Database Sharding

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Database sharding is the “secret sauce” for scaling your applications. By dividing a database into smaller units called shards, we distribute the workload and storage across multiple servers.

1. Scalability: Handle more traffic by spreading the load across multiple servers.
2. Performance Boost: Achieve higher throughput and faster response times.
3. Fault Tolerance: Increase resilience with redundant shards.
4. Cost Optimization: Utilize cost-effective infrastructure with commodity hardware.

- Data Integrity: Ensure consistency across shards, especially during distributed transactions.
- Shard Management: Proper tools and automation are key for efficient administration.
- Data Rebalancing: Resource-intensive process when adding or removing shards.

Database sharding isn't one-size-fits-all, but with careful planning and testing, it's a powerful technique to unlock your application's potential. Scale up, stay efficient, and keep building!

PS. Link to the article ”A 5 years+ tech lead said they shard a database to scale but then he failed to answer this question” below.

#database #sharding
