Hong Kong Democracy Movement
教育局年初發表視學報告,批評有學校唱國歌時師生歌聲略為細聲,建議學校加強學生唱國歌信心和習慣;教育局長蔡若蓮近日接受多份報章訪問時表示,為局方報告這講法辯護,「唱 K 都唔會好細聲唱」,因為唱歌就是要表達感情。 明報、星島、經濟、港台等均於今日刊發蔡若蓮專訪,蔡若蓮在訪問中提到,唱國歌聲線大小不是對錯問題,而是有關學生的意識,她指唱歌聲線反映投入度,音樂堂老師都會提醒學生唱得大聲一點,是正常建議,相信學校不會覺得有壓力。
The Education Bureau in #HongKong wants to make sure that students are singing the Chinese Anthem loud enough. This is another level of #brainwashing.
#freehongkong #hkdmovement
#freehongkong #hkdmovement
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 香港終審法院前非常任法官岑耀信(Jonathan Sumption)上周撰文評論香港法治垂危,隨即惹來特區政府與中方駐港機構連日發文攻擊。 曾任終院非常任法官長達18年的梅師賢(Anthony Mason)是澳洲高院前首席大法官,一直很支持香港終院保留海外法官的制度。他接受《明報》訪問時表示,強烈不接納中方對岑耀信人格作出的批評,形容岑耀信是高度受人尊重的法官。對於岑耀信評論「港區國安法」衝擊香港法治,梅師賢認為即使法官不同意條文內容,包括認為嚴苛或侵犯人權,但只要法例是有效,法官也只能依法判案。//…
Former Australian Chief Justice Anthony Mason, who supports the retention of overseas judges in Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal, strongly rejects the attacks on former UK Supreme Court judge Jonathan Sumption's character by the Hong Kong government and Chinese authorities. Mason describes Sumption as a highly respected judge. Regarding Sumption's comments on the impact of the national security law on Hong Kong's rule of law, Mason believes that even if judges disagree with the law's provisions, including finding them harsh or violating human rights, they must still apply the law if it is valid. #JudicialIndependence #JonathanSumption #AnthonyMason #OverseasJudges #RuleOfLaw #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw
Hirano Uryu's denial of entry into Hong Kong further highlights the significant deterioration of freedom in the city. The restrictions on individuals expressing their views and commemorating events like the tragic incident involving Leung Kin-fai demonstrate the shrinking space for dissent and the erosion of fundamental rights. The situation underscores the concerns raised by many regarding the diminishing freedoms and the impact of national security legislation in Hong Kong. #FreedomOfExpression #DeterioratingFreedom #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【都做到好明下】 繼同志組織「大同」原訂 629 到 71 在尖沙咀 iSQUARE 舉辦的同志驕傲月市集,因食環署指無申請臨時娛樂牌取消後,再有同一時間舉行的市集取消舉行。 文創市集「Marketoo」原本計劃聯乘電影《公開試當真》,6 月 29 日到 7 月 1 日在啟德AIRSIDE 辦市集,但主辦方今日公告,市集「因不可抗力因素需要取消」。 Marketoo 在公告中為突如其來的轉變致歉,「呢個決定真的很痛心, 亦抱歉地說我地不能透露太多原因」,稱自確認與試當真聯乘深感興奮,數個月來用心準備…
In addition to the recent event cancellations, the repeated disruptions and cancellations of cultural and community gatherings in Hong Kong further underscore the extremely limited freedom in the city. The stringent regulations and arbitrary enforcement by authorities have created an environment of uncertainty and fear, stifling the vibrant expression of diverse voices and restricting the fundamental rights of the people. The shrinking space for social and cultural activities reflects the alarming erosion of freedom in Hong Kong. #LimitedFreedom #EventCancellations #Uncertainty #ErosionOfRights #HongKong
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【當年今日|反修例回顧】2019年7月1日:示威者佔領立法會 https://bit.ly/4co9yOr 2019年7月1日示威者衝擊並佔領立法會大樓,被視為反修例運動中標誌性的事件。
On July 1, 2019, protesters stormed and occupied Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo) building, a significant event in the anti-extradition bill movement. Demonstrators clashed with police, resulting in arrests and subsequent charges of rioting. Later, protesters escalated their actions by assaulting the LegCo entrance with metal barricades and rods. The government condemned the violence, and in the evening, protesters breached the building, raising banners and defacing symbols. The police eventually cleared the area, leading to further arrests. The aftermath saw individuals facing charges of rioting and unlawfully entering the LegCo premises. #July1st #LegCoOccupation #AntiExtraditionBill #Protests #HongKong
