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📆 On 28 April 1945, the Red Army started the assault of Reichstag in Germany’s Berlin.

⚔️ The 3rd Strike Army of the 1st Belorussian Front was initially not supposed to storm the city’s central part, but as a result of heavy 7-day fighting, it found itself closest to the Reichstag’s district.

🌟 Prior to the assault, the military council of the 3rd Strike Army provided 9 purpose-made red banners to its divisions. One of those which became known as the Victory Banner, was handed over to the 150th Rifle Division.
All Soviet front line formations had similar self-made red banners and flags.

As a rule, they were recruited from volunteers whose only aim was to storm into the Reichstag and to hoist a red banner over it.

📆 121 years ago, on 29 April 1903, Nikolay Krylov was born, a Soviet military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

He volunteered to join the Red Army aged 16. During WW2, he participated in the defence of Odessa and Sevastopol, the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1943 N.Krylov was sent to the Western front where his military commander talent revealed itself. He led the 5th Army of the 3rd Belorussian front which successfully attacked the enemy at Vitebsk, Orsha, Minsk during the Bagration operation. In 1945 he participated in the East Prussian Offensive.

🛡After Germany surrender the 5th Army was redeployed to the Far East where it participated in the Soviet-Japanese War and the defeat of the 3rd Japanese Army.
Upon the conclusion of WW2, N.Krylov became one of the founders of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces and commanded them in 1963-1972.

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📅 In the early hours of May 1, 1945, the #VictoryBanner was raised atop of the Reichstag during the Battle of Berlin. It became a symbol of the triumph of the Soviet Union & its peoples in the fight against Nazism.

Before the storming, a decision was made for a group of Soviet fighters to hoist the flag over the Reichstag that would embody the final collapse of Nazism.

🚩 A total of 9 banners were promptly made, designed after the state flag of the USSR. Ultimately, a battle flag of the 150th Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Idritsa Rifle Division, 79th Rifle Corps, 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belarusian Front, became the Victory Banner.

The order of events:

• A Red Army unit broke into the Reichstag through breaches in the walls, with a fierce close combat unleashing. The Nazis took advantage of effectively advancing inside the building they new well, throwing grenades at Soviet soldiers & firing back with machine-guns: they basically had nothing to lose.

• Lieutenant R.Koshkarbayev & private G.Bulatov placed a makeshift red flag to the column on the steps of the Reichstag main entrance.

• Staff sergeants G.Zagitov, A.Lisimenko & A.Bobrov as well as Sergeant M.Minin supported by Captain S.Neustroyev’s battalion were the 1st to hoist a red banner on the roof of the Reichstag atop of the Goddess of Victory sculpture.

• The 3rd red banner was raised on the western facade of the roof by the scouts of the 674th Regiment led by Lieutenant S.Sorokin.

• Finally, the Red Banner №5 was raised over the dome of the captured Reichstag by the 756th Rifle Regiment’s scouts, Sergeant M.Yegorov & Junior Sergeant M.Kantariya, led by deputy battalion commander Lieutenant A.Berest, covered by riflemen from I.Sayanov’s squad. That flag ultimately became the Victory Banner.

📃 By a Presidential Executive Order of April 15, 1996, the Red Banner hoisted atop of the Reichstag by Yegorov & Kantariya was declared the symbol of the Russian people’s victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

🕯🌟 "The 'Immortal Regiment' campaign was launched to immortalize the memory of Soviet soldiers and victims of the Second World War.

The first march was held in 2011 in Russia and then spread throughout the rest of the world.

The annual 'Immortal Regiment' campaign, held on the eve of Victory Day, unites millions of people worldwide. This year, massive processions with portraits of heroes take place all over the world – from New Zealand to Argentina.

🕊 In the capital of Turkey, Ankara, participants solemnly carried the main symbol of Victory – a huge St. George ribbon.

🕊 In Madrid, melodies of wartime were heard during the procession.

🕊 In Germany, in Frankfurt-on-Main, the famous song 'Victory Day' was sung by many.

📆 79 years ago, on 6 May 1945, the Prague Offensive commenced, the last Red Army’s strategic operation of WW2 in Europe, during which the two remaining effective Germany’s army groups “Centre” and “South” were encircled and defeated.

The Nazi Germany’s new government created by admiral K.Dönitz after Hitler’s suicide saw the futility of further struggle and it only hoped to win time and surrender to the American troops approaching from the West.

⚔️ The offensive was carried out by the troops of the 1st, the 4th and the 2nd Ukrainian Fronts of the Red Army with the total strength comprising about 2 million men.

☝️ A day before the start of the offensive an uprising in Prague against the Nazi occupation broke out which diverted Nazis’ forces therefore contributing to Soviet advancing.

The Soviet troops of the Urals Volunteer Tank Corps a.k.a. the “Black Knives” division were the first to enter Prague on 9️⃣ May 1️⃣9️⃣4️⃣5️⃣.

As a result of the Prague Offensive about 858.000 German soldiers and officers including 60 generals were taken POWs.

🕯 Soviet losses amounted to some 50,000 personnel.

