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🇺🇸🇦🇫 The American empire and its lackeys are going down, as we have mentioned many times before. Afghanistan is another nail in the coffin.

Every day can be said to be history-making. But this week saw a watershed event with huge historical ramifications: the final collapse of the United States’ and NATO’s military occupation of Afghanistan. Read more in this week's Editorial👇


🇦🇫 We may not be devotees of their brand of liberty, nor are we prepared to emulate their peculiar ways, but their unconquerable spirit is something that in these dark and oppressive days we can all admire.

With unnerving rapidity, imperial contraction, much talked about over the recent years, now has palpably and visibly taken place in #Afghanistan. The chain of events leading to it was lightning quick, and it is unlikely to leave anyone across the length and breadth of this earth unimpressed or unmoved. Future travellers from the antique land of Afghanistan surely will have tales to tell of the shattered visage of the new Ozymandias, the hubristic “king of kings” upon whose works “the Mighty” have indeed until quite recently looked with awe and despair, or will they? It is a sentiment that after the humbling scenes just witnessed by the global village, in real time and from the sands of Afghanistan, is turning rapidly into contempt and ridicule.

Those with a bit of historical memory, as well as aptitude for connecting dots and drawing parallels, will recall the topic that in the mid-1960s preoccupied the geostrategists of the decaying and moribund British empire.

🇦🇫🇺🇸 Regarding the Biden administration and its unctuous professions of transatlantic unity, the European governments must be wondering… with friends like that who needs enemies?

President Joe #Biden vowed “America is back” when he took office, meaning that Washington would realign with and respect European allies under its global leadership after the years of Trump discord.
The European political establishment swooned and cooed like dutiful debutantes apparently having Uncle Sam’s affections and patronage again.

How quickly indeed has that supposedly rosy relation between the U.S. and the Europeans been ruptured with bitter recriminations following the disastrous collapse in #Afghanistan. The #EU is scrambling to cope with the potential fallout of mass migration from the Central Asian country after the return to power of the #Taliban.

This is the militant group that Washington and its #NATO allies spent two decades fighting at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars – only for the militants to seize power amid a total collapse of a U.S.-backed regime in #Kabul.

Yeah, America is back alright. Causing mayhem and political headaches for its supposed European partners.

🇦🇫🇺🇸🇪🇺 President Biden should reset in the Marshall mode and concentrate on forging amity and cooperation while combating the real enemies of humanity.

Following World War Two, Europe was reeling from the devastation of so many years of savagery that it seemed it might never recover. The casualty figures are staggering, with, in addition to the Soviet Union’s some 25 million, about seven millions were killed in each of Germany and Poland, and 800,000 in France, 1.7 million in Yugoslavia, and half a million in each of Austria, Italy and Greece. The majority of these people were civilians and the surviving citizens of all these countries were suffering gravely from the catastrophe, not the least hazard being actual starvation.

#Afghanistan #UnitedStates #EU @strategic_culture
Media is too big
🗽🌍 America's traditional allies have become very worried following the unexpected collapse in Afghanistan.

#America #Blinken #Afghanistan

Media is too big
⚫️ 20 years after the 9/11 terror attacks it is obvious that the war in Afghanistan was a mistake.

#Afghanistan #September11

🇦🇫 Everything depends on which way Iran turns and whether the Taliban can control its own country and stop it short from falling into the abyss.

Much has been written about the partners which the Taliban are signing up. But its relations with Iran is the only issue which the whole world is watching with bated breath.

The creation of a new government in Kabul has sent ominous signs to the weary West of how seriously it can take the Taliban. Much hope was placed on it including a few members, as ministers, of other groups from the previous government. In the event, it was made up entirely of Taliban figures and not even one woman. Similar to most faint indications that the Taliban have changed in recent weeks, it showed that in fact, really nothing has changed at all. In fact, the only real thing which has changed between the Taliban on the late 90s and the colourful figures brandishing weapons in Kabul today can be summed up with one word: smartphones. Read more by Martin Jay ⬇️

#Afghanistan #Taliban #MiddleEast

🌏 All of Central Asia is re-setting towards the #SCO, #EAEU, #Russia and #China. The former is now ‘lost’ to the U.S., Alastair Crooke writes.

The shock of #Afghanistan imploding – as if blown away in a puff of wind – plus the frantic U.S. scramble to get away, even as loyal local retainers, and billions of dollars’ worth of baggage were left abandoned on the tarmac, has triggered a political earthquake that is unfolding across Asia. The ‘ground zero’ (i.e. the U.S.) to a complex network structure has been pulled out on old and settled structures and relationships.

In a very real sense, Washington was the hub: and states – particularly Gulf States defined themselves more in relation to the hub – than to each other. Now those relationships, and associated policies, many of which were geared to pleasing and being favoured by the hub, are up for radical review.
