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🎦 The True Identity of Imam Zaynul Abideen (A) | IP Talk Show

What is the general view of the divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A)?

What does the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, say about the personality of Imam Sajjad (A)?

And what was Imam Sajjad's role and responsibility in the movement of Allah?

What were some of the qualities of Imam Sajjad (A) that are less well-known by the people?

And what were the two movements led by Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A)?

And what was the era of this divinely appointed Imam like, in terms of the oppression and suffocation inflicted by the governmental establishment?

Finally, what does it mean when it is said that even our tears are political?

In order to answer these questions we invited Shaykh Ali Qomi from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to sit down with us and discuss this great Eid, the birth anniversary of Imam al-Sajjad (A).

Our heartiest congratulations to the whole of humanity on the auspicious Eid, the occasion of the birth anniversary of the 4th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A).

#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #Imam #Sajjad #ZaynulAbideen #Wilayate #Imamate #Justice #Salvation #Revolution #Truth #IslamicRevolution #Islam #AhlulBayt

Duration: 45:43

Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 Why Khomeini? | Reason 1 | Shaykh Ali Qomi

There are some unfortunate people out there that constantly have an issue with bringing up the name and the movement of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R).

So why is it that we talk about Imam Khomeini (R) more than other scholars?

What was a unique attribute of Imam Khomeini?

What does it mean when we say that Imam Khomeini had the pain for the Muslim Ummah?

And was this pain limited to Muslims, or did it also include non-Muslims?

Was Imam Khomeini simply sitting in a corner learning or teaching lessons?

And finally, was Imam Khomeini indifferent to the issues facing the Muslim Ummah?

In this Scholar Clip, Shaykh Ali Qomi gives us the first answer to "Why Khomeini?"

By the time we're done, you'll all know the answer to "Why Khomeini ?", wherever you are.

#IslamicPulse #ScholarClip #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #IslamicAwareness #Strength #IslamicAwakening #Resistance #RightToResist #PeoplePower #Khomeini #ImamKhomeini #Savior #Mahdi #WilayatAlFaqih #Wilayah #IslamicRepublic #IslamicResistance #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Freedom #Justice #Truth #Independence #Imam #Quds #Palestine #Yemen #Syria #Lebanon #Nigeria #Bahrain #IslamicPolitics

Duration: 01:40

Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 What Makes Imam Khomeini (R) So Special | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talkshow.

In this episode we're talking about "What Makes Imam Khomeini (R) So Special".

So, what really makes Imam Khomeini so very special and unique?

And what's an interesting thing that can be noted in the true servants and followers of the Ahl al-Bayt (A)?

What are two dimensions of the comprehensiveness of Imam Khomeini (R)?

Furthermore, what are some aspects of Imam Khomeini's individual comprehensiveness?

What does it mean when we say that Imam Khomeini's spiritual and academic growth wasn't unidimensional?

What are just a few of the subjects that Imam Khomeini had mastery over?

And what are just a few of Imam Khomeini's credentials?

What are just a few of the literary works of Imam Khomeini?

What does Ayatullah Jawadi Amoli say about Imam Khomeini?

And in Shaykh Ali Qomi's opinion, what is an absolutely must read book authored by Imam Khomeini?

What are some aspects of Imam Khomeini's comprehensive understanding of Islam?

What were the two poles before the Islamic Revolution and what did the Islamic Revolution do to that presiding status quo?

How did Imam Khomeini revive religiosity?

What kind of Islam becomes a complete code of life, something that was reflected in the life of Imam Khomeini?

Finally, what does Islam want from humanity when it comes to comprehensiveness, and how is it related to non-divine systems?

To answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Ali Qomi from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, to sit down with us and speak a little bit about "What Makes Imam Khomeini (R) So Special".

Our condolences to all the believers, across the world, wherever you are, upon the demise anniversary of the founding father of the Islamic Republic and the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R).

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Revolution #ImamKhomeini #AyatollahKhomeini #KhomeiniTheGreat #Khomeini #Imam #Khamenei #IslamicRevolution #IslamicSpring #Ayatollah #Independence #Freedom #Justice #Truth #MuslimUnity #SocialJustice #Justice #Jurist #Jurisprudent #Arif #Philosopher #Theologian #IslamicAwareness #Wilayah #Wilayate #Wali #Faqih #IslamicRepublic #Reistance #IR44 #PoliticalIslam

Duration: 35:28

Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 A Quick Analysis of the AL-AQSA STORM | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode we're answering some fundamental questions as we do "A Quick Analysis of the al-Aqsa Storm".

