The Overton Report
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#MSM ALWAYS calls me "far-right"
But...they never define that term do they?
What they MEAN, is "right so far," I'm sure. 😅😁
Am I the ONLY one who finds it hilarious that the "certain group" in #SouthCarolina who have spent months and years CLAIMING (falsely) to have DIRECT connections to #DonaldTrump & his campaign are NOWHERE to be found on this list of SC Trump leaders?
Now those same people who are NOWHERE to be found on this list are going to try and convince YOU that it is somehow a "fake list" despite it coming DIRECTLY from the #Trump2024 campaign. 🤫🤔🤔 watch them claim "conspiracy" or some such nonsense.
Or maybe...just maybe...they have been lying to YOU, True American Patriots, and #WeThePeople in order to get your cash and your support...🤡
Discernment is KEY.
Don't let these snake oil salesmen fool you.
They have lied to you from the start.
They won't stop lying to you now.
If you haven't heard my discussion on #esg with #SouthCarolina financial expert Adam Curran yet, I HIGHLY encourage you to do so!
Adam runs Curran Financial Partners and has created an ANTI-ESG ETF that is traded on the #NYSE called the God Bless America ETF, named "YALL" on the exchange.
He is an SC based financial expert, and someone I trust with ALL of my economic questions!
Listen to this and then reach out to him to see shat they can do to help YOU vote with your dollars!
Lexington SC's GOP Chair Has Gone TOO Far. It's Time For Every Victim Of Her Vitriol To Speak Out!
Pam Godwin (1 of 6 aliases we have found of hers so far) & her husband have done everything they can to alienate, ostracize, or "destroy" anyone in the conservative movement in #southcarolina who challenges their nonsense, in hopes to obtain or retain power. They've both proven themselves to be liars & deceitful fraudsters, willing to hurt any and everyone who gets in their way. Recently, after wresting power from the hands of good people who didn't know any better, they secured the chairmanship of the Lexington County Republican Party. Since then, it's been one fiasco after another. It all came to a head when she forcibly had the 1st vice chair and 3rd vice chair removed from a restaurant owned by SC Freedom Caucus member and SC State Representative Jay Kilmartin (unbeknownst to him). This comes after years of her slandering me & others. People like this MUST be stopped. We have a nation to save. Children like her have no place in this movement. sign up at to learn more.
Tonight, the left in SC is going to go nuts. We havr uncovered some CRAZY stuff. 7pm
A #SouthCarolina based group, backed by #MSM that is funding "lgbtqia2+" camps and programs for children under 10, and giving money for cross-sex hormones to teens w/put parental consent?! Donors including locally owned SC Businesses?
An SC based education group geared towards the "tranformation" of teaching toward social justice and "white privelege" among other far-left items?
A former SC superintendent working with a lefitst ideologye disguised as a journalist, doxing parents, spewing hateful rhetoric, and racist vitriol about South Carolinian conservatives?!?
All this on tonight, on The Overton Report at 7pm (with encores at 7:45 & 8:30pm!)
Don't miss this one!
A #SouthCarolina based group, backed by #MSM that is funding "lgbtqia2+" camps and programs for children under 10, and giving money for cross-sex hormones to teens w/out parental consent?! Donors including locally owned SC Businesses?
An SC based education group geared towards the "transformation" of teaching toward social justice under the premise of "dismantling white privilege" among other far-left items?
A former SC superintendent working with a leftist ideologue disguised as a journalist, doxing parents, spewing hateful rhetoric, and racist vitriol about South Carolinian conservatives?!?
My podcasts on allow comments from paid subscribers only.
So, if you want to berate me, you're gonna have to pay to do so!
Listen to our latest episode NOW!
Leftist school teachers working with The Island Packet to lie about parents and The Overton Group while indoctrinating 8th graders using "secret" gender & sexual identity surveys that they hid from parents and administrators?!
#lexingtonsc #RepublicanParty chair grabbing as much power as possible, despite her own party demanding her resignation?
Can it GET any more insane in #SouthCarolina ?
Well, subscribe & listen NOW to find out!
"eXtReMiSt!" "fAr RiGhT" give me a break 🙄
Hey The Island Packet how about NOT lying about us for once? And how about reaching out if you plan to write such falsehoods? Cool, thanks!

Listen to our response to this drivel, passed off as "journalism," here:

Read the article to which this liberal hack writer refers here:

#propaganda #MSMLies #SouthCarolina #scpol
So, what do you think about local businesses in #SouthCarolina donating to a group that is giving money to minors for trans hormone treatments and chemical castration drugs?
What do you think about a non-profit based in #charlestonsc holding transgender daycamps for children under 10 that works with government funded entities in order to accomplish these goals?
Well, have we got something for you. Click the link to learn more.
Pay attention. And ask your local representative what they intend to do about what I have uncovered. Listen here!

South Carolina Republican Party South Carolina Freedom Caucus The Overton Group
#SaveOurChildren #SilentMajority #scpol #MSMLies
Just thinking out loud here, but...
It's wild to me how state-wide news outlets can't seem to keep my name nor the name of our organization, The Overton Report, out their mouths or their publications, but not a SINGLE time have ANY of them reached out to me to ask questions or to correct their disinformation prior to publication.
Learn more about the latest libel in the first half of this episode!
#MSMLies #scpol #SouthCarolina #MSM #overtonwindow #ClownWorld
I just had an awesome interview with Clay Clark, the founder of the ReAwaken America tour. Stay tuned and sign up for in order to hear our discussion.
The time is now, we decide to stand, or we lie down and await the terror that is globalism and total control of a centralized oligarchy made up if people who hate us all. You decide.
I know which side of this fight I will be standing on.
Listen to our FIRST interview about BRICS & the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar from a couple months ago!

