Today's post is about McDonald's. Specifically the technical side of their system.

A lot of us use event-event-driven architecture and in the next 2 articles you’ll get a superficial view of how it is done in a huge company.
Nothing special but some interesting tips about schema registry for producers/consumers contracts, dead-letter topic and cluster autoscaling.

Behind the scenes: McDonald’s event-driven architecture

McDonald’s event-driven architecture: The data journey and how it works

For more about architecture - subscribe to Tech Read channel.
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#eventdriven #architecture
Small post about pros and cons of microservices architecture by Gitlab.

What are the benefits of a microservices architecture?

My personal top reasons to try this architecture - scalability, team optimization and attractiveness for engineers (of course).

Enjoy and do not forget to subscribe to Tech Read channel.
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#microservices #architecture
It’s impossible to build a great system quickly.
That’s why stories about service’s evolution are very important to be familiar with.

Old but interesting story about Uber’s experience with architecture of one part of the system - Designing Edge Gateway, Uber’s API Lifecycle Management Platform

Specifically about the goals of each stage of evolution - Decoupling, Protocol transformations, Streaming payloads and some non-technical challenges.

To know more - subscribe to Tech Read channel.
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#systemdesign #architecture
Just a List of Enterprise Integration Patterns with small description, schema and details.

Will be useful and interesting for architects and engineers.

Hope as useful and interesting a Tech Read channel.
Likes, shares and recommendations are welcome.
