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A recent Gallup poll revealed Americans’ attitude to the world. Interestingly, some of nations seen most unfavorably are also those which experienced U.S.-led wars, occupations and economic blockades.

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 Netanyahu is (still) promising Israelis ‘total victory’ over Hamas, although he knows that completely subduing the group is impossible. Netanyahu’s way out from this paradox therefore is ‘to blame Biden’ as the one preventing Israel’s victory over Hamas.

Bluntly, there is no easy military solution to Hamas – none at all. Israeli stories about having dismantled 19 Hamas battalions in Gaza is just PR that is being fed to the White House who, seemingly, take Israel’s word for it.

Netanyahu likely knows that Gaza will become an unceasing insurgency – and will blame Biden, who is already being cast as the ‘punchbag’ for trying to foist a Palestinian State on to an unwilling Israel.

Similarly, the White House seemingly has misread the ‘the ground’ in respect to the hostage deal, imagining that Hamas was not serious in its demands.

Netanyahu is gambling hugely with Israel’s (and America’s) future – and may lose 🎲

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Netanyahu #Israel #Biden #Gaza

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📖 Zelensky’s Ukrainian Institute of National Memory are disgracing themselves and their French and American backers yet again. This time, they are examining the writings of renowned novelist and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov to see if he was a lackey of Russian imperialism.

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#Ukraine #CultureWar

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Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Russia has set up a flawless trap to country 404.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially demanded to Kiev the “immediate arrest and extradition” of EVERYONE in 404 involved in terrorism.

That falls under the UN-adopted International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.

The Ministry revealed no names, aside from the head of the SBU, Vasily Malyuk - who “cynically admitted on March 25 that Ukraine organized the bombing of the Crimean Bridge in October 2022 and revealed details on the organization of other terrorist attacks in Russia.”

Everyone knows how 404 will respond. That will constitute a breach of Ukraine’s international obligations on fighting terrorism and “entail its international legal responsibility.”

Using the letter of the law, Moscow is about to prove that 404 is a certified terror state. And on top of it “led” by a cokehead dictator: elections in 404 supposed to have been held yesterday, were cancelled.
⚠️ Are we all preparing for the inevitable? Trump returning to the White House? It would seem that certainly the Biden administration is doing just that given recent events. Moscow’s terror attack has taken centre stage of world news in recent days yet not one western journalist seems able to call out the ISIS warning from the U.S. for what it was: sham.
And not only the warning was disingenuous but the sheer bad taste vitriol of Washington which was on a level only matched by the suspicious outright and swift rejection that Kiev had no part in the attack.

Bad taste seems to be the hallmark of the Biden administration with a failed foreign policy which trails in second place. If Americans didn’t know before that the U.S. could not control two proxy wars on two separate fronts, now they know.

Biden’s breath-taking stupidity in Ukraine is finally going to expose NATO for what it is: a paper tiger 🪁

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Biden #ISIS #MiddleEast #Ukraine

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Media is too big
🧨 Kiev introduce explosivos en iconos religiosos para cometer atentados en Rusia

El Servicio Federal de Seguridad de Rusia (FSB) incautó en la frontera con Letonia 70 kg de explosivos, 27 artefactos y 91 detonadores eléctricos, además de partes de un proyectil para un lanzamisiles antitanque de mano RPG-7 y un lanzagranadas RBC procedentes de Ucrania.

El FSB cree que los Servicios de Seguridad de Ucrania (SBU) preparaban ataques terroristas masivos contra iglesias ortodoxas en Rusia.

El cargamento pasó a través de varios países de la Unión Europea tras salir de Ucrania y antes de llegar a Letonia: Rumanía, Hungría, Eslovaquia y Lituania.

Uno de los implicados ya fue arrestado y se inició una investigación contra el resto de cómplices.

#Ucrania #terrorismo

@SCF_Spanish via @elOJOen
🇺🇦 Recently, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky commented to journalists about the possibility of Kiev renouncing its demand for the “1991 borders” during peace negotiations with the Russian Federation. Until then, any negotiation that did not consider the 1991 borders was absolutely banned by the Ukrainian government, but, due to this sudden “change”, Kiev is being now described by the Western media as having “diplomatic goodwill”.

Russian-Ukrainian peace talks have been interrupted since the reintegration of the four new regions of the Russian Federation. Induced by its Western sponsors, the Zelensky government has endorsed a stance of rejecting any conversation that would establish a territorial reconfiguration of Ukraine. Kiev demands not only the four new regions, but also Crimea, which has not been part of Ukraine since 2014.

