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🇫🇷🇨🇳 How does Macron respond to that political coercion from the U.S. and from within the EU? What is his visit to Beijing going to bring? And what is the role, if any, of Ursula von der Leyen in all that?

The new political buzzwords thrown around in the arena by the shrieking EU elites seem to be de-coupling from China and de-risking its relationships with China. The Chinese shall surely approach everything with patience and wisdom.

It is the Chinese foreign policy to forge bridges and establish economic ties further 🐉

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#Macron #France #China

🇫🇷🇪🇺🇨🇳 The President of France, Emanuel Macron, was sent off to Beijing with high hopes that he would successfully convert the President of China, Xi Jinping.

Quite unexpectedly, Macron got back from China as if the complete opposite occurred. Macron’s journey to Beijing was surely not anywhere near the journey to Damascus of biblical proportions, which did convert Paul the Apostle but it clearly showed how woefully Europe is whimpering in between their own needs and the U.S. pressure.

We need to learn where the borderline of strategic autonomy of Europe is (if there is any) 🧐

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#France #China #EU #Macron

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🤔 Russian President Putin recently wondered why the European Union no longer produces leaders of the calibre of former French President Jacques Chirac who, Putin recounted, had previously explained to him that the West’s current crop of leaders lack the rounded and deep culture both Chirac and De Gaulle had in abundance. Although Putin attributes this modern Western failing to the lack of proper education and sense of self that Chirac and De Gaulle both epitomised, because Putin’s question deserves a much longer and more detailed answer, this short article is designed to kick-start that process.

Although volumes have been written on De Gaulle, Chirac is the more pertinent here primarily because, like the great De Gaulle, he defied the Americans, in his case by not sending troops into Iraq, where the Americans committed the most unconscionable of war crimes. That defiance cost France very dearly.

In this extraordinarilty revealing interview, Arnaud Montebourg, France’s former Minister of the Economy, explains how the United States punished France for not colluding in its Iraqi war crimes, which ranged from gang-raping pre-pubescent Iraqi schoolgirls to poisoning its wells, looting its museums and emptying its bank vaults of their gold reserves. Montebourg goes on to explain how the United States not only loots France’s intellectual property at will but it also tortures French patriots like Frédéric Pierucci for refusing to betray France. American state-sanctioned criminals not only eavesdrop on France’s political, religious and industrial leaders but even refuse to sell to France paint varnish and similar marginal components for its aircraft if it can thereby instead win those aircraft export contracts for American companies. In that regard, let’s not even waste time on how America brazenly stole the Australian nuclear submarine contract from their French partners (ha ha).

Because it takes a patriotic leader of the calibre of De Gaulle, Pierucci or Chirac to stand up to Uncle Sam, today’s Western leaders simply kowtow to the Yanks 🤯

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#France #Germany #Italy #NATO #NewWorldOrder #Politics #UnitedStates #West

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🌐 The U.S. persists, against the evidence, in the conviction that Russia’s inherent fragility is explained by its move away from the ‘Anglo’ economic doctrines. It reflects western wishful thinking.

Most Russians, on the other hand, attribute Russia’s resilience in the face of a combined western financial onslaught as explicable, because Putin had largely moved Russia into self-reliance, outside of the U.S. dominated western economic sphere.

Thus, the paradox is explained: In the face of the Prigozhin ‘insurgency’, Russians expressed their confidence and support for the Russian State 🤍💙❤️

Whereas in the French insurgency, the people expressed discontent and anger at the ‘trap’ in which they find themselves. The political run on the Macron ‘bank’ is underway.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Crisis #economy #Macron #France #Migration

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🇫🇷🇺🇦 Recently, Russian forces bombed military facilities in Kharkov, killing more than sixty foreign mercenaries, most of them French. The case gained great attention in the media for showing the high participation of foreign troops in hostilities against Russia, which makes it clear that NATO countries are participating in the conflict in an intense way, not only with the mere sending of money and weapons.

The incident in Kharkov resumed discussions on the topic of the presence of foreign mercenaries on Ukrainian soil. Since the beginning of the special military operation, non-Ukrainian citizens have often died on the battlefield when fighting on Kiev’s side. Russia has already made it clear that eliminating enemy mercenary troops is one of its top priorities, which is why attacks like this recent one will continue to happen until foreigners stop arriving in Ukraine.

Paris is believed to be secretly encouraging large numbers of mercenaries to join Kiev’s forces, especially after political events in the African Sahel.

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#mercenaries #war #Ukraine #France

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🚜 The current protests in Europe are leading several countries to a serious social crisis. European governments remain unwilling to meeting the demands of peasants and farmers, generating an escalation in demonstrations and concerns about the stability of the EU in the near future.

Rural workers demand the creation of protective mechanisms for domestic production, reducing the import of agricultural items, as well as changes in “green” policies that strongly harm producers. Protests have been ongoing since January, with thousands of farmers taking to the streets in countries such as France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Romania and the Netherlands – as well as smaller demonstrations in some other states.

The insistence of European governments in ignoring farmers’ demands tends to generate serious problems and destabilize the bloc.

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#EU #Europe #crisis #France #Germany #Belgium #Italy #Poland #Romania #Netherlands

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🇫🇷 Macron managed to cajole EU countries to agree to sending more money to Ukraine but many will ask whether his meddling comes with a much higher price.

Macron’s meeting signals that most EU countries are reaching a point of desperation – even to the point of mulling the idea of ground troops into Ukraine. But is NATO losing its edge?

