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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Wednesday to Sunday 2021-10-24

#EdenOnEOS :
Rules (Peace Treaty & Bylaws) for new Edens, already forming or on planning stage, was a discussion point. Some of the initial words copied below:

- "In my opinion -- without bylaws written in code, any community that forks the edenOS would not have bylaws to build on. Ideally each community that is created should have its own domain, server and developers. But the new community should have the same coded bylaws that the genesis community agrees with initially. What do you think?"
- "I think each Eden has to start with its own peace treaty. It might be different from group to group, or it might be the exact same."
- "I think the Peace treaty is what is necessary to start an Eden community, where bylaws come later and will likely be somewhat unique to each respective group since they will absorb unique cultural influences."
- "A peace treaty has to be the same (it is what allows for consensus building). There have to be fundamental bylaws that govern all Eden communities across the globe. Each Eden community could enact some bylaws and build on the fundamental ones. The genesis Eden community cannot acknowledge an Eden community that doesn't have a peace treaty to empower its members or create a society that does not believe in consensus building and individual freedoms."

#Fractal_Democracy :
The article "Fractal Democracy: A Primer" by an Eden member was shared and received praise by many. Here just one example: "Summaries like yours makes it much easier to propagate key concepts like Fractal democracy in other languages and we thank you for taking the time to do it."

Author added "I tried to distill FD down into the key concepts. Hopefully this can make it easier to share with your friends and family what you're up to."

#Discord_EOS :
You might have noticed words about #EOS Community Discord Server, a new home for everyone interested in all things $EOS.

#Block_One :
There was a rich discussion over the weekend regarding current status and future path of B1 and also B1 plans in relation to EOSIO. In short discussion mirrored much of what been seen other places. One view expressed it might be time for another party such as #ENF to consider take over care of future EOSIO maintenance and code work.

= END =
Monday to Thursday 2021-10-28

#EdenOnEOS :
A Dan Larimer Interview of the Head Chief of Eden on EOS Aaron Cox was posted 25 Oct 2021. Mix of insights and new ideas being discussed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQAhEB_rQ5g

#EOS_beginner_guide :
The work on a beginner's guide to EOS was announced and a draft of the article "A Beginner's Guide to EOS" was posted. Comments and discussion followed on what topics/resources to be included in the guide as well as a review by many of the article and feedback given.

#Onboarding :
The need to push updated EOS related information to number of sites, internal and external, was raised. The discussion mainly on various ways to achieve this and how sync the effort. As was expressed in one post ""How does someone who's never used EOS enter the community from the sea of crypto? There are certainly many more people trading "EOS" on Binance/Coinbase than who have an Anchor or Token pocket wallet.""

#Block_One :
There was a continuation in discussions how best move forward in relation to B1. Various ideas on how try discern B1's intended path ahead so that the EOS community may plan and adapt accordingly in our own aims and path ahead.

= END =
Wednesday to Sunday 2021-11-07

#Violet_Garden :
The reward structure in Violet Garden and VIO token utilities were discussed and clarified.

#Block_One :
Discussions around Block One continue along similar lines as earlier, now an added reflection also on potential impact the launch of Bullish might have on things.

#EOSIO_future :
Snippets from discussion starting with Eden member expressing his concern. In end technical back and forth aiming to alleviate and resolve current issues experienced.
- ""I've invested countless of hours building my company around eosio and now updates are a joke and we clearly see block one moving away from it and being an holding company. We are now a startup of 5m + in revenues and 25 people in the team. Our products has been built on eosio since 2018. But I don't think its gonna work moving forward with eosio if core maintainers of the software don't care and we just see more and more people and talent getting away from it.""
- - ""what would you like to see done ?""
- ""Improvement regarding scalability, current history tools are unstable, history nodes keep getting corrupted in the latest version, multi-chain capabilities that were promised etc.""
- - ""I can't speak towards all scalability and multi-chain capabilities, but not all history nodes are unscalable and often corrupted. The solution we've been building out for the past few years has proven very scalable and the next generation of it we're working on now has been making significant progress. There's hope at least on that front - just not from B1.""
- - ""Can I add you to a list of EOSIO developers to interview in the not too distant futures about the struggles you have faced? At this point I'm compiling a list - your name isn't on that list yet, so I figured I'd ask (same goes to anyone here if you want to contribute).
- ""Yes, that would be really appreciated. I have 3 years of experience with it and a running company on it.""
- - ""Don't walk away from all of your work with EOSIO yet. There are teams working on this now with support from the ENF.""
- ""I want my business to be part of a bigger EOSIO ecosystem, I need my own chain for cost and I'm looking forward to this day.""

