🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Executions and Mass Graves in Tantura - Forensic Architecture - May 2023

Commissioned by Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, this investigation reveals new evidence about massacres conducted in the Palestinian village of Tantura by Israeli forces after its occupation on 22-23 May 1948 and subsequent depopulation. Launched on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, it brings together testimonies and photographic evidence to locate several mass graves in which the victims were buried—including one previously unidentified.

Uprooted Palestinians Demand to End Desecration of Mass Graves in the Destroyed Village of Tantura - Adalah –

#Palestine #Genocide #WarCrimes #Nakba #Apartheid #EthnicCleansing #Tantura #MassGraves #Villages #Adalah #ForensicArchitecture
🇵🇸 Scholars’ consensus: Genocide in Gaza marks turning point, Israel must be held accountable | Euro Med Monitor

Geneva – The characterisation of Israeli actions in Gaza as genocide by UN experts and international legal scholars should mark a turning point, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said today, in a call for Israel to be held accountable for its crimes.

Israel has a long history of committing acts of genocide against the Palestinian people, including the 1948 murder and mass displacement of Palestinians (#Nakba), as well as military occupation for more than 50 years, which has resulted in the establishment of an #apartheid regime ruling the Palestinian people and repeated military assaults on Gaza, which sparked the Israel’s ongoing, extremely violent chapter in Palestinian history.

#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #InternationalLaw #HumanRights
🇵🇸 The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine | Institute for Palestine Studies –

The 1948 Palestine-Israel War is known to Israelis as ‘The War of Independence', but for Palestinians it will forever be the Nakba, the ‘catastrophe'. Alongside the creation of the State of Israel, the end of the war led to one of the largest forced migrations in modern history. Around a million people were expelled from their homes at gunpoint, civilians were massacred, and hundreds of Palestinian villages deliberately destroyed. Though the truth about the mass expulsion has been systematically distorted and suppressed, had it taken place in the twenty-first century it could only have been called ‘ethnic cleansing'. Prominent Israeli academic Ilan Pappe argues passionately for the international recognition of this tragedy.

#Palestine #Nakba #EthnicCleansing #ForcedDisplacement #Book
🇵🇸 Five Nakba Stories Published, Product of Feature Writing Workshop | Institute for Palestine Studies –

What happened to their family and neighbors in 1948? Where did they go? What was different when they stayed, returned? Who was lost? What was left behind? What are the memories passed down? And what was built in exile, in refugee camps, in the generations that came after the expulsion?

The stories produced center histories of Palestinians who were expelled from Silwad, Bethlehem, Jaffa, 'Ilabun, Akka, Jerusalem, and Jenin. Their stories are about resistance, displacement, love, family, memory, and sacrifice. We are thrilled to share them with you and introduce new voices and untold histories from the collective Palestinian consciousness. 

#Palestine #Nakba #History #Testimonies #Genocide #ForcedDisplacement
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🇵🇸 How four generations of my family suffered under Israeli occupation

A writer and contributor to The Electronic Intifada, Ahmed Al-Sammak explains

#Palestine #OPT #Testimonies #Nakba #Apartheid #Occupation #WarCrimes #Dispossession #Colonisation #OPT #Gaza #Exile
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🇵🇸It’s an exodus under our watch, a river of people being forced to flee their home.”

The #UNRWA Commissioner General, Philippe Lazzarini, said in a press conference on Thursday that the world is witnessing “the largest displacement of Palestinians since 1948”, describing the scale of destruction and loss in Gaza as “staggering.”

Lazzarini alluded to the Palestinian #Nakba or catastrophe, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist forces to make way for the creation of Israel in 1948, saying that some Palestinians “were forced to relive the unlivable trauma from the past, mostly unhealed.”

Source : Middle East Eye
#Palestine #Gaza #NewNakba #ForcedDisplacement #EthnicCleansing #Genocide
🇵🇸 Israel and its allies are repurposing the goals and lies of 1948 – in Gaza in 2023 – Jonathan Cook

Israel is openly carrying out ethnic cleansing inside Gaza, driving Palestinians outside their homeland as happened in 1948. And yet, just as during the first “#Nakba”, Israel's lies and deceptions dominate the West’s media and political narrative.