What are some of the various intricacies of the "al-Aqsa Storm"?

And based upon the 'al-Aqsa Storm', what condition is the current illegitimate Zionist regime in?

What is the reality of the israeli people who live in occupied Palestine? Are there any innocent civilians in the occupied Palestine?

What does the current 'al-Aqsa Storm' say about the intelligence apparatus of Zionist israel?

Is Iran behind this mobilization called the 'al-Aqsa Storm'; and if not, why does the mass media keep bringing the name of Iran up as being behind the 'al-Aqsa Storm'?

Is what the world currently seeing in Palestine a religious war between Muslims and Jews?

What is our responsibility when it comes to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian movement for liberation against the Zionist occupiers?

And finally, what does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani say about the current 'al-Aqsa Storm'?

We invited Shaykh Ali Qomi to help us answer these questions and more, and give us "A Quick Analysis of the al-Aqsa Storm".

Long Live Palestine!

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #GlobalArrogance #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Resistance #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness

Duration: 52:36 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 Yemen's Defense of Palestine | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode, we're talking about "Yemen's Defense of Palestine".

What are two camps that have been formed across the world in the present-day and what does Palestine have to do with them?

Who all makes up each one of these two camps that span across the world?

What role does the United States of America have in perpetuating the crisis and genocide in Palestine?

What is a clear difference that must be made between the peoples of Muslim nations and their respective governments?

How have the Yemeni people defended the Palestinian people?

And what is an interesting addition to the 'factions' that are supporting Palestine and the Palestinian cause?

What role does faith in God play when it comes to defending the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause?

What role does the United Nations Organization play in our discussion regarding Palestine and Yemen?

And finally, how are the actions of the Yemeni people in their defense of Palestine both rational and logical?

In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Ali Qomi to come and speak to us about "Yemen's Defense of Palestine".

Our salutations and prayers to all the brave people in Yemen standing up and defending the Palestinian people.

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #GlobalArrogance #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Resistance #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #Yemen #SaveYemen #Houthi #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #GazaMassacre #GazaGenocide #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness

Duration: 49:58 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 The Islamic Pulse Family's Getting Bigger! | Islamic Pulse's 9th Year Anniversary!!

Alhamdulillah, The Islamic Pulse Family's Getting Bigger!

But before we get to all that, the humble salutations and greetings of Islamic Pulse be upon the Master of the Age, Imam al-Mahdi (A), and to all the believers on his eminence's birth anniversary!

Well, it's been a long journey since the 15th of Shaban 2015 Gregorian Calendar, when we started our little media adventure geared towards clarifying, explaining, and spreading the Pure Muhammadan Islam.

And over the eventful years our team keeps on diversifying, our series and presenters keep on increasing, and our scope and horizons are wider than ever before; all thanks to the grace of the Almighty Allah.

On this 15th Shaban 2024, Islamic Pulse congratulates all the believers and all of humanity, on the auspicious birth anniversary of the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A).

We humbly bring forth a quick recap of what we've achieved through the last 9 years up to the present-day.

And what's truly exciting is that this is just the beginning because the best is yet to come, Insha Allah!

And remember to always have hope, because the advent of Imam al-Mahdi (A) is near, but only if we put forth an effort, wherever you are!

#IslamicPulse #Anniversary #15Shaban #15thShaban #ImamMahdi #Mahdi #12Imams #12thImam #AwaitedSavior #TheAwaitedOne #AwaitedOne #Awaited #Wilayate #Imamate #Justice #Muslim #Shia #Truth #Revolution #Muhammad #IslamicRevolution #Islam #AhlulBayt #Quran #Allah #SoftWar #JihadTabyiin #12thImam #LastSavior #Imam #IslamicAwareness #Khamenei #Khomeini #IR45 #IslamicAwakening #Piety #EndOfTimes #Sacrifice #Honor #Qom #Qum #Resistance #ArrogantPowers #GlobalArrogance

Duration: 06:30 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 The Palestinian Nakba | IP Talk Show

is the Nakba Day?

What does Imam Khamenei say about the issue of Palestine?

Is the 'Nakba Day' limited to just one single day?

What is U.N. Resolution 181 and what relevance does it have to the Nakba Day?

