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In Pennsylvania, Leftists elected a dead man to state #charlestonsc leftists elected a corrupt activist to school board who left the state and withdrew from the race when her leftist activist buddies started exposing a con she left them out of.
Leftist are gonna leftist, no matter where they are.
#charlestonsc folks! There is a thing where you drive your car through a light display, then park and there's a little train, marshmallow roasting, shopping for's a GREAT time!
We are going tonight! Charleston Fewtival of Lights!
It's been YEARS AND YEARS since I've done it!
I am so excited! Maybe we will see you there?
Oh wow, Texas was not interested in a drag-Christmas show...thankfully it was peaceful!
It is strange, WHY Christmas?
These shows are organized attacks on a certain religion that wouldn't be tolerated by ANY other's pretty gross. The worst part is the "all ages" thing.
And they are doing it right here in #charlestonsc in #northcharleston at the North Charleston Coliseum and Performing Arts Center on the 23rd.
These things are hyper-sexual. It's so strange.
Learn more about the content of the actual shows at this link:
If you care AT ALL about the "culture wars" and how good the #leftists are at #gaslighting #Conservatives I HIGHLY encourage you to join the multitude of prayer groups and #protesters at the #christmas2022 drag show happening in December 23rd at North Charleston Coliseum and Performing Arts Center
They claim it is appropriate for minors. The NORMAL, DECENT world disagrees.
#charlestonsc #northcharlestonsc #northcharleston #southcarolina JOIN us in saying "Enough Is Enough."
Sources say that #southcarolina #SupremeCourt judge Kay Hearn will be replaced by #conservative Gary Hill of #greenvillesc.
He has apparently been chosen as the favorite over Stephanie P. McDonald from the #charlestonsc area.
This will mean that NO women will be on the SC Supreme Court.
Kay Hearn, you'll remember, recently gained infamy with her striking down the #prolife bill in SC that banned #abortion upon the existence of a #heartbeat on a sonogram.
The general assembly is currently re-working 2023 legislation to get around the recent majority opinion, written by Hearn.
Read more about that issue here:
JT Bessinger paints a VERY clear picture of exactly what has been the problem of #charlestonsc for quite awhile now. City of Charleston, SC Government has gone too far over and over again.
This is definitely a piece worth reading. Do yourself a favor.
Wow, so a Folly Beach restaurant held a drag show in front of literal toddlers. The group that owns Rita's Seaside Grill owns Hall's Chophouse & and others.
Disappointed, not surprised.
#charlestonsc #follybeach
A South Carolina TEACHER defending sexually explicit drag show brunches performed for children?! "Teacher" says, "adult is happy, so who cares?!"
"The parent is HAPPY to be exposing the child to this, so OBVIOUSLY it's fine...right? D.S.S. Doesn't exist...right? All that matters is that the ADULT holding the CHILD has a smile on her face....RIGHT?
Sorry, that isn't how it works. Abuse is abuse is abuse. Grooming is grooming is grooming...and this #southcarolina teacher is encouraging that. Sad.
Oh, wow, it's almost as if The Overton Report and myself have been WARNING you of these LEFTIST ACTIVISTS disguised as teachers for years now!
Imagine that!
#follybeach #charlestonsc
Your civil liberties are under attack, city governments run by leftists are ignoring your civil rights while they weaponize the justice system against you.
One if the most UNBELIEVABLE situations is currently unfolding in #charlestonsc at the whim of Mayor John Tecklenburg and the City of Charleston, SC Government & City of Charleston Police Department
We at The Overton Group will NOT allow this egregious abuse of power to stand, bet your ass.
More to come. Prepare yourselves.
U.S. Veteran Arrested In #charlestonsc For Writing On #Ukraine Flag That Over 1 Dozen Other People Also Wrote On?!? We went with him to turn himself in, take a look!
City of Charleston, SC Government had a number of people write on a Ukrainian Flag, then Mayor John Tecklenburg hung that foreign flag iver the railing at City Hall, JT Bessinger saw the flag and allegedly wrote on it as well, and has been arrested for doing so. The charge? Injury to Personal Property.
A sharpie on a small flag, that already had sharpie written on it, hanging outside a public building.
This is the latest in a slew of targeted retaliation by the City of Charleston towards JT
Tonight 6pm
The Overton Report!
I discuss the Dem party fomenting insurrection in #nashville Tenn because we misgendered a trans mass murderer of Christian Children. Why is a leftist insurrection seen so different than conservative protests by MSM?
