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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-12-10

#Block_One :
The discussion around B1/Helios/ENF/Pomelo/EdenOnEOS/BPs and vested tokens continue with a wide range of views expressed. This seen also in other discussion groups with B1's words 6th December adding more fuel to it all. Here a snippet of the B1 announcement.

"" In addition to the recently announced Helios transaction, today we are pleased to announce our intentions to offer the following grants of vesting tokens that are intended to be given over time, and subject to our token availability:
EOS Network Foundation – 30m EOS
Pomelo – 1m EOS
EdenOS – 1m EOS
These projects and organizational grants allocate the remainder of our position to initiatives that have the potential to positively impact the EOS ecosystem. ""

Here a post which reflected and gained support among number of members discussing along these lines:
"" I think it's a powerful idea to unite eosio and focus on the real competition (the prevailing financial and economic system) and show how we can out collaborate the competition. Bring the power of all eosio chains together and help build a new economic system together!
I say we get more aggressive at collaborating across eosio chains - and stop this nonsense zero-sum competition thing that's been holding us all back for years... Let's get IBC going - connect the chains and then bridge to other ecosystems too. Lets focus more on growing and building a movement together instead of plaguing ourselves with infighting and drama. ""

An article by Bywire News was also shared and saw criticism on their reporting of this matter. This mainly focused on what some regarded to be a not representative headline (click bait) as well as some factual issues in text body.
Bywire joined the discussion and among their words "" Hey - awesome thank you for the feedback. Don’t worry about criticism, every piece of feedback, good or bad is an opportunity for us to learn, and that can only make us better in the long term. I have taken on board what you have said and the others. Some good points. "" https://bywire.news/articles/block-producers-threaten-to-stop-helios-rising-day-of-eos-reckoning-set-for-dec-7

#Hacks :
This post together with TRIPOOL comments hack led to a rich discussion:
""We all need to realize that the major institutional investors — the REAL money — will never enter crypto in a meaningful way until these hacks are a thing of the past.
The Intent of Code is Law must be fully explored and then implemented in a meaningful way.
I know Dan is looking into building dispute resolution tools ... but perhaps this should be extended to include the legal team to hammer hackers to the fullest extent of any applicable laws ... and of course an 'instant hack detection and response' tool kit.
Without these controls in place, the Financial MSM and Fiat-based banking system will ALWAYS be able to counter our best marketing efforts, and stifle our growth.""

#ENF :
Article by Yves La Rose on Grant Framework future give some insights current thoughts and what might come.
"" The #ENF is working towards achieving the right balance to freely carry out its mandate with less friction and a greater degree of efficiency as it meets the #EOS ecosystem investment demands of today, while growing to meet those of tomorrow. ""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
Uploaded video from most recent CD meeting. Rather extensive discussion on Mission, Vision and Values of EdenOnEOS. Similar discussion was held also in the Eden Member group. Among the other items were also the work on Request For Proposals (#RFP). The first RFP on web site building for EdenOnEOS and with more jobs in the pipeline.

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days, Saturday to Friday 2021-12-17

#EOS_Community :
Needless to say comments abound in the Eden Member group on matters relating to current state of affairs within EOS community and stakeholders. As these been expressed also elsewhere not added to this recap.

#DAO_of_DAOs :
These words - "" I'm looking for help communicating the message for the future of Eden. In particular I'm trying thinking along the lines of DAO of DAOs "" - posted by Dan Larimer and led to a rich discussion on various aspects of this concept including the "how", definition and structure of DAOs, the reward systems and more.

#Eden_Elections :
Following some twists and turns around a new amended date for next EdenOnEOS election final words is now April 9, 13:00 UTC!
"" Hi everyone. We (Dan and members of the Clarion team) discussed your feedback regarding the accelerated election timeline. We've decided to stay the course with the currently-scheduled election (April 9, 13:00 UTC). We will NOT be moving that election date up to January as previously discussed. Thanks to all of you for raising your voices and sharing your thoughts. 🙏 ""

#Accountability :
Good discussion around weekly meetings to commence and how keep tabs on works accomplished and more. Here few snippets indicating discussion held.
- ""considering the potential new direction Eden might be going in (with weekly meetings) keeping tabs on every single community fund recipient is going to be incredibly difficult.""
- ""The point of the weekly meetings is to bring in more manpower to review prior work instead of holding people accountable to promises of future work.""
- ""Bees, support staff, etc can all report in once a week and get paid.""

