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🦅 Biden may believe that his ‘long experience’ puts him on the ‘right side’ in judging events. His experience however, is drawn from another era ⌛️

The political Israel he knew is over: It has reached the end of the road in respect to the old paradigm of its Palestinian modus vivendi. Demography no longer pushes towards ‘giving’ the Palestinians a state, but rather to a clearing of the land of all ‘hostile populations’.

Israelis are rummaging now for their new solution.

And just as Hamas’ resistance has pointed to new ways of conducting warfare, so Biden’s ‘long experience’ exemplified in the sending of 1960s era carriers and vessels to sit offshore, in an age of smart nimble, often untraceable drones and pinpoint missiles, points to something also passé.

The U.S. is directly engaged today in Yemen, Lebanon, the West Bank, Iraq and Syria. And as the war widens, so the U.S. will be held at least partly responsible – You deliberately let Gaza break, and what’s broken, you own. What further gets broke, you own that too.

A destitute 2 million Gazans will be all refugees with no government to provide basic functions and services. Does Netanyahu get it? Of course. Do the vast majority of Israelis care? Nope. But the rest of the world does, and sees a dark stain spreading across the map, and leeching into the West.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Biden #Gaza #Israel #Palestine

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🇵🇸🦅 It is the Republicans and older voters who share Biden’s blind support of war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Gaza #Palestine #Biden #war

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🌍🦅 Many will be no doubt asking themselves, especially in the U.S., how did the West get itself tied up in a regional war with Iran’s proxies? But who can keep a straight face when the narrative from Washington insists that the attacks against Houthis – and now Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria – are not linked to the genocide being carried out in Gaza by Israel, with weapons given by the U.S. Western elites must think their voters are especially stupid if they swallow, not helped by the UK’s defence chief in parliament explaining to MPs that “Gaza is a long way from the Red Sea”.

The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives.

 💬 Martin Jay writes

#corruption #Biden #MassMedia #propaganda #UnitedStates

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🇺🇸🇮🇱 What price the ‘Rules Order’ now since the International Court of Justice upended the notion of a moral content to western culture?

The wrongheadedness of U.S. policy is astonishing – and now has claimed the most central tenet in the ‘Biden strategy’ for resolving the crisis in Gaza. The ‘dangle’ of Saudi normalisation with Israel was viewed in the West as the pivot – around which Netanyahu would either be forced to give up on his maximalist security control from the River to the Sea mantra, or see himself pushed aside by a rival for whom the ‘normalisation bait’ held the allure of likely victory in the next Israeli elections.

Biden may see himself needing some ‘grand victory’, as much as does Netanyahu 💢

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Netanyahu #Biden #Gaza

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