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🇪🇨The clear rejection by the Ecuadoran electorate of Moreno and everything he stands for is bound to perturb those who imagine that thеse countries and their ancient peoples are squatters in their “back yard.”

Few would dispute that Ecuador’s misnamed outgoing president’s mandate has been an unmitigated disaster. Curiously, it has turned out literally that both his names are in diametrical opposition to the political role he took it upon himself to play. The parents who idealistically named him after Lenin must be rolling over in their graves. While once opportunistically pretending to belong to the political Left, once entrenched in power their son turned into a fanatical avenger for the most odious version of neo-liberal capitalist dogma, which under his immediate predecessor Rafael Correa had been in full retreat. Moreno apparently has no ideological scruples or even political strategy whatsoever. He was far from just making tactical accommodations with opponents, the sort of manoeuvre for which his parents’ role model was famous. On the contrary, this “Lenin” was happy to serve as errand boy for his imperial masters, to whom he submitted unabashedly and with evident alacrity.

🔗 READ MORE by Stephen Carganovic ⤵️

#Stephen_Carganovic #Ecuador #LatinAmerica
🗽🌎 Biden, showing exactly the same legendary independence of mind and intellect that has characterized him since he first became a United States Senator 48 years ago, is boldly going exactly where Bolton insisted on treading.

He is doubling down on backing Guaido and maintaining the embarrassing fiction that he is the true president of Venezuela.

Biden could easily have quietly dropped the ridiculous Guaido – who has also been enthusiastically championed by such Democrat bogeymen as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham – right wing Republicans all.

Biden’s decision is at least totally consistent with his patterns of behavior in decision-making throughout his long career, past and present.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Sieff ⤵️

Biden’s Betrayal of the Western Hemisphere — Strategic Culture

#Martin_Sieff #Biden #Venezuela #LatinAmerica
🇪🇨 The hope of sunlight in Ecuador appears frail indeed, but let us be thankful for small mercies rather than none at all, Martin Sieff writes.

A shaft of still weak and vulnerable sunlight is piercing through the gloom that the new Biden administration in Washington has already spread over hopes for a revival of democracy across Latin America.


#Ecuador #LatinAmerica #Martin_Sieff
🌎 Combat Aircraft Suppliers to the Americas

This infographic shows the main suppliers of combat aircraft to the countries of North and South America. Note that the data used includes trainer aircraft and UAVs. All data is taken from open sources.

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#LatinAmerica #NorthAmerica

🇧🇷♻️🌎 With nothing to hold governments or the UN accountable, protection remains elusive when juxtaposed against the reassurance of neoliberal profit.

For the second consecutive year, Latin America has been established to be the most dangerous region for environmental activists. According to a recent annual report by Global Witness titled “Last Life on Defence”, 227 environmental activists and indigenous leaders were killed in 2020, with three out of every four killings occurring in Latin America.

Colombia once again led the statistics in the region with 65 environmental activists murdered, among them indigenous and afro-descent individuals, as well as small scale farmers. In Peru and Brazil, almost three quarters of the murders took place in the Amazon regions of the respective countries, indicating that indigenous populations remain in the crosshairs of attackers. Nicaragua’s increase in killings – from 5 in 2019 to 12 in 2020, made the country the most dangerous in the region per capita in terms of environmental activists. Read more by Ramona Wadi ⬇️

#Brazil #LatinAmerica #ecology #HumanRights #neoliberalism

🗽🌎 Henry Kissinger once famously said, “To be an enemy to America can be dangerous, but to be a friend can be lethal.”

The aged but far from venerable Kissinger’s words have never been truer than they are today. America has a habit of redefining words to suit its own purposes. What the word “friend” means to America is interpreted differently by other nations. Of course friend is not the only word that means something different to America than it does to everyone else.

Democracy is easily defined by most, but to America it means any country that subverts its own national interests to those of the U.S.

The recent Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles hosted a number of notable Latin America statesmen. There were however many notable absentees, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, the latter two are undeniably democracies but by virtue of their independent government policies they were not welcome at the American-hosted summit.

According to America’s twisted version of democracy, only right-wing, neo-liberal, America-friendly countries can qualify as legitimate democratic governments, and by extension “friends.”

The days when America can dictate and bully Latin American nations are over

💬 Read a new piece by Eamon McKinney

#LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Cuba #imperialism

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🇲🇽 Last week’s meeting of Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and Lopez Obrador in Mexico City saw several dynamics clashing.

On the one hand, the oligarchist demands of global governance, population reduction (under the guise of “sustainable development”) were advanced with a declaration of North America. This declaration clearly sets the stage for an integrated North American Union founded upon a zero-growth ethos.

On the other hand, the Mexican President took a stand demanding an end to the age of the Monroe Doctrine and a restoration of national sovereignty as the basis of international law.

The spirits of great leaders like Lincoln, Juarez, FDR, and Cardenas would certainly smile at Mexico’s emerging potential 👋

💬 Read more by Matthew Ehret

#Mexico #LatinAmerica #geopolitics

@strategic_culture @CanadianPatriotPress
🇪🇨 Fernando Villavicencio, who with the Guardian’s Luke Harding and Dan Collyns fabricated the notorious Guardian front page lie that Paul Manafort and Julian Assange held pro-Trump meetings in the Ecuadorean Embassy, has been shot dead in Ecuador.

The appalling lie, which the Guardian’s $700,000 a year editor has refused to retract or remove, despite criticism even from the Washington Post which named Villavicencio as the fabricator, was aimed to give support to Clinton’s flagging “Russiagate” invention, which was crumbling fast.

Villavicencio’s claim to be an anti-corruption campaigner was highly selective and aimed only at making accusations against left wing figures, including a long history of fabricating documents.

CIA assets who forge documents, or distribute CIA forged documents, and spread corruption allegations against left wing figures, are most useful working in the shadows. If they become over-ambitious, draw attention to themselves, and run for President as Villavicencio did, when the CIA already has its approved puppet in the race, it is very easy to move from CIA asset to CIA liability.

Which is very bad for your health 🚨

💬 Craig Murray writes

#CIA #Ecuador #LatinAmerica #UnitedStates

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🇪🇨 In South America, a new scenario of hostilities is emerging. A civil war began in Ecuador, with the local government declaring martial law and a state of “internal armed conflict” in response to several terrorist attacks carried out by drug trafficking groups. At first, this seems like a simple domestic security issue, with no major geopolitical relevance. However, analyzing the case in depth, it is possible to see that the conflict situation is a direct result of U.S. interventionist actions in Latin America.

Deteriorating social conditions, dollarization and lack of punishment for criminals have been key aspects of Ecuadorian politics since the U.S.-led regime change in the country 💢

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#CivilWar #colonialism #Ecuador #interventionism #LatinAmerica #UnitedStates

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🌎 Crime, violence and drug trafficking are nothing new to any Latin American – with the honorable exception of Cubans. But in recent months there has been a very strange sequence of events, not so much because of the events themselves, but because of the national and international political situation in which they are inserted.

The ongoing imperialist coup works to facilitate western domination and hinder the path to independence for Latin America.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#LatinAmerica #Cuba #Ecuador

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