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Actual footage of #Trump grabbing the steering wheel from the back of his Presidential limousine on #January6th!! 🤣🤣🤣
Media is too big
Recently Corey Allen of The Overton Report joined New America Movement's father son broadcast team Jordan & David Cox to discuss his experience on January 6th, covering the events in Washington, DC that day, at the Capitol and the Washington Monument. They take a deep dive into the hypocrisy, the fabrications, hyperbole and gaslighting that has taken place regarding the events of that day. You really don't want to miss this one. Not everyone is cut out to handle the truth, are you? Watch this and find out. Watch The Entire Video Here! #J6 #January6 #January6th #leftist #leftism #LeftistHypocrisy #LeftistLogic #conservative #liberty #Trump #LetsGoBrandon
The elitism of media refusing to show, and elected officials demanding censorship of those who DO show #J6 footage should prove to you what's happening.
They lied to you, and they are gaslighting you as you watch the truth. They are willing to weaponize the law against those who refuse to buy their lie.
We are at a precipice, make no mistake.
The way this situation unfolds will show us which direction our nation will undoubtedly go:
truth, transparency, liberty....OR...
tyranny, falsehoods, political imprisonment, and America, the city on the hill, forever gone, a distant memory.
Make your choice. Make it soon.
#J6CoverUp #January6th #January6
I have heard of a current whisper campaign taking place about me by the leaders of a certain SC-based group who don't like questions, here is my response:

I find it HILARIOUS that, at the same time I am called "alt-right," "right-wing extremist" and "far right" by leftists, democrat elected officials, & various MSM outlets throughout the state of SC, that I am also being called a "fake conservative" & "RiNo" by people who have NEVER stood against a SINGLE leftist in public in their life, much less entire mobs of them. These same people cannot point to a single REASON for such claims, nor have they EVER so much as met me. 🤔🤔
I'm sorry, but the work I have done speaks for itself.
I fight for conservative values, and have done so to the detriment of myself and my family many times. I have fought for everything we all stand for, relentlessly. I have faced down death threats, been chased off streets (by leftist mobs), falsely reported to FBI for showing YOU the truth on live streams on #January6th as well as the streets of cities like #charlestonsc as they were being looted and destroyed by leftist mobs.
Not to mention the myriad grassroots events and hard work I have done, and helped others do, in accomplishing their goals to make our nation and state more conservative, more free, more sane. Nobody can deny that. If they do, they are lying to you.
I have fought alongside TRUE patriots & REAL conservatives. Together, we have BEATEN the left in the education system, in fighting leftist activist con-jobs, in defeating mask and jab mandates. All of this I have done alongside REAL fighters for REAL conservative values.
And I will NEVER stop.
Denigrate me, play your little gossip-girl games & high-school whisper campaigns, attempt your ostracization tactics, the same tactics I told everyone you would take part in, the same tactics the left has used against me repeatedly in this state.
Doubt me if you want.
But do not doubt this: I am here to stay.
I am not going anywhere. I was saved from the hell of addiction for a reason, and that reason is to push for the Constitutional values of liberty, calling out corruption & despotism WHEREVER I see it.

I won't kiss your ring, I won't bow to you. This is America, and we have neither princes nor kings. As far as politics goes, you are only as good as your arguments. You are only as legitimate as your political philosophy. And I am willing to defend mine with whatever means necessary, because this is my purpose, and I do not comes lightly. I can defend them, because I base them on objective reality & truth.
I remain teachable, and do not claim to know everything. But I know what I know.
I will not submit to the fear tactics and attempted ostracization by those who seek power for its own sake. I will stand for principles OVER personalities, until the day I die.
I will never blindly support an individual or group, I will fight alongside anyone as they are doing GOOD work, solution oriented work. I will call it out when I see cronyism, corruption, back-room dealing, and worse EVERY time, no matter WHO is doing such things. I am on no "team" except the team of conservatism & individual liberty. I will never stand beside ANYONE who attempts to deplatform or silence people who question their despotism.
So, if you want to shut me up, I just made it clear what you will have to do to accomplish that goal.
Try me.
My advice? Cry harder.
Thanks! 😉
Thinking back to that time leftist #MSM and politicians knowingly lied, claiming that Brian Sicknick was killed by protesters on #January6th which led to them allowing him to "lie in state"
Then, when it was proven he died of natural causes at 9:30pm on January 7th, they ALL kept running with the LIE even though the truth was well known.
That is kind of the epitome of liberals in America, isn't it?
Willing to lie no matter what, then willing to continue lying even when the TRUTH is universally known.
Now a bunch of leftists will try to say "he died of natural causes 36 hours after the protest BECAUSE of the protest!!!" And we will all rightfully laugh at them for continuong the lie.
Joe Biden arrests yet another innocent #americancitizen after multiple years of proof that #CapitolPolice opened the doors and ushered the same citizens into the #uscapitol without a second thought.
Now, another #SouthCarolina citizen, who was among those ushered in by Nancy Pelosi and her corrupt department, has been arrested for NO reason.
This former law enforcement officer, Thomas Blackwood, who is a current private-Investigator in #northcharlestonsc is facing the wrath if a political party. He should be met with apologies from the federal government.
Instead he has been arrested years later simply for falling for the lies of #CapitalPolice
Disgusting. We are attenptijg to get in touch with him, and we will do all we can to 0rove his innocence, despite our judicial system supposedly being based upon proving guilt.
We all know that isn't the way it really works when conservatives are involved.
#January6th #CharlestonSC #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenLies #Trump2024 #Jan6 #chsnews #scpol