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Informationskanal des friedlichen, zivilen, legitimen #WIDERSTAND im ehemaligen Deutschland (Art. 20 Abs. 4 GG)
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MERKEL TERROR & MERKEL VICTIMS. This time the world sees all of former Germany's misery in a singe tragedy (Susanna, 14). The GATESTONE INSTITUTE, New York, 11.6.2018: “The rape and murder of a 14-year-old Jewish girl by a failed Iraqi asylum seeker has cast a renewed spotlight on Germany's migrant rape crisis, which has continued unabated for years amid official complicity and public apathy.
Thousands of women and children have been raped or sexually assaulted in Germany since Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
The latest crime, entirely preventable, is uniquely reprehensible in that it highlights in one act the many insidious consequences of Germany's open-door migration policy — including the failure to vet those allowed into the country and the practice of releasing migrant criminals back onto German streets instead of incarcerating or deporting them.
The crime also exposes the gross negligence of Germany's political class, which appears to be more concerned with preserving multiculturalism and the rights of predatory migrants than protecting German women and children from them [...] Susanna's murder was the fourth German teenager to be murdered by illegal migrants during the past 18 months [...] The level of public outrage over Susanna's case, however, suggests that Germany may be reaching a tipping point: the German government is finally being held to account for its role in the migrant rape crisis. ‘The government should beg for forgiveness from Susanna's parents,’ said the mass circulation Bild. ‘The only thing that is worse than the murder of a child is the murder of a child by a criminal who should not have been in our country.’”
#susanna #bamf #merkelregime #merkelterror #merkelopfer #merkelvictims #maria #mia #mireille #refugeeswelcome #openborders #nobordernonation #replacementmigration #merkelmussweg #merkelmustgo #genocide #voelkermord #defendeurope #reconquista #bundespolizei #cdu #csu #seehofer #fdp #spd #gruene #linke #afd #gutmenschen #asylindustrie #asyl #asylum #asylhelfer #fluechtlingshelfer #humantrafficing #resist #widerstand