A comment from Dan Larimer in connection with above discussions and payment for effort made: "" There is only one way to get massive growth and that is to OVER PAY people. It is only through over payment with competition for that OVER PAY that people will get the price signal that they should invest time with the community. If all you do is pay the "market rate", people can get that anywhere. They will not change their behavior in persuit of profit for equal pay unless they are ideologically aligned for some reason.
The key is to make sure that there is genuine competition for that OVER PAY... competition should drive up quality and quantity of contribution until OVER PAY is gradually reduced to market pay. ""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
Here link to latest meeting and the associated words were "this is already outdated in so many ways. 😂".
My comment - Things move fast in EOS World!

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-24

#Author_Comments : With the amount of posts and discussion growing in the Eden Members group these recaps will from now on mainly serve as pointers. Pointing to posts and issues which in turn lead to comments/discussion Eden members should read if missed them.

#EOSIO_EOS_Future :
During the past week these ByWire interviews gave further insights into events leading up to where things are today in relation to "B1 vested tokens":
https://youtu.be/DPdy0sNOFHw - Brock Pierce - 18 Dec 2021
https://youtu.be/43sccQzYBcc - Yves La Rose - 20 Dec 2021

Dan Larimer interviews published this past week on above topic and more:
https://youtu.be/0LDKprDdz5M - EOS, Brock Pierce, B1, ENF - 21st.
https://youtu.be/iF2moFE97tk - EOS Future, Eden & Governance - 23rd.

#Incubator? :
A post which led to some discussion:
"" I’d like to start by offering to form our own internal incubator/consulting/mentorship program which can be made available to any Eden members who need support for the business elements of their projects. If we can start working together and generate a pipeline of products and services, we’ll be laughing at our current situation a year from now. ""

#Global_Forum? :
Another interesting thought was presented:
"" Regardless of anyone's feelings on the merits of the mandatory global gene therapy experiment, talk of making EOS a home for communities really gets me thinking: Why can't we use the Eden process to invite a thousand doctors to form a public community and run an Eden Event? That would make for an amazing result. And most importantly, ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THIS NETWORK.""
"" How much would it take to create a new community for doctors around the world to join? The software is already built, is scalable, the network is ready, and the EOS community is here to help make it happen. Create a Global Forum on the Covid-19 Catastrophe.
What would it take?? ""

#Eden_alternatives :
Daniel Larimer put forward these words in the group which led to interesting comments and more: "" Who would you consider to be the three main competitors to Eden? The Eden process. If we didn't have Eden, what alternatives are in the market? ""

#EOS_BPs :
Snippets from a post related to the "B1 vested tokens" and the impact on voting for BPs. It led to a rich discussion from a range of varied viewpoints.
"" It would seem one of the other big changes from the ENF/BP actions against B1 was to remove their voting ability. So to clarify 2 msigs were signed by the BPs, one to freeze the vesting schedule, and one to remove the voting power of those tokens.
I'd like to suggest that Eden steps up and makes a proposal to the ENF/BPs to allow B1's frozen tokens to still vote for BPs...and specifically have them vote for the 30 BPs listed by our proxy. What do you all think about this? ""

#Governance :
A view expressed
""Those who control the blockchain should have ZERO role in governance as it's not a proper check and balance to power. Community votes for BPs and it should be based solely on technical prowess, reliability, uptime, running APIs, history nodes, anything that makes the network better, faster, more accessible. Then we need something like Eden to vote on governance issues like token supply or use of tokens or reversing transactions, etc.
The BPs should basically not be able to have any impact on the EOS Token, period.""
Another post in the area of #Governance, here just a snippet:
"" In terms of what "power" an elected set of delegates from an Eden-style election could have in DPoS, I'm not sure. My initial thoughts are to include an msig of 2/3+1 of the sitting Eden Chief Delegates (those who made it to the final round) to be incorporated with the 15/21 BPs msig to execute their "God powers".
So this way when the BPs (controlled by the whales) decide to make god power changes (code upgrades, freezing accounts, key nullifications, and yes what happened on EOS Dec 7) the BPs would achieve 15/21 AND then the Eden Chief Delegates would also need to approve the tx. This way one pareto captured entity can't in isolation make changes.
This is totally just a rough idea...and there are definitely people in this community and in all of the EOSIO communities that are way smarter than me to come up with solutions. ""

#Author_Comments : The discussion on governance related topics a very dominant thread this past week. Much good discussion and we will find out what it might lead to, hopefully in a very near future.