We discuss the hypocrisy of Kamala ignores murdered Christian children in favor of standing with Dem legislators demanding to take YOUR rights away.
Plus, we dive into the reason that the globalist left DEMANDS #SouthCarolina allow enemy foreign agents to own land that SHOULD be owned by our own citizens, we take a look at a #charlestonsc #Democrat state rep who said fathers in SC have NO rights, Joe Biden selling U.S. to a communist nation, blames Trump for his own failures in Afghanistan causing the deaths of military & more. Our hyper-inflation discussion makes it clear that you REALLY can't afford to miss this one!
Just go to at 6pm to hear us!
Or sign up for to get them each Wednesday!
Spotted near #charlestonsc on I-26
You might as well say God Loves Unicorns. One is as real as the other.
What DOES exist is a vulnerable population of children with mental issues being manipulated and engineered by sick adults who use those children as pawns in their political game, who encourage children dealing with dysphoria and body dysmorphia into mutilating & sterilizing themselves.
What there is, is a social contagion that leftist activists and narcissistic adults push onto children in a sick and twisted socially acceptable form of Muchausen-by-proxy.
What IS real, is the crimes against humanity being perpetrated on the most vulnerable subset of western society, traumatized children, by those in positions of authority.
How dare they.
Hey! Catch our latest episode!
We discuss the World Health Organization (WHO) with Josiah Magnuson for SC State House #georgewashington and how he is now considered "controversial" to #charlestonsc elected officials with Brett Barry of American Heritage Association!
You don't want to miss this one!
I have heard of a current whisper campaign taking place about me by the leaders of a certain SC-based group who don't like questions, here is my response:

I find it HILARIOUS that, at the same time I am called "alt-right," "right-wing extremist" and "far right" by leftists, democrat elected officials, & various MSM outlets throughout the state of SC, that I am also being called a "fake conservative" & "RiNo" by people who have NEVER stood against a SINGLE leftist in public in their life, much less entire mobs of them. These same people cannot point to a single REASON for such claims, nor have they EVER so much as met me. πŸ€”πŸ€”
I'm sorry, but the work I have done speaks for itself.
I fight for conservative values, and have done so to the detriment of myself and my family many times. I have fought for everything we all stand for, relentlessly. I have faced down death threats, been chased off streets (by leftist mobs), falsely reported to FBI for showing YOU the truth on live streams on #January6th as well as the streets of cities like #charlestonsc as they were being looted and destroyed by leftist mobs.
Not to mention the myriad grassroots events and hard work I have done, and helped others do, in accomplishing their goals to make our nation and state more conservative, more free, more sane. Nobody can deny that. If they do, they are lying to you.
I have fought alongside TRUE patriots & REAL conservatives. Together, we have BEATEN the left in the education system, in fighting leftist activist con-jobs, in defeating mask and jab mandates. All of this I have done alongside REAL fighters for REAL conservative values.
And I will NEVER stop.
Denigrate me, play your little gossip-girl games & high-school whisper campaigns, attempt your ostracization tactics, the same tactics I told everyone you would take part in, the same tactics the left has used against me repeatedly in this state.
Doubt me if you want.
But do not doubt this: I am here to stay.
I am not going anywhere. I was saved from the hell of addiction for a reason, and that reason is to push for the Constitutional values of liberty, calling out corruption & despotism WHEREVER I see it.

I won't kiss your ring, I won't bow to you. This is America, and we have neither princes nor kings. As far as politics goes, you are only as good as your arguments. You are only as legitimate as your political philosophy. And I am willing to defend mine with whatever means necessary, because this is my purpose, and I do not comes lightly. I can defend them, because I base them on objective reality & truth.
I remain teachable, and do not claim to know everything. But I know what I know.
I will not submit to the fear tactics and attempted ostracization by those who seek power for its own sake. I will stand for principles OVER personalities, until the day I die.
I will never blindly support an individual or group, I will fight alongside anyone as they are doing GOOD work, solution oriented work. I will call it out when I see cronyism, corruption, back-room dealing, and worse EVERY time, no matter WHO is doing such things. I am on no "team" except the team of conservatism & individual liberty. I will never stand beside ANYONE who attempts to deplatform or silence people who question their despotism.
So, if you want to shut me up, I just made it clear what you will have to do to accomplish that goal.
Try me.