🎖 The Supreme Council of the USSR established the medal “For the Liberation of Prague” awarded to 390.000 persons including 40.000 Czech citizens.

🕊 The symbols of the #Victory in the Great Patriotic War were placed on the facade and the windows of the Embassy's Russian School in Pretoria.

🌟 Teachers, students and their parents are taking part in the international patriotic event #WindowsofVictory.



🕊 Школа при Посольстве России в ЮАР разместила на окнах и фасадах учебного учреждения рисунки с символами Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

Участие в патриотической акции #ОкнаПобеды приняли педагоги, а также учащиеся образовательного учреждения и их родители.

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🕯 Russia has a tradition.

On the eve of the Victory Day over Nazism which is annually celebrated on May 9, Russian schools and kindergartens host so-called 'Lesson of Courage'.

🎖These lessons are aimed at telling children the truth about immortal feat of their ancestors who sacrificed their lives to stop the Nazi war machine striving for the annihilation of the whole nations on the basis of origin.

Another important task of the 'Lessons of Courage' is preservation of the historical memory for the future generations. It's not a secret that nowadays Western countries are trying to rewrite history and hide any trace of the crucial USSR role in the issue of ending Nazism.

☝️We will not allow that to happen.

Today, on May 8, the Russian Children's Center in Cape Town held the "Lesson of Courage" for its little pupils.

🕊 On 9th May #VictoryDay is celebrated, a public holiday marking the 79th anniversary of the victory over Nazis in 1945.

On this day we pay tribute with the deepest respect and gratitude to everyone who earned peace fighting on the front line and bringing it closer with his selfless work in the rear.

#VictoryDay #Victory79
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🕊 9 мая отмечается #ДеньПобеды – праздник по случаю 79-й годовщины победы над фашизмом в 1945 г.

В этот день мы с глубочайшим почтением и благодарностью отдаем дань уважения всем, кто боролся против фашистских захватчиков, сражаясь на фронте и в тылу.

С Днем Победы!

#ДеньПобеды #Победа79
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🏅 Happy #VictoryDay!

Today marks the 79th Anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazism.


#Victory79 #May9
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The Victory Parade in commemoration of 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War is about to begin in #Moscow.

Follow the link to watch it LIVE:

Parade starts at 09:00 AM (SA time)

#Victory79 #VictoryParade2024

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Остаются считанные минуты до начала Парада Победы на Красной площади в честь 79-ой годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

Парад можно посмотреть в прямом эфире по ссылке:

Начало парада в 09:00 (ЮАР)

#ПарадПобеды2024 #ДеньПобеды
🌟🕯On May 9, the 'Immortal Regiment' campaign took place at the Russian Embassy in South Africa, commemorating the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The participants carried portraits of their relatives who fought against Nazism and sacrificed their lives defending our Motherland from this "brown plague."

🙏 We bow our heads in the bright memory of those who defended our Motherland and granted us the opportunity to live.

#ImmortalRegiment #Victory79
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🕯 After the end of the military parade on Red Square, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, together with foreign heads of state who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the Victory, laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexander Garden and observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims.

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8️⃣0️⃣ years ago, the Red Army launched its Crimean offensive, liberating German-occupied Sevastopol, the symbol of Russian naval glory and the main base of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1941–1942, the city sustained a 250-day long siege, pinning down a considerable German and Romanian force. Prior to taking Sevastopol by assault, the enemy concentrated the largest artillery group of all used in that war. Had Sevastopol failed to resist for so long, the enemy could have reached the Volga and the Caucasus much earlier, something that would have changed the course of the war.

Red Army troops fought heroically on Mount Sapun, Armoured Turret Battery-30, at the foot of the MacKenzie Heights… Occasionally, they had to attack the enemy with their bare hands, for artillery ammunition was in short supply, the supply lines were disrupted, and ships were sunk by the Germans.

▪️ In June 1942, the last defenders of Sevastopol had to leave the city. During the German occupation, nearly 27,000 local civilians were killed and another 45,000 rounded up and sent for slave labour in Germany.

🌟 The mission to liberate the Crimea and Sevastopol was entrusted to the 4th Ukrainian Front commanded by Army General Fyodor Tolbukhin and the Separate Coastal Army commanded by Army General Andrey Yeryomenko. Launching attacks from the north and the east, they drove the enemy from the key cities in the peninsula within days. On May 9, 1944, Sevastopol was liberated following a four-day assault, with the German and Romanian troops chucked into the sea.

The enemy spent 250 days trying to seize the city, whereas the Red Army did the job within just one week in May 1944.

🎖 Sevastopol was among the first to be awarded the title of Hero City. This happened on May 8, 1965. In December 1942, the medal For the Defence of Sevastopol was instituted, with over 52,000 people decorated with it by the mid-1990s.

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🌟 9 мая 2024 года в Посольстве России в Претории состоялось памятное мероприятие по случаю 79-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

🎙️Приветствуя гостей, Посол России в ЮАР И.И.Рогачев подчеркнул, что День Победы является одним из самых важных праздников для граждан России.

«Память об одной из самых кровавых войн в истории человечества священна для всего нашего народа», – отметил Посол.