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group -
7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-31

#EOS_Community :
Good turnout also of Eden members at the "EOS 2021 Year In Review - Fireside Chat". Some suggestions to make this a 6 monthly event/review. If so it would complement well with the bi-weekly Eden Level 1 delegate meetings as well as the regular Chief Delegate meetings. Unfortunately this "Year in Review" had technical issues recording the event with only initial one hour or so recorded and available in the EOS Community Discord.

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
Chief Delegates have discussed creation of NFTs to Eden members participating in elections. One member posted his proposal for making these and included also illustrations of the proposed design. Few short snippets from proposer posts here below and the ideas met with enthusiasm.
"" For anyone who has been watching the CD meetings, there was talk of a need to build NFTs to show appreciation for Eden members' participation in elections. There's no formal request for proposals, but here is my proposal for member NFTs. ""
"" I will build custom ones for the CDs, and then move on to the delegates. Then, all election participants if the community thinks it is a good idea. ""

#EOSSupport : Two (2) of their posts this week:
1. Listing of EOS-based applications, #Dapps + 2. New Scam!

1 - "" Are you aware of the #EOS-based applications in the cryptocurrency space? If not, then click here:
If your EOS-based application is not listed, please write to us at Contact@eossupport.io.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476254754762338310 ""

2 - #EOS_scam Warning! :
"" New scam about Voice token airdrop and NFT's in your transaction history.
* Do NOT click on the link to claim! - This will switch your PRIVATE key(s)! *
Read more here: https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5715346-known-scam-receiving-a-transaction-with-a-comment-about-something-to-claim
Not sure who you can trust? Ask http://EOSsupport.io
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476574561630097417 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_Future : Continuation of recent Bywire News interviews, relevant earlier parts in the previous recap and on their YouTube site.

Yves La Rose, EOS Network Foundation (#ENF). Talks about future of EOS, future of EOS Network Foundation, new branding and more! https://youtu.be/ddgMoMgGVfY
TEASER: Yves La Rose on building the future of EOS for everyone. Premiers 1 Jan 2022 at 17:00 UTC - https://youtu.be/fZ_bZpHyOTg

Dan Larimer, co-founder of Block.one (B1) and now ClarionOS and EdenOnEOS, talks in-depth on future of EOS, Eden & Governance. Premiered on 29 Dec 2021 - https://youtu.be/Igf2oPLP7pI

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Now on Discord, the first 15 minutes mainly "setting up". Posted by EOSSupport.io with following words:
"It only takes small drops of water coming off the rocks to form the ocean we see, and that ocean becomes so powerful."
"If we all come together and bring in the mind we have, we can accomplish anything."
Share: https://twitter.com/eosmainnetnews/status/1476956344989143044

= END =

EOS-Based Applications | EOS User Support Center
Featured EOS-based applications
#Recap Eden Members telegram group -
7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-07

#Eden_Landbuy :
A new round of posts on Eden buy of land and real estate became quite extensive and followed a post with these ending words: ""Tying hard assets to EOS DAOs creates a floor price that’s resistant to inflation of fiat. Is anyone exploring these ideas?""

Here few words snipped from one of many posts on this topic:
"" It's been discussed several times that I've seen... the main holdup right now seems to be a lack of legal standing. And that's not made any better with the lack of clear direction on Eden's future. ""

#Dan_Larimer :
Dan posted a poll with question "Would you ever spend $100 in order to cost someone else $100?".
It started an interesting discussion which also led into other areas including topics such as what legal fee structure fair if rich vs poor and aspects of game of evolutionary social behavior.

Halfway through the discussions following words from Dan:
""Some disputes are just too small to litigate, but an eye-for-an-eye justice carried out by good guys at risk to their own reputation and potential counter-suite may be a low cost way to empower extremely decentralited tit-for-tat accountability.""
"" I'm mostly exploring human nature here and using you all as a sounding board. ""

#Clarion :
Tuesday session with Mike Manfredi and Brandon Francher from Clarion team this time as an AMA on Telegram. This to be the default format going forward unless any need use other options for presentations or similar.

