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🇵🇱🇪🇺🇧🇾 Poland finds itself in the strange position of being the guardians of a European civilization that despises itself, Tim Kirby @timkirbyhardcore writes.

We have all seen the rather strange cinematic clashes at the Polish border in which migrants, supposedly appearing due to blowback in Afghanistan, are trying to storm the eastern front of the European Union. Both the Western and Russian news media have been mostly focussing on the details that make up the facade of this issue rather than on the greater context of what this event means to today’s Poland.

#Poland #migration #MigrationCrisis #EU #Belarus

🇵🇱🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺 All You Need to Know About Visegrad Group

The Visegrad Group is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European countries originally designed to further their integration to the EU. However, about a decade after joining the EU they began to sharply disagree with the EU establishment on many issues.

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#Czechia #EasternEurope #Hungary #Poland #Slovakia #VisegradGroup

⚔️🇺🇦 The United States and its NATO allies need to stop the flow of weapons to Ukraine and let the Kiev regime know that it must negotiate a peace settlement with Moscow.

Only three days before NATO military chiefs met in Brussels, they saw in a ferocious display what would happen if they continue pumping weapons into Ukraine. A key base used by the U.S.-led alliance for training and as a hub for weapons supply to Ukraine was completely destroyed.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham:

#EasternEurope #NATO #Poland #Ukraine

🗽🏰 It is a pathetic spectacle. European governments are prostrated before the American empire.

U.S. President Joe Biden flew to Europe this week with the presidential nuclear codes on display by his entourage. Among the fleet of presidential aircraft was the “doomsday plane” – a specially fitted-out Boeing 747 capable of withstanding nuclear radiation and serving, if-needs-be, as a “Pentagon in the sky”.

Biden attended three back-to-back emergency summits of the G7, NATO and the European Union leaders in Brussels. It was reportedly the first time an American president has ever been invited to attend such an EU leaders’ summit.

There was a palpable sense of over-the-top contrived drama regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. Russia’s military intervention in that country is now in its fourth week. Moscow has claimed reasons of self-defense and protection of Russian-speaking people in Donbass from a NATO-backed Nazi regime in Kiev.

The Western media and their governments, on the other hand, have claimed Russia’s actions are unprovoked aggression and the worst episode of barbarism since the Second World War. There is feverish Western media fears of Russia deploying chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. There are also hysterical fears of Russia next attacking Poland, the Baltics, and the rest of Europe.

Western media are portraying Biden’s visit to Europe as a replay of the supposed American defense of Europe from Nazism and Communism.

This is an incredible distortion by the Western media. Read more in this week's Editorial:

#Imperialism #NATO #Poland #Ukraine #UnitedStates

Physical aggression against Russian diplomats is now deemed “understandable” in the West, Robert Bridge writes.

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#Poland #Russophobia #Ukraine

🕹 The question is: what will the NATO sponsors do about their Neo-Nazi construct in Kiev?

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been caught telling bare-faced lies about a missile strike on Poland this week. Even the United States and NATO backers of the Kiev regime have repudiated initial claims blaming Russia. The missile came from the Ukrainian military as NATO acknowledges, yet Zelensky continued to assert that it wasn’t from his forces. It is clear that the deadly attack was a deliberate provocation by the Kiev regime to escalate the war into an all-out NATO-Russia conflict, even if that meant World War Three.

The Kiev regime’s proclivity for staging provocations is well documented, albeit assiduously covered up by the Western media.

Further cover-up is bursting at the seams owing to the manic and utterly criminal conduct of the Neo-Nazi regime 🔱

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Poland #NATO #Ukraine

🇵🇱 In a letter of support, historians and scholars worldwide said that the Polish attack on Holocaust scholar Prof. Barbara Engelking harmed the attempt ‘to understand the processes that allowed the Holocaust to take place’.

Two hundred historians, including senior Holocaust scholars from Israel and around the globe, signed a letter in support of Prof. Barbara Engelking, a Polish historian who has been under attack in her homeland after she said the Poles did not do enough to help Jews during the Shoah.