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Macron #France #EU #NATO

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🇫🇷 French President Emmanuel Macron wants to send NATO ground troops into Ukraine to defeat Russia.

Only a delusional fool could make such a crass proposal which goes to show that Macron is brain-dead. NATO troops deployed to fight Russian forces would mean an all-out war, which most likely would spiral into a nuclear conflagration.

Ironically, the French leader made headlines a while back when he labeled the US-led NATO alliance as being “brain-dead”. He’s now competing for the same epithet.

Macron wants to start World War Three based on sheer lies and vanity. He’s not only brain-dead. He’s soul-dead too.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Macron #France #war

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🇫🇷 Apparently, Europe will continue to engage in its anti-Russian crusade, even knowing that the consequences of such irresponsibility could be catastrophic. In a recent statement, French President Emmanuel Macron warned Europeans not to be “cowards” in the face of the supposed “Russian threat”. According to him, if Europe remains inert, Russia will become “unstoppable”, which is why measures should be taken to dissuade Moscow.

Macron’s statements show that rationality and strategy are not relevant in Western foreign policy.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#Macron #France #warfare #EU

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🇫🇷 France continues to take steps towards militarization and escalating tensions with Russia. Amid discussions about whether or not to send French troops to Ukrainian territory, officials in Paris have made controversial statements about a supposed “preparation for war”, leading many analysts to believe that relations between France and Russia are close to a point-of-no-return — which could obviously have catastrophic consequences for the European continent and the entire world.

Macron’s failed attempt to become a “European leader” could lead the continent to an all-out war.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#Macron #France #war

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🐓 It is unequivocally clear that if France or any other NATO member deploys combat troops to Ukraine, those troops will be targeted and killed by Russian firepower.

In that case, the proxy war in Ukraine becomes an all-out war between the U.S.-led NATO alliance and Russia. That is, World War Three will have started, which in all probability leads inexorably to a nuclear conflagration.
Anyone pushing that trajectory is contemptible and criminal. Step up, Monsieur Macron ⚠️

This narcissistic wannabe Napoleon figure has been pushing the envelope for several weeks now since he hosted a conference on Ukraine in Paris on February 26 when he began publicly toying with the notion of sending NATO troops to Ukraine to combat Russia.

Macron is like a poker player who is piling up stakes based on cards that he doesn’t have.

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#Macron #France #NATO #war

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🇧🇷🇫🇷 In recent days, since Macron’s visit to Brazil and the excessively warm welcome he received at the end of March (which even prompted countless memes on the internet), there has been debate about the advantages and disadvantages of Franco-Brazilian relations, as well as Macron’s real purpose in this rapprochement.

With Brazil entangled in these various agreements and bilateral relations with Atlantic partners, it will be much easier to put pressure on Brazil at various levels, including key votes at the UN and the Security Council. Threats of sanctions, or even the breaking of agreements, will do “wonders” to convince “pragmatic” characters, but lacking in faith in sovereignty, of the “advantages” of drawing ever closer to the West and NATO.

And it’s also obvious that this is, to a large extent, the result of timidity in relation to the BRICS, the future role of the BRICS and Brazil’s role in the BRICS.

Brazil does not see the enemies of its friends as its enemies. And there’s no problem with that.

💬 Raphael Machado writes

#Brazil #France #West #BRICS

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🇫🇷🇬🇧🇮🇱 Recently, the French government announced that it would take legal action against French citizens who leave the country and go and fight for the Israeli army in Gaza. Currently it is believed there are almost 100 British subjects who have “volunteered” to fight in Gaza with an IDF uniform.

With the recent change to French laws prohibiting its citizens to become IDF soldiers in Israel during the Gaza genocide, Britain should do the same

💬 Martin Jay writes

#Gaza #France #UK

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🇫🇷🇦🇿🇳🇨 France refuses to give up old colonial and imperialist practices. Maintaining control over overseas territories on foreign continents such as South America and Oceania, Paris is undoubtedly one of the greatest current representatives of ancient European expansionism. Obviously, people abused by colonial oppression tend to react violently at certain times, which generates situations of crisis and conflict.

A popular uprising is currently taking place in the French overseas territory of New Caledonia, an island zone in the Pacific that has until now enjoyed great regional political autonomy – despite submission to French sovereignty. Recently, however, Paris decided to change☺️ several local laws in New Caledonia and increase political interventionism in the modern colony, which has generated strong reactions.

Paris has co-opted the Armenian cause and is now creating a false enemy to justify its colonial and imperialist plans.

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#France #NewCaledonia #Azerbaijan

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🗣 So Le Petit Roi in Paris was predictably crushed in the European polls. He has called parliamentary snap elections, dissolving the Assemblée Nationale in an act of blind, puerile revenge on French citizens, de facto attacking French institutional democracy.

That doesn’t mean much anyway, because the lineaments of “liberty, equality, fraternity” have long been usurped by a crass oligarchy.

The second round of these fresh French elections will be on July 7 – nearly coinciding with the British snap elections on July 11, and only a few days before the slow-burning urban catastrophe which will be the Olympics in Paris.

Paris salons are ablaze with intrigue on why the little Rothschild stooge with a Napoleon complex is throwing all his toys out of the pram now because he’s not getting what he wants.

The plutocracy believes that afterwards they can buy the whole thing for a pittance while flies are still laying eggs in European carcasses.

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#France #Macron #Europe

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