So Israel is taking advantage of this moment to “finish the job”. The final destination is clearly in view, as, in truth, it has been for more than seven decades. The crime is unfolding step by step, the pace quickening. And yet senior politicians and journalists in the West – like their predecessors – continue to be blind to it all.

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #Occupation #Colonisation #Dispossession #Apartheid #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #WarCrimes #NewNakba
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🇵🇸 Zionism And Whitewashing Genocide Since 1948 - Tantura film extracts | Palestine Diary

Tandura is a must-see film. It is about what happened in 1948 in a beautiful little Palestinian village, one of the 531 depopulated towns and villages in Palestine during al-Nakba, and how the Zionists robbed, massacred, and wiped out the whole community and its history too.

Initial post on Tantura : Forensic Architecture Enquiry video commissioned by Adalha (May 2023)
Uprooted Palestinians Demand to End Desecration of Mass Graves in the Destroyed Village of Tantura, Site of 1948 Massacre.

Tantura Documentary uploaded on this channel

#Palestine #Nakba #Tantura #Massacre #EthnicCleansing #villages #Genocide #Zionism
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🇵🇸 Palestinian Ambassador calls for a permanent ceasefire at UNGA | Full speech

The United Nations General Assembly (#UNGA) held a special session on the situation in #Gaza. Palestinian Ambassador #RiyadMansour addressed members, calling for a permanent #ceasefire and an end to the Israeli #occupation.

#Ambassador Mansour called on the #UN to reaffirm its “permanent responsibility towards the question of #Palestine,” and for the end of the “grave and historic #injustice Palestinians have borne for over 75 years, since the start of the #Nakba.”

🇵🇸 The new Nakba generation enters a new year in Gaza | Mondoweiss –

"Israel’s genocidal war of displacement is nothing like the people of Gaza have ever seen — not this generation, not their parents’ generation, and not the generation that survived the #Nakba.

#Palestine #Gaza #NewNakba
#Genocide #Refugees #IDP #ForcedDisplacement
🇵🇸 Tantura: Film on Nakba massacre of Palestinian village premieres at Bafta | Middle East Eye - 2022

The film depicts how members of the Israeli army’s Alexandroni Brigade attacked the village leading to deaths among the civilian Palestinian population and forcing others to flee.

Palestinians have long said such tactics were used to force them from their historic lands to make way for the establishment of Israel.

Estimates of how many were killed during the massacre exceed 200 people, with one Israeli soldier saying of the death toll: "I didn't count. I can't really know. I had a machine gun with 250 bullets."

Lawyer and #ICJP director, Tayab Ali said that the Tantura episode encapsulates the Palestinian experience during the Nakba and ever since.

“The story of Tantura exemplifies the vast experience of #displacement and loss endured by Palestinians during the #Nakba, but in this film it is told by those that perpetrated it," he said.

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#Palestine #Tantura #Massacre
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🇵🇸 TANTURA - Documentary Exposing Zionist Crimes (sub English/Arabic) 2022

This documentary film exposes the crimes of the Zionist gangs and exposes the false claims of the foundation of this colonial manufactured entity!

As a reminder, the “#PartitionResolution181” is illegal in terms of content and form. According to the Charter of the United Nations, the powers of the General Assembly authorize its members to vote on recommendations not resolutions. It is not authorized to seize a portion of a country from its indigenous people and grant it to another group of people. The recommendations of the UNGA are not binding to the Security Council!

This documentary was filmed on the lands of the depopulated village of Tantura, Haifa, which was seized by Zionist gang members who attacked the village, seized its homes, eliminated its real name, and substituted with Kibbutz Nachsholim!

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#Palestine #Nakba #Tantura #Genocide #Massacre #Zionism #EthnicCleansing #Documentary
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🇵🇸 How Israel buries Palestinian history | MEE Documentary - 2022

An investigation into a popular Israeli beach has shed light on the Tantura massacre, where 200 Palestinian men and boys were killed and buried in a mass grave in 1948 .

But it's not the first time Palestinian history was erased by Israel.

Recomended Read : Initial Posts on Tantura -
Tantura Documentary

#Palestine #Tantura #Massacre #TanturaMassacre #Villages #EthnicyCleansing #Nakba #Genocide #Zionism #MassGrave #History #Documentary
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🇵🇸 Six days that changed the Middle East: The 1967 Arab-Israeli War | AJ Documentary - 2023

The June 1967 War was a milestone in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with consequences still felt across the region to this day.

