前最高法院法官約翰·薩姆普頓(Lord Jonathan Sumption)指責香港的司法機構對政府“過於偏袒”,引發關注。他在播客中提到,最近的案件顯示司法機構似乎向政府低頭,特別是在47位民主派人士案中有14人被定罪的情況下。
Controversy Over Judicial Independence in Hong Kong
Former top court judge Lord Jonathan Sumption criticized the Hong Kong Judiciary for being "too partial" to the authorities. In a recent podcast, he noted that recent cases suggest the Judiciary is kowtowing to the government, especially with 14 out of 16 pro-democracy figures convicted in the 47 democrats case.
Sumption also commented on the Stand News sedition verdict, arguing that newspaper editors should be free to criticize the government, a fundamental aspect of free speech.
The government denies these claims, insisting on the independence of Hong Kong's judiciary and that the rule of law has not deteriorated.
#香港 #JudicialIndependence #人權 #HumanRights #言論自由 #FreeSpeech #法治 #RuleOfLaw #政治迫害 #PoliticalPersecution
前最高法院法官約翰·薩姆普頓(Lord Jonathan Sumption)指責香港的司法機構對政府“過於偏袒”,引發關注。他在播客中提到,最近的案件顯示司法機構似乎向政府低頭,特別是在47位民主派人士案中有14人被定罪的情況下。
Controversy Over Judicial Independence in Hong Kong
Former top court judge Lord Jonathan Sumption criticized the Hong Kong Judiciary for being "too partial" to the authorities. In a recent podcast, he noted that recent cases suggest the Judiciary is kowtowing to the government, especially with 14 out of 16 pro-democracy figures convicted in the 47 democrats case.
Sumption also commented on the Stand News sedition verdict, arguing that newspaper editors should be free to criticize the government, a fundamental aspect of free speech.
The government denies these claims, insisting on the independence of Hong Kong's judiciary and that the rule of law has not deteriorated.
#香港 #JudicialIndependence #人權 #HumanRights #言論自由 #FreeSpeech #法治 #RuleOfLaw #政治迫害 #PoliticalPersecution
Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
Hong Kong’s courts are independent, gov’t says after ex-top court judge says judiciary ‘too partial’ to authorities
Hong Kong’s courts are independent and proceedings are conducted in accordance with the evidence presented, the government has said after a former top court judge said the Judiciary was ̶…
香港法院近日駁回伍子堅(Woo Tsz-kin)對其2019年抗議活動中試圖奪取警察槍械的六年監禁上訴。法官指出,伍未作證,且缺乏任何支持其論點的證據。
伍與前同學周柏君(Chow Pak-kwan)同時被捕,周在抗議中被警察射傷,但法庭對此事並未提供任何證據。法官仍判決伍有罪,認為其行為構成嚴重罪行,這引發了對司法公正的質疑。
Hong Kong Court Rejects Appeal
A Hong Kong court has rejected Woo Tsz-kin's appeal against his six-year prison sentence for attempting to seize a police officer's gun during a protest in 2019. The judges noted that Woo did not testify and there was no evidence supporting his arguments.
Woo was arrested alongside Chow Pak-kwan, who was shot by police during the protests, yet the court provided no evidence regarding this incident. Despite this, the judge convicted Woo, raising concerns about judicial fairness.
The judges denied Woo's request for a reduced sentence and will issue a written judgment later.
#香港 #JudicialSystem #人權 #HumanRights #抗議活動 #Protests #法治 #RuleOfLaw #政治迫害 #PoliticalPersecution
香港法院近日駁回伍子堅(Woo Tsz-kin)對其2019年抗議活動中試圖奪取警察槍械的六年監禁上訴。法官指出,伍未作證,且缺乏任何支持其論點的證據。
伍與前同學周柏君(Chow Pak-kwan)同時被捕,周在抗議中被警察射傷,但法庭對此事並未提供任何證據。法官仍判決伍有罪,認為其行為構成嚴重罪行,這引發了對司法公正的質疑。
Hong Kong Court Rejects Appeal
A Hong Kong court has rejected Woo Tsz-kin's appeal against his six-year prison sentence for attempting to seize a police officer's gun during a protest in 2019. The judges noted that Woo did not testify and there was no evidence supporting his arguments.
Woo was arrested alongside Chow Pak-kwan, who was shot by police during the protests, yet the court provided no evidence regarding this incident. Despite this, the judge convicted Woo, raising concerns about judicial fairness.
The judges denied Woo's request for a reduced sentence and will issue a written judgment later.
