🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Permanent Apartheid in Palestine: Why Israel Wants to Reactivate The E1 Plan - Mint Press - 2023

The Israeli government is at it again, actively discussing the construction of thousands of illegal settlement units as part of a massive settlement expansion scheme known as E1.

Though Israeli construction in the East Jerusalem area has supposedly been halted under international pressure, the Israeli government has found ways to keep the plan alive.

It did so through constant expansion of the various settlements in the name of ‘natural expansion’, confiscation of Palestinian land and the ruthless yet routine demolition of Palestinian homes

#Displacement #colonisation #dispossession #E1 #Apartheid #Jerusalem #evictions
New report describes continuing forcible displacement and dispossession of Palestinian Christians – Mondoweiss – 2023

A new report from BADIL and Kairos Palestine seeks to activate the Western church in opposition to Israel’s colonial-apartheid system

According to a report released in May, Palestinian Christians: The Forcible Displacement and Dispossession Continues, “There are many who are surprised to learn that Palestine has always been—and still is—the home of a vibrant Christian community. Sadly, there is a real risk that the presence of a Christian community in Palestine will soon come to an end.”

#Christians #Apartheid #Displacement #dispossession
EthnicCleansing: The struggle of the Sob Laban family for their home in Jerusalem - Stop The Wall –June 2023

In the Old City of Jerusalem, Nora Gaith (68) and Mostafa Sub Laban (72) are awaiting the enforcement of a recent Israeli court decision to forcibly expel them from their home. June 11 was the date the Israeli authorities gave to the family to voluntarily leave their home, the latter refuse and continue to stay there. However, similar to the experience of other Palestinian families in the past, the Sub Laban family expects the court decision to be violently and brutally carried out at any moment.

#Palestine #Apartheid #Dispossession #Displacement #Jerusalem
Dispossession Through Bureaucracy in Occupied Jerusalem – whoprofits –

Flash report | Feb 2023
In this update, Who Profits sheds light on Israel’s weaponization of bureaucratic processes to advance its long-standing agendas of illegal settlement expansion and Judaization, while at the same time controlling, concentrating and minimizing the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem. We examine corporate complicity in two prime “bureaucratic-cum-displacement” processes explicitly targeting Palestinians in East Jerusalem – the revocation of the permanent residency status of Palestinian-Jerusalemites and the land registration proceedings. 

#Report #dispossession
#Jerusalem #Bureaucracy
Israel poisoned Palestinian land, reveal newly-released state documents  – Middle East Monitor – June 2023

Israel poisoned Palestinian land in order to build West Bank settlements in the 1970s, documents released from the state archives have revealed. Details of the poisoning reported in Haaretz expose the cruel lengths to which Israel has gone to dispossess Palestinians from their land. The release of files from the Israel State Archives has granted public access to over a million documents, revealing some of the most horrific practices of the Zionist state.

#Palestine #Apartheid #Land #Poison #Displacement #dispossession #colonisation
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Israel's Apartheid Regime and the Policy of Home Demolitions

Israel’s discriminatory planning and zoning regime has been designed, from the beginning, to facilitate Israel’s land appropriation and dispossession of the Palestinian people. This regime has enabled the appropriation of Palestinian land through various methods, which have prevented Palestinian urban development.

Al-Haq video - July 2023
#Apartheid #Palestine #Demolitions #Dispossession #colonisation #AlHaq
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🇵🇸 How four generations of my family suffered under Israeli occupation

A writer and contributor to The Electronic Intifada, Ahmed Al-Sammak explains

#Palestine #OPT #Testimonies #Nakba #Apartheid #Occupation #WarCrimes #Dispossession #Colonisation #OPT #Gaza #Exile
🇵🇸 Israel and its allies are repurposing the goals and lies of 1948 – in Gaza in 2023 – Jonathan Cook

Israel is openly carrying out ethnic cleansing inside Gaza, driving Palestinians outside their homeland as happened in 1948. And yet, just as during the first “#Nakba”, Israel's lies and deceptions dominate the West’s media and political narrative.

So Israel is taking advantage of this moment to “finish the job”. The final destination is clearly in view, as, in truth, it has been for more than seven decades. The crime is unfolding step by step, the pace quickening. And yet senior politicians and journalists in the West – like their predecessors – continue to be blind to it all.

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #Occupation #Colonisation #Dispossession #Apartheid #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #WarCrimes #NewNakba
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🇵🇸 The Olive Tree Hugger: Settler attacks on Palestinian farmers and their olive trees | Al Jazeera

“I hugged the olive tree… I’d raised the tree like my child.” Mahfodah Shtayyeh

On November 27, 2005, a Palestinian woman was photographed hugging an olive tree after it was attacked by Israeli settlers.The photograph became an iconic image symbolising the daily struggle of many Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank.

