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The Russian Air Force has begun using the Kh-69 cruise missile

It is reported that the aviation of the Russian VKS has used the Kh-69 low-observable cruise missile, which has an RCS of about 0.01 square metres and a low-altitude flight profile at altitudes of 50 to 20 metres, depending on the terrain. The missile's flight speed can vary between 700 and 1,050 km/h.

The detection range of this product through the AN/APY-2 PESA radar of the E-3A/B aircraft does not exceed 100 km ("Kalibers" are detected at a distance of 190 - 230 km). Therefore, AWACS aircraft over Romania are not capable of monitoring the use of the X-69.

Guidance system is achieved by the following subsystems:
Inertial Navigation, complete with radar altimeter, optical-electronic correlation, as well as a GLONASS module with interference-protected antenna "Kometa-M" .

The missile is structurally and hardware-software adapted (as well as X-59MK2) for use from АКУ-58 suspension units and in weapon control systems of Su-35S multirole fighters and Su-34/M/NVO fighter-bombers, as well as from intrafuselage catapult suspension units УВКУ-50У/Л of Su-57 multirole fighters.

The optoelectronic guidance systems of the Russian #Kh101 and #Kh69 cruise missiles.

Thanks to this system, the missile in the final section of the trajectory is able to compare the embedded image of the terrain and target with the one in front of it, thus increasing accuracy.

According to clarified information, citing anonymous sources in the Ukrainian security services, the successful disabling of the Tripillya thermal power plant in the Kiev region was carried out by low-observable #Kh69 ultra-low-altitude subsonic long-range tactical missiles that can fly in echelons of 35 - 25 metres with an effective reflective surface of 0.01 - 0.03 square metres.

For radar architecture of mixed anti-aircraft missile brigades of the AFU these missiles are even more difficult targets than aeroballistic missiles Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal". The Kh-69 has a range of about 400 kilometres, exceeding estimates of the Kh-69's range of 300km as a modification of the Kh-59MK2.

The range of 400 kilometres will make it possible to hit many Ukrainian targets from fighter jets, which can fly to the border at 50-70 kilometres. Moreover, as it can be used from tactical aircraft, it avoids giving the alarm signal when large strategic bombers "rise". In addition, the weapon can be used by stealth aircraft such as the #UAV #S70 and the multi-role #Su57.

The map shows options for launch areas. If the Russian Air Force launches them from Belarus, the entire Ukraine, except for the Transcarpathian region, will be included in the target zone.

This is not the first time this newest Russian cruise missile has been used to hit targets on Ukrainian territory. Previously, the enemy has already published a video of the collected fragments of the #Kh69 used in one of the strikes in February 2024. In relation to the video, we made this post:

The effective use of such subsonic low-observable cruise missiles, launched by tactical, not strategic aircraft, on a critical target located right next to the Ukrainian capital, can speak of a significant depletion of the enemy's air defence, as well as the high efficiency of the missile itself.

The low-observable Kh-69 can be launched by Su-30SM, Su-34, Su-35S and Su-57 aircraft, and is a more modern analogue of the Western cruise missiles Storm Shadow (SCALP-EG), Taurus and AGM-158 JASSM.

According to the most recent Ukrainian publications, indeed the last #Kh69 attack on the Ukrainian thermal power plant in Kiev, which the #Patriots were unable to see in time, was indeed carried out by #Su57 you can read more about the attack and the cruise missile:

The missile can be launched from Su-57's УВКУ-50 catapults.
You can see the patent for these catapults:

Although the missile can also be used by the АКУ-58 catapults of the #Su30, #Su34 and #Su35 .
It is likely that the first combat use of the missile will be carried out by proven platforms. While it is true that the attack on Kiev a few days ago was not the first with the missile.

SAMP-T SAMs: Means and Tactics of suppression

Suppression of the French-Italian SAMP-T SAM/anti-missile defence systems, one of which will be supplied to the AFU Air Defence Forces by Rome as part of the 9th ‘package’ of military-technical support to Kiev, is no less difficult a task than the destruction of the Patriot PAC-3MSE SAM batteries.