#Pomelo :
Word from Pomelo ""Pomelo hasn't officially launched yet, but we already have our first 3 submissions.""

#ENF :
EOS Network Foundation - ""The recording from the invite only virtual EOS event for press outlets and key opinion leaders within the Chinese community has been published πŸ‘‡
Full Speech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Xx5jfTEOM ""

#Fractal_Democracy :
Suggestion build/prepare for future - ""Hi everyone, just throwing this out there so others can start thinking about it besides myself.
A fractal democracy has soft guarantees of uniqueness and proof of humanity baked into the onboarding process. But if we want to leverage this onboarding process as a mechanism to achieve Sybil resistance for dapps, then we will need a strategy to deal with many different fractal democracies.
For example, Violet Garden can rely on Eden membership as a way to ensure only one account per person can claim the daily reward, but in a future with tens or hundreds of exclusive or partially overlapping fractal democracy communities, how would it work?
There may be some design decisions we could make now to impact how new fractal democracies are spun up, which would help us solve this problem from the start.""

No doubt we will see more words on the above from Clarion team and others.
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-12-10

#Block_One :
The discussion around B1/Helios/ENF/Pomelo/EdenOnEOS/BPs and vested tokens continue with a wide range of views expressed. This seen also in other discussion groups with B1's words 6th December adding more fuel to it all. Here a snippet of the B1 announcement.

"" In addition to the recently announced Helios transaction, today we are pleased to announce our intentions to offer the following grants of vesting tokens that are intended to be given over time, and subject to our token availability:
EOS Network Foundation – 30m EOS
Pomelo – 1m EOS
EdenOS – 1m EOS
These projects and organizational grants allocate the remainder of our position to initiatives that have the potential to positively impact the EOS ecosystem. ""

Here a post which reflected and gained support among number of members discussing along these lines:
"" I think it's a powerful idea to unite eosio and focus on the real competition (the prevailing financial and economic system) and show how we can out collaborate the competition. Bring the power of all eosio chains together and help build a new economic system together!
I say we get more aggressive at collaborating across eosio chains - and stop this nonsense zero-sum competition thing that's been holding us all back for years... Let's get IBC going - connect the chains and then bridge to other ecosystems too. Lets focus more on growing and building a movement together instead of plaguing ourselves with infighting and drama. ""

An article by Bywire News was also shared and saw criticism on their reporting of this matter. This mainly focused on what some regarded to be a not representative headline (click bait) as well as some factual issues in text body.
Bywire joined the discussion and among their words "" Hey - awesome thank you for the feedback. Don’t worry about criticism, every piece of feedback, good or bad is an opportunity for us to learn, and that can only make us better in the long term. I have taken on board what you have said and the others. Some good points. "" https://bywire.news/articles/block-producers-threaten-to-stop-helios-rising-day-of-eos-reckoning-set-for-dec-7

#Hacks :
This post together with TRIPOOL comments hack led to a rich discussion:
""We all need to realize that the major institutional investors β€” the REAL money β€” will never enter crypto in a meaningful way until these hacks are a thing of the past.
The Intent of Code is Law must be fully explored and then implemented in a meaningful way.
I know Dan is looking into building dispute resolution tools ... but perhaps this should be extended to include the legal team to hammer hackers to the fullest extent of any applicable laws ... and of course an 'instant hack detection and response' tool kit.
Without these controls in place, the Financial MSM and Fiat-based banking system will ALWAYS be able to counter our best marketing efforts, and stifle our growth.""

