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😶 Pandora Papers: Who Is Targeted?

No doubt the whole affair was done by “independent investigators” working hand in hand with the U.S. government. Note that Pandora Papers don’t mention a single U.S. politician. Is this because there is no corruption in the United States?

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#PandoraPapers #corruption #economy

🗃🌐 Missing from the elaborate Pandora “disclosure” are not only the main financial havens, companies and banks, but also today’s leading investors.

At a cost of many millions of dollars, euros, pesos, etc., 600 journalists from 148 media outlets and 117 countries have compiled the “Pandora Papers” over several months as part of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ): 2.94 terabytes of data with 11.9 million documents on shell companies in numerous financial dossiers. Tax evasion, money laundering, fraud, corruption and the like among 330 named heads of state and government, other politicians, sports and cultural celebrities, and thousands of businessmen and billionaires are suspected, are probable.
Read more by Werner RÜGEMER ⬇️

#PandoraPapers #corruption #economy

📣 Pandora Papers: Who Needs Exotic Tax Havens When the U.S. is Already a Big One?

The answer is simple, says author and researcher Sam Pizzigati who coedits The United States has such rock-bottom low tax rates and legal facilities for evasion that its super rich do not have to bother going to the trouble of using exotic shell companies in far-flung global corners. They can easily do so right at home, and all legally too.

The U.S. tax system – once a progressive model in previous decades – is now rigged to enrich the already rich while making the majority of working people pay far more than their fair share of the national tax burden. This has been the case since the 1980s when successive U.S. administrations have one after another soaked the super rich with generous tax breaks.

However, the chronic problem of wealth inequality in the United States (and elsewhere) is having such a damaging impact on its society, economy and ultimately the very functioning of democracy that policymakers are being compelled to find radical solutions. There is ample historical precedent for the benefit of implementing a progressive taxation system. The 1930s New Deal era of FDR made the United States a stronger democracy and a world-leading economy precisely because of its policy of increasing taxes on corporations and those who could afford it. That era has been largely undone by decades of neoconservative and neoliberal capitalism. But polls show that most American citizens regardless of party affiliation support the imposition of higher taxes on wealth.

There are policy tools available to redress the imbalance such as linking the top tax rate to a minimum wage for low-income workers. This can apply to all nations, not just the United States.

👤 Sam Pizzigati co-edits which researches and highlights the growing wealth gap in the United States. The organization is widely respected as non-partisan, and has produced numerous papers and books on the subject which are used as critical resources by civic society and policymakers in the fight against economic inequality.

🔗 Read an exclusive interview with Sam

#capitalism #corruption #PandoraPapers #Biden

📢 The iniquity must stop. Julian Assange must be freed immediately.

The longer that the travesty of Julian Assange’s imprisonment goes on, the more his plight exposes the corruption of the United States government and its Western allies.

He has been persecuted under three U.S. presidencies: Obama, Trump, and now Biden. That shows the continuity of a systematic criminal policy to destroy free speech and independent journalism.

#CIA #Corruption #HumanRights #Assange #Wikileaks

🥴🇪🇺 It’s probably far-fetched and overzealous to think about doing away with the EU altogether.

But ditching the parliament might be a good idea 🤭

Here we go again. Another graft scandal in Brussels. Another EU boss caught with her fingers in the till. And the usual lame copy from euro hacks based in the Belgian capital, some of whom even believe they are journalists. But the arrest of a Greek socialist MEP, suspected of fraud, breaks a few records even for the most ineffective assembly in the world.

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#EU #corruption #politics #Qatar

🤑 When in the midst of the raging war i.e. the special military operation on the territory where the conflict is ongoing, there begins an all out though untimely campaign in all-guns-blazing style similar to that one ongoing in Ukraine right now under the feeble pretext of the alleged fight against corruption, when millions of people surely have other way more pressing issues to cope with, such as struggling to save their own lives and those of their family members, one has to assume that this is not an anti-corruption campaign at all but of another type of a (final) reckoning, for which corruption serves as a convenient smokescreen.

Moreover, this topic, funnily enough, has hit the headlines in the Western mainstream media and then all of a sudden the story seems to have died down into a strange sounding silence as if the authors were magically issued commands from the same HQs, only to remain silent up until the moment when they get to be issued another set of directives so as to what exactly to write and what political narrative to push in their journalistic columns or TV screens. One has to try and grasp that it is not just another petty local corruption scandal of no particular significance.

There must be a mountain of more seriously sinister issues lying behind this seemingly miniscule political molehill other than just a negligible anti corruption campaign 🤕

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#Ukraine #corruption

🌍🦅 Many will be no doubt asking themselves, especially in the U.S., how did the West get itself tied up in a regional war with Iran’s proxies? But who can keep a straight face when the narrative from Washington insists that the attacks against Houthis – and now Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria – are not linked to the genocide being carried out in Gaza by Israel, with weapons given by the U.S. Western elites must think their voters are especially stupid if they swallow, not helped by the UK’s defence chief in parliament explaining to MPs that “Gaza is a long way from the Red Sea”.

The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives.

 💬 Martin Jay writes

#corruption #Biden #MassMedia #propaganda #UnitedStates

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