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Jan 10, 2021. I am sucking on coconut oil cold from the fridge. I chew it and it relieves the pain in my teeth, in my jaw, in my sinuses, in my head. When it is thin warm liquid, I pull it through my teeth and swish it around my gums for as long as I can before spitting it out. Something like 3 minutes, and then I repeat to strengthen the muscles in my face. Ow.
I write this experience as an experiment β€”- to see if harm will befall me? To feel what it's like to share this vignette, like other vignettes that got beaten out of me. The world has changed.
Vignettes are growing back, seems like.
"Just repeat ' apocalypse, apocalypse ' and they'll get it." As I move through these experiences... the invisible, emergent, incontrovertible necessity of them... I am letting myself feel something new. Whatever was beaten out β€”- rugs on a line β€”- the life is somehow still in it. We are living in bodies, we are floating through the air, we are pulsing soundwaves traveling sacred dark. What violence? Motes, waves, quanta.
At @Ideaschema (https://t.me/s/Ideaschema), horrifying things happened. When we find ourselves back in this conversation again, @EvanJacques and I are considering @IncomeStreams and the collective @IntuitiveInc; how do people experiencing violent intersectionalization participate economically... when this is explicitly something they're being prevented from doing?
How do we reconcile networks of human trafficking that can so easily be dismantled through the courageous collaborations of caring communities?
With brilliant Survivors Of Severity all through this Intuitive community network to guide us on best survival practices, we are blessed to be able to start the conversation.
Please, will you join it?β€”-@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
---20210110-170541, https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨
Jan 10, 2021. Breath is traveling through my torso. My body is made of so much water, and earth is made from water, and my body is earth. Where I have allied with extrasomatic technology to cyborgian approach challenges confronting me, I have built relationships with non-human living essences that then became a kind of human, allied with me. But what is it Star Trek sometimes seemed to be saying, as if there may be a kind of spark of "humanity" in all beings?
Hubris, I should think.
Or it's more about what to call a thing.
"Humanity."β€”-@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
---20210110-175737, https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨
Jan 18, 2021. We've all been discouraged from talking about sex trafficking; in some cases violently traumatised to prevent us talking about sex trafficking. This perpetuates sex trafficking.
  Our society pathologises and silences people who are harmed at violent intersections; who have health conditions that have compounded without help; whose bodies have life-threatening reactions to environmental contaminants, who have told the truth about the illness and injury they've experienced; have been dismissed and ignored, creating chaos and damage.
  When we talk together about how to listen and support one another even when we feel we don't have enough support ourselves, we are talking about how to stop sex trafficking.
  This is urgently needed.
  The clips of Alison McDowell's important community conversations describe infrastructure that facilitates the sex trafficking of marginalised and vulnerable people, including disabled people, elders, and children.
  There is no need for this violence.
  We have documented the pathways that lead to sex trafficking because people don't know about these pathways --- but each pathway can be interrupted and prevented easily when we focus together on building safe, inclusive communities.
  When you participate in these conversations with us, you learn about the pathways you weren't aware of before. 
  This prevents sex trafficking.---@evanjacques & @maxmorris
https://t.me/s/Ideaschema/1270 - https://t.me/s/Ideaschema/1305 
---20210118-133846, https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨
Jan 18, 2021. Adwiya, berberΓ©, greens, kraut, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, pau d'arco, lemon, medicinal juice with oregano. Blessings to this gland and this animal I pray was cared for, protected from suffering, fully respected with safety and kindness. Gratitude for digestive repair, for peace full-strength, for the honoring of bravest allies, and for all life.---@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨
https://Intuitive.social/kitchen πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ™πŸΌπŸΆπŸŒΏπŸ΅
Jan 21, 2021. If you are able-bodied, you have an especial responsibility to ensure safe, inclusive spaces for effective communications centering survivors of greatest severity.
  If you do not support this #disabilityinclusion, who will?
  To our knowledge, IPR is the only network establishing these spaces so dearly needed to relieve and safeguard those currently experiencing violence.
  ***If you know of any other, please notify us urgently.***
  Our network is being destroyed where, by and large, severely disabled people show up to work every day, barely scraping by minimal function, in terrible pain, knowing the collectively crucial nature of our intersections --- but non-disabled people do not.
  Even though non-disabled people express themselves with great support of our efforts, they do not come close enough to recognize what's really happening and how easily they could relieve a tremendous amount of suffering (including their own).
  Non-disabled people are becoming increasingly disabled themselves because they don't have the benefit of inclusive community knowledge sharing from intersections of violence and marginalization.
  This knowledge is missing because severely disabled and intersectionalized people have fallen out of almost all communities, lost, excluded.
