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#what #strengthened #Amelia?
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Another outstanding example of courage and determination to speak the gospel in trying circumstances occured in #Peru in the 1990s. A guerrilla movement called Sendero Luminoso (shining path) arose, bent on bringing down the government and destroying church.

During the 1980s they systematically #killed over 300 pastors and many female Christian workers simply because they were proclaiming an alternative message of hope through the redeeming #gospel_of_Christ.

It was in this context that I visited Peru in 1992 to take part in a student conference.
#Amelia, who was studying sociology in the University in Huancayo, had become a believer only three years earlier when the guerrilla movement was at its height.

At that time student guerrillas put up a notice on campus with a list of the people they were going to kill. As they killed them, they ticked them off, one by one. She said christians in the student group urged them to stop the killing, but they refused and said that if Christians didn't remain silent they would kill them too.

When she, Amelia, heard this, she was frightened for her life and said nothing about her new-found faith for two years. She went on, ' six months ago I asked myself the simple question: #Is_the_gospel_true?

If it is true, then it is worth #living for, and it is worth #dying for.

After several months of reflection I became convinced that the #gospel was true. Since then I have spoken openly of #Christ, counting the cost.'

I was rebuked by her testimony. In an age when it is fashonable to emphasize our feelings and our sensitivities, let us note what #strengthened #Amelia- the conviction that #the_gospel_is_true.

When faced with difficulties, our feelings will naturally be wayward. Only real conviction of the truth of the #gospel will buttress us, #hold_us together and #give_us confidence to press on #living_for_Christ. He came to give us good news, not good feelings.

Shining like stars: The power of the gospel in the World's universities.

Lindsay Brown
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