This session was very interesting with discussion around what changes to expect with the Eden 2.0 and how this might impact current Eden. Here recordings of the AMA - https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/28159 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG_ZWfANldM

#MEA : Unpacking of "More Equal Animals" continues!
"" By the way, we're finally getting back to the "Unpacking More Equal Animals" series this Friday @1500 UTC. We're on the chapter "Democratic Justice". – If you've read the chapter and feel you can add some insight, PM me about joining. ""

= END =
Due to unforeseen circumstances the #recap of this week will be posted on Sunday instead of Saturday.
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-14

#Dan_Larimer :
Account name thoughts of Dan over this past week.

- Jan 8, 7 min read "How to Prevent Name Squatting": https://medium.com/edenoneos/how-to-prevent-name-squatting-d35796cded35 "

Jan 13, 5 min read "EOS Account Name Service Proposal":

#EOS_Rebranding :
An interesting discussion followed this post in Eden Member group:
- ""Should we make a collaborate effort towards finding a new name for EOS?
How do we decide? How do we curate all the name ideas? Should Eden decide in the end?""

#Chief_Delegates_Meeting 12 :
Posted 8 Jan 2022 with comment " This one is a bit of a ramble, and you can feel the post holidays haze in the air but some good thoughts throughout. "
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-21

#Eden_Landbuy :
This post lead to very active wide-ranging discussion, in part fuelled by post copied below the link.
"" This is a pretty cool DAO concept:
https://twitter.com/alliancedao/status/1481633395834712065 ""
"" Well they have one very important thing right and that is that the end of nation states is already in motion. People are going to begin forming their own transnational communities and ultimately claim sovereignty. There’s no longer the same need for violence to protect your assets or procure access to natural resources for manufacturing. Virtual states are the next evolutionary step. ""

#Consortium :
A member pushed for blockchain polling app to be used and suggested this product, already earlier set up for Eden.
"" Updated list the free tokens received when sign up and vote on poll in Consortium! https://app.consortium.vote/claim ""

Eden Members poll - % from Saturday 2022-01-22.
""Do you think we need a way for the Eden / EOS community to vote and come to consensus on important topics?
- Yes of course - 79%
- No not bothered - 21% ""

Good discussion ensued, input also from Dan Larimer.

#GDPR-Europe :
A rich and lengthy discussion was held about EU’s data protection laws and how it might impact on Eden output/uploads in public domain.

#Eden_Facebook :
"" Hey everyone, we've recently gained control of the EOS Facebook Group! https://twitter.com/EOS_Bees/status/1483069200381972480?s=20 ""

#EdenOS_Updates :
"" EdenOS Roadmap & Progress Report - With Brandon Fancher and Mike Manfredi - Streamed live on 14 Dec 2021: https://youtu.be/TvJtVDh4Zd8 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
""Collaborative Vision Forward for EOS with Dan Larimer and Yves La Rose (Part 1 of 3) - Premiered 19 Jan 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpIp_EOtcyE ""

#Eden_Delegates_Meeting :
"" Chief Delegate Meeting #13 - 20 Jan 2022:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN6Yw-QqvuA ""

#EOS_Community :
Just in case you missed it - live only EOS Community Fireside chats on Discord. Every Wednesday 20:00 UTC. ""Weekly EOS Community "open Mic" Session. All topics welcome! (no recording, no streaming).

#EdenOnEOS : This topic below was kind of ending the 7 days of discussion in Eden Members group, I deemed a good way also end this recap. Just few snippets on the "Why joined?".
"" Why did you, I and everyone else generally become members? We need to make it clear ….. The Fractal governance is key in changing and improving our world step by step in business, education , politics , authority’s, governments everywhere. ""

- "" I joined to observe the experiment first hand, so i won't have to trust anyone opinion if it works or not""
- "" +1 ""
- "" Its about EOS..., Dans Book is not. ""
- "" In one sentence I would say its about establishing trust and connections - including the election process. ""
- "" I will add the opportunity to participate in fractal governance and have a voice in the EOS community. ""

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-28

#Author_Comments : 1
Started use acronyms in front of copied posts when deemed helpful. Is not always so but at times worthwhile. Member words then indicated as "M" and if deemed further helpful might be as M, M1, M2 etc to distinguish words by additional members. Keep in mind only a fraction of posts in Eden Member group are shown in these recaps.

