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I honestly don't think this is true, but it sure is fun!
Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
IT'S A TOTALITARIAN CULT. You won't find this level of groupthink and conformism among the leaders of any other organization. Actually, the EU has no leaders, just brand ambassadors. The founders and leaders of the cult are nowhere near Brussels. @LauraRuHK
🌐 O caos que os ‘especialistas’ ocidentais esperavam, ‘com entusiasmo libidinoso’, se desenrolaria na Rússia “que certamente apresentaria “russos… matando russos” e com Putin “provavelmente escondido em algum lugar” – veio – só que explodiu na França, onde não era esperado, com Macron na corda bamba ao invés de ser Putin em Moscou.

A convicção ocidental de que a fragilidade da Rússia é explicada por seu afastamento das doutrinas econômicas ‘anglo’ reflete uma ilusão 🌀

💬 Por Alastair Crooke

#SC_Portuguese #Macron #França

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🇸🇾 According to media reports, the French Intelligence have given information to Mohamed al-Golani, the head of the Al Qaeda branch in Syria, formerly known as Jibhat al-Nusra, but now rebranded as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The report said there are members and leaders of Jolani’s fighters who are working with, and giving information to the Russian and Syrian military about Idlib. Based on that information Jolani has arrested over 300 HTS fighters and leaders, as well as members of the Idlib administration. In the last few days, Jolani has hung tens of people, all without legal procedures.

Jolani is responding to recent Russian and Syrian targeted airstrikes on warehouses and positions of HTS causing a great deal of deaths among the terrorist group.

The last meeting in Astana has failed to find a solution for the political conflict in Syria. The battles have started again between the Syrian Arab Army and Russia, from one side, and the U.S. supported Radical Islamic terrorists in northwest Syria on the other side.

With the recent complete reversal of Turkish foreign policy it remains a mystery as to what is the future of Idlib 📍

💬 Read more by Stephen Sahiounie

#AlQaeda #Idlib #MiddleEast #Syria #Turkey

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🇹🇷🇷🇺 At the Vilnius summit Erdogan’s activities and talks essentially reflected security and economic affairs. Not only he envisaged a purchase of U.S. F16 lots but also spoke about being accepted after fifty long years to be a member of the European Union in exchange for his approval of Sweden as a member in NATO. All this, even though some Swedes were demonstratively burning copies of the Holy Quran.

The NATO and EU officials made strenuous efforts to explain to Mr. Erdogan that to qualify for NATO and to qualify for EU are two quite different things and it is not a matter of applying any exchange mechanism: you allow me to join EU and I will allow Sweden to join NATO. Strictly speaking, the NATO spokesperson declared:

NATO and EU enlargement were ‘separate processes.’ The accession process for each candidate country is based on the merits of each country. The two processes cannot be linked.

This must have been the case of what some experts on Turkey call “transactional relationship” or “eastern bazaar mentality” 🌀

💬 Read more by Richard Hubert Barton

#Diplomacy #Economy #NATO #Security #Turkey

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💢 XF: Naturally there are concerns that the collective west can stay in this conflict game with Russia indefinitely. The real concern is that the US is railroading Europe into collapse, and not by virtue of error but rather by plan.

Fortunately, these concerns are based on big misunderstandings about what's going on in the West.

Europe can't print tanks and ammo, Europe's financial sector is overly tied up with the American, and this in turn is driven by a monetary policy which is incompatible with large scale investment into the means of destruction, especially in such case where such investment cannot ever 'pay off'. This is because Russia has already made it clear that if they are existentially threatened, they will use nukes. They have no illusion that this will provoke a full response and exchange and that it will be the end of human civilization 'and we go to heaven as martyrs, and that is all' to paraphrase Putin.

The markets in the US and Europe today are driven by debt, which in turn has behind it a certain monetary policy (in reality, theory aside) that is based on cost externalization and financialization of existing physical assets without building or creating new ones. This is in part due to larger overarching problems such as the inherent deflation/disinflationary trajectory of implemented labor saving new technologies. The definition of economic development is also part of the definition of the law of diminishing returns in the fullest sense.

So in terms of the military-industrial complex in Europe - this can be funded for a short time by debt and borrowing within something close enough to the present schema. But this would be Europe owing to the US.

But for a short time, this can be attractive if it causes Europe to wear itself down further against Russia.

So the US arming Europe, especially if this is either through financial dependence from loans in the German (for example) MIC producing more Leopards, or through other European countries replacing equipment they donated or sold with new American orders, will place Europe further into debt and the cause of further austerity within Europe. This will cause 'bigger than France' like blowback in lots of Western Europe. The definition of blowback though includes that it could be seen coming. Which means, if you're seeing it, it's part of the plan.

This is the Anglo-US against Europe. 'Russia' is just the reason that Europe weakens itself further, and the Anglo-US can come in and reassert control over whatever parts of Europe it didn't yet control, and Russia can have the Ukraine it was going to have anyhow, but had to pay a high enough price for it across numerous vectors.

Revassalization of the productive sectors in Europe is one of the US goals against Europe.

But also the US does not want Europe to develop an MIC larger in Europe than what it is now to any extent that would it allow it to have an independent policy from the US on matters of war and alliances.

Unless that in turn is a design by the Anglo-Americans to bring harm and cataclysm to Europe, which is far more likely the plot afoot than any serious belief that Russia can be defeated militarily or that Putin is on the edge of being deposed.