#香港 #JudicialSystem #人權 #HumanRights #抗議活動 #Protests #法治 #RuleOfLaw #政治迫害 #PoliticalPersecution
#世界正義工程(World Justice Project)發布的2024年全球法治指數顯示,香港在142個國家中排名第23,與去年相同,但評分從0.73降至0.72。
#全球法治指數 #基本權利 #法治 #自由 #民主
2024 Rule of Law Index Released
The 2024 Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Project shows Hong Kong ranked 23rd among 142 countries, unchanged from last year, but with a score dropping from 0.73 to 0.72.
In "Government Constraints" and "Fundamental Rights," Hong Kong fell to 62nd, with freedom of speech plummeting to 104th, highlighting ongoing challenges to rule of law.
Singapore ranks 16th with a score of 0.78, while China is at 95th with a score of 0.47. The challenges to global rule of law require our attention!
#RuleOfLawIndex #FundamentalRights #RuleOfLaw #Freedom #Democracy
#世界正義工程(World Justice Project)發布的2024年全球法治指數顯示,香港在142個國家中排名第23,與去年相同,但評分從0.73降至0.72。
#全球法治指數 #基本權利 #法治 #自由 #民主
2024 Rule of Law Index Released
The 2024 Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Project shows Hong Kong ranked 23rd among 142 countries, unchanged from last year, but with a score dropping from 0.73 to 0.72.
In "Government Constraints" and "Fundamental Rights," Hong Kong fell to 62nd, with freedom of speech plummeting to 104th, highlighting ongoing challenges to rule of law.
Singapore ranks 16th with a score of 0.78, while China is at 95th with a score of 0.47. The challenges to global rule of law require our attention!
#RuleOfLawIndex #FundamentalRights #RuleOfLaw #Freedom #Democracy
Hong Kong Court Denies Chow Hang-tung’s Request for Overseas Witnesses
The Hong Kong High Court ruled that activist Chow Hang-tung cannot summon overseas witnesses to testify virtually. This new rule is criticized as unfairly targeting her and violating fundamental human rights.
Chow is charged with inciting subversion and argues that her rights are improperly restricted in national security cases, highlighting the differential treatment compared to other cases.
This decision raises serious concerns about the rule of law and human rights.
#香港 #國安法 #人權 #法治 #自由 #民主
Hong Kong Court Denies Chow Hang-tung’s Request for Overseas Witnesses
The Hong Kong High Court ruled that activist Chow Hang-tung cannot summon overseas witnesses to testify virtually. This new rule is criticized as unfairly targeting her and violating fundamental human rights.
Chow is charged with inciting subversion and argues that her rights are improperly restricted in national security cases, highlighting the differential treatment compared to other cases.
This decision raises serious concerns about the rule of law and human rights.
#香港 #國安法 #人權 #法治 #自由 #民主
Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
Hong Kong activist Chow Hang-tung barred from calling on overseas witnesses in national security case
A Hong Kong court has barred activist Chow Hang-tung from calling on overseas witnesses to testify virtually in her national security trial. Chow Hang-tung. Photo: Candice Chau/HKFP. A three-judge …
A Chinese student was arrested for impersonating to be US citizen and voted in Michigan. With some states not requiring voters to show their ID, it’s hard to imagine how much of a problem this can be. How naive can people to think that #voterfraud isn’t a concern when #CCPChina and #Russia is looking for every opportunity to intervene in the American Election.