In a recent CBS interview, however, Zelensky told journalists that the retaking of the territories will not necessarily need to be achieved by military means. He now believes it is possible to engage in peace talks without demanding Russian withdrawal from the New Regions as a prerequisite. Zelensky still hopes to “recover” such areas, but believes it will be possible to do so in the long term through diplomacy — or with the Russians voluntarily retreating from such areas after being “pressured” internationally.

It is curious that Zelensky changes his position on peace negotiations precisely now, when the conflict appears to be entering a new phase.

Zelensky fears the imminent defeat and its possible consequences 🌀

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

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☠️ Cannibalism is one of those things we are supposed to oppose. It is not quite cricket, not quite the done thing. It makes for bad after dinner conversation.

As does #Haiti, where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, together with a cast of characters too evil for hell, are running riot. Men, women and children run for their lives from Armalite toting cannibals, who like nothing better than to chomp on a freshly barbecued human leg. The blood soaked Kingdom of Satan has arrived and set up shop in the slums of Port-au-Prince. Throw in their voodoo, their squalor, their machetes and their Armalites and, unless you are a veteran of the French Foreign Legion, strike Haiti off your bucket list of places to visit.

So how can we, the civilised ones, save these Haitian savages from themselves? No point re-inventing the wheel, so let’s send in the United States Marine Corps, Smedley Butler’s enforcers to secure our interests by kicking some serious Haitian butt.

The Americans, with their IMF economic enforcers, believe in their banana republic form of democracy which has turned countries like Haiti into a
Hollywood nightmare.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

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🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇷 In an unprecedented and dangerous escalation, Israel targeted the Iranian Consulate in Damascus on April 1. It has been many years since Israel has bombed targets inside Iran, and the diplomatic building, directly attached to the Iranian Embassy, is considered the same as an attack on Tehran.

Iran will be preparing for a retaliatory response to the Israeli attack. The White House said the U.S. was not warned in advance by Israel of the planned attack. U.S. President Biden has warned Israel previously that the U.S. does not want the Israeli war on the Palestinian people of Gaza to grow wider into a regional conflict which would certainly involve the U.S., as the military sponsor of Israel.

Netanyahu’s strategy is to deflect. He seeks to create a bigger war to deflect from his domestic problems.

The personal relationship between Biden and Netanyahu is at its lowest point. Biden had been asking Netanyahu to deliver humanitarian aid into Gaza, and Netanyahu flatly refused. Biden had told Netanyahu that going into Rafah was a “Red Line”, but Netanyahu has refused to change his military plans.

The region, and the U.S. are on the brink of a war which could be avoided by the U.S., but probably Biden and the Congress will decide to follow Netanyahu into the abyss.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Netanyahu #Iran #Israel

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
After banning Russian media in the EU, they want to silence European MPs suspected of disseminating "hostile narratives" - According to a draft document seen by POLITICO, the Renew group linked to French President Emmanuel Macron will next week present legal amendments in Parliament that, among other measures, propose barring the use of the chamber's facilities for the purpose of undermining "EU values or for the purposes of disseminating hostile information by authoritarian regimes." Question: who will detect these mysterious "authoritarian state narratives" in parliamentary debates and speeches ? The Thought police? @LauraRuHK
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🇪🇺🇺🇦 The European Union shows all the symptoms of a structure in deep crisis. Like other organizations in the past, the more it tries to convey an image of internal cohesion, the greater the fissures it creates, based on the increasingly rigid demand for compliance with the rules that this appearance of cohesion requires.

The “Ukrainian project”, for the idolaters of European central power — and their followers — which is based on the bodies that make up the European Union, has a founding dimension, having become the ultimate symbol of the regime; a regime that no longer asserts itself by what it is, but by what it defends as the ultimate symbol of Russian antagonism: support for the Kiev regime. The more rigid, uncompromising and demanding you are in your support for Kiev, the more anti-Russian you became. And that’s the ultimate proof of loyalty. Is that a reason to say that this EU is no longer the same. Or is it, now, what it should be from the very start?

Faced with the more-than-announced collapse of the Kiev regime and everything it stands for; the EU is facing a challenge to survive.