#Account_Recovery :
-Member (M) - "Is the Eden Account Recovery Process already usable? I would like to do it."
-Clarion team (CT) - "No"
-M - "Can you say when it will be possible?"
-CT - "The team is very busy on 2 fronts, Mandel and planning Eden v2. After Mandel releases we'll take a look at adding a temporary recovery process."

#Metaverse : a post also in the Eden group and saw discussion at length:
M - "Guys I just had a brainwave let me know what you think? There is huge money being spent on virtual land on the Metaverse atm and my thinking went into Eden 2.0 . . "

#VC : (acronym for Venture Capitalist) interesting post but not much comments:
M - "What I think EdenOnEOS 1.0 should be contemplating is how we can organize a VC division to explore developing or porting over people working on ideas we see have potential."

#Negative_to_Positive : lengthy discussion after first post below:
-M - "I've been watching the pain within the Korean community along with everyone else, and I'm wondering whether they have even had a chance to use the Eden software? I think the best thing Eden 1.0 can do is to fund the various localizations that we've committed to. If there is a desire to have a Korean Eden, is the software in their language? (I'm asking)".
-M1 - "I think it would be a great gesture if our community could take the open source work Clarion has done and create a workflow with which we could create any localization. Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian... just a few possible targets."
-M2 - "This is a great idea as well, maybe set up bounties?"
-M3 - "Without the main eden having a purpose, goal, and direction. Any other eden that branches of would most likely have some problems."
-M1 - "I just think it would be tragic to see the first iteration of the Eden software left on the shelf. We all had such a great experience using it, and I would love to see it shared now with the world. We all know Clarion just wants to see the technique spread too, and they are just overwhelmed with all the other things they've taken on. I think Eden had the ability to take their ball and run with it now!"
-M2 - "Eden 2.0 is going to be differ in from 1.0, I think we have different use cases, and therefore would be against disbanding when/if the time comes where a vote comes up..."

#EOS_Emigration : one recent migration EOS>ETH saw various comments, here just one:
- "Projects go where the money is, period. That’s Eth’s only advantage and it’s enough to keep them in a dominant position. There’s a plan in the works to create a Consensys-like organization which would support all EOSIO chains.
The funds would first go to fund the core codebase development and then if support grows enough there would be VC type funding available."

#Crowdfunding : An idea posted and discussed.
- "Seems like a decentralized go fund me is needed. Is there any way we could leverage what bytemaster7 is making with DAC and pomelo to empower any community to raise money? Each “go fund me” project is a DAC. This build on EOS would make it censorship resistant. Just trying to bring ideas to the community. You could get NFTs for donating."

#Chief_Delegates_Meet : Eden 1 - Chief Delegate Meeting #14, 26 Jan 2022.

#Marketing :
M - "Please give us some feedback on this, those of you who are watching the Chief Delegate meetings (or those who aren't)... This 'condensation' process takes out dead air, ums/ahs, redundancy and off-topic jibber jabber. The long format will always be available, but these condensed versions shave off a significant amount of time, hopefully without losing too much content.
There's also an audio file exported, and I'm wondering if these should be released as an audio podcast too? Would you listen to them, any podcast users out there?
This process can also be used when we have loads of content, in the form of weekly Eden 2.0 conversations... there will so much content about EOS coming out this year, and we need to get it built into coherent chunks. (Loving the idea of an 8 minute #rant as an optimal method of sharing ideas)"

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-04

#Author_Comments: Past week with regular input from Dan Larimer, in large part related to #Fractally and #Mandel as clarifying comments and/or response to criticisms. Good to see also Yves La Rose (ENF) clarifying few matters.