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of Alex Chow Tsz Lok's Passing
Date: November 8
Time: 1730-2000
Location: 8 The Wharf, 16 Bridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2JS
1730-1915 公眾弔唁(可自備鮮花)
1915-2000 悼念祈禱會 (默哀、事件回顧、祈禱、公眾分享)
主辦:英倫好鄰舍教會 @englandgnc
#周梓樂 #將軍澳 #沉冤待雪 #毋忘手足 #NeverForgive #NeverForget
Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of Alex Chow Tsz Lok's Passing
Date: November 8
Time: 1730-2000
Location: 8 The Wharf, 16 Bridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2JS
1730-1915 公眾弔唁(可自備鮮花)
1915-2000 悼念祈禱會 (默哀、事件回顧、祈禱、公眾分享)
主辦:英倫好鄰舍教會 @englandgnc
#周梓樂 #將軍澳 #沉冤待雪 #毋忘手足 #NeverForgive #NeverForget
【而傳媒批評質疑政府無問回應 就可能係煽動~~~(問咗都可能係)】
今年年初,政府就 23 條立法「諮詢」新聞界,但無邀請記協。保安局局長鄧炳強當時見記者時批評記協「覺得任何人都係記者。就算一個13歲細路仔,一個滿口粗口爛舌,攞個鏡頭係咁影住我哋執勤女同事嚟評頭品足,佢都覺得呢啲係專業記者,我哋覺得佢係無認受性」,所以無邀請記協。
記協當時有回應,指鄧炳強的言論失實並逐點反駁,但多間傳媒報道時並無引述記協回應。記協在今年二月去信通訊局,投訴 TVB、NOW 在報道時單方面引用鄧炳強,但無問記協回應,記協發聲明後亦無補充內容,質疑兩間電視台未有謹慎處理新聞,亦並無給予記協合理答辯機會,損害記協聲譽。
記協今日公布通訊局八月時的回覆,通訊局指仔細審視過投訴內容,認為 TVB 報道鄧炳強言論時無加任何叙述或評論,一般觀眾應該可以理解,報道只是交代官員對記協的看法,而不是「探究言論的前因後果,或相關官員/當局的看法是否有其理據」,一般觀眾亦應不會認為報道「需要提供回應的機會」;而 NOW 當時是直播記者會,無就相關言論的內容作事實判斷,應不會被視為使用謬誤資料、歪曲事實或錯誤引導觀眾以造成不公。
記協又在向通訊局的投訴中重申,記協操守委員會曾收到警方投訴,指有記者在直播中對女警評頭品足,記協調查後認為投訴成立並曾發聲明表示遺憾;而 13 歲青年在街上採訪,記者曾表明不少院校及學生組織會安排學生採訪,記協無權限制教學或學習形式。而記協亦從來無指青少年記者或曾口出粗言的記者為專業,各電視台引述鄧炳強的言論有違事實。
今年年初,政府就 23 條立法「諮詢」新聞界,但無邀請記協。保安局局長鄧炳強當時見記者時批評記協「覺得任何人都係記者。就算一個13歲細路仔,一個滿口粗口爛舌,攞個鏡頭係咁影住我哋執勤女同事嚟評頭品足,佢都覺得呢啲係專業記者,我哋覺得佢係無認受性」,所以無邀請記協。
記協當時有回應,指鄧炳強的言論失實並逐點反駁,但多間傳媒報道時並無引述記協回應。記協在今年二月去信通訊局,投訴 TVB、NOW 在報道時單方面引用鄧炳強,但無問記協回應,記協發聲明後亦無補充內容,質疑兩間電視台未有謹慎處理新聞,亦並無給予記協合理答辯機會,損害記協聲譽。
記協今日公布通訊局八月時的回覆,通訊局指仔細審視過投訴內容,認為 TVB 報道鄧炳強言論時無加任何叙述或評論,一般觀眾應該可以理解,報道只是交代官員對記協的看法,而不是「探究言論的前因後果,或相關官員/當局的看法是否有其理據」,一般觀眾亦應不會認為報道「需要提供回應的機會」;而 NOW 當時是直播記者會,無就相關言論的內容作事實判斷,應不會被視為使用謬誤資料、歪曲事實或錯誤引導觀眾以造成不公。
記協又在向通訊局的投訴中重申,記協操守委員會曾收到警方投訴,指有記者在直播中對女警評頭品足,記協調查後認為投訴成立並曾發聲明表示遺憾;而 13 歲青年在街上採訪,記者曾表明不少院校及學生組織會安排學生採訪,記協無權限制教學或學習形式。而記協亦從來無指青少年記者或曾口出粗言的記者為專業,各電視台引述鄧炳強的言論有違事實。
Judge Paul G. Lee Faces Protests in Australia
According to The Guardian, Hong Kong judge Paul G. Lee was set to speak at Sydney’s Banco Court but left through a side door due to protests outside. Demonstrators asked, "Do you know Jimmy Lai?" but he did not respond.
The protest was organized by Hong Kong expatriates in Australia, with participants wearing shirts featuring Jimmy Lai's image and holding signs labeling him a "Prisoner of Conscience," calling for Lee to resign.
#香港 #法治 #人權 #抗議 #香港法官 #JimmyLai
Judge Paul G. Lee Faces Protests in Australia
According to The Guardian, Hong Kong judge Paul G. Lee was set to speak at Sydney’s Banco Court but left through a side door due to protests outside. Demonstrators asked, "Do you know Jimmy Lai?" but he did not respond.
The protest was organized by Hong Kong expatriates in Australia, with participants wearing shirts featuring Jimmy Lai's image and holding signs labeling him a "Prisoner of Conscience," calling for Lee to resign.
