«Паштет из кролика и черный трюфель»: неповторимая шелковая текстура кроличьей печени дополнена желе из мадеры, каплями бальзамического уксуса, хлопьями соли и трюфелем. Подаем с похожим на самоцветную мозаику фруктово-овощным хлебом – с дикой черной хурмой, собранной нашим гастроскаутом Виктором в Дагестане, и морковью от нашего фермера @constantintokarev. Его письмо, написанное для @muhinvladimir, тоже в кадр попало.
“Rabbit pate and black truffle” is our signature rabbit pate. Silky texture of rabbit’s liver is accompanied by reduced balsamic vinegar, flakes of salt and slices of a black truffle. We serve it with slices of fruit and vegetable bread that looks like a semi-precious stone mosaic with wild persimmon from Dagestan gathered by @local_and_seasons_food and carrots from our farmer @constantintokarev. Look, his cover letter to Vladimir is also into the frame!
#whiterabbitmoscow #whiterabbitfamily
“Rabbit pate and black truffle” is our signature rabbit pate. Silky texture of rabbit’s liver is accompanied by reduced balsamic vinegar, flakes of salt and slices of a black truffle. We serve it with slices of fruit and vegetable bread that looks like a semi-precious stone mosaic with wild persimmon from Dagestan gathered by @local_and_seasons_food and carrots from our farmer @constantintokarev. Look, his cover letter to Vladimir is also into the frame!
#whiterabbitmoscow #whiterabbitfamily