й селищна рада). Унаслідок цього поранення отримали 5 осіб.
📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling and rocket attacks on settlements bordering temporarily occupied territories continue.  The settlements of #Zaporizhzhia, #Orihiv, #Gulyapole, Tavriyske and Stepnohirsk were the most affected.  More than 21 infrastructure objects were damaged(1 multi-apartment and 11 private residential buildings, the premises of the National Military Police and one of the military units, and a construction hypermarket).  Information about the victims is being established.
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📍#Запорізька область: тривають обстріли та ракетні удари по населених пунктах, що межують з тимчасово окупованими територіями. Найбільш постраждали населені пункти #Запоріжжя, #Оріхів, #Гуляйполе, Таврійське та Степногірськ. Руйнувань зазнали понад 21 об’єкт інфраструктури (1 багатоквартирний та 11 приватних житлових будинків, приміщення НВК й однієї з військових частин та будівельний гіпермаркет). Інформація щодо потерпілих встановлюється.
📍#ZaporizhiaRegion: the city of #Zaporizhia, settlements of Zaporizhzhia and #Pologivskyi districts suffered enemy attacks (#Gulyapole, #Oryhiv, #Preobrazhenka). Law enforcement officers collected the evidences regarding more than 30 reports of destruction of infrastructure. In addition, the Russians fired rockets at the humanitarian convoy. The enemy attack took the lives of 30 persons, another 92 persons were injured.
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📍#Запорізька область: ворожих ударів зазнали місто #Запоріжжя, населені пункти Запорізького та #Пологівського районів (#Гуляйполе, #Оріхів, #Преображенка). Правоохоронці задокументували понад 30 повідомлень про руйнування інфраструктури. Крім того, росіяни випустили ракети по гуманітарній колоні. Ворожа атака забрала життя 30 громадян, ще 92 отримали поранення.