πŸ”Š @IntuitiveSocialMemory β€’ Live Collaborative Social Memory β€’ @MaxMoRadio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
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February 2, 2021. Blessings and safety to this @IntuitiveBridge. β€’ Thank you for joining us this crisp, nutritive morning to share explorations through the beautiful works of MichΓ³n Neal, Mara Bird, and you know what? I feel such beauty today --- previously impossible to access, it seemed --- but now emergent all around me somehow only because of the friendships we've been growing. My name is Max Megan Elizabeth Morris and we have got it --- that @intuitivepublicradio infrastructure we pleaded for is no longer a future possibility. It's here. β€’ Where is our sense of time? Mine is liquid, like storage; movement, muscle, material, memory, and the growing sense of collective @intuitivestrength. It wasn't long ago at all that MichΓ³n and I met for our first deep (deep) dive into these fateful words: SPIRITUAL CANNIBALISM, and all the conversational intersections we're swiftly aware we must weave in. These privileged media conversations heal bodies and relieve suffering. β€”-@maxmorris, @maxmoradio β€’β€’β€’ Please follow MichΓ³n Neal's work via these hashtags on Telegram messenger and on other social media platforms: #cuilmusings #metanoiacembodiement β€’β€’β€’ rec-20210202-075225 Breathing Loving Oghamniverse β€’ rec-20210202-085126 Blessings To The Bridge, The Work Of Michon Neal, And Our Conversations About Spiritual Cannibalism β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveBridge/283 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveBridge/299 β€’ https://t.me/s/TheMetanoiacPortal/673 β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/3018 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4443 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4444 β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4447 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/181 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/182 β€’  https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialMemory/183 ---20210129-093839 ---20210202-082830, https://Intuitive.social/memory β€’β€’β€’
Feb 3, 2021. Good morning and greetings from this https://t.me/IntuitiveBridge. Will you join us in today's collective intention meditation? β€’β€’β€’ Our collective intent today together as this Intuitive Public is for each of us and collectively to experience increased very best strength, relief, and resilience emergent in our physical bodies, relationships, families, and communities. β€’β€’β€’ We will gather multilocationally and asynchronously at β€’β€’β€’ February 3, 2021 (Wedn.) β€’β€’β€’ 12:00pm - 12:15pm Eastern β€’β€’β€’ (9:00a PT, 11:00p CT, 5:00p GMT) β€’β€’β€’ Contact https://t.me/maxmorris to join us in real time. β€’β€’β€’ Subscribe to this group chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Ve7oUBZmchKPsIb_ β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4450 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/1217 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveBridge/307 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveStrength/1066 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveEmergent/1972 β€’ https://t.me/s/PittsburghIPR/2157 β€’ https://t.me/s/AustinIPR/1097 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialCalendar/371 ---20210119-075538, https://Intuitive.social/calendaring πŸŒžπŸ•°οΈ β€’ https://Intuitive.community/gatherings β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/bridge β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/intent ✨
Feb 7, 2021. In IPR's infrastructure, the ongoing conversation is much more important than any one piece of the conversation. β€’ When we publish any single piece (peace) at a channel of @IntuitivePublicRadio, we are asking for a continued, inclusive, safety oriented conversation that allows us to process and contextualize that peace with caring others holding space for community awareness and belonging. β€’ Many (though not all) platforms publish a piece of information specifically to endorse it. β€’ Our main reason for publishing every peace is more important than any endorsement: We all need safe resourcing for improved communications resonance, crisis relief, and collective health in our environments. β€’ Our community members being harmed now can immediately be safe, with your help. We are continually striving for communications contact that stops the violence we're experiencing. β€’ This means that every minute, we are willing to tackle the most challenging subjects --- and invite all to participate. β€’ We do this to achieve physical safety ourselves and to extend safety to those who cannot join our activities until we succeed. ---@maxmorris, t.me/maxmoradio β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/Ideaschema/1390 β€’ https://t.me/IntuitiveSocialMemory/188 ---20210207-062738, https://intuitive.social/memory β€’β€’β€’
Forwarded from Max Morris
If it's time to broadcast or publish something, I will make a tiny incremental plan, write it down, and finish it. Then I will note it at this https://Intuitive.social/memory & https://Intuitive.social/calendaring, where it is compiled for others to find and follow it. (Clicking through to the documents for each of those links, today I have begun.)
Forwarded from Max Morris
This results in a small text peace along with any kind of multimedia, audio, video, visual art, or another kind of resource link. It has a timestamp. It has links to the most immediately relevant survivors' workgroups.