#ReAwakenAmericaTour #ReawakenAmerica #clayclark #overtonreport #MSMLies #BRICS #FedNow #CBDC #FederalReserve #SouthCarolina
Forwarded from The Overton Report
I just had an awesome interview with Clay Clark, the founder of the ReAwaken America tour. Stay tuned and sign up for in order to hear our discussion.
The time is now, we decide to stand, or we lie down and await the terror that is globalism and total control of a centralized oligarchy made up if people who hate us all. You decide.
I know which side of this fight I will be standing on.
Listen to our FIRST interview about BRICS & the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar from a couple months ago!

#ReAwakenAmericaTour #ReawakenAmerica #clayclark #overtonreport #MSMLies #BRICS #FedNow #CBDC #FederalReserve #SouthCarolina
I may be putting this bluntly but it's well passed time for tip-toeing on eggshells to keep the fee-fees of those who hate us from being hurt.
A couple of typical examples. A typical SC public school teacher's views, and a typical experience for children in SC public schools.
Public school teachers asking middle schoolers to list their pronouns and made-up names in the first week of school is a symptom of the cancer that is "social justice" and new-age "equity" as a focus of "education."
This is an example of why over half the kids in SC cannot read or perform basic mathematics at grade level. The focus is no linger on education, but on social engineering, and it gets worse every year.
Why won't school boards stop this? Or, why CAN'T they?
SC conservatives, can we work together on THIS issue? Because it's pretty important for the future of our state.
Nobody wants a bunch of illiterate castratos running the state in a few know what I mean?
#scpol #southcarolina #EducationMatters #LiteracyRate
SC Democrat state lawmaker says "nothing wrong" with gov't breaking the law when done with "good intentions" 🤔😳
Wait, #SouthCarolina State Rep Wendell Gilliard REALLY told the news that he didn't care that the #charlestonsc parks department were purposely BREAKING THE LAW & infringing on the rights of citizens? He said "nothing is wrong" with ignoring the #constitutionalrights of citizens, as long as it is done with "good intentions."
This shows you EXACTLY how he thinks. This man makes laws...but doesn't think government should have to follow long as he agrees with their ideological reason for doing so.
This dude is running for state senate, and is CURRENTLY a "lawmaker" but he wants bureaucracies to be able to "circumvent" laws based on their "intentions?!"
Wow, talk about a dangerous belief system.
Wendell Gilliard literally said he doesn't care if YOUR constitutionally defined rights are violated by an unelected bureaucracy.
#democratsdestroyamerica is an understatement at this point.
Don't miss this one!!
7pm (est): on
The first act of Despots is to jail or kill everyone who effectively fights against their regime.
Every time a tyrant takes control, the first group of people they "purge" includes every single artist, sculptor, & musician who doesn't buy into that despots ideology.
That's why it's so important for "We, The People" to support conservatives within the cultural arts with every bone in our body and every dollar in our wallet.
If you supported #soundoffreedommovie ...
If you supported Nefarious Movie
I think you should take a moment to support LOCAL artists, in YOUR area who are fighting & standing for the same values and issues. The #SouthCarolina based "Conservative Cultural Arts Guild (CCAG)" Conservative Cultural Arts Guild is EXACTLY what you need to support! Listen as Corey Allen of The Overton Report interviews the cofounder, Jonathan Whiting about how this guild came into existence, and what they intend to do to help Americans save America.
Did you miss us on BigPatriotRadio tonight?!
Don't worry! Here is a video if my interview with one of the founders of the Conservative Cultural Arts Guild out of #SouthCarolina
From government Propaganda to the arts causing full-on revolutions and why the cultural arts are a battlegield #Conservatives CANNOT retreat from!
Don't miss it!
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Look, leftist activists in #charlestonsc.
If you're going to lie about me to #SouthCarolina media outlets during press conferences, bear false witness, knowingly, while claiming to be a "pastor" and do it under the banner of a HIGHLY suspect "charity," don't expect silence in return. Retract your false statement, this is the only warning. Call every news outlet that was present and apologize, on record, for bearing false witness. Thwt' my suggestion to this hate-peddler.
Not to mention how hard this dude FIGHTS to push extremely harmful pro-porn policies in public schools.
Really gross stuff.
Tonight at 7pm (encore at 8pm) on you REALLY cannot miss my interviews with Tom Fernandez who is running for #SouthCarolina senate in District 39 and my interview with Shannon Montgomery Grady running for SC State House District 61!
Get ready, this is a big one!
See you over at !
Media is too big
#southcarolina Democrat state rep Justin Bamberg just made a masturbation joke on the state house floor, then proceeded to argue against a bill that protects minors from pornography.
He said that parents should be able to show their children pornography, and the bill doesn't protect an adult's "right" to do that.
Not a joke, watch this.
#scpol #chsnews #politics #protectourkids #ProtectOurChildren
Joe Biden arrests yet another innocent #americancitizen after multiple years of proof that #CapitolPolice opened the doors and ushered the same citizens into the #uscapitol without a second thought.
Now, another #SouthCarolina citizen, who was among those ushered in by Nancy Pelosi and her corrupt department, has been arrested for NO reason.
This former law enforcement officer, Thomas Blackwood, who is a current private-Investigator in #northcharlestonsc is facing the wrath if a political party. He should be met with apologies from the federal government.
Instead he has been arrested years later simply for falling for the lies of #CapitalPolice
Disgusting. We are attenptijg to get in touch with him, and we will do all we can to 0rove his innocence, despite our judicial system supposedly being based upon proving guilt.
We all know that isn't the way it really works when conservatives are involved.
#January6th #CharlestonSC #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenLies #Trump2024 #Jan6 #chsnews #scpol