My advice? Cry harder.
Thanks! πŸ˜‰
The Charleston County School District has inappropriately chosen their new (UBER-WOKE) superintendent after an illegal leak exposed the names of the opponents of that candidate to the public (published by #corporatemedia in Charleston...) πŸ€”
This leak led to the withdrawal of all other candidates for CCSD's Superintendent race, leaving the most "liberal" and "left-leaning" candidate (Eric Gaillien) as the ONLY one left in the running for Superintendent. Shady? Yes.
Rep Matt Leber has written a letter to Alan Wilson of the South Carolina Attorney General 's office demanding that this travesty of local political games be rectified.
We have to support Matthew Leber in this effort, otherwise #charlestonsc superintendent will NEVER be the product of a legitimate choice.
Here is the letter, contact YOUR Charleston School Board Member NOW and let them know you demand a re-opening of the Superintendent's position!
This must be rectified. Act NOW.
School Board: do the right thing.
So, what do you think about local businesses in #SouthCarolina donating to a group that is giving money to minors for trans hormone treatments and chemical castration drugs?
What do you think about a non-profit based in #charlestonsc holding transgender daycamps for children under 10 that works with government funded entities in order to accomplish these goals?
Well, have we got something for you. Click the link to learn more.
Pay attention. And ask your local representative what they intend to do about what I have uncovered. Listen here!

South Carolina Republican Party South Carolina Freedom Caucus The Overton Group
#SaveOurChildren #SilentMajority #scpol #MSMLies
SC Democrat state lawmaker says "nothing wrong" with gov't breaking the law when done with "good intentions" πŸ€”πŸ˜³
Wait, #SouthCarolina State Rep Wendell Gilliard REALLY told the news that he didn't care that the #charlestonsc parks department were purposely BREAKING THE LAW & infringing on the rights of citizens? He said "nothing is wrong" with ignoring the #constitutionalrights of citizens, as long as it is done with "good intentions."
This shows you EXACTLY how he thinks. This man makes laws...but doesn't think government should have to follow long as he agrees with their ideological reason for doing so.
This dude is running for state senate, and is CURRENTLY a "lawmaker" but he wants bureaucracies to be able to "circumvent" laws based on their "intentions?!"
Wow, talk about a dangerous belief system.
Wendell Gilliard literally said he doesn't care if YOUR constitutionally defined rights are violated by an unelected bureaucracy.
#democratsdestroyamerica is an understatement at this point.
Remember that time we marched and protested against the largest tax increase #charlestonsc has seen in its 440 year history, and against forced masking The Post and Courier made us out as terrorists & antifa countered us! 🀑🀑
#chsnews #scpol #protest #taxationistheft
So many do-nothing "sleepers" have done everything possible to denigrate, belittle, and lie about us and what we do ever since this. NONE of those clowns who do that were EVER present when it really mattered...when WE have tried to ACTUALLY fight back.
Keyboard warriors were nowhere to be found THEN...and have only remained keyboard warriors to this day.
No thanks. πŸ˜‰
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Look, leftist activists in #charlestonsc.
If you're going to lie about me to #SouthCarolina media outlets during press conferences, bear false witness, knowingly, while claiming to be a "pastor" and do it under the banner of a HIGHLY suspect "charity," don't expect silence in return. Retract your false statement, this is the only warning. Call every news outlet that was present and apologize, on record, for bearing false witness. Thwt' my suggestion to this hate-peddler.
Not to mention how hard this dude FIGHTS to push extremely harmful pro-porn policies in public schools.
Really gross stuff.
Joe Biden arrests yet another innocent #americancitizen after multiple years of proof that #CapitolPolice opened the doors and ushered the same citizens into the #uscapitol without a second thought.
Now, another #SouthCarolina citizen, who was among those ushered in by Nancy Pelosi and her corrupt department, has been arrested for NO reason.
This former law enforcement officer, Thomas Blackwood, who is a current private-Investigator in #northcharlestonsc is facing the wrath if a political party. He should be met with apologies from the federal government.
Instead he has been arrested years later simply for falling for the lies of #CapitalPolice
Disgusting. We are attenptijg to get in touch with him, and we will do all we can to 0rove his innocence, despite our judicial system supposedly being based upon proving guilt.
We all know that isn't the way it really works when conservatives are involved.
#January6th #CharlestonSC #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenLies #Trump2024 #Jan6 #chsnews #scpol