#ENF :
Article by Yves La Rose on Grant Framework future give some insights current thoughts and what might come.
"" The #ENF is working towards achieving the right balance to freely carry out its mandate with less friction and a greater degree of efficiency as it meets the #EOS ecosystem investment demands of today, while growing to meet those of tomorrow. ""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
Uploaded video from most recent CD meeting. Rather extensive discussion on Mission, Vision and Values of EdenOnEOS. Similar discussion was held also in the Eden Member group. Among the other items were also the work on Request For Proposals (#RFP). The first RFP on web site building for EdenOnEOS and with more jobs in the pipeline.

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-03-04

#Author_Comments : These weekly recaps (7 days Sat-Fri) continue as usual but with day of posting change. Will now continue be on Sundays before 14:00 UTC.

#Fractally : continue be one of main topics discussed in Eden member group. Here below just a small collection of snippets to indicate range of discussions.

- M - : "Presenting the business cases of those who are preparing to found fractals may help to further make the case for EOS inflation."
- M1 - : "Brainstorming about what kind of organizations/collectives would want to have their own fractal...
Political Parties, Protest Movements, Schools (Official/SchoolBoard as well as Student/Parent focused), Sport Teams and their followers, Software Communities (Blender, Specific Games, Open Source Devs), Professional Associations (doctors, epidemiologists, lawyers), Traditional Labor Unions, Religions (Official & decentralized) - Others? Does a list like this already exist that I've missed?"
- M2 - : "Tribal Communities, Agricultural Organizations, Environmental Groups, Cooperatives of all sorts, Housing Associations, Performing Artists"

- M3 - : "I think the Chief Delegates should work with Dan to curate Fractally into new bylaws proposed for Eden that enable Eden to abide by and focus on the Fractally process. And then the next Chief Delegates should ratify those bylaws and coordinate/fund the changes to the Eden software so that weekly meetings and distributions are happening asap, so that we can focus on testing the Fractally process."
- M4 - : "I think eden and its CDs have to discuss with the network on things we need in order for us to build our application without affecting others. Once all is straightened out, then we discuss with fractally team how much it will cost to put fractally software together, the maintenance etc. once we iron things out then we can get the team to do the work and we pay at milestones."

- M5 - : "Will fractally have any connection with Metaverse?"
- M3 - : "Not sure, but that's an interesting question."

"Is there anywhere I can just track attendance to this?"
""I think for now we will use a spreadsheet set up to keep track each week as well as we'll begin posting to HIVE as way to log events on chain to verify the information in the spreadsheet is correct. We're still working out details on that and open to suggestions. So tracking the spreadsheet may suffice. The intention is to bootstrap this thing and have fun testing the process. As well as start to attract/engage lots of new people into the fun with us.""

#Block_One : A proposal with number of responses, here just a few of these.
- M6 - : "After listening to Dan regarding the ENF litigation proposal, can I suggest the following: rather than dragging us and B1 through the courts we make them a proposal in that rather than they give us back x amount of EOS the equivalent amount is burned this avoids the confrontation and removes the issue around us being a DAO"
- M7 - : ""I think civil law is more about restitution than punishment. Burning settlement tokens would punish B1/Bullish without offering any restitution to EOS. I think most participants in this community are now of the mind that inflation going towards public goods is a net positive, so the 'token' value of settlement burn wouldn't be deflationary at all. The network would just create more tokens immediately to replace them.""
- M8 - : ""Where would b1 give 1B? What structure has a true goverance with checks and balances to give out funding that is not run like a pyramid?""
- M9 - : ""It's better to not think about B1 one way or other. That's a waste of time. All time that is not used to build the community.""

#Pomelo : Season 2 begins March 22:
- "Pomelo seems super legit so far. Excited for season 2. Who is working on their pitches?"