“We, the undersigned scholars of the Holocaust Era, the Second World War, and Modern and Jewish History, express our firm support for Professor Barbara Engelking and for academic freedom, in the face of an unbridled and unfounded attack by politicians, media, and other public figures …

We can attest to the fact that she is a scholar of impeccable personal and professional integrity. Her scholarship adheres to the highest academic standards, for which she has earned worldwide esteem,”
the historians wrote.

💬 Read more by Ofer Aderet

#Holocaust #Poland #Israel #history #WW2

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💬 Aleksander Kwasniewski, former Polish president:

Discussing crimes committed by members of one’s own nation is never easy. Israeli universities are honoring two outstanding Poles who explore Polish crimes against Jews in WWII. Learning the truth would strengthen Poland, too.

#Holocaust #Poland #Israel #history #WW2

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🇵🇱 A sordid spat burst open this week revealing the absolute lack of principles among the NATO alliance supposedly defending Ukraine against purported Russian aggression. The chief antagonists in the latest row are Poland and the Kiev regime but the angry sparks are liable to explode the whole shaky facade of NATO and European Union support for the Ukrainian regime.

Poland this week said it would halt the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Warsaw declared that its priority was to modernize its armed forces. This is an astounding U-turn by the Polish authorities who up to now have been one of the most gung-ho supporters of the Kiev regime against alleged “Russian aggression”.
The subsequent panic is palpable. Germany has accused Poland of “playing politics” in its solidarity towards Ukraine, while Lithuania and the other Baltic states are clamouring for drastic mediation.

Like dropping a hot Polish potato, when political interests change and self-preservation at the voting polls becomes a priority, we see the rationale for “defending” Ukraine being dumped 👎

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Poland #Ukraine #NATO #war

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🇵🇱🇺🇦 It all started with the grain dispute. After Ukraine was blocked from exporting its agricultural grains, primarily wheat, via the Black Sea, the only available route left was overland through Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. It turned out that such a route was not available anymore.

The Polish authorities faced with their farmers’ massive protests were quick to note that Ukrainian wheat is of substandard quality and didn’t meet the EU’s requirements. It was also being sold at one-third of the European price and would have meant a financial disaster for the European farmers.

In view of Poland’s forthcoming general elections on 15 October, the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) in Warsaw was quick to realize that the social and economic problems caused by cheaper Ukrainian grain imports could even put them out of power. After all, rural votes are the traditional electoral stronghold of the PiS party.

However, there were other international political developments that cast a long shadow on the relations between Poland and Ukraine. Last week at the UN General Assembly, President Zelensky accused Poland of the grave sin of “helping Russia”. The reaction of the Polish political leadership was furious. President of Poland Andrzej Duda refused to meet Zelensky on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Furthermore, President Duda stated publicly in reference to Zelensky that “insulting Polish people again” would not be tolerated.

The honeymoon is over and is never to come back 💔

💬 Richard Barton writes

#Poland #Ukraine #grain

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🇧🇾 In recent days, official Polish channels and Western media outlets have launched a disinformation campaign against the Republic of Belarus, accusing Minsk of carrying out mass arrests of relatives of political dissidents. The unfounded allegations came from extremely dubious sources and are linked to some extremist groups’ intention on destabilizing not only Belarus but the entire Eastern European region.

Poland and the entire West continue to escalate tensions against Minsk ⚠️

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#Belarus #Poland #disinformation

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🚜 The current protests in Europe are leading several countries to a serious social crisis. European governments remain unwilling to meeting the demands of peasants and farmers, generating an escalation in demonstrations and concerns about the stability of the EU in the near future.

Rural workers demand the creation of protective mechanisms for domestic production, reducing the import of agricultural items, as well as changes in “green” policies that strongly harm producers. Protests have been ongoing since January, with thousands of farmers taking to the streets in countries such as France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Romania and the Netherlands – as well as smaller demonstrations in some other states.

The insistence of European governments in ignoring farmers’ demands tends to generate serious problems and destabilize the bloc.

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#EU #Europe #crisis #France #Germany #Belgium #Italy #Poland #Romania #Netherlands

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