The Right People Z
SAMP-T SAMs: Means and Tactics of suppression Suppression of the French-Italian SAMP-T SAM/anti-missile defence systems, one of which will be supplied to the AFU Air Defence Forces by Rome as part of the 9th ‘package’ of military-technical support to Kiev…
There are reasons to believe that elements of one of the anti-aircraft missile batteries of this type have already been hit by high-precision air attack means of the Russian Air Force.
Nevertheless, the ratio of SAMP-Ts hit to Patriot PAC-3MSEs taken out of service is far from in favour of the American systems. And this is due not so much to the noticeably larger number of Patriot PAC-2/3 SAMs transferred to Kiev as to the much more perfect formation of the directional pattern of the multifunctional Arabel radar of the SAMP-T complex in the angular plane in comparison with the similar process of the American AN/MPQ-53/65A radars of the Patriot PAC-3MSE batteries.

In particular, while the MPQ-53/65A radar has an elevation angle of 73 degrees, the Arabel radar has an elevation angle of up to 90 degrees, which ensures unobstructed detection of Kh-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles diving at angles of up to 90 degrees, as well as 9M723-1 Iskander-M operational-tactical quasi-ballistic missiles. With 10 target channels and a fire rate of up to 48 targets/min, the Arabel radar provides the launch of 8 SAMP-T super-maneuverable anti-aircraft missiles in a 10-second period against 8 different targets in a 360-degree sector and a 90-degree angular sector.
The SAMP-T SAM in general is rid of the ‘dead funnel’ in the upper hemisphere, which prevents other surface-to-air missile systems and their guidance radars from working on ballistic targets diving from the upper stratosphere at an angle of 90 degrees.

At the same time, the second (combat) stages of the upgraded Aster-30 Block 1NT missiles are equipped with more a high-energy, active millimetre Ka-band radar, which allow for more accurate acquisition of small-sized ballistic targets with a RCS of 0.01 - 0.1 square metres.

The gas rocket ‘belts’ on the laterals, placed on the 2 stages of the Aster-30 provide the possibility of intercepting at medium altitudes targets performing evasive manoeuvres with overloads of up to 30G with their own available overloads of up to 62G. Consequently, the probability of intercepting the Daggers with Aster-30 Block 1NT SAM interceptors reaches 0.4 to 0.65.

The only real disadvantage of the system is the low elevation of the radar antenna (5 metres) which deprives the system of a wide radar horizon.

Consequently, to defeat the radar ‘Arabel’ and all other elements of the battery SAMP-T appropriate combined use of 30 to 40 low-altitude low-observable Kh-69 and Kh-101 cruise missile, completed with jet versions of the Geran-2 Kamikaze UAV.

Another option, (if the remoteness of the positions allows) is the use of 20 to 30 3M55 Onyx multi-purpose missiles with 2.7-3 Mach cruise speed accelerating up to 3400 - 3600 km/h at altitudes of 100 - 70 metres, combined with 3M54E Kalibr-NK cruise missiles.

The warhead of the latest Russian Kh-69 air-launched cruise missile that fell in Kiev. It is reported that copper coating was applied to shield the electronic detonation system from external radiation.

The enemy published another photo of the wreckage of the body and the combat section of the newest cruise missile.

Recall that these missiles have recently begun to be used to hit the most significant infrastructural facilities of the enemy. Thus, one of the latest examples is the destruction of the Tripilska TPP near Kyiv by a strike of several Kh-69s at once.

A few days ago a photo appeared in the Aviation Week magazine, published by Piotr Butowski.

This is the first public photo of the С-71 "Монохром".

We previously saw concepts of this drone and the patent, as we reported on this channel:

The concept is really interesting, as it goes beyond the typical cruise missile, even of the latest generation.
As we know, earlier this year we had the first confirmation of combat use of the state of the art Kh-69 missile.
as well as the Kh-59MK/2

The Kh-69 is a really capable missile, while the Kh-59 is more an analogue of the Storm-Shadow/Scalp-EG.
The Ukrainians confirmed that it was Kh-69s launched from the internal weapons bay of a Su-57s that destroyed the thermal power plant in Kiev, completely unnoticed by the city's multiple air defences.
Both missiles can be internally loaded.