Over 800,000 olive trees on Palestinian farms have been uprooted by the Israeli authorities and settlers since 1967.

#Palestine #OPT #Colonisation #Dispossession #Apartheid #Agriculture #Olive #OliveCulture #Trees #Settler #SettlerViolences
🇵🇸If you don’t leave, we’ll kill you’: Hundreds flee Israeli settler violence – 972mag

Seeing the Gaza war as a golden hour to fulfill their West Bank ambitions, Israeli settlers have chased out entire Palestinian communities in Area C.

As a result, several communities around #Hebron in #AreaC — the two-thirds of the #WestBank completely controlled by Israel, and where all Israeli settlements are located — have been completely evacuated and their lands seized by #settlers. These include Al-Radeem, Khirbet Zanuta, ‘Atiriyah, Khirbet A’nizan, Maqtal Msalam, and Al-Qanoub.

Since October 7, an estimated 400 Palestinians in the Hebron region — including more than 150 children and 100 women — have fled to escape the horrors.

#Palestine #OPT #Colonisation #EthnicCleansing #Settler #SettlerViolence #Displacement #ForcedDisplacement #Dispossession #Apartheid
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🇵🇸 The people of Masafer Yatta | Stop the Wall Campaign - May 2023

This short documentary called The People  Masafer Yatta depicts the tragedy and resistance of the Palestinian people of Masafer Yatta. This film highlights the ongoing ethnic cleansing and displacement of Palestinians in this region since the Nakba of 1948.

We can gain a fuller understanding of the daily hardships endured by Palestinians throughout this documentary, as well as how recent actions are worsening their plight. We get to see and hear from folks who have been affected by Israel's policies and how they are fighting for their rights and freedom.

This film serves as a vital reminder of why it is critical to advocate for human rights and justice for all. We must not forget.

#Palestine #OPT #MasaferYatta Southern #WestBank #HebronHills #Colonisation #Resistance #Occupation #Dispossession #Apartheid #IOF #ForcedDisplacement
#EthnicCleansing #ForcibleTransfer #WarCrimes #InternationalLaw #Testimonies

🇵🇸 Mosafer Yatta | Untold Palestine - March 2023

Sameha El-Hereny describes the daily activities that are supposed to be routine are a daily challenges for Mosafer Yatta people, in this video we show some of the difficulties that Mosafer Yatta residents face on a daily basis.

Documentary by Waleed Khateb

#Palestine #OPT #MasaferYatta Southern #WestBank #HebronHills #Resistance #Colonisation #Occupation #Dispossession #Apartheid #IOF #ForcedDisplacement
#EthnicCleansing #ForcibleTransfer #WarCrimes #InternationalLaw #Testimonies

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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report - Real News Network

To understand the genocidal campaign unfolding before our eyes, we must examine the roots of Israeli society. Israel is a settler colonial state whose existence depends on the elimination of Palestinians. Accordingly, Israel is a deeply militarized society whose citizens are raised in an environment of historical revisionism and indoctrination that whitewashes Israel's crimes while cultivating a deep-seated racism against Palestinians. Miko Peled, former IOF Special Forces and author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a frank conversation on the distortions of history and reality at the foundations of Israeli identity.

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Zionism #Endoctrination #Propaganda #Settler #Colonisation #Dispossession #Hasbara #Occupation #History #MikoPeled
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Golda Meir (1970) - "we asked them to leave" Palestine

Golda Meir points out she was a Palestinian from 1921 to 1948, says "we asked them [the Arabs] to leave", and is upset that they didn't and don't like it. We were here before, "we've come back". Extract from longer interview with the then Israeli PM Golda Meir, full interview from Thames TV here:

#Palestine #GoldaMeir #Zionism #Zionist #Colonisation #Occupation #Dispossession #Israel
🇵🇸 “It is very hard to lose five children and have nothing left. You can’t imagine the pain of losing your sons.”

Peter Oborne goes inside the #NurShams #RefugeeCamp in the occupied #WestBank, where Israeli air strikes, #bulldozers and #snipers are reducing it to rubble and ruin.

Residents of the camp say that recent attacks by Israeli forces have taken on a terrifying dimension not seen before, one that amounts to a form of collective punishment, in which civilians and infrastructure have been targeted indiscriminately without red lines or limitations.

In April, at least 14 Palestinians were killed and scores more injured as Israeli forces laid siege to the camp for more than two days, leaving bodies in the streets and ambulances and medical teams unable to reach the wounded.

At least 80 residents of the camp have been killed since 7 October, according to the local popular committee. About 300 homes have been destroyed and at least 2,600 have been damaged. The camp has been raided 28 times.

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#Palestine #OPT #Apartheid #Colonisation #Dispossession #Occupation