Absolutely this cannot go on 'forever' (as in decades), this is a big misconception anyhow. For 'some time', but then the question is 'towards what end', since even this will not change Russia's defensive advantage.

All together then, Europe is the target, Europe is the low hanging fruit - BRICS can be used as part of a two-pronged attack on Europe once idiot European leaders place sanctions on not just China but countries that trade with China.

[cont'd 👇🏽]

Subscribe @NewResistance
💢 XF - pt. II [pt. 1 is above ]-The US and England can back-door themselves into BRICS through the South African minerals and natural resources still controlled by the British and Dutch.

Though not as its controllers, but within the framework of something akin to a more perfect version of say the WTO, or other proposed institutions and features of Bretton-Woods that were previously subverted by the British and never implemented.

But in short, the British did this because they could, and more to the point because they had and have today a philosophy of doing things on the rationale that might makes right .

Mind you, they aren't any the more enlightened now. The world has simply 'grown up' as it were. They just do not have the economic clout that they used to have because other countries have industrialized.

Indeed, the service economies are in some ways cheaper to develop once you have an educated population (a different kind of investment).

The West can transform its economies to focus on industry and production and less dependency on the now 'developed' world, and in many ways it has to because as those developing countries developed, their labor costs went up, and the cost advantages to the historical centers of capital development in the West were lost.

For these reasons and others I have articulated, Europe not Russia is the ultimate target of US aggression in Europe/Eurasia right now.


⚠️ During the past four years performing as “His Excellency”, Zelensky has fulfilled multiple tasks for his Western handlers. They include:

Eliminating the Russian language, literature and culture.

Splitting and suppressing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to banish historic Russian links and disorient many ordinary Ukrainians.

Erasing and rewriting history to denigrate Soviet military liberation of Ukraine during the Second World War, while elevating Ukrainian fascist collaborators of the Nazi Third Reich, including valorizing figures who had been instrumental in executing the Holocaust and mass murders of Slavs, Poles and others. Zelensky’s personal Jewish heritage was a calculated attribute aimed at confounding Western public understanding of this particularly obscene betrayal.

Zelensky has suppressed opposition media, journalists and political parties in order to expedite the turning of Ukraine into a tool for Western control and as an anti-Russian proxy. So much for “shared Western values” that the American and European leaders continually eulogize him for.

Selling off Ukraine’s prodigious farmland to American agribusiness – a sell-off that is in complete violation of the country’s constitution barring such foreign ownership.

Turning Ukraine into a laboratory for U.S. biowarfare experimentation and a testing ground for Western military weapons.

Preparing Ukraine for a NATO-sponsored military offensive against the Donbass region in March 2022, which Russia preempted with its intervention in February of that year.

The list goes on of other sordid tasks fulfilled by Agent Zelensky. All of it is meticulously documented.

The upshot is that the Ukraine has become a massively indebted colony of Western capital that will be enslaved for decades to come 🪤

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Ukraine #UnitedStates #Zelensky #war #West

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «⚠️ During the past four years performing as “His Excellency”, Zelensky has fulfilled multiple tasks for his Western handlers. They include: Eliminating the Russian language, literature and culture. Splitting and suppressing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church…»
⭕️Hypocrite” is a concept that is much overworked but lately it has gained a new freshness thanks to the serene indifference of the collective West to the trampling of its most cherished values whenever those it does not favour are affected. It happens, oddly enough, that in the Iranian political lexicon the word “hypocrite” is a favourite expression when referring to Western governments.

In Farsi, for all we know, that word may serve as some sort of derogatory epithet with many interesting, culturally conditioned layers. But whatever the subtleties in Farsi, in relation to much of the current public behaviour in the West the English-language equivalent fits the bill perfectly.

The word as it is used in English will do perfectly, because it hits the nail on the head and with devastating accuracy 💢

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#HumanRights #Religion #UkrainianOrthodoxChurch #Vatican

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🗽 Há crianças/jovens que por mais que queimem os dedos não conseguem resistir a tocar no cachimbo de crack novamente, e de novo, e de novo… Esse é o caso (parece) do mais deplorável usuário de drogas dos Estados Unidos, Hunter Biden, filho pródigo do país e aspirante a garoto-propaganda do early intervention treatment*, se pelo menos tivesse sido administrado.

Fomos todos apanhados nesse pesadelo conhecido como governo Biden. O melhor que todos podemos fazer agora é aguentar o tranco 🚑

💬 Por Robert Bridge

#SC_Portuguese #EstadosUnidos #HunterBiden

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
We are witnessing a series of provocations against Islam. The Koran is being desecrated almost on a daily basis in Sweden and Denmark, causing a wave of mass protests especially in Iran and Iraq, and diplomatic tensions. Cui Prodest? Context: the U.S. is sending more warships and thousands of Marines to the Middle East. @LauraRuHK
Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Just imagine.
🌀To be blunt, both the U.S. and Europe have stalked brazenly into traps of their own making 😵‍💫

Caught in the lies and deceit woven around a claimed inheritance of superior cultural DNA, (vouchsafing, it is said, almost certain victory), the West is awakening to a fast-approaching disaster to which there are no easy solutions.

Cultural exceptionalism, together with the prospect of a clear ‘win’ over Russia, are draining rapidly away – but exiting delusion is both slow and humiliating.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Biden #NATO #Ukraine #war

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