The new design goes beyond a cruise missile and that is why it is referred to as a UAV.

As we said ( the object has a very powerful sensor suite and communicates with and is controlled by the Su-57 and command elements in the military network.

One of the interesting features is also its autonomy.

The autonomous vehicle is capable of engaging a wide range of targets, including targets of known type with unknown coordinates in a given search area at a considerable distance from the carrier aircraft. The vehicle independently decides whether to engage the target in accordance with the target database and the relevant target priority table, or the operator decides whether to engage the target.
Intelligence information on detected targets, telemetry information on the performance and location of the unmanned aerial vehicle, and video footage of the target before it is hit are transmitted to the ground control centre or airborne command post.
The drone does not require prior target designation.

The S-71 strike UAV reportedly exists in two modifications:
- The S-71K for external suspension on the aircraft, which means it can be used by 4th gen planes.
- The S-71M for suspension in the internal weapon bays of the Su-57 fighter and the S-70 Hunter strike UAV.

The S-71 has a trapezoidal fuselage for low visibility, a folding sweeping wing, V-shaped all-turn keels and a turbojet engine.
The fuselage layout is similar to that of the X-59MK2 and X-69 missiles and has a square cross-section adapted to fit into 5th gen intrafuselage weapons bays.

The RCS will be small thanks to its shape and the use of appropriate materials (0.07-0.1 sqm), with terrain-hugging flight capability at extremely low altitudes (5-15m).
Speed will be typical for cruise missiles in the order of 1M maximum.

The first flight of the Su-57 fighter with S-71K and S-71M UAVs took place on 18 April 2024 from the Ramenskoye airfield (Gromov Flight Research Institute) in Zhukovsky near Moscow.
The fighter was piloted by Sukhoi Company's chief test pilot Sergey Bogdan.

#Kh59 #Kh69
#Su57 #electronics
More images of the S-71K Kover ("Ковер"), mounted on the АКУ-58А anchor unit on the wing of a Su-57, have appeared.

Equipped with INS, optical-electronic correlation and GLONASS correction module, the S-71K UAV received a "beaver tail" nozzle block and dozens of fuselage fractures, which reduces its IR signature by 3-5 times compared to the Kh-59MK2 and an and a RCS of up to 0.007 sq. m at an irradiation angle of +/- 10 degrees.
You can read more about the S-71:

#Kh59 #Kh69
#Su57 #electronics
Missiles from X-59 to X-69

X-59 missile
Adopted into service in 1984. Had a television guidance system. Range of use up to 45 km.

X-59M missile
It was accepted into service in 1988. The engine was replaced with a small-sized turbofan engine, which increased the launch range to 115 km.

X-59MK missile (photo 1)
The missile is equipped with an active radar homing head. The launch range is 285 km.

Missile X-59MK2 (photo 2)
It differs from the Kh-59MK in its correlation-optical homing head, which provides autonomous recognition of the terrain adjacent to the target. It is equipped with a navigation and automatic control system based on a strapdown inertial navigation system and supplemented by a satellite correction unit. A new engine is installed. The launch range has increased to 285 km.

Missile X-59MKM
Equipping it with a dual-action warhead to ensure the destruction of particularly strong objects. An additional charge weighing 40 kg ensures the penetration of concrete structures up to 3m thick.

X-69 missile (photo 3)
The Kh-69 missile is optimized for placement in internal compartments, but can also from the external points of carrier aircraft. The Kh-69 missile is equipped with a navigation and automatic control system based on a strapdown inertial system, integrated with the navigation equipment channels of the GLONASS and GPS, NAVSTAR satellite navigation systems, as well as with a complex radio-technical altitude and speed meter and an optical-electronic system. The missile is equipped with a penetrating warhead (310 kg) or a cassette warhead (300 kg). The launch range for the export version is 290 km.
For the Russian Aerospace Forces version, it is significantly further.

#Kh59 #Kh69