☝️ И.И.Рогачев напомнил, что страны «коллективного Запада» развязали новую войну против России на Украине. «Наши бывшие западные партнеры открыто признают, что поражение западных сил на Украине будет означать конец золотого века западной цивилизации», – указал глава дипмиссии.

«Впереди у нас еще будут испытания, но мы соберем все силы, и в конечном итоге непременно победим» - сказал Посол.

🕊️ Учащиеся и педагоги школы при Посольстве России в Претории в рамках мероприятия провели праздничный концерт. Около 150 гостей приняли участие в акции «Бессмертный полк».



🌟 On May 9, 2024, the Embassy of Russia in Pretoria convened a special event dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism.

Addressing the guests, Russia’s Ambassador to South Africa, H.E. Mr. Ilya Rogachev, emphasized that Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is one of the most significant holidays for the Russian people.

"The memory of one of the bloodiest wars in humankind's history is sacred to us," said the Ambassador.

☝️ He reminded that today the West has unleashed yet another war against Russia in Ukraine. "Our former Western partners openly admit that if the West loses in Ukraine, it will mean the end of the golden age of Western civilization," Ilya Rogachev said.

“We will still have challenges ahead, but we’ll summon our strength, and eventually win” he added.

🕊️ Students and teachers of the Embassy’s secondary school conducted a concert. A public action of the «Immortal Regiment» with some 150 participants also took place at the venue of the function.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🌟 On May 9, 2006, Russia introduced the honorary title 'City of Military Glory', awarded to cities that saw displays of courage, perseverance and mass heroism by our country's defenders.

⚔️ Unlike the Hero Cities, which are associated only with the Great Patriotic War, the title City of Military Glory is awarded to cities that distinguished themselves in key moments of Russia's history.

🎖 So far, 47 Russian cities have been given the title. Their residents have shown heroism throughout history from the time of the Mongol Invasion to the 1812 Napoleon Invasion to the battles of the Great Patriotic War:

Belgorod, Kursk, Orel, Vladikavkaz, Yelnya, Yelets, Malgobek, Rzhev, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Tuapse, Polyarny, Luga, Velikie Luki, Veliky Novgorod, Dmitrov, Vyazma, Kronstadt, Naro-Fominsk, Arkhangelsk, Kozelsk, Pskov, Volokolamsk, Bryansk, Nalchik, Vyborg, Kalach-on-Don, Vladivostok, Tikhvin, Tver, Stary Oskol, Kolpino, Anapa, Kovrov, Lomonosov, Taganrog, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Mozhaisk, Maloyaroslavets, Khabarovsk, Gatchina, Grozny, Petrozavodsk, Staraya Russa, Feodosia, Mariupol and Melitopol.

🏅 The names of the Cities of Military Glory are carved on a granite stele in the Alexander Garden, which is part of a single memorial ensemble with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Alley of Hero Cities. Commemorative steles have also been erected in the cities of military glory themselves.

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Dear followers,

Watch a collection of remarkable photos from the Victory Parade on the Red Square, Moscow, in honour of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

#Victory79 #9May

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Дорогие подписчики,

Для вас подборка прекрасных фотографий с Парада Победы на Красной площади в честь 79-ой годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне

#Победа79 #9Мая
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🌐 Russian diplomats, compatriots, friends and all those who remember history and the sacrifice made by the Soviet people in saving humanity from Nazism, on May 9 pay tribute to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and their immortal feat.

📹 Here's how #VictoryDay is celebrated abroad, far away from home.

📆 #OTD in 1943, 81 years ago, Wehrmacht commenced an offensive in the Kursk salient (operation “Citadel”) marking the start of the initial phase of what became known as the Battle of Kursk.

⚔️ Red Army’s victory at Stalingrad and the subsequent Soviet offensive on the broad front from the Baltic to the Black Sea undermined the Nazi Germany’s military power. In order to keep up the morale of his troops and to prevent the collapse of the Axis bloc, Hitler decided to organize a major operation on the Eastern front.

Soviet intelligence however was well aware of the planned strategic offensive by Wehrmacht in the Kursk salient. The Stavka (Soviet command) considered less efficient to strike first and agreed upon an alternative tactic instead – to wear out the enemy’s main forces by a strong defence and then counterattack the Nazis at Kursk.

⚔️ As part of the battle, a major clash occurred near Prokhorovka station (Russia’s Belgorod region) recognized as one of the largest tank battles ever and the final major offensive attempt by the Nazis on the Soviet territory.

👉 In total, up to 1,200 armoured vehicles participated in the fight for Prokhorovka with either side suffering big losses. At Prokhorovka, the defensive phase of the Battle of Kursk changed into an offensive one for the Soviet Union.

☝️ The Battle of Kursk went down in history as one of the crucial engagements of WW2 which is believed to have completely turned the tide of the war in favour of the USSR. In terms of troops and armaments involved, it is one the largest battles in military history.

As a result of the Battle of Kursk, Wehrmacht lost 30 elite divisions and some half a million of soldiers. The dissolution of the Nazi bloc began. The Soviet Union seized strategic initiative on the Eastern front to hold it for the rest of WW2.

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