#Fractally_Mandel : Words seen in many places, here few of the many also in Eden Member group:
- M - " . to my understanding Eden 2.0 and Clarion are Fractally. EdenOnEOS will possibly still exist as Eden, as suggested by Dan, but I would suggest there be a discussion among Eden members in this regard as well...."
- M1 - "It is unclear how a collection of decentralized communities can effectively advocate for the EOS Network, or even begin to approach the level of competency or care required to credibly assume any sort of governance role on EOS. In the immediate-term at least, Only EdenOnEOS does this, and it seems to me that it can continue to carve out its own unique destiny/density as a community of people focussed on EOS."
- M2 - "I love the EOS Community because it is becoming a Collaborative Ecosystem. The place where to create dApps micro and autonomous with interoperability thanks to the OS like EdenOS. But more than the OS at layer1, we have a fantastic community of vetted, trusted Eden On EOS at layer2.
With an EOS Foundation unifying the matching funds like Pomelo and Eden On EOS both with democratic mechanism.
Beside that, EOS is the Everyone’s Open Society where everyone (Corp Entity, individual) can build something of public goods, services to the benefit of the human through education and development. . . "
- Daniel Larimer, [28/01/2022 19:30] - "The Eden on EOS community will have an opportunity to migrate to a Fractally fractal or to continue using the current EdenOS 1.0"

#Polls :
Discussion followed after post on value of polling communities:
- M - "An observation on value of #polls, or maybe more the level of interest? . . . ."
- M1 - "What incentive is there for members to remain active and follow this channel?"
- M2 - "It seems to me, that people who "work for free" (even if it's just voting) for a good cause are rare these days."
- M1 - "not participating is voting, where your vote is that you agree with the direction of the community who does participate."
- M3 - "Also true, it just looks bad to have no shows apart from not even knowing there reason for not showing up."

#Bylaws 1 : Another starter of vivid discussion:
- M - "In order to have the mandate to vote on whether to move Eden over to fractally, we need to have bylaws. We are an incomplete organization at this point in time - we've been patiently waiting for the bylaws - and in order to effectively choose our own future, people need to know specifically what it is that they are going to defend or defund."
- Daniel Larimer, [29/01/2022 18:15] - "I spent months working on bylaws and this lead to the Fractally white paper based on observation of Eden"
- M - "We are still well within Dan's one year timeframe for bylaw 'control'""
- M1 - "On February 22nd we will know (more) about Fractally."

#Fractally :
""On Feb, 22 at 22:22 UTC we will unveil the details of our vision for Fractally with a 🔔YouTube premiere: (https://youtube.com/channel/UCIA2Kq6IwEWJLXtI-hopfpA)
and the release of the Fractally white paper. Be sure to follow us on twitter (@gofractally) to keep up to date with the latest news.""

#Eden_Token: Posts by Daniel Larimer, [30/01/2022 03:18]
""I'm introducing a token to Eden to amplify the power of the funding and introducing other measures to maximize engagement and accountability
Because of the major upgrades coming via ƒractally, the next Eden election will use the same interface as the last eden election. We are moving away from Zoom to provide a better user experience.
Also, a good portion of my team has been focused on Mandel which is nearing release.""
#Bylaws 2 :
- M - "With so much in flux I see this as an opportunity to redefine what this Eden on EOS community's purpose is. "
- M1 - "" I will preface my response by using a quote from @BigBeardSamurai. “We are building live. The process is happening in real time.” The plane is in flight and we are changing its engine and it’s body parts. To do it successfully, we have to know all the moving parts first. I quote.” There is no magic wand to solve all the issues— calculated risk with long term solutions are a must. Eden is a DAO let’s work on eden and it’s flaws. Let’s get some bylaws, some mission statements position it so that someday the sortition winner can sit at the table where the discussion of the network as a whole is taking place (ENF stage). The bylaws should make it clear what elections are for and why elections and the budget etc. ""

#Chief_Delegates_Meet : #15 posted 2022-02-03
This is meeting #15 of the EdenOnEOS weekly Chief Delegates. Sorry this took so long everyone. We're trying out a new production flow and had some hiccups this week. We'll make sure at least the rough cut is posted asap from here on out.

#Chief_Delegates_Meet : #16 posted 2022-02-04 - "The CDs had our 16th meeting this evening and discussed a few items that have come up recently, namely our community's bylaws and ideas around the purpose of our Eden1.0 and what possibilities exist. The full meeting can be found here: https://youtu.be/zuiYZDt1LzM

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-11

#Author_Comments: With so much going on in our community it is good to see some focus on spreading the word of these developments, hopefully also beyond our own sphere of interest!