Are all people of Jewish faith pro-israel?

Approximately, how many people were exiled and thrown out from Palestine on the Nakba Day?

What is the second Nakba Day?

In the present-day, approximately how many Palestinians have been exiled?

What is the general Palestinian referendum that Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei speaks about?

Are there countries in the world that haven't recognized the existence of the illegall Zionist regime?

What is the role of humanitarian and international organizations - including, but not limited to the United Nations - when it comes to the issue of the Nakba Day?

Are there any international laws in favor of the Palestinians?

Who was Rachel Corrie and what is the role of the United States of America when it comes to the support of the illegal Zionist regime?

What is the role of the Resistance when it comes to the Nakba day and generally, the Palestinian issue?

What is the Spirit of Resistance and what are the different ways that one can resist oppression?

Finally, why has the illegal Zionist regime built a wall around itself and undertaken the venture for normalization with Arab states?

In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Shaykh Ali Qomi to speak to us about "The Palestinian Nakba".

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #BoycottApartheid #FlyTheFlag #AlAqsaStorm #AlQuds_The_Axis #alQuds #Palestine #QudsDay #FreePalestine #Zionism #israel #Oppressor #DeathToisrael #Truth #Justice #Freedom #Oppression #NakbaDay #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Nakba

Duration: 44:42 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 The Spin on Ismail Haniyeh's Assassination | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode, we're talking about "The Spin on Ismail Haniyeh's Assassination".

What are some of the 'spins' that are being put forth in order to confuse the masses?

And what is the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the assassination of Shaheed Ismail Haniyeh?

Who is really winning the ongoing war in Palestine?

What are some profound words said by Shaheed Ismail Haniyeh in the presence of Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei?

And finally, will the Palestinian movement for the liberation of Palestine halt with the assassination of Shaheed Ismail Haniyeh?

In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Sayyid Agha Ali Raza to come and speak about "The Spin on Ismail Haniyeh's Assassination".

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Shia #Ahlulbayt #Hamas #ResistanceFront #Resistance #Martyr #Martyrdom #Shaheed #Truth #Justice #MassMedia #Assassination #IsmailHaniyeh #Haniyeh #Tyrant #Oppressor #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #Palestine #Freedom #Zionism #israel #IslamicAwareness #IslamicRevolution

Duration: 40:53 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 Is Hamas A Terrorist Organization? | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode, we're answering the question, "Is Hamas A Terrorist Organization?".

What is a general definition of 'terrorism' and who does it truly apply to?

What is the Islamic dimension which gives legitimacy to the Hamas resistance movement?

And what is the international law dimension that gives the Hamas resistance movement legitimacy?

What is the political and public support aspect that gives legitimacy to the Hamas resistance movement?

Who is the real terrorist; the Hamas resistance movement or the Zionist regime?

And finally, how can we find hope in these truly trying times?

In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Shaykh Ali Qomi to come and help us answer the question, "Is Hamas A Terrorist Organization?".

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Shia #Ahlulbayt #Hamas #ResistanceFront #Resistance #Martyr #Martyrdom #Shaheed #Truth #Justice #MassMedia #Assassination #IsmailHaniyeh #Haniyeh #Tyrant #Oppressor #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #Palestine #Freedom #Zionism #israel #IslamicAwareness #IslamicRevolution

Duration: 30:49 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
🎦 Who Is Yazid In Essence? | Shaykh Ali Qomi

Who really was Imam Husayn (A)?

And who was the divinely appointed implementer of the rule and authority of Allah during the Imamate of Imam Husayn (A)?

What did Yazid become an obstacle to?

Was merely the fact that Yazid drank alcohol the issue that Imam Husayn (A) had with him?

And in reality and essence, who was Yazid and what did he represent?

In this Scholar Clip, Shaykh Ali Qomi answers the question, "Who Is Yazid In Essence?".

#IslamicPulse #ScholarClip #Islam #Allah #Quran #Muslim #Shia #Ahlulbayt #Muharram #Muharram1446 #Safar #Safar1446 #Muharram2024 #Safar2024 #Ashura #Karbala #Ashura2024 #Ashura1446 #WhoIsHusayn #ImamHusayn #ImamHussain #Martyr #Martyrdom #Shaheed #Truth #Justice #Mourning #Majlis #Majalis #Reformation #Salvation #Noha #Tyrant #Oppressor #Yazid

Duration: 02:14 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp