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HongKongers in Leeds
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8.31 列斯香港人集會

日期: 2022年8月31日 (星期三)
時間: 1830- 1930 敬請準時
地點: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD
衣著: 黑色
活動內容: 獻花、默哀、集會、分享

1. 是次活動舉辦已知會警察
2. 敬請準時
3. 敬請自備電子蠟燭及花束作獻花之用。

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線


主題係 「Anti-Totalitarian 反極權大遊行」
時間:1330- 1530
集合地點: Victoria Square (Town Hall 前)
路線:Victoria Square —> Calverly Street —> EParade —>Infirmary Street —> City Square —>Park Road —>Basinghall Street —> The Headrow —> Victoria Square


1. 是次遊行已知會警察
2. 敬請自備示威道具

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線


主題係 「Anti-Totalitarian 反極權大遊行」
時間:1330- 1530
集合地點: Victoria Square (Town Hall 前)
路線:Victoria square > E Parade > infirmary street > Boar lane > call lane > New York street > George street > Briggate > The Headrow > Victoria square 



1. 是次遊行已知會警察
2. 敬請自備示威道具

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線
#蟈情知多啲 - 中共正侵略全球 (第一彈)
#KnockKnockItsthenews - CCP is invading the world (Episode 1)







This is our new project in 2023, aimed to regularly share translated information about the evil act of the CCP and Hong Kong regime. We hope this can be your small talk topics with local friends and colleagues, help them to understand the threat China is posing. We think it helps to integrate resistence into daily lives.

<Chinese tracking device found sealed inside UK government car>
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s oppression of Hongkongers has alerted the world to the threat posing them. Recently, The UK government banned new Chinese surveillance cameras from ‘sensitive’ sites, after a security review.

However, CCP's surveillance network is too wide to be limited. Intelligence officials discovered tracking devices with SIM card in vehicles used to carry diplomats and snior government officials, which can record and transmit real-time location data. The tracker was found sealed inside a part that had been imported from China.

Through the device, CCP could build up a large database to target and track the passengers, infringe their privacy and build up a rich picture of activity.

In recent years, car manufacturers such as BMW, Volkswagen, Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover have partnered with chinese companies to supply ECU and 5G connectivities for their cars. Although they denied the possible vulnerablilities, many politicians have expressed their concerns.

We look forward to the response from the UK government.

來源 Source: metro.co.uk


#蟈情知多啲 #KnockKnockItsTheNews #CCPisinvadingtheworld
#中共正侵略全球 #Hongkongersinleeds
中共正侵略全球 – 第三彈

CCP is invading the world – Episode 3
-2019 年8 月18 日、8 月31、10 月1 日及10 月20 日集會-- 未經批准集結罪,合共20 個月刑期。
-2020 年6 月4 日集會-- 煽惑他人參與未經批准集結罪,13 個月刑期。

2. 煽動及勾結外國勢力類
-2020 年12 月 –被起訴《香港國安法》下勾結外國或者境外勢力危害國家安全
-2021 年12 月--串謀發布煽動刊物罪—等候量刑。

3. 違反地契類
-2022 年12 月--違反地契的欺詐罪--監禁5 年9 個月, 罰款200 萬港元, 取
消擔任公司董事資格8 年。
違反地契最嚴重的後果通常是釘契.在蘋果的控告中,使用欺詐罪刑事控告是第一次, 也是第一次由國安署接管違反地契案件。

蘋果日報遭港共以"陽光司法"不斷打壓, 黎智英面臨終身監禁。請大家SHARE比本地朋友,為還押中的記者同手足發聲,揭示港共摧毀香港司法獨立的真相。


#立即釋放黎智英 #FreeJimmyLai #amnesty #列斯手足連線 #Hongkongersinleeds #CCPisinvadingtheworld
CCP is invading the world – Episode 3

In the last episode, we mentioned that Next Digital was seized by the CCP and subsequently delisted from stock market. in fact, CCP is framing Next Digital founder Jimmy Lai with multiple political crimes for his anti-CCP stance.

In this episode, we will highlight the injustice in Hong Kong by comparing Jimmy Lai's recent sentencing with similar cases in the past.

1. "Illegal assembly"
Jimmy Lai:
-Assemblies on 18 August, 31 August, 1 October and 20 October 2019-- "organizing and participating in the unauthorized assembly" -— 20 months of imprisonment.
-Assembly on 4 June 2020 --"inciting others to participate in unauthorized assembly" —- 13 months of imprisonment.
Similar cases in the past:
Offenders (e.g. Some lawmakers) were fined and handed Community Service Orders.

2. " Colluding with foreign countries" and "conspiracy"
Jimmy Lai:
-December 2020 –- "colluding with foreign countries or external elements to endanger national security."— pending trail, up to life imprisonment. Seizure of Next Digital's asset forced AppleDaily to cease operation after publishing its last paper on 24 June 2021.
-December 2021 -- "conspiracy to publish seditious publications" -— pending sentencing.
Similar cases in the past:
In November 1951, the British Hong Kong government first applied the "Sedition Ordinance" to prosecute <Ta Kung Pao> (a pro-CCP news agency) for publishing seditious publications. Director Fei Yi-Ming and editor Li Tsung-Yin were fined HKD $3000 to $4000 and imprisoned for 6 to 9 months, while printer Pao Li-Chor was acquitted. <Ta Kung Pao> was banned from publication for only 12 days. The British Hong Kong government allowed opposition to exist.

3. "Violation of lease"
Jimmy Lai:
-December 2022-- "Fraud" for violation of lease -— 5 years and 9 months imprisonment, HKD $2M fine, and an eight-year disqualification order (for being company director).
This is the first time lease violation being criminalised, and the first time that the Office for Safeguarding National Security handles civil cases.
Similar cases in the past:
Violation of lease was treated as civil cases with penalties such as imposing encumbrances at Land Registry, or re-entry of the lot or vesting of the relevant interest to Government in worst case scenario. The actions taken by Government did not involve prosecution.

Pro-democrats, Entrepreneurs, journalists and civilians are being persecuted by Hong Kong regime with weaponized legal system. Please share with your friends to reveal how CCP is threatening universal values of modern civilization.


#立即釋放黎智英 #FreeJimmyLai #amnesty #列斯手足連線 #Hongkongersinleeds #CCPisinvadingtheworld
列斯手足連線Hongkongers in Leeds

揭示真實的中國 - 第三彈
Revealing the real China – 3rd Sharing

中共國自吹自擂,將白事當紅事辦大家都應該見怪不怪,但中共面皮厚到一個極點真係能人所不能。中共2月16日召開會議,吹噓: 「新冠死亡率保持在全球最低水平,取得疫情防控重大决定性胜利,创造了人类文明史上人口大国成功走出疫情大流行的奇迹」


根據衛報(The Guardians) 報導,中共聲稱只有83,150 人死於武肺。但自從清零政策突然放寬,中共只記錄醫院內武肺死亡人數,加上檢測由2022年12月9日的每日1.5億次急降至2023年1月23日的28萬次,中國年頭的死亡人數存疑。有學者透過年齡分布及疫苗率嚟推算,年頭呢波疫情死亡人數可達150 萬,遠高於美國總死亡人數(從疫情爆發開始計算)的110萬。


China often brags and disguises tragedy with celebration. CCP held a conference on 16th Feb and bragged about itself as the “best” country in the pandemic by maintaining the “lowest” death rate globally. It claimed achieving great success and imposing a “miracle” of bringing the large population out of COVID. Is it really the truth?

As you all know, China has abandoned the “Zero COVID policy” after the “White Paper Revolution” earlier this year. However, the situation has burst into a disaster due to the sudden lifting of lockdown measures and the lack of preventive measures in the early stage. Some reported that the high death rate has even overloaded incinerators, which became incapable of handling such a large amount of deceased in the early months. At the same time, many countries tightened the border control from China to prevent another outbreak of COVID, which undoubtedly contradicted its statement of being the country with the lowest death rate.

According to The Guardians, CCP claims the total number of deaths in China due to COVID-19 is 83150. However, after lifting “Zero COVID policy” measures in China, CCP has changed the method of obtaining the statistics and limited the death rate to those who died in hospitals ONLY, excluding the numbers of deaths from all other places. In addition, the number of COVID tests done has dropped from 1.5 billion per day on 9th Dec 2022 to 280k per day on 23rd Jan 2023. There from the figures from CCP is probably biased and lack legitimacy.

Scholars have deduced the death rate in China by considering the age distribution and the vaccination rate. The deaths during the massive outbreak earlier this year should have reached 1.5 million. The figure is far more than the 1.1 million in the United States (starting from the beginning of the pandemic).

China has hidden the truth since the outbreak of COVID. No improvements were seen to be made but only propaganda. Therefore, we are obligated to unveil the evil acts of the CCP to the world.

#Hongkongersinleeds #Wuhanvirus #CCPliespeopledie

列斯手足連線Hongkongers in Leeds

揭示真實的中國 - 第四彈
Revealing the real China – 4th Sharing

早排中國國內發起咗白紙革命,間接導致中共結束長達三年的清零政策。但中共嘅本性永遠唔會令大家失望,佢哋唔會想解決問題,而係會千方百計解決提出問題的人。Twitter 上有網友提供一段有關中共警察訓練嘅短片,揭示佢哋如何針對舉白紙的人,大藍布下提出問題嘅人都會被解決了。

Not long ago, the “White paper revolution” in China stopped the ridiculous Zero COVID policy. Chinese people held white papers to protest against the government. However, the evil instinct of the CCP won’t make everyone disappointed. A video clip showed Police in China conducting training on hiding the protestors by surrounding them with barriers made of blue clothes. The CCP never try to solve the problem; instead, they will silence the people who ask about it.

Twitter @whyyoutouzhele

#Hongkongersinleeds #revealingtherealchina #CCPisterroist

列斯嘅默站行動今日喺香港人踴躍支持下順利舉行。多於47名港人及本地人戴上象徵被國安法帶來白色恐怖影響之白色面具,手持SAVEHK47大字呼籲大眾關注。現場同時播放解釋47人案嘅英文錄音,同埋願榮光歸香港、Do you hear the people sing,聲援是次行動。


列斯手足連線感激所有參加者,以及提供物資的香港人。隨住47人案審訊持續,以及港共利用國安法不斷打壓港人,身在海外的離散港人必須無懼白色恐怖,繼續發聲!請繼續留意聯合行動tg channel @StandwithHK47

#列斯手足連線 #Hongkongersinleeds #SaveHK47 #鳴謝mycupofhktea贊助部份印刷 #記得登記做選民 #一人一信ToMP #寫信師
《寫信師 》後續安排


大家寫完之後,可以直接寄去懶人包入面各人嘅收信地址,或者聯絡各大寫信師平台。我哋特別鳴謝「淨飲雙計」奶茶舖(no.16; zone 1904, kirkgate market, leeds
ls2 7hy), 提供地方俾我哋放置收信箱,大家寫完信之後可以去到將信放入信箱,我哋會之後代為轉寄。多謝大家支持!

更多資訊: @StandwithHK47

#Hongkongersinleeds #SaveHk47 #NSL
8.31 列斯香港人集會 - 逝者已矣 未捨未忘

日期: 2023年8月31日 (星期四)
時間: 1830- 1930 敬請準時
地點: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD (暫定)
衣著: 黑色
活動內容: 獻花、默哀、集會、分享

1. 敬請準時
2. 敬請自備電子蠟燭及花束作獻花之用。

8.31 Leeds Hongkongers Rally - Gone But Not Forgotten

Date: 31 August 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 1830- 1930 (Please be punctual)
Venue: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD (TBC)
Dress code: Black
Content: Flower laying, moment of silence, sharing, rally


1. Please be punctual
2. Please bring your own electric candles and flowers for the commemoration

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線

8.31 列斯香港人集會 - 逝者已矣 未捨未忘

日期: 2023年8月31日 (星期四)
時間: 1830- 1930 敬請準時
⭐️⭐️地點更新:Victoria Square (Outside Leeds Art Gallery) LS1 3AA
衣著: 黑色
活動內容: 獻花、默哀、集會、分享

1. 敬請準時
2. 敬請自備電子蠟燭及花束作獻花之用。

8.31 Leeds Hongkongers Rally - Gone But Not Forgotten

Date: 31 August 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 1830- 1930 (Please be punctual)
⭐️⭐️Update Venue:Victoria Square (Outside Leeds Art Gallery) LS1 3AA
Dress code: Black
Content: Flower laying, moment of silence, sharing, rally


1. Please be punctual
2. Please bring your own electric candles and flowers for the commemoration

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線
8.31 五週年列斯香港人追思集會-





日期:2024年8月31日 (星期六)
時間:1800 - 1900 敬請準時
地點:Victoria Square (Outside Leeds Art Gallery) LS1 3AA
活動內容: 獻花、默哀、集會、分享


1. 敬請準時
2. 敬請自備電子蠟燭及花束作獻花之用。
3. 如有請帶光時旗

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線
8.31 Fifth Anniversary Rally

❤️‍🔥 Lest We Forget, Honouring the Fallen 🤍

To our brothers and sisters in heaven:

Five years have passed, yet the humiliation lingers. The living are unjustly accused, and the dead await vindication. Looking back at Hong Kong, tyrants reign, destroying our homeland and leaving us in deep sorrow. The bloodshed has forged an unbreakable enmity, and we vow to seek justice, avenging our loss.

We remember those who sacrificed, and we shall not forget the suffering of our brothers and sisters. In this foreign land, we mourn the lost souls. Remaining true to our intentions, we pledge to persevere, to liberate Hong Kong, and to continue the revolution of our times.

Yours sincerely, Hongkongers in Leeds

Date: 31 August 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 (Please be punctual)
Venue: Victoria Square (Outside Leeds Art Gallery) LS1 3AA
Dress Code: Black
Activities: Flower offering, moment of silence, gathering, sharing


1. Please arrive on time.
2. Please bring your own electronic candles and flowers for the offering.
3. If possible, bring a "Liberate Hong Kong" flag.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Hongkongers in Leeds m

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds




Today in Leeds city centre, Hongkongers, undeterred by repression, bravely stood together to honour those who lost their lives during the 2019 protests.

With bouquets of flowers and candlelight, we expressed our deepest respect for the departed souls. Participants took turns reading aloud the stories of the protesters who sacrificed themselves during the movement, moving many to tears as they mourned these losses and condemned the cruelty of the oppressive regime.

Many parents brought their children to the event, explaining that once there were brave people in Hong Kong who gave their lives to resist the regime's atrocities. It is hoped that the spirit of Hongkongers' resistance will be passed down to future generations, even in a foreign land.

Five years have passed, but we will never surrender! Only by liberating Hong Kong can we bring solace to the fallen.

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線