#EOS_Community :
Here words of an initiative by an Eden and #EOS_London member:
- "I’m looking at re invigorating EOS London , with meet-ups and general marketing if you or anyone are interested in supporting (funds or otherwise) would like to see as many big names as possible attend our first meeting. More to follow"

#Blue_Papers : Some are out and others nearing completion.
- "Aaron Cox of Greymass, and EOS blue paper project manager, discusses the significance of the blue papers that are being released. "
An excerpt from Eden Chief Delegate meeting #15.
Production by Chuck McDonald of the Eden Community

#ENF_B1 : This seen many places but significant why choose to include here. Keep in mind for now, as I can judge things, #ENF is doing a "Review of ALL possible legal recourse . . " to judge if any possibilities going forward. Rich discussion on this followed in our Eden member group.
- "As Founder of @EosNFoundation I share your frustrations! We are taking further steps to hold @B1 accountable for its past actions and broken promises against #EOS. Review of ALL possible legal recourse to seek $4.1B in damages underway. Let's do this together! #4BillionDAO coming - https://twitter.com/BigBeardSamurai/status/1491758599395180548 "

#DAOs : Words below by @bytemaster7 lead to yet another wide ranging discussion in the group:
#Dan_Larimer - ""Real #DAOs don’t / can’t file a law suites.
@EosNFoundation Real #DAOs focus on what they are Soveryn over, their own blockchain state. Real DAOs don’t have treasury of other tokens/money controlled by other governance systems. #4billionDAO
https://twitter.com/bytemaster7/status/1491775346500423685 ""

Here one of posts mid discussion with a reaction to all said thus far:
- ""I realize it’s off topic at the moment, but…
re: Dan’s definition of DAOs
I think this is a great discussion and ongoing debate to be having amongst ourselves and others involved in or interested in DAOs.
As much I enjoy being an idealist and idealizing things, it seems that the market is like a force of nature that ultimately decides what the definition of something is or is not.
Excited to get more perspective on this.""

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Chief Delegate Meeting 17 - posted 11 Feb 2022:
This week the Chief Delegates discuss:
-Individual updates
-ENF vs B1 litigation inquiry announcement
-Dan's response
-Advice for a Chief Delegatupdates Entity
-Stories from Lovejoy
https://youtu.be/SBp2yg6dL0Y "

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-18

#Author_Comments : Over past week most discussion centred on and around DACs/DAOs and fractal matters.
Their constructs, workings, structure, impact on society and how work with outside World was all part of discussion. Comments seen from many members and different views with also Dan Larimer "stirring the pot" in interesting productive ways. One can tell that the release of Fractally white paper and other related events is nearing.

#EdenOnEOS : A member reflecting on the above discussions which added further "fuel" to it all:
""I think the point of this conversation is the acceptance that
- EdenOnEOS is now called Eden
- It is the first example of the fractal electoral system that ƒractally is going to make mainstream
- Eden must now work towards establishing its own reason for being inside the EOS community, and must work on its own bylaws, mission statement and development.
- If all of these factors align, the product will be a functional DAC that is focused on electing leaders from the EOS community who will be concerned with governance issues of the past, present and future on EOS.
- In order to have a respectable election on April 9th, this work has to begin in earnest now.""

#Eden_Elections : The election April 9 just one of many areas discussed. In short this topic on what Eden should strive to become and what kind of people needed. Here just a small sample of the many words on this.
- M - " . . we need people who will put together a project and finish it at some point. ""
- M1 - "Agreed we do need those people. We also need people to provide stewardship. Eden is the only community sourced method we have in EOS to find those people."
- M - " personally i am not convinced we need accountability (especially if there is no team willing to lead/build it). To me it seems we are accountable to our voters already, the leaders getting the money can double check if projects are progressing or not etc. "
- M2 - "This is fine, and could very well be Eden's ongoing mission. But there is another view that says Eden could be formed into a governance structure for a blockchain.... or whatever... Regardless, I don't see the point of another election without a mission and bylaws, or at least a rough version of them."
- M3 - "If Eden 1.0 is just a system to distribute funding and build reputation based upon its usage, then yeah turnout probably doesn’t matter an incredible amount. We wouldn’t need any of these meetings, no need for bylaws or membership concerns, and it’s really not a “democracy” of any sort and is a funding mechanism just done through political playoffs."
""It however has turned into more than that - with the expectation that the CDs would “lead” in some aspects and now apparently are the ones dictating where this system is going. The current CDs, myself included, have been stumbling through the dark to help figure out what that means.
It’s not what I signed up for to be honest, and the demands of thought goes far beyond what I anticipated committing to this experimental system. It seems as if we’ve hit a point where now the expectation on the future of EdenOnEOS is falling on our shoulders as well.""
- M4 - "IMO, difference I see between Eden and Pomelo. Eden is to let the participants to select leaders in groups of people and voice for them to form a DAC and work together. Eden is a trust machine. How you evaluate this trust is through intent testifying, actions, delivery. That has to be done week after week until next election. Those leaders have a mandate. They have to be accountable.
Pomelo is a reputation engine. Season after season, you pivote with your solution based on EOS by adding new public components. The beauty, by doing so, you will find synergies."

