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🇷🇸🇧🇦 Srebrenica has been an unmitigated human disaster because of the effects of its cynical misuse by the global powers that be, for the basest of purposes.

The phoney “genocide” in Srebrenica marks its twenty-seventh anniversary on 11 July this year. As politically convenient fabrications go, it must be admitted that it has been extraordinarily effective in serving the purposes for which it was created, but this year’s rather lowkey observances suggest that it is at the end of its cycle.

There are two heavy hints to that effect. The genocide resolution illegally tabled in the UN General Assembly by Bosnia’s sectarian central government representative Sven Alkalaj has gone practically unnoticed and uncommented by major Western media and political figures.

By contrast, in the past, it would have triggered unendurable evocations of the saga of “8,000 men and boys” and their unique suffering.

Concomitantly, as the narrative faces a deficit of global attention, this year simple mathematical realities are reducing the formerly massive funerals of exhumed “victims” to barely a trickle.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Srebrenica #Serbia #Bosnia #genocide #propaganda

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🇧🇦🇷🇸 The government in the Republic of Srpska, overseen by Milorad Dodik since 2006, has no doubt been an irritant to the collective West.

In the midst of several geopolitically important elections (Brasil, Bulgaria) which all took place last Sunday, the one in the Republic of Srpska may have gone somewhat under the radar. Arguably, however, it was no less important.

The Republic of Srpska is the Serbian entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it wields considerable influence and veto power over key policies (generally exercised to the detriment of Western objectives).

In the latest confrontation arising from the conflict in Ukraine, it has taken a strongly pro-Russian position, preventing the creation of a solid anti-Russian front of satellite statelets in the Balkans and vetoing imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation by Bosnia.

For all these, as well as a number of other compelling reasons, Srpska’s government has been targeted for destruction by the West 🦅

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#RepublicofSrpska #Bosnia #Balkans

🇧🇦 The illegal and illegitimate imposition of Christian Schmidt as Bosnia’s viceroy with self-ascribed powers is in deliberate contravention of applicable principles of international law and makes a farce of the “rules-based order” 🫧

It remains to be seen how resistance to Schmidt’s unlawful operation in Bosnia will ultimately play out. But tensions there will not subside before Schmidt is driven out, not just from the office that he illegitimately occupies but from the entire country that has been given to him as a satrapy, to wantonly misrule.

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#Balkans #Bosnia #RepublikaSrpska

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🇷🇸🇧🇦 The collective West will not give up on the project of destroying the Republic of Srpska except if it were convinced that the price would exceed anticipated benefits.

At a time when their power is waning, Western strategists are not known for displaying a surplus of rationality, but the probability is nevertheless high that the introduction of a serious deterrent would upset their plans and compel them to back off.

Doing nothing and conceding the initiative to the opponent, on the other hand, would lead to certain strategic defeat followed by extinction.

The Republic of Srpska cannot afford the luxury of being flippant in relation to its survival.

The threat is imminent and it requires a decisive response, including rejection of opportunistic dilemmas 🛡️

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Balkans #Bosnia #RepublikaSrpska

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🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina is governed as a neo-colonial backwater, which is the status that Gabon, Niger, and Burkina Faso had until recently. The difference is that lately the Africans have been making concerted efforts to throw off their yoke. By contrast, in Bosnia many seem happy to be yoked, with the notable exception of the Republic of Srpska, which for quite some time has been the Niger of the Balkans.

And that is fundamentally the reason why, like Niger, it is now targeted 🎯

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#Balkans #Bosnia #colonialism #HumanRights #RepublikaSrpska

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💢 When reports from the front are bleak and things are going badly, the Balkans 1990s playbook is an unfailing source of inspiration 🌀

We have seen already how the Ukrainian plan to finish off the Donbas was conceived as a carbon copy of the Croatian “Operation Storm” of August 1995. That ghastly undertaking, which the Kiev regime was eager to emulate, resulted in the killing of thousands of civilians, forced expulsion of a quarter of a million Krajina Serbs, and the incorporation of their homeland into Croatia. The difference is that the Croat plan was resoundingly successful in reaching its barbaric objectives.

The Ukrainian copycat plan, on the other hand, was a manifest failure. Its execution was unexpectedly thwarted by the Special Military Operation.

The Konstantinovka market incident is the latest indication that the Ukrainian regime is in full-spectrum copycat mode. They are absorbing fast the false flag methodology of their Zagreb and Sarajevo colleagues during the Balkan conflict of the 1990s. In the multifaceted war that was waged in the Balkans, the military was only one of several fronts, all of roughly equal importance. From the beginning, the propaganda front carried great weight, having had a huge impact on the war’s progress and outcome.

In Ukraine, there is a concerted effort to re-enact Balkan scenarios, amongst which false flags were a major political tool. The false flag formula tested and honed to perfection in the Balkans presupposes the following elements.

💬 Read more by Stephan Karganovic

#Balkans #Bosnia #Donbas #RepublikaSrpska #UkraineWar

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