Intuitive Mishkan, February 24, 2021. Join us in the mishkan today and all week for vigil, story sharing, and nutritive kindness to earth, celebrate, manifest compassionate action, and integrate this full moon time. Each day February 24 through March 2, 2021 at 12p Eastern, our Intuitive Public Radio facilitates our joining co-host Max Megan Elizabeth Morris, honored Intuitive Invisibles, and beloved others in community caring, prayer, circling, collective intent, brave helping, holding strong space, and supportive conversations together --- efforts near and deer to us. β€’β€’β€’ (each day at) 12p - 5p Eastern | 5p - 10p GMT | 9a - 2p Pacific | 10a - 3p Mountain β€’β€’β€’ February 24, 2021 through March 2, 2021 β€’β€’β€’ Asynchronously Anchored by Max, Evan, and contributing Intuitive Invisibles β€’β€’β€’ πŸ’Έ Donate to support: https://intuitive.pub/bridge/families β€’ https://intuitive.community/donations β€’β€’β€’ πŸ“© Email as needed: grow@intuitive.community β€’β€’β€’ 🧠 Join our chat at @IntuitiveCommunity on Telegram messenger to participate and contribute: https://t.me/joinchat/UA4OStMXhhLcOWrD β€’ https://Intuitive.community/gatherings β€’ 20210224-022044 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/1234 β€’ https://Intuitive.community/mishkan β€’Β°`
February 24, 2021. It is 12 Adar 5781 and 1 Manik by daykeepers of the Tzolkin, full moon waxing to Virgo, Saint David's Day blooms March 1st. We are celebrating through March 2nd and then gathering to rest and reflect March 3rd. β€’ I do not know that I have sufficiently updated relevant text portions, and yet --- proud of nonetheless inevitable progress. I keep moving myself forward… I keep moving myself. β€’ Allowing myself to be meaningfully moved, that's the thing that is most important... β€’ 20210224-044211 β€’ https://t.me/maxmorris β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/1234 β€’ https://Intuitive.community/mishkan β€’Β°`
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Intuitive Public Garden β€’ Intuitive Social Centers β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Feb 3, 2021. LET'S START COMPARING PEOPLE AND EXPERIENCES TO PLANTS. And WITNESS the conversation change... β€’β€’β€’ Over The Moon is making me weep. I had to pause it from the pain and breathe. Here am I, celebrant of breathing. β€’β€’β€’ There's so much of the world for me to come in contact with. I prefer the company of plants and plant peoples. Blessings to growing greening and those who care for these. ---@maxmoradio, @maxmorris β€’ * β€’ ---20210203-104627, https://Intuitive.social/memory ✨
March 11, 2021. Please join us Saturdays and Wednesdays for weekly Torah, sacred study, meals, prayer, and music led by survivors of trafficking & ritual abuse. During these times each week, we center awareness, contemplation, collective intention, and deep details on how we make and keep our spaces completely free of invisiblized intersectional violence, including ritual abuse and sex trafficking. β€’ We take time to share food together and make music together, strengthening all our selves in community. β€’ We courageously address and continue even the most challenging topics, to the profound relief of severely affected group members --- topics that otherwise we have never found addressed in a supported community setting. β€’ Most of our group members meet asynchronously --- a great blessing for those who are severely disabled from participating in a culture that usually meets only in "real time." β€’ This is how we create and sustain spaces safe for survivors. β€’ Please consider getting involved to support this important resource. β€’ If you are safer or in a position of financial flow, please consider making a financial offering to support the work of severely disabled trafficking survivors organizing to share their expertise, time, and care. β€’β€’β€’ INVITATION & WELCOME β€’β€’β€’ Intuitive Etymology Torah & Scripture Study Saturdays (8am ET / 5am PT) β€’ Commensal Musicality Saturdays (1pm ET / 10am PT) β€’ Free-Davenning Wednesdays (11am ET / 8am PT) β€’β€’β€’ contact https://t.me/maxmorris or email max@intuitive.pub to participate β€’β€’β€’ Thank you! SUPPORT SAFE SPACES FOR SURVIVORS OF SEX TRAFFICKING: https://cash.app/$IntuitivePublicRadio β€’ https://paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles β€’ https://gumroad.com/IntuitivePR β€’ SHARE BITCOIN: https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicHelpers/1251 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveFlow/1711 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveFlow/1723 β€’ LINKS, NOTES, & EASTER EGGS: https://Intuitive.community/mishkan β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/cosmology β€’ https://Intuitive.social/calendaring β€’Β°`
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Water β€’ Intuitive Emergent β€’ Intuitive Public Radio Earth β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Water β€’ Intuitive Emergent β€’ Intuitive Public Radio Earth β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’