- M3 - "I think I said this on the last call, but if the expectation has to be one or the other. It’s either projects or its leadership. It cannot be both. The budget probably isn’t big enough for both."
#Bylaws another of the many areas discussed at long length. This topic on whether we should get to work on these right now and if so how structure the work to have it developed efficiently.

#Chief_Delegates_Meet 18 (unedited) : Posted 18 Feb 2022
The EDEN Chief Delegate meet and discuss:
-Individual updates
-A new DAO Proxy
-EOS in the crypto media war analogized with Game of Thrones
-Optional philosophical ramblings
Weekly #recap (Sat.19th-Fri.25th) will be 24 hours delayed. Posted tomorrow Sunday 27th at normal time around 18:00 UTC.
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-25

#Author_Comments : As expected the discussions this week centred mainly around Fractally. This recap therefore more an assist bundling together links to information about Fractally, the proposal and vision forward. Kind of a requirement to study proposal if one wish to take an informed stance and/or make a decision on how move forward.

#Fractally : White Paper release 2022-02-22 - here relevant links including talks and interviews which help to give a better understanding of the proposal. Much to take in but well worth do so for a reasonable understanding of the proposal and the wider scope.
"Fractally White Paper Twosday Reveal" - Premiered on 22 Feb 2022
Daniel Larimer reveals next generation decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
Video Reveal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJclki0MnnI
Website - https://fractally.com/
Blog Introduction - https://fractally.com/blog/introducing-fractally
Bywire News - "What is the future of EOS, Mandel, Fractally" - Dan Larimer exclusive - Premiered on 24 Feb 2022
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQX0j0NTtcU
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9uLKp2AONw
Crypto Dunker - "Fractally & The Future Of EOS" - Dan Larimer LIVE Interview - Streamed live on 24 Feb 2022

#Chief_Delegates_Meet : including Dan Larimer in end of meeting further clarify #Fractally:
" Chief Delegate Meeting #19 feat. Dan Larimer - 25 Feb 2022
The EDEN Chief Delegate meet and discuss:
– Individual updates & Fractally, Fractally, Fractally"
""Some great discussion on this evening's Chief Delegate Call, & Dan makes a surprise appearance at 2:04:30.""
https://youtu.be/uELyAOG6Tsg ""

Here a tiny sample of the multitude of comments in Eden group following release of #fractally White Paper and more :
- M - : "The video was high level. Then if you want do know more. There is the whitepaper, the blog, all those things."
- M1 - : "If anyone has questions about the whitepaper feel free ask in the Fractally chat so others can learn too!" ( #Author_Comments : https://t.me/gofractally )
- M2 - : "Anyone want to join a starter fractally group?"
- M3 - : "Proving the process is the only purpose that Eden has really had since the start."
- M4 - : "I am trying to figure out if the Eden process should be a tool that an organization employs, or whether it should become the org structure itself, as fractally seems to be. Eden-As-A-Service could be viable, especially in more closed systems. (Think a high school or school board, or political party). Fractally could be huge, and definitely worth supporting, but I wonder if Eden can't support both approaches."
- M3 - : "I sense that validating the upgraded process and building the business case for inflation to fund the next generation of DAOs is the prime directive of Eden On EOS. How about you? Curious what other members think."
- M4 - : "I think Eden needs to stand by itself now, and can participate in fractally, just as any other organization might. We were funded by the network with the mandate to improve the network, and we can still explore and innovate outside of fractally. Throwing our efforts behind fractally isn't outside that mandate, I think, though it might be limiting our potential."
- M3 - : "Let's organize a group of Eden Members who would like to extend a hand in incubating Fractally and supporting the due dilligence process, . ".

= END =