#香港 #法治 #人權 #抗議 #香港法官 #JimmyLai
習近平是在 2012 年「習近平元年」,「當選」中共總書記、國家主席和中央軍委主席,同年奧巴馬當選連任;到 2016 年,特朗普擊敗希拉莉入主白宮,翌年習近平連任,展開第二任期,到 2020 年拜登擊敗特朗普,白宮再次易主。
2022 年,習近平打破中共領導人兩屆任期慣例,第三度「當選」,展開第三任期;隨著特朗普重掌白宮,習近平任期內將經歷美國第三次政黨輪替,但由於美國憲法規定最多只可以做兩任總統,特朗普 2028 必定會離任,而 2027 年第三任期將屆滿的習近平,是否會繼續連任,再見證多一位美國總統誕生,仍是未知之數。
習近平是在 2012 年「習近平元年」,「當選」中共總書記、國家主席和中央軍委主席,同年奧巴馬當選連任;到 2016 年,特朗普擊敗希拉莉入主白宮,翌年習近平連任,展開第二任期,到 2020 年拜登擊敗特朗普,白宮再次易主。
2022 年,習近平打破中共領導人兩屆任期慣例,第三度「當選」,展開第三任期;隨著特朗普重掌白宮,習近平任期內將經歷美國第三次政黨輪替,但由於美國憲法規定最多只可以做兩任總統,特朗普 2028 必定會離任,而 2027 年第三任期將屆滿的習近平,是否會繼續連任,再見證多一位美國總統誕生,仍是未知之數。
【平野雨龍正式參政 自稱對中強硬派】
【曾聲援反送中 遭港拒絕入境】
Tg channel 現已成立,請追蹤以觀看最新資訊
多次聲援香港反送中社運的平野雨龍,正式宣佈踏足日本政治,指將以「無所屬新人」身份參加來年7月的日本參議院選舉。她在街頭宣傳時強調「中國製不買」 ,自稱為「對中強硬派」。
【曾聲援反送中 遭港拒絕入境】
Tg channel 現已成立,請追蹤以觀看最新資訊
多次聲援香港反送中社運的平野雨龍,正式宣佈踏足日本政治,指將以「無所屬新人」身份參加來年7月的日本參議院選舉。她在街頭宣傳時強調「中國製不買」 ,自稱為「對中強硬派」。
#周梓樂 #香港 #紀念 #正義 #人權
Nov 8, to commemorate Chow Tze-lok’s death 5 years ago, people had to navigate around police patrols in HK. Those who were caught faced ID checks and potential recording of their information.
Chow Tze-lok fell unconscious from a parking lot, and the court ruled his death suspicious. A unit of police in tactical gear was present in the parking lot at the time of his fall.
#ChowTzeLok #Neverforgive #neverforget #StandWithHK
#周梓樂 #香港 #紀念 #正義 #人權
Nov 8, to commemorate Chow Tze-lok’s death 5 years ago, people had to navigate around police patrols in HK. Those who were caught faced ID checks and potential recording of their information.
Chow Tze-lok fell unconscious from a parking lot, and the court ruled his death suspicious. A unit of police in tactical gear was present in the parking lot at the time of his fall.
#ChowTzeLok #Neverforgive #neverforget #StandWithHK
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#中大 #中大保衛戰
#中環 #和你Lunch
#反送中5週年 #毋忘2019 #毋忘抗爭 #當年今日
During the CUHK Defense Battle, students and protesters united to resist police repression. This intense standoff showcased the determination and courage of Hongkongers in their fight for freedom, marking a pivotal moment in the anti-extradition movement. Many participants bravely stood their ground, defending their beliefs and future.
At the "Lunch with You" event in Central, people gathered to peacefully express their dissatisfaction with the government, calling for dialogue and reform. This event drew a large crowd, demonstrating the unity and strength of Hong Kong society. Everyone raised their voices for freedom, striving for a better future.
#中大 #中大保衛戰
#中環 #和你Lunch
#反送中5週年 #毋忘2019 #毋忘抗爭 #當年今日
During the CUHK Defense Battle, students and protesters united to resist police repression. This intense standoff showcased the determination and courage of Hongkongers in their fight for freedom, marking a pivotal moment in the anti-extradition movement. Many participants bravely stood their ground, defending their beliefs and future.
At the "Lunch with You" event in Central, people gathered to peacefully express their dissatisfaction with the government, calling for dialogue and reform. This event drew a large crowd, demonstrating the unity and strength of Hong Kong society. Everyone raised their voices for freedom, striving for a better future.