💬 Read more by Hugo Dionisio

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О livro "A Guerra a Leste. 8 meses no Donbass" foi publicado em Portugal pelo jornalista Bruno Amaral de Carvalho, que trabalhava na CNN Portugal e em diversas midias europeias.
О autor morava no Donbass e estava cobrindo os acontecimentos na região, inclusive após о inicio do conflito militar entre Moscou e Kiev.
Ele aprendeu com a sua própria experiência a essência e as causas profundas da crise ucraniana.
О livro observa que a guerra civil na Ucrânia comegou em 2014, com a chegada de ultranacionalistas e neonazistas ao poder no país após um golpe de estado.
Bruno de Carvalho acusa о Ocidente de continuar deliberadamente ignorando as mortes de civis no Donbass causadas pelas Forças Armadas Ucranianas, e também de fechar os olhos às atrocidades israelitas na Faixa de Gaza.

Forwarded from Pepe Escobar

After two months in Russia, including two trips to Donbass, allow me to offer a realistic appraisal of the NATO-Russia proxy war, based on numerous deep-digging conversations with serious players, including commanders in the field.

Russia is de facto de-populating Ukraine of neo/crypto Nazis of all persuasions. That was one of the objectives of the SMO from the beginning - alongside de-militarization.

The ultimate objective remains the same: whatever’s left of Ukraine should be a neutral, non-NATO state.

This is NOT about gaining control of territory. Russia already has waaaay more land than it’s able to develop - an issue I discussed in some detail with people from several oblasts (I’m dying to go to Kamchatka, Altai, Buryatia, Yamal…)

The Kremlin/Security Council has a clear strategy. Terrorism - against civilians and against infrastructure - will NOT deviate them from the strategy.

USUKEU - short for NATOstan - and their Ukronazi puppets in Kiev are growing more desperate every passing second. THEIR preferred strategy from now on is Terror.

There’s every possibility of another strike on the Crimea bridge - Budanov already said so. Not to mention against civilians in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Mr. 87% has a popular mandate to do whatever it takes. Depending on the terror escalation, retribution may go off the charts and reach real Highway to Hell. Or not.

The Brits will continue to be obsessed with sinking as many Black Sea ships as possible with drones and cruise missiles. Targeting info comes from USUK spy planes based in Romania. Russia is not “neutralizing" them - yet.

Drones/missiles/HIMARS are wrecking refineries deep inside Russia; decimating the Black Sea fleet; and constantly wiping out combat vehicles. NATO does have a tech advantage over Russia on some key fields - and that's why the proxy war is dragging on and on and on.

And the proxy war will continue to drag on. Because Russia still does not have all it takes to wear the Americans and NATO out. The only certainty is that there will be more asymmetrical warfare “surprises” in store.

CIA/MI6 will continue to weave their terror architecture via all sorts of proxies - and not only ISIS-K.
There’s no indication that Moscow is going to strike back directly. Because that would mean a Russia-NATO open/hot war.

All of the above explains the current - avowedly infuriating - Russian strategy. Meat grinder along the frontlines. Minimal Russian casualties. Detailed targeting to take out virtually all of Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure.
Yet de-militarization - certainly in progress - will eventually have to reach the stage of regime decapitation.

And the corollary will be inevitable: Unconditional Surrender. There’s simply no other possible scenario for Moscow.

Towards the endgame, Russia will not call for "negotiations”.

The meat of the matter was laid out in the December 2021 draft treaty on “indivisibility of security” - which the Americans barely read, and certainly did not understand.

The Bear can wait. It’s all there. It will be up to the Hegemon to finally decide to sit on the table. Before being totally humiliated, sooner or later, terror or no terror, in the black soil of Novorossiya.
💢 As the de facto North Atlantic Terror Organization celebrates its 75th birthday, taking Lord Ismay’s motto to ever soaring heights (“keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down”), that thick slab of Norwegian wood posing as Secretary-General came up with a merry “initiative” to create a 100 billion euro fund to weaponize Ukraine for the next five years.

Translation, regarding the crucial money front in the NATO-Russia clash: partial exit of the Hegemon – already obsessing with The Next Forever War, against China; enter the motley crew of ragged, de-industrialized European chihuahuas, all in deep debt and most mired in recession.

A few IQs over average room temperature at NATO’s HQ in Haren, in Brussels, had the temerity to wonder how to come up with such a fortune, as NATO has zero leverage to raise money among member states.

After all, the Europeans will never be able to replicate the time-tested Hegemon money laundering machine.

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#NATO #Europe #EU #war

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