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🏹 In assessing NATO’s ongoing efforts to terrorise Russian and Belarusian athletes, we must include Minsk sparrows, Muscovite goalkeepers, Nazi paratroopers, African Americans and many more in our calculus to make sense of this latest bout of naked NATO fascism.

Lofty ideals that were an integral part of the ancient Olympics and that underwrite the founding of the modern Olympic games are not for NATO

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#Olympics #CancelCulture #NATO

The Collective West vs. Traditional Values
Anonymous Poll
🐲🐻 Russia and China are determined to hold the American perpetrators of the Nord Stream sabotage to account. Uncle Sam’s days – indeed decades – of wanton criminality are over 👋 There’s going to be hell to pay as the imperialist tyranny in Washington hits a wall of reality.

Several weeks have gone by with the United States and its Western lackeys stonewalling at the United Nations Security Council, squirming and resisting calls from Moscow and Beijing for an international criminal investigation into the sabotage of the Baltic Sea pipelines that were blown up in September.

A swathe of independent observers, such as American economics professor Jeffrey Sachs and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, have concurred with the investigative report published on February 8 by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh which claims that U.S. President Joe Biden and his senior White House staff ordered the Pentagon to take out the natural gas pipeline that runs along the Baltic Sea bed from Russia to Germany.

Russia and China are adamant about not letting this vital subject be ignored. They want a proper investigation, international accountability and criminal prosecution. Moscow and Beijing are right to insist on this. Washington and its Western allies’ presumption of impunity has gone on for too many decades. The buck stops here and both Russia and China are strong enough to ensure that the United States cannot threaten, blackmail, or arm-twist its way out of scrutiny.

The edifice of American imperial power has never been challenged at its foundation. It is now✌️

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#China #Russia #NordStream

🤑 Working hard for the European allies

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🤚 Acting at the behest of its political controllers and paymasters, the racist International Criminal Court [ICC], whose principal activity since its founding in 2003 has been the malicious persecution of black African leaders, now, for a change, targets for judicial abuse a distinguished Eurasian figure.

ICC is a disgrace to law in all its civilised forms 🤥

State parties should be encouraged to withdraw from it while it is still possible for them to avoid embarrassment by association.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#ICC #Russia #West

🎶 NATO’s campaign against Tchaikovsky and, by extension, against all Russian and global culture may best be viewed as a chess game where NATO are the white hats and civilisation must play black.

NATO’s aim in this sick game is to uncouple Tchaikovsky from the rest of his team, to control the cultural centre of the board and, by removing him from their cultural chess board, to pulverise Russian culture, to demote the Russian language to a patois of little, if any, significance and to say that Russian culture is as nothing to the riches Zelensky and his cross-dressing friends bring to our culturally diverse world.

Though it is a solid, if somewhat demonic plan, Tchaikovsky’s CV makes it fatally flawed. It cannot and must not succeed.

💬 By Declan Hayes

#Tchaikovsky #Cancelling #CultureWar #NATO

Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
The Capital of the Multipolar World: A Moscow Diary — Strategic Culture

This is VERY personal. You will understand why. I have been privileged enough to spend four weeks in Moscow that felt like decades, in the eye of the current, life-changing geopolitical volcano - all the way to Putin-Xi at the Kremlin.

This column is dedicated to all the people that made it happen.

Feel the energy. There's a New Day Dawning.
🛑 The historic – and unacceptable – deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia’s decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. The Western outcry following Russia’s decision is absurd and hypocritical.

The pattern is familiar and speaks of incorrigible arrogance. The United States and its NATO allies make reckless escalatory moves that are unprecedented in their aggression toward Russia; then Moscow makes a reciprocal move, and yet the Western governments and their dutiful news media become apoplectic with rage over Russia’s “threatening conduct” and nuclear blackmail.

Maybe one day, Western leaders will eventually choke on their own illogical apoplexy 🤯

The Anglo-American-led NATO alliance has no longer the presumption of impunity. The decades of unchecked aggression from NATO expansionism and criminal Anglo-American subterfuges in foreign countries are over.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Belarus #NuclearWeapons #NATO

Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🛑 The historic – and unacceptable – deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia’s decision to place tactical nukes…»
🇨🇳🇸🇦🇮🇷 After it agreed with Saudi Arabia in December 2022 to purchase its oil in Chinese yuan and not only in dollars any more, and while Russia has also been cooperating with Saudi Arabia with great success as regards the oil business and with Iran, too within the Shanghai Organization for Cooperation (SCO) together with China, China has managed to clinch a historic reconciliation of Iran and Saudi Arabia despite the unrelenting efforts by the USA to wreak havoc and cause continual conflicts among them, all in line with the notorious test and tried model by the Roman Empire — divide and rule; rather than ‘bring peace, unite and cooperate’.

The intrinsic logic of each and every empire of the political West seems to be such. Perhaps the wretched citizens of Yemen and those of Saudi Arabia as well might have a chance to sigh a breath of relief but the USA will surely not. A superb economic and political turn-up for the history book in the Middle East could easily prove to be fatal for their imperial interests in which their dollar will be the first casualty to suffer losses but certainly not the only one.

We are yet to mull and muse as to how China has succeeded in bringing peace to the two countries which the USA has always tried to drive a wedge in between 🐲

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#China #SaudiArabia #Iran #MiddleEast

🇮🇹 While it’s entirely understandable that the new right-wing coalition government in Italy is concerned about levels of immigrants from Africa – via Tunisia and Libya – it’s worth wondering how much credibility Giorgia Meloni has left with international institutions and the media in general.

Her period in office began with a controversial video clip of her ranting about France and its colonial policies it carries out in its former colonies in West Africa (mostly untrue allegations) and the level of excremental material coming from her ministries about the subject can only do damage to her and her government in the longer run.

What Meloni wants is to manipulate a crisis now so as the EU coughs up either huge amounts of cash, or simply blocks the migrants crossing ⛵️

Mamma mia!

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#GiorgiaMeloni #Italy #migrants