It altered the political and military landscape, expanded Israel’s territorial claims and confirmed Israel's military dominance in the region.

This war is known to Arabs as 'The War in June' and in Israel as 'The Six Day War'. It came just two decades after the 1948 '#Nakba,' or catastrophe, when the state of Israel was established and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and land.

‘The War in June’ looks at the roots of the 1967 War and documents the actual details of six days of battle, before considering the profound long-term consequences of this conflict which led to Black September and the expulsion of Palestinian factions from Jordan to Lebanon.

#Palestine #History #TheWarInJune #SixDayWar #Israel #ArabIsraeliWar #Colonisation #War #Documentary
🇵🇸 George Habash was the antithesis of #YasserArafat:

He was honest, while Arafat was dishonest; consistent when Arafat was inconsistent; principled, while Arafat was shifty; transparent, while Arafat was deceptive; sincere, while Arafat was fake; dignified while Arafat was clownish; modest, while Arafat was arrogant; tolerant of dissent, while Arafat was autocratic, and on and on.

George Habash embodied an era that extended from the #Nakba, or mass expulsions of Palestinians from their homeland in 1948, until the ending of the first phase of the Lebanese civil war in 1976. Up until that time, when a deep ideological transformation took place in the Arab world, Habash was a major actor on the Arab political stage. He was feared by Arab regimes, and respected and loved in the refugee camps. I don’t believe I have ever seen the ordinary people of the camps react to a person as they reacted to Habash. Their love for him was genuine because they felt that he was genuine.


#Palestine #GeorgeHabash #PFLP
🇵🇸 " The looting and seizure, as far as I found, started in the 1930s in a systematic and organised manner ... by #Haganah forces [#Zionist paramilitary group]. The seizure intensified, of course, with the #Nakba in 1948. I found materials taken in 1967, 1982, 1991 and ... in the last few years."

What begins with #looting and appropriation, continues with a system of censorship and historical revisionism in the archives. The origin of Palestinian material is often erased and replaced with terminology that fits the archivist's world view.

"I saw photos with comments and notes written on them by the censors and archivists. For example, Palestinians are described as 'terrorists', as 'gangs'. Seeing all of that taught me about how the materials go through a process of rewriting to aid or benefit the Zionist narrative," says Sela. "You see a place where the materials are being censored and erased from the public sphere."

#Palestine #History #Heritage #HistoricalHeritage #Censorship #Archives

🇵🇸 Nothing’s changed since 1948 – except now Israel’s excuses don’t work | Jonathan Cook

We have been lied to for decades about the creation of Israel. It was always a settler colonial project. And like other settler colonial projects – from the US and Australia to South Africa and Algeria – it always viewed the native people as inferior, as non-human, as animals, and was bent on their elimination.

What is so obviously true today was true then too, at Israel’s birth. Israel was born in sin, and it continues to live in sin.

We in the West abetted its crimes in 1948, and we’re still abetting them today. Nothing has changed, except the excuses no longer work.

#Palestine #Gaza #Apartheid #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #Zionism #Settlers #Colonisation #WarCrimes #Torture #Nakba #NewNakba
🇵🇸 Why Israeli Soldiers Rape | Ramzy Baroud for MintPress

Historically, Israel has carried out #massacres with a specific political strategy in mind: to instill the desired fear to drive Palestinians off their land. Deir Yassin, Tantura and the over 70 documented massacres during the Palestinian #Nakba, or Catastrophe, are cases in point.

Israel has also utilized torture, rape and other forms of sexual assault to achieve similar ends in the past, to exact information or to break down the will of prisoners.

UN-affiliated experts said in a report published on August 5 that “these practices are intended to punish Palestinians for resisting #occupation and seek to destroy them individually and collectively.”

In a report entitled ‘Welcome to Hell,’ published on August 5, the Israeli rights group, #Btselem, said that Israel’s detention “facilities, in which every inmate is deliberately subjected to harsh, relentless pain and suffering, operate as de-facto #TortureCamps.”

#Palestine #Rape #OPT #IOF #WarCrimes