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【黎智英案|英御用大律師Tim Owen被拒發簽證 黎上訴至終院被駁回】 -英御用大律師Tim Owen簽證申至終院遭駁回 -高院:黎智英無合理理據,國安委決定不容司法挑戰 -上訴庭批准律政司獲得彌償訟費 全文:https://points-media.com/gqkj ------------- 📌 支持《棱角 The Points》亂世求真,贊助我們運作: points-media.com/supports 📌 報料、投稿: info@points-media.com 📌 緊貼《棱角 The Points》24小時零死角:…
"The denial of Jimmy Lai's request for legal representation and the subsequent rejection of his appeal raise serious concerns about the fairness of the trial, which goes against Article 35 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong. These actions undermine the rule of law and the fundamental rights guaranteed by Hong Kong's legal framework. #BasicLawArticle35 #UnfairTrial #RuleOfLaw #HongKong"
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
#法庭報導 1️⃣5人暴動罪脫 律政司上訴得直發還原審重新考慮 辯方擬申請重開案情 bit.ly/3VPhmBx 2019年10月6日示威者上街抗議《禁蒙面法》,5人經審訊後被裁定暴動罪不成立,但身處非法集結時使用蒙面物品罪成。律政司不服暴動罪的無罪裁決,以案件呈述形式上訴,部分被告刑滿出獄後隨即被門外警員押往法院施加保釋條件。高院法官於今年5月裁定原審的無罪裁決「有悖常理」,應予撤銷,案件須發還原審法官高偉雄重新考慮。案件再訊,代表第二及五被告的大律師擬申請重開辯方案情,其餘3名被告則尚未決定。法官高…
Jul 5: Appeal by Department of Justice in the #HongKong court: 5 individuals acquitted of riot charges in connection with the anti-mask law protests. However, convictions for unlawful assembly with masked items upheld. High Court judge orders a retrial, stating the acquittal was 'illogical.' Defense intends to apply for case reopening. Critics argue DOJ's pursuit appears aimed at suppressing the freedom of protest in Hong Kong, raising concerns about the preservation of the rule of law. #FreedomOfProtest #JusticeSystem #RuleOfLaw
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【初選47人案︱求情】辯方指譚得志屬「其他參加者」 已退出人民力量、無機會重返政壇 https://bit.ly/3XTBrcM 上次聆訊 ▌黃之鋒無撰求情信、望本案後重新開始 辯方指屬「積極參加者」 https://bit.ly/3xAuL8J ▌辯方:譚文豪已離政壇 盼追回與子女相處時間 https://bit.ly/3XT1ZuM ▌辯方指李嘉達為改現況參選、回看屬錯誤 難再任社工將另覓方法服務社會 https://bit.ly/4cs2Arr
"Six participants in the Hong Kong pro-democracy primary face charges of 'conspiring to subvert state power.' Defense argues their innocence, but judges' unprofessional and disrespectful attitude, joking about not reading the submissions, raises concerns about impartiality. The case highlights the need for fair and unbiased proceedings. #HongKong #ProDemocracy #SubversionCharges #FairTrial #JudicialAttitude"
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
新投資移民是否華人居多? 投資推廣署:唔用種族統計 https://bit.ly/3RSZ7dd
The increasing presence of mainlanders in Hong Kong through programs like the 'New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme' may alter the city's dynamics, but it cannot replace the professionals and the unique cultural aspects that define Hong Kong. The city's vibrant professional community and rich cultural heritage continue to shape its distinct identity. Despite changes, Hong Kong's resilience and the contributions of its people remain integral to its character. #HongKong #ProfessionalCommunity #CulturalIdentity
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
過去三年擔任記協主席的陳朗昇宣布不再連任,香港記者協會在上月 22 日舉行周年會員大會,選出《華爾街日報》記者鄭嘉如出任新主席,她在 7 月 1 日正式上任。 記協在今日下午公布,鄭嘉如突然被《華爾街日報》「無理辭退」,她稍後會見記者交代詳情。 在記協周年大會舉行前一日,保安局局長鄧炳強回應查詢,指留意到記協選屆選舉的參選人中,大部份都是外媒的記者,「最初看起來,我還以為是外國記者協會」,又指部分參選人是自由身記者,有些甚至不是記者。 上任香港記者協會主席僅十七日的鄭嘉如,今日突然被任職的《華爾街日…
Selina Cheng, the current HKJA president, was dismissed by WSJ allegedly due to her presidency role. This event has raised concerns about press freedom and the challenges faced by journalists in Hong Kong. Cheng's situation underscores the complexities journalists encounter in the region.
Threats to press freedom by the Hong Kong government have far-reaching implications beyond the city, impacting international media coverage, global perceptions, trust in institutions, journalists' work, diaspora communities, and the global media landscape.
#HongKong #PressFreedom #HKJA #WSJDismissal
Threats to press freedom by the Hong Kong government have far-reaching implications beyond the city, impacting international media coverage, global perceptions, trust in institutions, journalists' work, diaspora communities, and the global media landscape.
#HongKong #PressFreedom #HKJA #WSJDismissal