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🤖🌐 The changes underway are a revolutionary change from one historic epoch to another, Joaquin Flores writes.

Ephesians 6: 10 – 12 – 10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The sci-fi horror film we are now living in, being presented as the 4th Industrial Revolution, is only one possible outcome, and not a necessary one. However, the one being put forward in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, is what we see being implemented across the Western world in the aftermath of the collapse of NATO and the winding down of the globalists’ Trans-Atlantic banking establishment.
As we have previously established, the declining rate of profit has created an impasse in the logic of the speculative based finance economy, one which is in fact undermined by the rise of robotics, AI, and automation. Therefore, the ruling class as moved to transform itself from a financialist plutocracy into a technocratic oligarchy.

There inherent problem for these globalist elites is the fact that in history, massive changes to the organization of society have also been accompanied by big changes in who holds power, known also as Pareto’s “circulation of elites”, (but we will term ‘rotation’ for clarity).

Their version of the 4IR is based on a fallacious understanding of humanity and consciousness; premised within a demiurgic conception of power. Moreover, their efforts will fail for any number of practical reasons.

The 4th Industrial Revolution of home garage production is around the corner, it is really only a matter of a few short years before it is practicable to be entirely realized. And this is why there has been such a tremendous effort to subvert this back into some attempt to reconstruct a single-mind centralized model dependent upon ID2020.

🔗 READ MORE by Joaquin Flores @NewResistance ⤵️

#Joaquin_Flores #globalism #BigTech #capitalism
🗽🌐🐉 It is frightening how oligarchically-minded figures of a Great Resetting nature wish to use the structures of social credit to modify group behaviour under a post-Truth, depopulated/de-carbonized world order.

Ever since COVID-19 made a crazy world even crazier, many good people have become absorbed into anti-Chinese hysterics all across the Five Eyes-managed parts of the rules-based liberal west.

Every day, new accusations that China is running spy rings, honey pots, Trump’s overthrow, and even the Great Reset itself as part of a larger plot to undermine western democracy are repeated across the conservative press landscape. Read more by Matthew Ehret ⬇️

#China #UnitedStates #GreatReset #Capitalism

📣 Pandora Papers: Who Needs Exotic Tax Havens When the U.S. is Already a Big One?

The answer is simple, says author and researcher Sam Pizzigati who coedits The United States has such rock-bottom low tax rates and legal facilities for evasion that its super rich do not have to bother going to the trouble of using exotic shell companies in far-flung global corners. They can easily do so right at home, and all legally too.

The U.S. tax system – once a progressive model in previous decades – is now rigged to enrich the already rich while making the majority of working people pay far more than their fair share of the national tax burden. This has been the case since the 1980s when successive U.S. administrations have one after another soaked the super rich with generous tax breaks.

However, the chronic problem of wealth inequality in the United States (and elsewhere) is having such a damaging impact on its society, economy and ultimately the very functioning of democracy that policymakers are being compelled to find radical solutions. There is ample historical precedent for the benefit of implementing a progressive taxation system. The 1930s New Deal era of FDR made the United States a stronger democracy and a world-leading economy precisely because of its policy of increasing taxes on corporations and those who could afford it. That era has been largely undone by decades of neoconservative and neoliberal capitalism. But polls show that most American citizens regardless of party affiliation support the imposition of higher taxes on wealth.

There are policy tools available to redress the imbalance such as linking the top tax rate to a minimum wage for low-income workers. This can apply to all nations, not just the United States.

👤 Sam Pizzigati co-edits which researches and highlights the growing wealth gap in the United States. The organization is widely respected as non-partisan, and has produced numerous papers and books on the subject which are used as critical resources by civic society and policymakers in the fight against economic inequality.

🔗 Read an exclusive interview with Sam

#capitalism #corruption #PandoraPapers #Biden

📢 💸 The soaring economic inflation and social woes under the Biden administration point to a disastrous outcome awaiting the United States.

The embrace of political extremism by the Republican Party in the United States has Constitutional historians worried about the drift towards fascism. If that’s the case then the hapless Biden administration may go down in history as the imitation of the Weimar Republic before the rise of American fascism.

This week saw two examples of how the Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln has descended into something of an extremist cult. Read more by Finian Cunningham 👇

#capitalism #Trump #RepublicanParty #SteveBannon #UnitedStates