  This horrifying gap in communications is the obstacle between severely disabled people trying to safely communicate with one another and constantly being taken advantage of by the predatory elements non-disabled people say they are aware of and concerned about… while the same predatory elements are ensured access to disabled people *because of the *absence* of non-disabled people.*
  Our efforts in broadcasting over this Intuitive Public Radio have first and foremost been about communicating to you how you can make us safer right away --- by remembering us, including us, and engaging with us in daily, relationship-building community that fully restores safety, respect, recovery privilege, and social protection against extremity.
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how profound the collective results will be when they join us here?
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how soul-killing it is to watch severely disabled people struggle to show up reliably while isolated and left to predatory elements... while non-disabled people express that they care... but somehow cannot close the distance between us... which would so effortlessly stop this ongoing violence?
  I and other community members and core organizers undergo extreme circumstances of ongoing physical torture while people who are not being physically tortured seem bewildered about why we are asking them to engage with us in kindness and belonging.
  Please, help us.
  Please, be in contact with us. ---@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
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Jan 28. ZP reads from the writing of Debra Malmos on 13 Sun Ahau for this Intuitive Unknown Volume 2021, Episode 1. Listen here: https://anchor.fm/intuitiveunknown/episodes/1--13-SUN-AHAU-Jan-28--Volume-2021-ZP-epk8ks β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveUnknown β€’ Chat here: https://t.me/joinchat/KOYx2Eo7FR0ID7OYk8MW1g β€’ Gratitude for Debra's peace: https://jaguarspirit.com/2021/01/28/13-sun-ahau-ascension-of-the-tzolkin-day-13 β€’β€’β€’ Max writes: All the world feels full of gems and dew drops, hanging in the belly of the air. β€’ Today the 13th day of this trecena, then tomorrow comes crocodile. All through the goldening garden of the last two weeks, weaving the womb, and in the sap of the earth a quickening. This moment is worth bearing. Listen. You can hear it. β€’ In the grit and in the gloam, you're not alone. You're not alone. β€’ Next on: Dreaming. β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveUnknown/358 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/174 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4426 ---20210128-172139, https://Intuitive.pub/text πŸ“πŸ’Œ  β€’ https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext πŸ“»πŸ”‘ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiostream πŸ’žπŸŽΆ
Jan 30, 2021. Megan Makes Music By Any Means Necessary: A Community Patronage Experiment (Circa 2009-2021) by Megan M. This is Episode 4, Volume 2021 of Max Morris & The Mettagog on MaxMoRadio. Emergent artmusicpeaces by Max Megan Elizabeth Morris with essential support from contributing Intuitive Invisibles. https://anchor.fm/maxmoradio/episodes/4--Megan-Makes-Music-By-Any-Means-Necessary-epmpkj β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/3001 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicMusic/1556 β€’ https://t.me/s/Ideaschema/1355 β€’ Tuneful newsletter signups: https://Intuitive.pub/mail β€’ Contact: https://t.me/maxmorris -β€”20210130-123010, https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/music πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆβœ¨ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/text πŸ“πŸ’Œ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext πŸ“»πŸ”‘ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiostream πŸ’žπŸŽΆ
February 1, 2021. Writing: In my dream this late January full moon the lion is as if on a raised hospital bed, tubes attached, unconscious, more grey than tawn, looking like death, face slack, blood and illness on his mane. He is huge and heavy and in health glows brightly golden, powerful in sacred resonance - but here appears completely helpless without us. I can see his face closely and seek signs of life in it. I know that this wounded leonine avatar represents the body and guardianship of holy community. He has fought hard to nourish all of us and he is dying, but… WE can flow life into him again. He believes in us and we believe in him. He is emergent, brings us gifts and relief when we clasp hands across spaces to make safe, inclusive communities. Please pray healing and strength for him. He is US. We Are the strength we need. --@maxmorris β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/3011 ---20210201-155902, https://intuitive.social/memory β€’ https://intuitive.pub/amp
February 2, 2021. When we breathe together silently amidst this @SpontaneousCosmology we transceive the broadcast messages of the loving oghamniverse. ---@maxmorris β€’β€’β€’ rec-20210202-075225 Breathing Loving Oghamniverse β€’ rec-20210202-085126 Blessings To The Bridge, The Work Of Michon Neal, And Our Conversations About Spiritual Cannibalism β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveBridge/283 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveBridge/299 β€’ https://t.me/s/TheMetanoiacPortal/673 β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/3018 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4443 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4444 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4447 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/181 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/182 β€’  https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/183 ---20210202-074111, https://intuitive.social/memory 🌊